blob: dd0facc01c72af4ecd2cbec400959cf542d0903b [file] [log] [blame]
!_TAG_FILE_FORMAT 2 /extended format; --format=1 will not append ;" to lines/
!_TAG_FILE_SORTED 1 /0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/
!_TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR Darren Hiebert /
!_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME Exuberant Ctags //
!_TAG_PROGRAM_URL /official site/
ACCESS_MODE sdmmc_api.h /^}ACCESS_MODE;$/;" t typeref:enum:__anon47
ACmdFlag sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T ACmdFlag; \/\/ Indicates if the executing command is standard vs. application specific (ACMD)$/;" m struct:__anon44
APB_GPIO0_BASE apbRegBase.h 7;" d
APB_GPIO1_BASE apbRegBase.h 8;" d
APB_GPIO2_BASE apbRegBase.h 9;" d
APB_GPIO3_BASE apbRegBase.h 10;" d
APB_I2C0_BASE apbRegBase.h 11;" d
APB_I2C1_BASE apbRegBase.h 12;" d
APB_ICTL0_BASE apbRegBase.h 18;" d
APB_ICTL1_BASE apbRegBase.h 19;" d
APB_ICTL2_BASE apbRegBase.h 20;" d
APB_RST Diag.h 31;" d
APB_SSI1_BASE apbRegBase.h 13;" d
APB_TIMER_BASE apbRegBase.h 17;" d
APB_WDT0_BASE apbRegBase.h 14;" d
APB_WDT1_BASE apbRegBase.h 15;" d
APB_WDT2_BASE apbRegBase.h 16;" d
AS_2ND_CPU Diag.h 21;" d
Access sdmmc_api.h /^ unsigned int Access :2;$/;" m struct:__anon41
AccessMode sdmmc_api.h /^ ACCESS_MODE AccessMode; \/\/ High Density Card$/;" m struct:__anon48
AutoCMD12Mode sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T AutoCMD12Mode; \/\/ When "true", the controller is operating in auto command 12 mode.$/;" m struct:__anon44
BBTExhaustedError sdioDiag.c 75;" d file:
BBTReadError sdioDiag.c 71;" d file:
BERLIN_BG2_DIAG Diag.h 20;" d
BFM_HOST_Bus_Read16 util.h 12;" d
BFM_HOST_Bus_Read32 util.h 10;" d
BFM_HOST_Bus_Read8 util.h 14;" d
BFM_HOST_Bus_Write16 util.h 11;" d
BFM_HOST_Bus_Write32 util.h 9;" d
BFM_HOST_Bus_Write8 util.h 13;" d
BLK_CNT sdmmc_api.h 39;" d
BLK_LEN sdmmc_api.h 40;" d
BOOL sdmmc_api.h 28;" d
BUS_WIDTH_MMC_EXT_CSD_OFFSET sdmmc_api.h 207;" d
BYTE_ACCESS sdmmc_api.h /^ BYTE_ACCESS = 0, $/;" e enum:__anon47
BootAck sdmmc_api.h /^ unsigned int BootAck : 1;$/;" m struct:__anon50
BootPartitionEn sdmmc_api.h /^ unsigned int BootPartitionEn : 3;$/;" m struct:__anon50
CHECK_FUNCTION_MODE sdmmc_api.h 218;" d
CHK_INT Diag.h 32;" d
CID sdmmc_api.h /^ CID_LAYOUT CID; \/\/ CID Register$/;" m struct:__anon45
CID_LAYOUT sdmmc_api.h /^} CID_LAYOUT;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon33
CID_VALUE sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T CID_VALUE[4];$/;" m struct:__anon33
CLEAR_INTS_MASK sdioController.h 310;" d
CLOCK_27_MULT sdioController.h 243;" d
CMD6_Bits sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T CMD6_Bits;$/;" m union:__anon38
CMD6_LAYOUT sdmmc_api.h /^} CMD6_LAYOUT;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon37
CMD6_Layout sdmmc_api.h /^ CMD6_LAYOUT CMD6_Layout;$/;" m union:__anon38
CMD6_OVERLAY sdmmc_api.h /^} CMD6_OVERLAY;$/;" t typeref:union:__anon38
CONTROLLER_TYPE sdmmc_api.h /^}CONTROLLER_TYPE;$/;" t typeref:enum:__anon30
CSD sdmmc_api.h /^ CSD_LAYOUT CSD; \/\/ CSD Register Contents$/;" m struct:__anon45
CSD_LAYOUT sdmmc_api.h /^} CSD_LAYOUT;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon34
CSD_VALUE sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T CSD_VALUE[4];$/;" m struct:__anon34
CardAddress sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T CardAddress; \/\/ Starting Card Address$/;" m struct:__anon44
CardCapacity sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T CardCapacity; \/\/ Bytes - Maximum Capacity of the card $/;" m struct:__anon48
CardReg sdmmc_api.h /^ SDMMC_CARD_REGISTERS CardReg; \/\/ Card Registers $/;" m struct:__anon48
CardReponse sdmmc_api.h /^ SDMMC_RESPONSE CardReponse; \/\/ Card Response Related $/;" m struct:__anon48
Cmd sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T Cmd; \/\/ The command that started the transaction$/;" m struct:__anon44
CmdSet sdmmc_api.h /^ unsigned int CmdSet :3;$/;" m struct:__anon41
CommandComplete sdmmc_api.h /^ volatile UINT_T CommandComplete; $/;" m struct:__anon46
ControllerType sdmmc_api.h /^ CONTROLLER_TYPE ControllerType; \/\/ See CONTROLLER_TYPE platformconfig.h$/;" m struct:__anon48
DATATRAN sdmmc_api.h /^ DATATRAN, \/\/ The controller has finished data transfer but card may be busy$/;" e enum:__anon43
DEFAULT_CMD_SET sdmmc_api.h 217;" d
DISABLE_INTS sdioController.h 301;" d
DSR_implemented sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char DSR_implemented;$/;" m struct:__anon29 file:
EMMCSetupPinmux sdioDiag.c /^void EMMCSetupPinmux()$/;" f
ENABLE_INTS sdioController.h 302;" d
EN_CPU_INT Diag.h 33;" d
EN_SELF_TEST Diag.h 30;" d
EN_UART0_FC Diag.h 29;" d
ERASE sdmmc_api.h /^ ERASE, \/\/ Erase State$/;" e enum:__anon43
EXT_CSD_ACCESS_CLEAR_BITS sdmmc_api.h 211;" d
EXT_CSD_ACCESS_CMD_SET sdmmc_api.h 209;" d
EXT_CSD_ACCESS_SET_BITS sdmmc_api.h 210;" d
EXT_CSD_ACCESS_WRITE_BYTE sdmmc_api.h 212;" d
EnableIRQ sdioDiag.c /^void EnableIRQ(void)$/;" f
EndDiscardWords sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T EndDiscardWords; \/\/ Words - from the last block that caller doesn't want$/;" m struct:__anon44
EraseError sdioDiag.c 66;" d file:
EraseSize sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T EraseSize; \/\/ Bytes - Minimum Size of an erasable unit$/;" m struct:__anon48
FALSE sdioController.h 21;" d
FALSE sdmmc_api.h 26;" d
FAULT sdmmc_api.h /^ FAULT \/\/ Fault$/;" e enum:__anon43
FlashDriverInitError sdioDiag.c 76;" d file:
FlashFuncNotDefined sdioDiag.c 77;" d file:
FlashLockError sdioDiag.c 80;" d file:
FunctionGroup sdmmc_api.h /^ unsigned int FunctionGroup :24;$/;" m struct:__anon37
FunctionGroup sdmmc_api.h /^ unsigned int FunctionGroup :24;$/;" m struct:__anon39
GET_VM_ADDR Diag.h 16;" d
GIC1_Priority32_35_offset gicDiag.h 95;" d
GIC1_Priority92_95_offset gicDiag.h 96;" d
GIC_Acknowledge gicDiag.h 21;" d
GIC_Active0_31 gicDiag.h 50;" d
GIC_Active32_63 gicDiag.h 51;" d
GIC_BYTES_PER_WORD gicDiag.h 113;" d
GIC_BinaryPoint gicDiag.h 20;" d
GIC_CLEAR_ENABLE_ALL gicDiag.h 109;" d
GIC_CLEAR_PENDING_ALL gicDiag.h 111;" d
GIC_CONFIG_ALL_LEVEL_1N gicDiag.h 119;" d
GIC_CONTROL_DISABLE gicDiag.h 107;" d
GIC_CONTROL_ENABLE gicDiag.h 108;" d
GIC_CPUControl gicDiag.h 18;" d
GIC_CPUTarget0_3 gicDiag.h 69;" d
GIC_CPUTarget0_3_offset gicDiag.h 82;" d
GIC_CPUTarget12_15 gicDiag.h 72;" d
GIC_CPUTarget28_31 gicDiag.h 73;" d
GIC_CPUTarget32_35 gicDiag.h 74;" d
GIC_CPUTarget36_39 gicDiag.h 75;" d
GIC_CPUTarget40_43 gicDiag.h 76;" d
GIC_CPUTarget44_47 gicDiag.h 77;" d
GIC_CPUTarget48_51 gicDiag.h 78;" d
GIC_CPUTarget4_7 gicDiag.h 70;" d
GIC_CPUTarget52_55 gicDiag.h 79;" d
GIC_CPUTarget56_59 gicDiag.h 80;" d
GIC_CPUTarget60_63 gicDiag.h 81;" d
GIC_CPUTarget60_63_offset gicDiag.h 83;" d
GIC_CPUTarget8_11 gicDiag.h 71;" d
GIC_CPU_CONTROL_ENABLE gicDiag.h 100;" d
GIC_CPU_TARGETS_ALL_CPU0_1 gicDiag.h 117;" d
GIC_CPU_TARGETS_NONE gicDiag.h 118;" d
GIC_CPU_TARGETS_PER_WORD gicDiag.h 116;" d
GIC_ClearEnable0_31 gicDiag.h 40;" d
GIC_ClearEnable0_31_offset gicDiag.h 42;" d
GIC_ClearEnable32_63 gicDiag.h 41;" d
GIC_ClearPending0_31 gicDiag.h 47;" d
GIC_ClearPending32_63 gicDiag.h 48;" d
GIC_Configuration0_15 gicDiag.h 85;" d
GIC_Configuration16_31 gicDiag.h 86;" d
GIC_Configuration32_47 gicDiag.h 87;" d
GIC_Configuration48_63 gicDiag.h 88;" d
GIC_Control gicDiag.h 32;" d
GIC_EndInterrupt gicDiag.h 22;" d
GIC_GICPCellID gicDiag.h 93;" d
GIC_GICPeriphID gicDiag.h 92;" d
GIC_INT_ACK_CPUID_LSB gicDiag.h 103;" d
GIC_INT_ACK_CPUID_MASK gicDiag.h 104;" d
GIC_INT_ACK_MASK gicDiag.h 102;" d
GIC_IRQ_Handler gicDiag.c /^void GIC_IRQ_Handler(void)$/;" f
GIC_PREEMPT_ALL gicDiag.h 101;" d
GIC_Pending gicDiag.h 24;" d
GIC_Priority0_3 gicDiag.h 53;" d
GIC_Priority0_3_offset gicDiag.h 66;" d
GIC_Priority1 gicDiag.h 27;" d
GIC_Priority12_15 gicDiag.h 56;" d
GIC_Priority2 gicDiag.h 28;" d
GIC_Priority28_31 gicDiag.h 57;" d
GIC_Priority3 gicDiag.h 29;" d
GIC_Priority32_35 gicDiag.h 58;" d
GIC_Priority36_39 gicDiag.h 59;" d
GIC_Priority40_43 gicDiag.h 60;" d
GIC_Priority44_47 gicDiag.h 61;" d
GIC_Priority48_51 gicDiag.h 62;" d
GIC_Priority4_7 gicDiag.h 54;" d
GIC_Priority52_55 gicDiag.h 63;" d
GIC_Priority56_59 gicDiag.h 64;" d
GIC_Priority60_63 gicDiag.h 65;" d
GIC_Priority60_63_offset gicDiag.h 67;" d
GIC_Priority8_11 gicDiag.h 55;" d
GIC_PriorityMask gicDiag.h 19;" d
GIC_REGISTER gicDiag.h 15;" d
GIC_Running gicDiag.h 23;" d
GIC_SET_ENABLE_ALL gicDiag.h 110;" d
GIC_SGI_CPULIST_LSB gicDiag.h 121;" d
GIC_SGI_ID_LSB gicDiag.h 122;" d
GIC_SetEnable0_31 gicDiag.h 36;" d
GIC_SetEnable0_31_offset gicDiag.h 38;" d
GIC_SetEnable32_63 gicDiag.h 37;" d
GIC_SetPending0_31 gicDiag.h 44;" d
GIC_SetPending32_63 gicDiag.h 45;" d
GIC_SoftInt gicDiag.h 90;" d
GIC_Type gicDiag.h 34;" d
GLOBAL_CLK_SELECT2 sdioDiag.c 38;" d file:
GLOBAL_SDIO_DLLMST_CTRL sdioDiag.c 41;" d file:
GLOBAL_SDIO_DLLMST_REF sdioDiag.c 40;" d file:
GLOBAL_SDIO_DLLMST_STATUS sdioDiag.c 39;" d file:
GO_TO_CPU1_IRQ irqHandler.S /^GO_TO_CPU1_IRQ:$/;" l
GeneralError sdioDiag.c 56;" d file:
HARD512BLOCKLENGTH sdmmc_api.h 45;" d
HS_TIMING_MMC_EXT_CSD_OFFSET sdmmc_api.h 208;" d
INITIALIZE sdmmc_api.h /^ INITIALIZE, \/\/ Controller and Card are being ninitialized$/;" e enum:__anon43
INT_DISABLE gicDiag.h 128;" d
INT_ENABLE gicDiag.h 127;" d
INT_T sdioController.h /^typedef int INT_T;$/;" t
IRQ_DONE irqHandler.S /^IRQ_DONE:$/;" l
IRQ_Handler irqHandler.S /^IRQ_Handler:$/;" l
Index sdmmc_api.h /^ unsigned int Index :8;$/;" m struct:__anon41
InstallHighHandler sdioDiag.c /^void InstallHighHandler(unsigned int handlerAddr, unsigned int vector)$/;" f
InvalidAddressRangeError sdioDiag.c 79;" d file:
InvalidBootTypeError sdioDiag.c 68;" d file:
InvalidPlatformConfigError sdioDiag.c 60;" d file:
InvalidSizeError sdioDiag.c 63;" d file:
LOG_REG sdioDiag.c 33;" d file:
LOW_ARG sdmmc_api.h 37;" d
LocalAddr sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T LocalAddr; \/\/ Destination Address Pointer for reads, and source addr for writes$/;" m struct:__anon44
MAX_ERR_CNT Diag.h 126;" d
MDOCFormatFailed sdioDiag.c 74;" d file:
MDOCInitFailed sdioDiag.c 72;" d file:
MM4CLKEN_EN_CLOCK sdioController.h 233;" d
MM4CLOCK13MHZRATE sdioController.h 238;" d
MM4CLOCK187KHZRATE sdioController.h 241;" d
MM4CLOCK200KHZRATE sdioController.h 235;" d
MM4CLOCK25MHZRATE sdioController.h 237;" d
MM4CLOCK48MHZRATE sdioController.h 242;" d
MM4CLOCK50MHZRATE sdioController.h 236;" d
MM4CLOCK6MHZRATE sdioController.h 239;" d
MM4CONTROLLER0 sdmmc_api.h /^ MM4CONTROLLER0 = 3,$/;" e enum:__anon30
MM4CONTROLLER1 sdmmc_api.h /^ MM4CONTROLLER1 = 4,$/;" e enum:__anon30
MM4CONTROLLER2 sdmmc_api.h /^ MM4CONTROLLER2 = 5,$/;" e enum:__anon30
MM4FIFOWORDSIZE sdioController.h 499;" d
MM4FIFOWORDSIZE sdioController.h 537;" d
MM4SetBusWidth sdioDiag.c /^UINT_T MM4SetBusWidth(P_SDMMC_Properties_T pSDMMCP)$/;" f
MM4SwitchPartition sdioDiag.c /^UINT_T MM4SwitchPartition(P_SDMMC_Properties_T pSDMMCP, UINT_T PartitionNumber)$/;" f
MM4SwitchPartitionForAlternateBootMode sdioDiag.c /^UINT_T MM4SwitchPartitionForAlternateBootMode(UINT_T partition)$/;" f
MM4_136_RES sdioController.h 118;" d
MM4_48_RES sdioController.h 119;" d
MM4_48_RES_WITH_BUSY sdioController.h 120;" d
MM4_512_HOST_DMA_BDRY sdioController.h 76;" d
MM4_ACMD12_ER sdioController.h /^} MM4_ACMD12_ER, *P_MM4_ACMD12_ER;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon13
MM4_BLK_CNTL sdioController.h /^} MM4_BLK_CNTL, *P_MM4_BLK_CNTL;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon2
MM4_CAP1_2 sdioController.h /^} MM4_CAP1_2, *P_MM4_CAP1_2;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon14
MM4_CAP1_2_UNION sdioController.h /^} MM4_CAP1_2_UNION, *P_MM4_CAP1_2_UNION; $/;" t typeref:union:__anon15
MM4_CARD_TO_HOST_DATA sdioController.h 124;" d
MM4_CMD_DATA sdioController.h 115;" d
MM4_CMD_NODATA sdioController.h 116;" d
MM4_CMD_TYPE_ABORT sdioController.h 114;" d
MM4_CMD_TYPE_NORMAL sdioController.h 111;" d
MM4_CMD_TYPE_RESUME sdioController.h 113;" d
MM4_CMD_TYPE_SUSPEND sdioController.h 112;" d
MM4_CMD_XFRMD sdioController.h /^} MM4_CMD_XFRMD, *P_MM4_CMD_XFRMD;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon3
MM4_CMD_XFRMD_UNION sdioController.h /^} MM4_CMD_XFRMD_UNION, *P_MM4_CMD_XFRMD_UNION; $/;" t typeref:union:__anon4
MM4_CNTL1 sdioController.h /^} MM4_CNTL1, *P_MM4_CNTL1;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon7
MM4_CNTL1_UNION sdioController.h /^} MM4_CNTL1_UNION, *P_MM4_CNTL1_UNION; $/;" t typeref:union:__anon8
MM4_CNTL2 sdioController.h /^} MM4_CNTL2, *P_MM4_CNTL2;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon9
MM4_CNTL2_UNION sdioController.h /^} MM4_CNTL2_UNION, *P_MM4_CNTL2_UNION; $/;" t typeref:union:__anon10
MM4_CardInit sdioDiag.c /^UINT_T MM4_CardInit(P_SDMMC_Properties_T pSDMMCP)$/;" f
MM4_CheckCardStatus sdioDiag.c /^UINT_T MM4_CheckCardStatus(P_SDMMC_Properties_T pSDMMCP, UINT_T R1_Resp_Match, UINT_T Mask)$/;" f
MM4_CheckVoltageCompatibility sdioDiag.c /^UINT_T MM4_CheckVoltageCompatibility(P_SDMMC_Properties_T pSDMMCP, UINT_T ControllerVoltage)$/;" f
MM4_Context sdioDiag.c /^MM4_SDMMC_CONTEXT_T MM4_Context;$/;" v
MM4_Get_CID sdioDiag.c /^void MM4_Get_CID(P_SDMMC_Properties_T pSDMMCP)$/;" f
MM4_Get_SCR sdioDiag.c /^void MM4_Get_SCR(P_SDMMC_Properties_T pSDMMCP)$/;" f
MM4_HOST_TO_CARD_DATA sdioController.h 123;" d
MM4_IDCard sdioDiag.c /^unsigned int MM4_IDCard(P_SDMMC_Properties_T pSDMMCP, UINT_T *pControllerVoltage)$/;" f
MM4_ISR sdioDiag.c /^void MM4_ISR(unsigned char uchCardId)$/;" f
MM4_I_SIGN_EN sdioController.h /^} MM4_I_STAT, *P_MM4_I_STAT, MM4_I_STAT_EN, *P_MM4_I_STAT_EN, MM4_I_SIGN_EN, *P_MM4_I_SIGN_EN;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon11
MM4_I_STAT sdioController.h /^} MM4_I_STAT, *P_MM4_I_STAT, MM4_I_STAT_EN, *P_MM4_I_STAT_EN, MM4_I_SIGN_EN, *P_MM4_I_SIGN_EN;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon11
MM4_I_STAT_EN sdioController.h /^} MM4_I_STAT, *P_MM4_I_STAT, MM4_I_STAT_EN, *P_MM4_I_STAT_EN, MM4_I_SIGN_EN, *P_MM4_I_SIGN_EN;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon11
MM4_I_STAT_UNION sdioController.h /^} MM4_I_STAT_UNION, *P_MM4_I_STAT_UNION; $/;" t typeref:union:__anon12
MM4_Interpret_Response sdioDiag.c /^UINT_T MM4_Interpret_Response(P_SDMMC_Properties_T pSDMMCP, UINT_T ResponseType, UINT_T ResponseTimeOut)$/;" f
MM4_MMCAlternateBootModeReadBlocks sdioDiag.c /^UINT_T MM4_MMCAlternateBootModeReadBlocks(P_SDMMC_Properties_T pSDMMCP)$/;" f
MM4_MMCAlternateBootTest sdioDiag.c /^UINT_T MM4_MMCAlternateBootTest(P_SDMMC_Properties_T pSDMMCP)$/;" f
MM4_MULTI_BLOCK_TRAN sdioController.h 121;" d
MM4_NO_RES sdioController.h 117;" d
MM4_RT_BUSY sdioController.h 142;" d
MM4_RT_BUSYMASK sdioController.h 141;" d
MM4_RT_MASK sdioController.h 131;" d
MM4_RT_NONE sdioController.h 132;" d
MM4_RT_R1 sdioController.h 133;" d
MM4_RT_R2 sdioController.h 134;" d
MM4_RT_R3 sdioController.h 135;" d
MM4_RT_R4 sdioController.h 136;" d
MM4_RT_R5 sdioController.h 137;" d
MM4_RT_R6 sdioController.h 138;" d
MM4_RT_R7 sdioController.h 139;" d
MM4_ReadBlocks sdioDiag.c /^UINT_T MM4_ReadBlocks(P_SDMMC_Properties_T pSDMMCP)$/;" f
MM4_ReadFifo sdioDiag.c /^void MM4_ReadFifo(P_SDMMC_Properties_T pSDMMCP)$/;" f
MM4_ReadOneBlock sdioDiag.c /^UINT_T MM4_ReadOneBlock(P_SDMMC_Properties_T pSDMMCP)$/;" f
MM4_SDMMC_CONTEXT_T sdioController.h /^} MM4_SDMMC_CONTEXT_T, *P_MM4_SDMMC_CONTEXT_T;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon27
MM4_SDMMC_T sdioController.h /^} MM4_SDMMC_T, *P_MM4_SDMMC_T;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon1
MM4_SD_CE_ATA_1_2 sdioController.h /^} MM4_SD_CE_ATA_1_2, *P_MM4_SD_CE_ATA_1_2;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon22
MM4_SD_CE_ATA_1_2_UNION sdioController.h /^} MM4_SD_CE_ATA_1_2_UNION, *PMM4_SD_CE_ATA_1_2_UNION; $/;" t typeref:union:__anon23
MM4_SD_CE_ATA_1_2_bits sdioController.h /^ MM4_SD_CE_ATA_1_2 MM4_SD_CE_ATA_1_2_bits;$/;" m union:__anon23
MM4_SD_CE_ATA_1_2_value sdioController.h /^ UINT_T MM4_SD_CE_ATA_1_2_value;$/;" m union:__anon23
MM4_SD_CFG_FIFO_PARAM sdioController.h /^} MM4_SD_CFG_FIFO_PARAM, *P_MM4_SD_CFG_FIFO_PARAM;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon18
MM4_SD_CFG_FIFO_PARAM_UNION sdioController.h /^} MM4_SD_CFG_FIFO_PARAM_UNION, *P_MM4_SD_CFG_FIFO_PARAM_UNION; $/;" t typeref:union:__anon19
MM4_SD_CFG_FIFO_PARAM_bits sdioController.h /^ MM4_SD_CFG_FIFO_PARAM MM4_SD_CFG_FIFO_PARAM_bits;$/;" m union:__anon19
MM4_SD_CFG_FIFO_PARAM_value sdioController.h /^ UINT_T MM4_SD_CFG_FIFO_PARAM_value;$/;" m union:__anon19
MM4_SD_FIFO_PARAM sdioController.h /^} MM4_SD_FIFO_PARAM, *P_MM4_SD_FIFO_PARAM;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon20
MM4_SD_FIFO_PARAM_UNION sdioController.h /^} MM4_SD_FIFO_PARAM_UNION, *P_MM4_SD_FIFO_PARAM_UNION; $/;" t typeref:union:__anon21
MM4_SD_FIFO_PARAM_bits sdioController.h /^ MM4_SD_FIFO_PARAM MM4_SD_FIFO_PARAM_bits;$/;" m union:__anon21
MM4_SD_FIFO_PARAM_value sdioController.h /^ UINT_T MM4_SD_FIFO_PARAM_value;$/;" m union:__anon21
MM4_SD_MAX_CURRENT1_2 sdioController.h /^} MM4_SD_MAX_CURRENT1_2, *P_MM4_SD_MAX_CURRENT1_2;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon16
MM4_SD_MAX_CURRENT1_2_UNION sdioController.h /^} MM4_SD_MAX_CURRENT1_2_UNION, *P_MM4_SD_MAX_CURRENT1_2_UNION; $/;" t typeref:union:__anon17
MM4_SINGLE_BLOCK_TRAN sdioController.h 122;" d
MM4_STATE sdioController.h /^} MM4_STATE, *P_MM4_STATE;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon5
MM4_STATE_UNION sdioController.h /^} MM4_STATE_UNION, *P_MM4_STATE_UNION; $/;" t typeref:union:__anon6
MM4_SendDataCommand sdioDiag.c /^void MM4_SendDataCommand (P_SDMMC_Properties_T pSDMMCP,$/;" f
MM4_SendDataCommandNoAuto12 sdioDiag.c /^void MM4_SendDataCommandNoAuto12 (P_SDMMC_Properties_T pSDMMCP,$/;" f
MM4_SendSetupCommand sdioDiag.c /^void MM4_SendSetupCommand(P_SDMMC_Properties_T pSDMMCP,$/;" f
MM4_SendStopCommand sdioDiag.c /^void MM4_SendStopCommand(P_SDMMC_Properties_T pSDMMCP)$/;" f
MM4_SetControllerVoltage sdioDiag.c /^UINT_T MM4_SetControllerVoltage (P_MM4_SDMMC_CONTEXT_T pContext)$/;" f
MM4_TX_CFG sdioController.h /^}MM4_TX_CFG, *P_MM4_TX_CFG ;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon24
MM4_TX_CFG_UNION sdioController.h /^}MM4_TX_CFG_UNION, *PMM4_TX_CFG_UNION ;$/;" t typeref:union:__anon25
MM4_TX_CFG_bits sdioController.h /^ MM4_TX_CFG MM4_TX_CFG_bits ; $/;" m union:__anon25
MM4_TX_CFG_value sdioController.h /^ UINT_T MM4_TX_CFG_value ; $/;" m union:__anon25
MM4_VLTGSEL_1_8 sdioController.h 210;" d
MM4_VLTGSEL_3_0 sdioController.h 211;" d
MM4_VLTGSEL_3_3 sdioController.h 212;" d
MM4_WriteBlocks sdioDiag.c /^UINT_T MM4_WriteBlocks(P_SDMMC_Properties_T pSDMMCP)$/;" f
MM4_WriteFifo sdioDiag.c /^void MM4_WriteFifo(P_SDMMC_Properties_T pSDMMCP)$/;" f
MM4_WriteOneBlock sdioDiag.c /^UINT_T MM4_WriteOneBlock(P_SDMMC_Properties_T pSDMMCP)$/;" f
MMC4CMDSWReset sdioController.c /^void MMC4CMDSWReset(P_MM4_SDMMC_CONTEXT_T pContext)$/;" f
MMC4DataSWReset sdioController.c /^void MMC4DataSWReset(P_MM4_SDMMC_CONTEXT_T pContext)$/;" f
MMC4EnableDisableIntSources sdioController.c /^void MMC4EnableDisableIntSources(P_MM4_SDMMC_CONTEXT_T pContext, UINT_T Desire)$/;" f
MMC4FullSWReset sdioController.c /^void MMC4FullSWReset(P_MM4_SDMMC_CONTEXT_T pContext)$/;" f
MMC4HighSpeedSelect sdioController.c /^void MMC4HighSpeedSelect(P_MM4_SDMMC_CONTEXT_T pContext, UINT_T hs_mode)$/;" f
MMC4SendDataCommand sdioController.c /^void MMC4SendDataCommand(P_MM4_SDMMC_CONTEXT_T pContext, $/;" f
MMC4SendDataCommandNoAuto12 sdioController.c /^void MMC4SendDataCommandNoAuto12(P_MM4_SDMMC_CONTEXT_T pContext,$/;" f
MMC4SendSetupCommand sdioController.c /^void MMC4SendSetupCommand(P_MM4_SDMMC_CONTEXT_T pContext,$/;" f
MMC4SetBusRate sdioController.c /^void MMC4SetBusRate(P_MM4_SDMMC_CONTEXT_T pContext, UINT_T rate) $/;" f
MMC4SetDataTimeout sdioController.c /^void MMC4SetDataTimeout(P_MM4_SDMMC_CONTEXT_T pContext, UINT_T CounterValue)$/;" f
MMC4StartBusClock sdioController.c /^void MMC4StartBusClock(P_MM4_SDMMC_CONTEXT_T pContext)$/;" f
MMC4StartInternalBusClock sdioController.c /^void MMC4StartInternalBusClock(P_MM4_SDMMC_CONTEXT_T pContext)$/;" f
MMC4StopBusClock sdioController.c /^void MMC4StopBusClock (P_MM4_SDMMC_CONTEXT_T pContext)$/;" f
MMCLEGACYCONTROLLER1 sdmmc_api.h /^ MMCLEGACYCONTROLLER1 = 1,$/;" e enum:__anon30
MMCLEGACYCONTROLLER2 sdmmc_api.h /^ MMCLEGACYCONTROLLER2 = 2,$/;" e enum:__anon30
MMCNOTENABLED sdmmc_api.h /^ MMCNOTENABLED = 0,$/;" e enum:__anon30
MMC_BUSY_BIT sdmmc_api.h 35;" d
MMC_CMD0_PRE_IDLE_ARGUMENT sdmmc_api.h 222;" d
MMC_CMD6_Bits sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T MMC_CMD6_Bits;$/;" m union:__anon42
MMC_CMD6_LAYOUT sdmmc_api.h /^} MMC_CMD6_LAYOUT;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon41
MMC_CMD6_Layout sdmmc_api.h /^ MMC_CMD6_LAYOUT MMC_CMD6_Layout;$/;" m union:__anon42
MMC_CMD6_OVERLAY sdmmc_api.h /^} MMC_CMD6_OVERLAY;$/;" t typeref:union:__anon42
MMC_OCR_VOLTAGE_ALL sdioController.h 498;" d
MMC_OCR_VOLTAGE_ALL sdioController.h 536;" d
MMC_RESPONSE_MASK sdioController.h /^ MMC_RESPONSE_MASK = 0x0000FF00$/;" e enum:__anon26
MMC_RESPONSE_NONE sdioController.h /^ MMC_RESPONSE_NONE = 1L<<8,$/;" e enum:__anon26
MMC_RESPONSE_R1 sdioController.h /^ MMC_RESPONSE_R1 = 2L<<8,$/;" e enum:__anon26
MMC_RESPONSE_R1B sdioController.h /^ MMC_RESPONSE_R1B = 3L<<8,$/;" e enum:__anon26
MMC_RESPONSE_R2 sdioController.h /^ MMC_RESPONSE_R2 = 4L<<8,$/;" e enum:__anon26
MMC_RESPONSE_R3 sdioController.h /^ MMC_RESPONSE_R3 = 5L<<8,$/;" e enum:__anon26
MMC_RESPONSE_R4 sdioController.h /^ MMC_RESPONSE_R4 = 6L<<8,$/;" e enum:__anon26
MMC_RESPONSE_R5 sdioController.h /^ MMC_RESPONSE_R5 = 7L<<8,$/;" e enum:__anon26
MMC_RESPONSE_R5B sdioController.h /^ MMC_RESPONSE_R5B = 8L<<8,$/;" e enum:__anon26
MMC_RESPONSE_R6 sdioController.h /^ MMC_RESPONSE_R6 = 9L<<8,$/;" e enum:__anon26
MMC_RESPONSE_R7 sdioController.h /^ MMC_RESPONSE_R7 = 0xAL<<8,$/;" e enum:__anon26
MMC_SD_BOOT_PARTITION sdmmc_api.h 47;" d
MMC_SD_BOOT_PARTITION2 sdmmc_api.h 48;" d
MMC_SD_USER_PARTITION sdmmc_api.h 49;" d
MP_BERLIN_INTR_ID gicDiag.h 125;" d
MULTI_SDIO sdioController.h 6;" d
Mode sdmmc_api.h /^ unsigned int Mode :1;$/;" m struct:__anon37
Mode sdmmc_api.h /^ unsigned int Mode :1;$/;" m struct:__anon39
NO_ARGUMENT sdioController.h 110;" d
NO_FLAGS sdmmc_api.h 38;" d
NO_OF_SDIO_CARDS sdmmc_api.h 21;" d
NoError sdioDiag.c 54;" d file:
NoOTPFound sdioDiag.c 70;" d file:
NotFoundError sdioDiag.c 55;" d file:
NotSupportedError sdioDiag.c 59;" d file:
NumBlocks sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T NumBlocks; \/\/ Total Number of Blocks involved in this transaction$/;" m struct:__anon44
OCR sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T OCR; \/\/ OCR Register Contents$/;" m struct:__anon45
OCR_ACCESS_MODE_MASK sdmmc_api.h 31;" d
OCR_ARG sdmmc_api.h 29;" d
OEM sdioDiag.c /^ char OEM[3];$/;" m struct:__anon28 file:
OSCR_OFFSET sdmmc_api.h 27;" d
OTPError sdioDiag.c 78;" d file:
OneNandInitFailed sdioDiag.c 73;" d file:
PARTITIONMASK sdmmc_api.h 46;" d
PARTITION_ACCESS_BITS sdmmc_api.h 213;" d
PARTITION_CONFIG_EXT_CSD sdmmc_api.h /^} PARTITION_CONFIG_EXT_CSD;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon50
PERIPHBASE gicDiag.h 12;" d
PMM4_SD_CE_ATA_1_2_UNION sdioController.h /^} MM4_SD_CE_ATA_1_2_UNION, *PMM4_SD_CE_ATA_1_2_UNION; $/;" t typeref:union:__anon23
PMM4_TX_CFG_UNION sdioController.h /^}MM4_TX_CFG_UNION, *PMM4_TX_CFG_UNION ;$/;" t typeref:union:__anon25
PRINT_LEVEL util.h /^enum PRINT_LEVEL$/;" g
PRN_DBG util.h /^ PRN_DBG$/;" e enum:PRINT_LEVEL
PRN_ERR util.h /^ PRN_ERR,$/;" e enum:PRINT_LEVEL
PRN_INFO util.h /^ PRN_INFO,$/;" e enum:PRINT_LEVEL
PRN_NONE util.h /^ PRN_NONE=0,$/;" e enum:PRINT_LEVEL
PRN_RES util.h /^ PRN_RES,$/;" e enum:PRINT_LEVEL
PROCESSOR_ID_REG_BASE irqHandler.S /^#define PROCESSOR_ID_REG_BASE 0xF8430000$/;" d
P_MM4_ACMD12_ER sdioController.h /^} MM4_ACMD12_ER, *P_MM4_ACMD12_ER;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon13
P_MM4_BLK_CNTL sdioController.h /^} MM4_BLK_CNTL, *P_MM4_BLK_CNTL;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon2
P_MM4_CAP1_2 sdioController.h /^} MM4_CAP1_2, *P_MM4_CAP1_2;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon14
P_MM4_CAP1_2_UNION sdioController.h /^} MM4_CAP1_2_UNION, *P_MM4_CAP1_2_UNION; $/;" t typeref:union:__anon15
P_MM4_CMD_XFRMD sdioController.h /^} MM4_CMD_XFRMD, *P_MM4_CMD_XFRMD;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon3
P_MM4_CMD_XFRMD_UNION sdioController.h /^} MM4_CMD_XFRMD_UNION, *P_MM4_CMD_XFRMD_UNION; $/;" t typeref:union:__anon4
P_MM4_CNTL1 sdioController.h /^} MM4_CNTL1, *P_MM4_CNTL1;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon7
P_MM4_CNTL1_UNION sdioController.h /^} MM4_CNTL1_UNION, *P_MM4_CNTL1_UNION; $/;" t typeref:union:__anon8
P_MM4_CNTL2 sdioController.h /^} MM4_CNTL2, *P_MM4_CNTL2;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon9
P_MM4_CNTL2_UNION sdioController.h /^} MM4_CNTL2_UNION, *P_MM4_CNTL2_UNION; $/;" t typeref:union:__anon10
P_MM4_I_SIGN_EN sdioController.h /^} MM4_I_STAT, *P_MM4_I_STAT, MM4_I_STAT_EN, *P_MM4_I_STAT_EN, MM4_I_SIGN_EN, *P_MM4_I_SIGN_EN;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon11
P_MM4_I_STAT sdioController.h /^} MM4_I_STAT, *P_MM4_I_STAT, MM4_I_STAT_EN, *P_MM4_I_STAT_EN, MM4_I_SIGN_EN, *P_MM4_I_SIGN_EN;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon11
P_MM4_I_STAT_EN sdioController.h /^} MM4_I_STAT, *P_MM4_I_STAT, MM4_I_STAT_EN, *P_MM4_I_STAT_EN, MM4_I_SIGN_EN, *P_MM4_I_SIGN_EN;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon11
P_MM4_I_STAT_UNION sdioController.h /^} MM4_I_STAT_UNION, *P_MM4_I_STAT_UNION; $/;" t typeref:union:__anon12
P_MM4_SDMMC_CONTEXT_T sdioController.h /^} MM4_SDMMC_CONTEXT_T, *P_MM4_SDMMC_CONTEXT_T;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon27
P_MM4_SDMMC_T sdioController.h /^} MM4_SDMMC_T, *P_MM4_SDMMC_T;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon1
P_MM4_SD_CE_ATA_1_2 sdioController.h /^} MM4_SD_CE_ATA_1_2, *P_MM4_SD_CE_ATA_1_2;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon22
P_MM4_SD_CFG_FIFO_PARAM sdioController.h /^} MM4_SD_CFG_FIFO_PARAM, *P_MM4_SD_CFG_FIFO_PARAM;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon18
P_MM4_SD_CFG_FIFO_PARAM_UNION sdioController.h /^} MM4_SD_CFG_FIFO_PARAM_UNION, *P_MM4_SD_CFG_FIFO_PARAM_UNION; $/;" t typeref:union:__anon19
P_MM4_SD_FIFO_PARAM sdioController.h /^} MM4_SD_FIFO_PARAM, *P_MM4_SD_FIFO_PARAM;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon20
P_MM4_SD_FIFO_PARAM_UNION sdioController.h /^} MM4_SD_FIFO_PARAM_UNION, *P_MM4_SD_FIFO_PARAM_UNION; $/;" t typeref:union:__anon21
P_MM4_SD_MAX_CURRENT1_2 sdioController.h /^} MM4_SD_MAX_CURRENT1_2, *P_MM4_SD_MAX_CURRENT1_2;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon16
P_MM4_SD_MAX_CURRENT1_2_UNION sdioController.h /^} MM4_SD_MAX_CURRENT1_2_UNION, *P_MM4_SD_MAX_CURRENT1_2_UNION; $/;" t typeref:union:__anon17
P_MM4_STATE sdioController.h /^} MM4_STATE, *P_MM4_STATE;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon5
P_MM4_STATE_UNION sdioController.h /^} MM4_STATE_UNION, *P_MM4_STATE_UNION; $/;" t typeref:union:__anon6
P_MM4_TX_CFG sdioController.h /^}MM4_TX_CFG, *P_MM4_TX_CFG ;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon24
P_SDMMC_Properties_T sdmmc_api.h /^SDMMC_Properties_T, *P_SDMMC_Properties_T;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon48
PartitionAccess sdmmc_api.h /^ unsigned int PartitionAccess : 3;$/;" m struct:__anon50
PlatformBusy sdioDiag.c 61;" d file:
PlatformReady sdioDiag.c 62;" d file:
ProgramError sdioDiag.c 67;" d file:
ProtectionRegProgramError sdioDiag.c 69;" d file:
R1_ADDR_MISALIGN_ERROR sdmmc_api.h /^ R1_ADDR_MISALIGN_ERROR = XLLP_BIT_30,$/;" e enum:__anon49
R1_ADDR_RANGE_ERROR sdmmc_api.h /^ R1_ADDR_RANGE_ERROR = XLLP_BIT_31$/;" e enum:__anon49
R1_BLK_LEN_ERROR sdmmc_api.h /^ R1_BLK_LEN_ERROR = XLLP_BIT_29,$/;" e enum:__anon49
R1_CC_ERROR sdmmc_api.h /^ R1_CC_ERROR = XLLP_BIT_20,$/;" e enum:__anon49
R1_CIDCSD_OVERWRITE_ERROR sdmmc_api.h /^ R1_CIDCSD_OVERWRITE_ERROR = XLLP_BIT_16,$/;" e enum:__anon49
R1_COM_CRC_ERROR sdmmc_api.h /^ R1_COM_CRC_ERROR = XLLP_BIT_23,$/;" e enum:__anon49
R1_ECC_ERROR sdmmc_api.h /^ R1_ECC_ERROR = XLLP_BIT_21,$/;" e enum:__anon49
R1_ERASE_PARAM_ERROR sdmmc_api.h /^ R1_ERASE_PARAM_ERROR = XLLP_BIT_27,$/;" e enum:__anon49
R1_ERASE_RESET_ERROR sdmmc_api.h /^ R1_ERASE_RESET_ERROR = XLLP_BIT_13,$/;" e enum:__anon49
R1_ERASE_SEQ_ERROR sdmmc_api.h /^ R1_ERASE_SEQ_ERROR = XLLP_BIT_28,$/;" e enum:__anon49
R1_GENERAL_ERROR sdmmc_api.h /^ R1_GENERAL_ERROR = XLLP_BIT_19,$/;" e enum:__anon49
R1_ILL_CMD_ERROR sdmmc_api.h /^ R1_ILL_CMD_ERROR = XLLP_BIT_22,$/;" e enum:__anon49
R1_LOCKEDCARDMASK sdmmc_api.h 53;" d
R1_LOCK_ERROR sdmmc_api.h /^ R1_LOCK_ERROR = XLLP_BIT_25,$/;" e enum:__anon49
R1_LOCK_ULOCK_ERRROR sdmmc_api.h /^ R1_LOCK_ULOCK_ERRROR = XLLP_BIT_24,$/;" e enum:__anon49
R1_NOMASK sdmmc_api.h 54;" d
R1_OVERRUN_ERROR sdmmc_api.h /^ R1_OVERRUN_ERROR = XLLP_BIT_17,$/;" e enum:__anon49
R1_RESP sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T R1_RESP; \/\/ Capture the R1 Response of the Card for most commands$/;" m struct:__anon46
R1_SDMMC_RESPONSE_CODES sdmmc_api.h /^} R1_SDMMC_RESPONSE_CODES;$/;" t typeref:enum:__anon49
R1_SWITCH_ERROR sdmmc_api.h /^ R1_SWITCH_ERROR = XLLP_BIT_0,$/;" e enum:__anon49
R1_UNDERUN_ERROR sdmmc_api.h /^ R1_UNDERUN_ERROR = XLLP_BIT_18,$/;" e enum:__anon49
R1_WP_ERROR sdmmc_api.h /^ R1_WP_ERROR = XLLP_BIT_26,$/;" e enum:__anon49
R2_BYTE_LENGTH sdmmc_api.h 34;" d
RCA sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T RCA; \/\/ RCA of the card $/;" m struct:__anon45
READ sdmmc_api.h /^ READ, \/\/ Multiple Block Read State$/;" e enum:__anon43
READY sdmmc_api.h /^ READY, \/\/ The Card is ready for Data Transfer $/;" e enum:__anon43
RESPONSE_LENGTH sdmmc_api.h 33;" d
ReadBlockSize sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T ReadBlockSize; \/\/ Bytes - Block Size Used for Reads$/;" m struct:__anon48
ReadDisturbError sdioDiag.c 81;" d file:
ReadError sdioDiag.c 58;" d file:
Reserved sdmmc_api.h /^ unsigned int Reserved :7;$/;" m struct:__anon37
Reserved sdmmc_api.h /^ unsigned int Reserved :7;$/;" m struct:__anon39
Reserved0 sdmmc_api.h /^ unsigned int Reserved0 :5;$/;" m struct:__anon41
Reserved0 sdmmc_api.h /^ unsigned int Reserved0 : 1;$/;" m struct:__anon50
Reserved1 sdmmc_api.h /^ unsigned int Reserved1 :5;$/;" m struct:__anon41
RespType sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T RespType; \/\/ Info about the response type and potential for busy state.$/;" m struct:__anon44
SCR sdmmc_api.h /^ SCR_LAYOUT SCR; \/\/ SCR Register Contents$/;" m struct:__anon45
SCRSD1BITMODE sdmmc_api.h 50;" d
SCRSD4BITMODE sdmmc_api.h 51;" d
SCR_LAYOUT sdmmc_api.h /^} SCR_LAYOUT;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon36
SCR_VALUE sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T SCR_VALUE[2];$/;" m struct:__anon36
SD sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T SD; \/\/ Indicates if the card is SD, eSD or MMC$/;" m struct:__anon48
SD sdmmc_api.h /^ SD_LAYOUT SD; \/\/ SD status $/;" m struct:__anon45
SD3_SLOT1_BASE_OFFSET sdioDiag.c 28;" d file:
SD3_SLOT2_BASE_OFFSET sdioDiag.c 29;" d file:
SD3_SLOT3_BASE_OFFSET sdioDiag.c 31;" d file:
SDBUS_4BIT sdioController.h 257;" d
SDCLK_SEL_DIV_1 sdioController.h 255;" d
SDCLK_SEL_DIV_1024 sdioController.h 245;" d
SDCLK_SEL_DIV_128 sdioController.h 248;" d
SDCLK_SEL_DIV_16 sdioController.h 251;" d
SDCLK_SEL_DIV_2 sdioController.h 254;" d
SDCLK_SEL_DIV_256 sdioController.h 247;" d
SDCLK_SEL_DIV_32 sdioController.h 250;" d
SDCLK_SEL_DIV_4 sdioController.h 253;" d
SDCLK_SEL_DIV_512 sdioController.h 246;" d
SDCLK_SEL_DIV_64 sdioController.h 249;" d
SDCLK_SEL_DIV_8 sdioController.h 252;" d
SDIO3_SLOT1_REG_BASE sdioDiag.c 35;" d file:
SDIO3_SLOT2_REG_BASE sdioDiag.c 36;" d file:
SDIO3_SLOT3_REG_BASE sdioDiag.c 37;" d file:
SDIORead sdioDiag.c /^int SDIORead(P_SDMMC_Properties_T pSDMMCP, unsigned int start, unsigned int blk, unsigned char *puchReadBuff)$/;" f
SDIOReadOneBlk sdioDiag.c /^UINT_T SDIOReadOneBlk (P_SDMMC_Properties_T pSDMMCP, UINT_T FlashOffset, UINT_T LocalBuffer, UINT_T Size)$/;" f
SDIOWrite sdioDiag.c /^int SDIOWrite(P_SDMMC_Properties_T pSDMMCP, unsigned int start, unsigned int blk, unsigned char *puchWriteBuff)$/;" f
SDIOWriteOneBlk sdioDiag.c /^UINT_T SDIOWriteOneBlk (P_SDMMC_Properties_T pSDMMCP, UINT_T FlashOffset, UINT_T LocalBuffer, UINT_T Size)$/;" f
SDIO_ADMA_DESC sdioController.h /^} SDIO_ADMA_DESC, *SDIO_ADMA_DESC_PTR;$/;" t typeref:struct:sdio_adma_desc
SDIO_ADMA_DESC_PTR sdioController.h /^} SDIO_ADMA_DESC, *SDIO_ADMA_DESC_PTR;$/;" t typeref:struct:sdio_adma_desc
SDIO_ADMA_RXDESC_BASE sdioDiag.c 45;" d file:
SDIO_ADMA_TXDESC_BASE sdioDiag.c 46;" d file:
SDIO_BOOT_BUF sdioDiag.c 47;" d file:
SDIO_CARD_PRESENT_BIT sdioDiag.c 49;" d file:
SDIO_CID sdioDiag.c /^} SDIO_CID;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon28 file:
SDIO_CMD52_Arg_T sdmmc_api.h /^} __attribute__((packed)) SDIO_CMD52_Arg_T;$/;" t typeref:struct:SDIO_CMD52_Arg_s
SDIO_CMD52_Arg_Union sdmmc_api.h /^typedef union SDIO_CMD52_Arg_Union$/;" u
SDIO_CMD52_Arg_Union_T sdmmc_api.h /^}SDIO_CMD52_Arg_Union_T;$/;" t typeref:union:SDIO_CMD52_Arg_Union
SDIO_CMD52_Arg_s sdmmc_api.h /^typedef struct SDIO_CMD52_Arg_s$/;" s
SDIO_CSD sdioDiag.c /^} SDIO_CSD;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon29 file:
SDIO_DMA sdioController.h 5;" d
SDIO_INTERNAL_DIV sdioDiag.c 25;" d file:
SDIO_OCR_ALL_VOLTAGES sdioController.h 529;" d
SDIO_OCR_VOLTAGE_2_0_TO_2_1 sdioController.h 513;" d
SDIO_OCR_VOLTAGE_2_1_TO_2_2 sdioController.h 514;" d
SDIO_OCR_VOLTAGE_2_2_TO_2_3 sdioController.h 515;" d
SDIO_OCR_VOLTAGE_2_3_TO_2_4 sdioController.h 516;" d
SDIO_OCR_VOLTAGE_2_4_TO_2_5 sdioController.h 517;" d
SDIO_OCR_VOLTAGE_2_5_TO_2_6 sdioController.h 518;" d
SDIO_OCR_VOLTAGE_2_6_TO_2_7 sdioController.h 519;" d
SDIO_OCR_VOLTAGE_2_7_TO_2_8 sdioController.h 520;" d
SDIO_OCR_VOLTAGE_2_8_TO_2_9 sdioController.h 521;" d
SDIO_OCR_VOLTAGE_2_9_TO_3_0 sdioController.h 522;" d
SDIO_OCR_VOLTAGE_3_0_TO_3_1 sdioController.h 523;" d
SDIO_OCR_VOLTAGE_3_1_TO_3_2 sdioController.h 524;" d
SDIO_OCR_VOLTAGE_3_2_TO_3_3 sdioController.h 525;" d
SDIO_OCR_VOLTAGE_3_3_TO_3_4 sdioController.h 526;" d
SDIO_OCR_VOLTAGE_3_4_TO_3_5 sdioController.h 527;" d
SDIO_OCR_VOLTAGE_3_5_TO_3_6 sdioController.h 528;" d
SDIO_Properties_T sdmmc_api.h /^} __attribute__((packed)) SDIO_Properties_T;$/;" t typeref:struct:SDIO_Properties_s
SDIO_Properties_s sdmmc_api.h /^typedef struct SDIO_Properties_s$/;" s
SDIO_RD_BUF sdioDiag.c 43;" d file:
SDIO_SCR sdioDiag.c /^typedef struct SDIO_SCR $/;" s file:
SDIO_SCR sdioDiag.c /^} SDIO_SCR;$/;" t typeref:struct:SDIO_SCR file:
SDIO_SD sdioDiag.c /^typedef struct SDIO_SD $/;" s file:
SDIO_SD sdioDiag.c /^} SDIO_SD;$/;" t typeref:struct:SDIO_SD file:
SDIO_WD_BUF sdioDiag.c 44;" d file:
SDMA_Mode sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T SDMA_Mode; \/\/ Enable SDMA Mode or Not.$/;" m struct:__anon48
SDMMCDeviceNotReadyError sdioDiag.c 105;" d file:
SDMMCDeviceVoltageNotSupported sdioDiag.c 107;" d file:
SDMMCInitializationError sdioDiag.c 106;" d file:
SDMMC_ADDR_MISALIGN_ERROR sdioDiag.c 103;" d file:
SDMMC_ADDR_RANGE_ERROR sdioDiag.c 104;" d file:
SDMMC_BLK_LEN_ERROR sdioDiag.c 102;" d file:
SDMMC_CARD_REGISTERS sdmmc_api.h /^} SDMMC_CARD_REGISTERS; $/;" t typeref:struct:__anon45
SDMMC_CC_ERROR sdioDiag.c 93;" d file:
SDMMC_CIDCSD_OVERWRITE_ERROR sdioDiag.c 89;" d file:
SDMMC_COM_CRC_ERROR sdioDiag.c 96;" d file:
SDMMC_ECC_ERROR sdioDiag.c 94;" d file:
SDMMC_ERASE_PARAM_ERROR sdioDiag.c 100;" d file:
SDMMC_ERASE_RESET_ERROR sdioDiag.c 88;" d file:
SDMMC_ERASE_SEQ_ERROR sdioDiag.c 101;" d file:
SDMMC_GENERAL_ERROR sdioDiag.c 92;" d file:
SDMMC_ILL_CMD_ERROR sdioDiag.c 95;" d file:
SDMMC_IO_TRANSFERS sdmmc_api.h /^} SDMMC_IO_TRANSFERS;$/;" t typeref:enum:__anon43
SDMMC_LOCK_ERROR sdioDiag.c 98;" d file:
SDMMC_LOCK_ULOCK_ERRROR sdioDiag.c 97;" d file:
SDMMC_OVERRUN_ERROR sdioDiag.c 90;" d file:
SDMMC_Prop sdioDiag.c /^SDMMC_Properties_T SDMMC_Prop;$/;" v
SDMMC_Properties_T sdmmc_api.h /^SDMMC_Properties_T, *P_SDMMC_Properties_T;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon48
SDMMC_RESPONSE sdmmc_api.h /^} SDMMC_RESPONSE;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon46
SDMMC_SWITCH_ERROR sdioDiag.c 87;" d file:
SDMMC_TRANSFER sdmmc_api.h /^} SDMMC_TRANSFER;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon44
SDMMC_UNDERUN_ERROR sdioDiag.c 91;" d file:
SDMMC_WP_ERROR sdioDiag.c 99;" d file:
SDVHSARGSHIFT sdmmc_api.h 43;" d
SDVHSCHECKPATTERN sdmmc_api.h 44;" d
SDVHS_2_7_TO_3_6 sdmmc_api.h 41;" d
SDVHS_LOW_VOLT sdmmc_api.h 42;" d
SD_CMD6_4BITMODE sdmmc_api.h 52;" d
SD_CMD6_Bits sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T SD_CMD6_Bits;$/;" m union:__anon40
SD_CMD6_LAYOUT sdmmc_api.h /^} SD_CMD6_LAYOUT;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon39
SD_CMD6_Layout sdmmc_api.h /^ SD_CMD6_LAYOUT SD_CMD6_Layout;$/;" m union:__anon40
SD_CMD6_OVERLAY sdmmc_api.h /^} SD_CMD6_OVERLAY;$/;" t typeref:union:__anon40
SD_ERROR_INT_STATUS_ADMA_ERR sdmmc_api.h 398;" d
SD_ERROR_INT_STATUS_AUTO_CMD12_ERR sdmmc_api.h 400;" d
SD_ERROR_INT_STATUS_AXI_RESP_ERR sdmmc_api.h 394;" d
SD_ERROR_INT_STATUS_CMD_CRC_ERR sdmmc_api.h 414;" d
SD_ERROR_INT_STATUS_SPI_ERR sdmmc_api.h 396;" d
SD_LAYOUT sdmmc_api.h /^} SD_LAYOUT;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon35
SD_NO_CMD1 sdmmc_api.h 36;" d
SD_OCR_ARG sdmmc_api.h 30;" d
SD_OCR_VOLTAGE_1_8 sdioController.h 497;" d
SD_OCR_VOLTAGE_1_8 sdioController.h 535;" d
SD_OCR_VOLTAGE_1_8_TO_3_3 sdioController.h 496;" d
SD_OCR_VOLTAGE_1_8_TO_3_3 sdioController.h 534;" d
SD_OCR_VOLTAGE_3_3_TO_3_6 sdioController.h 495;" d
SD_OCR_VOLTAGE_3_3_TO_3_6 sdioController.h 533;" d
SD_SPEC_MASK sdmmc_api.h 262;" d
SD_SPEC_OFFSET sdmmc_api.h 263;" d
SD_VALUE sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T SD_VALUE[4];$/;" m struct:__anon35
SD_VHS sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T SD_VHS; \/\/ SD Voltage Acceptance Return Value (SD only)$/;" m struct:__anon48
SECTOR_ACCESS sdmmc_api.h /^ SECTOR_ACCESS = 1$/;" e enum:__anon47
SM_APB_GPIO0_BASE apbRegBase.h 38;" d
SM_APB_GPIO1_BASE apbRegBase.h 31;" d
SM_APB_I2C0_BASE apbRegBase.h 33;" d
SM_APB_I2C1_BASE apbRegBase.h 34;" d
SM_APB_ICTL_BASE apbRegBase.h 26;" d
SM_APB_SPI_BASE apbRegBase.h 32;" d
SM_APB_TIMERS_BASE apbRegBase.h 30;" d
SM_APB_UART0_BASE apbRegBase.h 35;" d
SM_APB_UART1_BASE apbRegBase.h 36;" d
SM_APB_UART2_BASE apbRegBase.h 37;" d
SM_APB_WDT0_BASE apbRegBase.h 27;" d
SM_APB_WDT1_BASE apbRegBase.h 28;" d
SM_APB_WDT2_BASE apbRegBase.h 29;" d
SM_PIN_MUX_REG apbRegBase.h 41;" d
SM_SYS_CTRL_REG_BASE apbRegBase.h 39;" d
SOC_SM_APB_REG_BASE apbRegBase.h 24;" d
SOC_SM_DTCM_BASE apbRegBase.h 23;" d
SOC_SM_ITCM_BASE apbRegBase.h 22;" d
SWITCH_FUNCTION_MODE sdmmc_api.h 219;" d
SdioStart sdioDiag.c /^int SdioStart(P_SDMMC_Properties_T pSDMMCP)$/;" f
SendStopCommand sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T SendStopCommand; \/\/ If some read\/write transactions require stop command $/;" m struct:__anon46
SerialNum sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T SerialNum; $/;" m struct:__anon33
Slot sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T Slot; \/\/ Indicates which slot used$/;" m struct:__anon48
StartDiscardWords sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T StartDiscardWords; \/\/ Words - from the first block that caller doesn't want$/;" m struct:__anon44
State sdmmc_api.h /^ volatile SDMMC_IO_TRANSFERS State; \/\/ Indicate State of the card$/;" m struct:__anon48
StrictErrorCheck sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T StrictErrorCheck; \/\/ Relax error checking during card init. Not all cards are strictly compliant.$/;" m struct:__anon48
TRUE sdioController.h 20;" d
TRUE sdmmc_api.h 25;" d
TimeOutError sdioDiag.c 83;" d file:
Trans sdmmc_api.h /^ SDMMC_TRANSFER Trans; \/\/ Transfer State of the Card$/;" m struct:__anon48
TransWordSize sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T TransWordSize; \/\/ Total Number of Bytes involved in this transaction$/;" m struct:__anon44
UART_DLH Diag.h 115;" d
UART_DLH Diag.h 120;" d
UART_DLH_100M_115200 Diag.h 68;" d
UART_DLH_100M_19200 Diag.h 62;" d
UART_DLH_100M_9600 Diag.h 65;" d
UART_DLH_14P318M_115200 Diag.h 86;" d
UART_DLH_14P318M_9600 Diag.h 88;" d
UART_DLH_15M_19200 Diag.h 106;" d
UART_DLH_18M_19200 Diag.h 100;" d
UART_DLH_1P5M_19200 Diag.h 47;" d
UART_DLH_20M_115200 Diag.h 71;" d
UART_DLH_20M_19200 Diag.h 74;" d
UART_DLH_20M_9600 Diag.h 77;" d
UART_DLH_24M_19200 Diag.h 91;" d
UART_DLH_24P576M_115200 Diag.h 83;" d
UART_DLH_25M_115200 Diag.h 80;" d
UART_DLH_30M_115200 Diag.h 103;" d
UART_DLH_36M_115200 Diag.h 94;" d
UART_DLH_48M_115200 Diag.h 97;" d
UART_DLH_50M_38400 Diag.h 109;" d
UART_DLH_5M_9600 Diag.h 38;" d
UART_DLH_6M_19200 Diag.h 44;" d
UART_DLH_7P2M_19200 Diag.h 56;" d
UART_DLH_9600 Diag.h 117;" d
UART_DLH_9600 Diag.h 122;" d
UART_DLH_9M_115200 Diag.h 50;" d
UART_DLH_9M_19200 Diag.h 53;" d
UART_DLL Diag.h 114;" d
UART_DLL Diag.h 119;" d
UART_DLL_100M_115200 Diag.h 67;" d
UART_DLL_100M_19200 Diag.h 61;" d
UART_DLL_100M_9600 Diag.h 64;" d
UART_DLL_14P318M_115200 Diag.h 85;" d
UART_DLL_14P318M_9600 Diag.h 87;" d
UART_DLL_15M_19200 Diag.h 105;" d
UART_DLL_18M_19200 Diag.h 99;" d
UART_DLL_1P2M_19200 Diag.h 59;" d
UART_DLL_1P5M_19200 Diag.h 46;" d
UART_DLL_20M_115200 Diag.h 70;" d
UART_DLL_20M_19200 Diag.h 73;" d
UART_DLL_20M_9600 Diag.h 76;" d
UART_DLL_24M_19200 Diag.h 90;" d
UART_DLL_24P576M_115200 Diag.h 82;" d
UART_DLL_25M_115200 Diag.h 79;" d
UART_DLL_2M_9600 Diag.h 58;" d
UART_DLL_30M_115200 Diag.h 102;" d
UART_DLL_36M_115200 Diag.h 93;" d
UART_DLL_48M_115200 Diag.h 96;" d
UART_DLL_4M_19200 Diag.h 40;" d
UART_DLL_50M_38400 Diag.h 108;" d
UART_DLL_5M_19200 Diag.h 41;" d
UART_DLL_5M_9600 Diag.h 37;" d
UART_DLL_66M_115200 Diag.h 111;" d
UART_DLL_6M_19200 Diag.h 43;" d
UART_DLL_7P2M_19200 Diag.h 55;" d
UART_DLL_9600 Diag.h 116;" d
UART_DLL_9600 Diag.h 121;" d
UART_DLL_9M_115200 Diag.h 49;" d
UART_DLL_9M_19200 Diag.h 52;" d
UINT32_T sdioController.h /^typedef unsigned long UINT32_T, ULONG;$/;" t
UINT_T sdioController.h /^typedef unsigned int UINT_T;$/;" t
ULONG sdioController.h /^typedef unsigned long UINT32_T, ULONG;$/;" t
UNINITIALIZED sdmmc_api.h /^ UNINITIALIZED, \/\/ Controller and Card are uninitialized$/;" e enum:__anon43
USE_CMD_LINE Diag.h 23;" d
USE_CMD_LINE Diag.h 26;" d
USE_UART Diag.h 24;" d
USE_UART Diag.h 27;" d
VUINT32_T sdioController.h /^typedef volatile unsigned long VUINT32_T;$/;" t
VUINT_T sdioController.h /^typedef volatile unsigned int VUINT_T;$/;" t
Value sdmmc_api.h /^ unsigned int Value :8;$/;" m struct:__anon41
WP_GroupEnable sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char WP_GroupEnable;$/;" m struct:__anon29 file:
WP_GroupSize sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char WP_GroupSize; \/\/SD:7 bits, MMC: 5 bits$/;" m struct:__anon29 file:
WP_perm sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char WP_perm;$/;" m struct:__anon29 file:
WP_temp sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char WP_temp;$/;" m struct:__anon29 file:
WRITE sdmmc_api.h /^ WRITE, \/\/ Multiple Block Write State$/;" e enum:__anon43
WordIndex sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T WordIndex; \/\/ Words - Word index to the progress in this transfer request$/;" m struct:__anon44
WriteBlockSize sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T WriteBlockSize; \/\/ Bytes - Block Size Used for Writes$/;" m struct:__anon48
WriteError sdioDiag.c 57;" d file:
XLLP_BIT_0 sdmmc_api.h 354;" d
XLLP_BIT_1 sdmmc_api.h 355;" d
XLLP_BIT_10 sdmmc_api.h 364;" d
XLLP_BIT_11 sdmmc_api.h 365;" d
XLLP_BIT_12 sdmmc_api.h 366;" d
XLLP_BIT_13 sdmmc_api.h 367;" d
XLLP_BIT_14 sdmmc_api.h 368;" d
XLLP_BIT_15 sdmmc_api.h 369;" d
XLLP_BIT_16 sdmmc_api.h 370;" d
XLLP_BIT_17 sdmmc_api.h 371;" d
XLLP_BIT_18 sdmmc_api.h 372;" d
XLLP_BIT_19 sdmmc_api.h 373;" d
XLLP_BIT_2 sdmmc_api.h 356;" d
XLLP_BIT_20 sdmmc_api.h 374;" d
XLLP_BIT_21 sdmmc_api.h 375;" d
XLLP_BIT_22 sdmmc_api.h 376;" d
XLLP_BIT_23 sdmmc_api.h 377;" d
XLLP_BIT_24 sdmmc_api.h 378;" d
XLLP_BIT_25 sdmmc_api.h 379;" d
XLLP_BIT_26 sdmmc_api.h 380;" d
XLLP_BIT_27 sdmmc_api.h 381;" d
XLLP_BIT_28 sdmmc_api.h 382;" d
XLLP_BIT_29 sdmmc_api.h 383;" d
XLLP_BIT_3 sdmmc_api.h 357;" d
XLLP_BIT_30 sdmmc_api.h 384;" d
XLLP_BIT_31 sdmmc_api.h 385;" d
XLLP_BIT_4 sdmmc_api.h 358;" d
XLLP_BIT_5 sdmmc_api.h 359;" d
XLLP_BIT_6 sdmmc_api.h 360;" d
XLLP_BIT_7 sdmmc_api.h 361;" d
XLLP_BIT_8 sdmmc_api.h 362;" d
XLLP_BIT_9 sdmmc_api.h 363;" d
XLLP_MMC sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_MMC = 0, $/;" e enum:__anon31
XLLP_MMC_CMD sdmmc_api.h /^} XLLP_MMC_CMD;$/;" t typeref:enum:__anon32
XLLP_MMC_CMD0 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_MMC_CMD0 = 0x0, \/\/ go idle state$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_MMC_CMD1 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_MMC_CMD1 = 0x1, \/\/ send op command$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_MMC_CMD10 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_MMC_CMD10 = 0xa, \/\/ send cid$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_MMC_CMD11 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_MMC_CMD11 = 0xb, \/\/ read data until stop$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_MMC_CMD12 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_MMC_CMD12 = 0xc, \/\/ stop transmission$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_MMC_CMD13 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_MMC_CMD13 = 0xd, \/\/ send status$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_MMC_CMD15 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_MMC_CMD15 = 0xf, \/\/ go inactive state$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_MMC_CMD16 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_MMC_CMD16 = 0x10, \/\/ set block length$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_MMC_CMD17 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_MMC_CMD17 = 0x11, \/\/ read single block$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_MMC_CMD18 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_MMC_CMD18 = 0x12, \/\/ read multiple block$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_MMC_CMD2 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_MMC_CMD2 = 0x2, \/\/ all send cid$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_MMC_CMD20 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_MMC_CMD20 = 0x14, \/\/ write data until stop$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_MMC_CMD23 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_MMC_CMD23 = 0x17, \/\/ Set Block Count$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_MMC_CMD24 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_MMC_CMD24 = 0x18, \/\/ write block$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_MMC_CMD25 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_MMC_CMD25 = 0x19, \/\/ write multiple block$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_MMC_CMD26 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_MMC_CMD26 = 0x1a, \/\/ program CID$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_MMC_CMD27 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_MMC_CMD27 = 0x1b, \/\/ program CSD$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_MMC_CMD28 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_MMC_CMD28 = 0x1c, \/\/ set write prot$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_MMC_CMD29 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_MMC_CMD29 = 0x1d, \/\/ clr write prot$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_MMC_CMD3 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_MMC_CMD3 = 0x3, \/\/ set relative addr$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_MMC_CMD30 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_MMC_CMD30 = 0x1e, \/\/ send write prot$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_MMC_CMD34 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_MMC_CMD34 = 0x22, \/\/ untag sector$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_MMC_CMD35 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_MMC_CMD35 = 0x23, \/\/ tag erase group start$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_MMC_CMD36 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_MMC_CMD36 = 0x24, \/\/ tag erase group end$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_MMC_CMD37 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_MMC_CMD37 = 0x25, \/\/ untag erase group$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_MMC_CMD38 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_MMC_CMD38 = 0x26, \/\/ erase$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_MMC_CMD39 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_MMC_CMD39 = 0x27, \/\/fast IO$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_MMC_CMD4 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_MMC_CMD4 = 0x4, \/\/ set dsr$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_MMC_CMD40 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_MMC_CMD40 = 0x28, \/\/ go irq state$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_MMC_CMD42 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_MMC_CMD42 = 0x2a, \/\/ lock-unlock$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_MMC_CMD56 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_MMC_CMD56 = 0x38, \/\/ gen cmd$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_MMC_CMD6 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_MMC_CMD6 = 0x6, \/\/ MMC Switch Function Command$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_MMC_CMD7 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_MMC_CMD7 = 0x7, \/\/ select\/deselect card$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_MMC_CMD8 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_MMC_CMD8 = 0x8, \/\/ MMC request to read EXT CSD$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_MMC_CMD9 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_MMC_CMD9 = 0x9, \/\/ send csd$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_SD sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_SD =1, $/;" e enum:__anon31
XLLP_SD_ACMD13 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_SD_ACMD13 = 0x0d, \/\/ Read SD Status$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_SD_ACMD41 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_SD_ACMD41 = 0x29,$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_SD_ACMD51 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_SD_ACMD51 = 0x33 \/\/ Read SD Configuration Register (SCR)$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_SD_ACMD6 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_SD_ACMD6 = 0x6, \/\/ SD ACMD Command for SET_BUS_WIDTH$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_SD_CMD32 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_SD_CMD32 = 0x20, \/\/ tag sector start$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_SD_CMD33 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_SD_CMD33 = 0x21, \/\/ tag sector end$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_SD_CMD38 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_SD_CMD38 = 0x26, \/\/ erase$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_SD_CMD55 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_SD_CMD55 = 0x37, \/\/ app cmd$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_SD_CMD6 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_SD_CMD6 = 0x6, \/\/ SD Switch Function Command$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_SD_CMD8 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_SD_CMD8 = 0x8, \/\/ SD Card Interface Condition$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_SPI_CMD58 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_SPI_CMD58 = 0x3a, \/\/ read ocr$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_SPI_CMD59 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_SPI_CMD59 = 0x3b, \/\/ crc on-off$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_eSD sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_eSD = 2$/;" e enum:__anon31
XLLP_eSD_CMD37 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_eSD_CMD37 = 0x25, \/\/ SD PartitionManagement group Command $/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_eSD_CMD43 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_eSD_CMD43 = 0x2b, \/\/ Select Partition$/;" e enum:__anon32
XLLP_eSD_CMD57 sdmmc_api.h /^ XLLP_eSD_CMD57 = 0x39,$/;" e enum:__anon32
_DIAG_ Diag.h 2;" d
_IRQ_entry irqHandler.S /^_IRQ_entry:$/;" l
__APB_REG_BASE__ apbRegBase.h 2;" d
__MP_GIC_H__ gicDiag.h 10;" d
__SDIO_CONTROLLER_H sdioController.h 2;" d
__SDIO_INT_MODE___ sdioController.h 7;" d
__SDMMC_API_H__ sdmmc_api.h 14;" d
__UTIL_H__ util.h 6;" d
ac12crcer sdioController.h /^ unsigned int ac12crcer : 1; \/\/ 2$/;" m struct:__anon13
ac12ender sdioController.h /^ unsigned int ac12ender : 1; \/\/ 3$/;" m struct:__anon13
ac12err sdioController.h /^ unsigned int ac12err : 1; \/\/24$/;" m struct:__anon11
ac12idxer sdioController.h /^ unsigned int ac12idxer : 1; \/\/ 4$/;" m struct:__anon13
ac12nexe sdioController.h /^ unsigned int ac12nexe : 1; \/\/ 0$/;" m struct:__anon13
ac12toer sdioController.h /^ unsigned int ac12toer : 1; \/\/ 1$/;" m struct:__anon13
act1 sdioController.h /^ unsigned int act1 :1;$/;" m struct:sdio_adma_desc
act2 sdioController.h /^ unsigned int act2 :1;$/;" m struct:sdio_adma_desc
addr sdioController.h /^ unsigned int addr;$/;" m struct:sdio_adma_desc
adma1_support sdioController.h /^ unsigned int adma1_support : 1;$/;" m struct:__anon14
adma2_support sdioController.h /^ unsigned int adma2_support : 1;$/;" m struct:__anon14
admaerr sdioController.h /^ unsigned int admaerr : 1; \/\/25$/;" m struct:__anon11
async_int_en sdioController.h /^ unsigned int async_int_en : 1; \/\/ 30$/;" m struct:__anon13
async_int_support sdioController.h /^ unsigned int async_int_support : 1;$/;" m struct:__anon14
auSize sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned short auSize;$/;" m struct:SDIO_SD file:
autocmd12 sdioController.h /^unsigned int autocmd12 : 2; \/\/ AutoCMD12 2$/;" m struct:__anon3
axi_resp_err sdioController.h /^ unsigned int axi_resp_err : 1; \/\/29$/;" m struct:__anon11
bgevnt sdioController.h /^ unsigned int bgevnt : 1; \/\/2$/;" m struct:__anon11
bgirqen sdioController.h /^ unsigned int bgirqen : 1; \/\/ 19$/;" m struct:__anon7
bgreqstp sdioController.h /^ unsigned int bgreqstp : 1; \/\/ 16$/;" m struct:__anon7
blk_cnt sdioController.h /^ unsigned int blk_cnt : 16; \/\/ Block Count for Current Transfer$/;" m struct:__anon2
blkcbten sdioController.h /^unsigned int blkcbten : 1; \/\/ Block Count Enable 1$/;" m struct:__anon3
boot_ack sdioController.h /^ unsigned int boot_ack : 1; \/\/ Bit 3$/;" m struct:__anon18
bsclkfreq sdioController.h /^ unsigned int bsclkfreq : 8;$/;" m struct:__anon14
bufrden sdioController.h /^ unsigned int bufrden : 1;$/;" m struct:__anon5
bufrdrdy sdioController.h /^ unsigned int bufrdrdy : 1; \/\/5$/;" m struct:__anon11
bufwren sdioController.h /^ unsigned int bufwren : 1;$/;" m struct:__anon5
bufwrrdy sdioController.h /^ unsigned int bufwrrdy : 1; \/\/4$/;" m struct:__anon11
busWidth sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char busWidth;$/;" m struct:SDIO_SCR file:
buspwr sdioController.h /^ unsigned int buspwr : 1; \/\/ 8$/;" m struct:__anon7
cardCommandClass sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned short cardCommandClass;$/;" m struct:__anon29 file:
card_det_l sdioController.h /^ unsigned int card_det_l : 1; \/\/ 6$/;" m struct:__anon7
card_det_s sdioController.h /^ unsigned int card_det_s : 1; \/\/ 7$/;" m struct:__anon7
card_ins_wake sdioController.h /^ unsigned int card_ins_wake : 1; \/\/ 25$/;" m struct:__anon7
card_int_wake sdioController.h /^ unsigned int card_int_wake : 1; \/\/ 24$/;" m struct:__anon7
card_rem_wake sdioController.h /^ unsigned int card_rem_wake : 1; \/\/ 26$/;" m struct:__anon7
ccmdinhbt sdioController.h /^ unsigned int ccmdinhbt : 1;$/;" m struct:__anon5
ccrcerr sdioController.h /^ unsigned int ccrcerr : 1; \/\/17$/;" m struct:__anon11
cddetlvl sdioController.h /^ unsigned int cddetlvl : 1;$/;" m struct:__anon5
cdins sdioController.h /^ unsigned int cdins : 1; \/\/6$/;" m struct:__anon11
cdinstd sdioController.h /^ unsigned int cdinstd : 1;$/;" m struct:__anon5
cdint sdioController.h /^ unsigned int cdint : 1; \/\/8$/;" m struct:__anon11
cdrem sdioController.h /^ unsigned int cdrem : 1; \/\/7$/;" m struct:__anon11
cdstbl sdioController.h /^ unsigned int cdstbl : 1;$/;" m struct:__anon5
ceata_card sdioController.h /^ unsigned int ceata_card : 1; \/\/ Bit 13$/;" m struct:__anon22
cenderr sdioController.h /^ unsigned int cenderr : 1; \/\/18$/;" m struct:__anon11
cfg_slot_type sdioController.h /^ unsigned int cfg_slot_type : 1;$/;" m struct:__anon14
chk_cpl sdioController.h /^ unsigned int chk_cpl : 1; \/\/ Bit 15$/;" m struct:__anon22
cidxerr sdioController.h /^ unsigned int cidxerr : 1; \/\/19$/;" m struct:__anon11
clk_gate_ctl sdioController.h /^ unsigned int clk_gate_ctl : 1; \/\/ bit 8$/;" m struct:__anon20
clk_gate_on sdioController.h /^ unsigned int clk_gate_on : 1; \/\/ bit 9$/;" m struct:__anon20
clk_gen_sel sdioController.h /^ unsigned int clk_gen_sel : 1; \/\/ bit 5$/;" m struct:__anon9
cmd_idx sdioController.h /^unsigned int cmd_idx : 6; \/\/ Cmd Index 24$/;" m struct:__anon3
cmd_type sdioController.h /^unsigned int cmd_type : 2; \/\/ Cmd Type 22$/;" m struct:__anon3
cmdcomp sdioController.h /^ unsigned int cmdcomp : 1; \/\/0$/;" m struct:__anon11
cmdlvl sdioController.h /^ unsigned int cmdlvl : 1;$/;" m struct:__anon5
cmdnisud sdioController.h /^ unsigned int cmdnisud : 1; \/\/ 7$/;" m struct:__anon13
cmdswrst sdioController.h /^ unsigned int cmdswrst : 1; \/\/ bit 9 Software Reset for MM4CMD Line$/;" m struct:__anon9
contreq sdioController.h /^ unsigned int contreq : 1; \/\/ 17$/;" m struct:__anon7
copyFlag sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char copyFlag;$/;" m struct:__anon29 file:
cpl_complete sdioController.h /^ unsigned int cpl_complete : 1; \/\/ Bit 6$/;" m struct:__anon22
cpl_complete_en sdioController.h /^ unsigned int cpl_complete_en : 1; \/\/ Bit 5$/;" m struct:__anon22
cpl_complete_int_en sdioController.h /^ unsigned int cpl_complete_int_en : 1; \/\/ Bit 4$/;" m struct:__anon22
cpl_timeout sdioController.h /^ unsigned int cpl_timeout : 14; \/\/ Bits 0-13$/;" m struct:__anon22
cpl_tout_err sdioController.h /^ unsigned int cpl_tout_err : 1; \/\/30$/;" m struct:__anon11
crc_stat_err sdioController.h /^ unsigned int crc_stat_err : 1; \/\/31$/;" m struct:__anon11
crcchken sdioController.h /^unsigned int crcchken : 1; \/\/ CRC check enable 19$/;" m struct:__anon3
ctoerr sdioController.h /^ unsigned int ctoerr : 1; \/\/16$/;" m struct:__anon11
dataBusWidth sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char dataBusWidth;$/;" m struct:SDIO_SD file:
dataReadAccessTime1 sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char dataReadAccessTime1;$/;" m struct:__anon29 file:
dataReadAccessTime2 sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char dataReadAccessTime2;$/;" m struct:__anon29 file:
dataStatus sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char dataStatus;$/;" m struct:SDIO_SCR file:
datactv sdioController.h /^ unsigned int datactv : 1;$/;" m struct:__anon5
datawidth sdioController.h /^ unsigned int datawidth : 1; \/\/ 1$/;" m struct:__anon7
datswrst sdioController.h /^ unsigned int datswrst : 1; \/\/ bit 10 Software Reset for MM4DATx Lines$/;" m struct:__anon9
dbg_printf sdio_printf.c /^void dbg_printf(int logLevel,const char* szFormat, ...)$/;" f
dcmdinhbt sdioController.h /^ unsigned int dcmdinhbt : 1;$/;" m struct:__anon5
dcrcerr sdioController.h /^ unsigned int dcrcerr : 1; \/\/21$/;" m struct:__anon11
denderr sdioController.h /^ unsigned int denderr : 1; \/\/22$/;" m struct:__anon11
deviceSize sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned short deviceSize;$/;" m struct:__anon29 file:
deviceSizeMultiplier sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char deviceSizeMultiplier;$/;" m struct:__anon29 file:
diag_GICSetInt gicDiag.c /^void diag_GICSetInt(int cpuId, int intId, int enable)$/;" f
dma_bufsz sdioController.h /^ unsigned int dma_bufsz : 4; \/\/ Host DMA buffer size$/;" m struct:__anon2
dma_en sdioController.h /^unsigned int dma_en : 1; \/\/ DMA enable 0$/;" m struct:__anon3
dma_sel sdioController.h /^ unsigned int dma_sel : 2; \/\/ 3$/;" m struct:__anon7
dmaint sdioController.h /^ unsigned int dmaint : 1; \/\/3$/;" m struct:__anon11
do_emmcbootpart sdioDiag.c /^int do_emmcbootpart(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
do_emmcinit sdioDiag.c /^void do_emmcinit(void)$/;" f
do_emmcpart sdioDiag.c /^int do_emmcpart(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
do_emmcread sdioDiag.c /^int do_emmcread(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
do_emmcwrite sdioDiag.c /^int do_emmcwrite(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
do_u2emmc sdioDiag.c /^int do_u2emmc(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f
dpsel sdioController.h /^unsigned int dpsel : 1; \/\/ Data present select 21$/;" m struct:__anon3
drv_strength_sel sdioController.h /^ unsigned int drv_strength_sel : 2; \/\/ 20 $/;" m struct:__anon13
dtocntr sdioController.h /^ unsigned int dtocntr : 4; \/\/ bit 0 Data Timeout Counter Value$/;" m struct:__anon9
dtoerr sdioController.h /^ unsigned int dtoerr : 1; \/\/20$/;" m struct:__anon11
dxfrdir sdioController.h /^unsigned int dxfrdir : 1; \/\/ Data Transfer Direction Select 4$/;" m struct:__anon3
emmc_inited sdioDiag.c /^int emmc_inited = 0 ; $/;" v
emmcbootpart_help sdioDiag.c /^static char emmcbootpart_help[] =\\$/;" v file:
emmcbootpart_usage sdioDiag.c /^static char emmcbootpart_usage[] =\\$/;" v file:
emmcpart_help sdioDiag.c /^static char emmcpart_help[] =\\$/;" v file:
emmcpart_usage sdioDiag.c /^static char emmcpart_usage[] =\\$/;" v file:
emmcread_help sdioDiag.c /^static char emmcread_help[] =\\$/;" v file:
emmcread_usage sdioDiag.c /^static char emmcread_usage[] =\\$/;" v file:
emmcwrite_help sdioDiag.c /^static char emmcwrite_help[] =\\$/;" v file:
emmcwrite_usage sdioDiag.c /^static char emmcwrite_usage[] =\\$/;" v file:
end sdioController.h /^ unsigned int end :1;$/;" m struct:sdio_adma_desc
eraseBlockEnable sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char eraseBlockEnable; \/\/SD only$/;" m struct:__anon29 file:
eraseGroupSize sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char eraseGroupSize; \/\/MMC: only$/;" m struct:__anon29 file:
eraseSectorSize sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char eraseSectorSize; \/\/SD:7 bits, MMC: 5 bits$/;" m struct:__anon29 file:
errint sdioController.h /^ unsigned int errint : 1; \/\/15$/;" m struct:__anon11
ex_data_width sdioController.h /^ unsigned int ex_data_width : 1; \/\/ 5$/;" m struct:__anon7
ex_data_width_support sdioController.h /^ unsigned int ex_data_width_support : 1; $/;" m struct:__anon14
exe_tuning sdioController.h /^ unsigned int exe_tuning : 1; \/\/ 22$/;" m struct:__anon13
fifo_clock sdioController.h /^ unsigned int fifo_clock : 1; \/\/ Bit 4 $/;" m struct:__anon20
fifo_cs sdioController.h /^ unsigned int fifo_cs : 1; \/\/ Bit 5$/;" m struct:__anon20
fileFormat sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char fileFormat;$/;" m struct:__anon29 file:
fileFormatGroup sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char fileFormatGroup;$/;" m struct:__anon29 file:
force_clk_on sdioController.h /^ unsigned int force_clk_on : 1; \/\/ bit 12$/;" m struct:__anon20
gen_pad_clk_cnt sdioController.h /^ unsigned int gen_pad_clk_cnt : 8; \/\/ Bits 24-31$/;" m struct:__anon18
gen_pad_clk_on sdioController.h /^ unsigned int gen_pad_clk_on : 1; \/\/ Bit 6$/;" m struct:__anon18
getMPid sdioDiag.c /^UNSG32 getMPid(void)$/;" f
hi_speed_support sdioController.h /^ unsigned int hi_speed_support : 1;$/;" m struct:__anon14
hispeed sdioController.h /^ unsigned int hispeed : 1; \/\/ 2$/;" m struct:__anon7
idxchken sdioController.h /^unsigned int idxchken : 1; \/\/ Command Index Check Enable 20$/;" m struct:__anon3
ilmterr sdioController.h /^ unsigned int ilmterr : 1; \/\/23$/;" m struct:__anon11
initMPGIC gicDiag.c /^void initMPGIC(void)$/;" f
int_a sdioController.h /^ unsigned int int_a : 1; \/\/9$/;" m struct:__anon11
int_b sdioController.h /^ unsigned int int_b : 1; \/\/10$/;" m struct:__anon11
int_c sdioController.h /^ unsigned int int_c : 1; \/\/11$/;" m struct:__anon11
inter_clk_en sdioController.h /^ unsigned int inter_clk_en : 1; \/\/ Internal Clock Enable$/;" m struct:__anon9
inter_clk_stable sdioController.h /^ unsigned int inter_clk_stable : 1; \/\/ Internal Clock Stable$/;" m struct:__anon9
interrupt sdioController.h /^ unsigned int interrupt :1;$/;" m struct:sdio_adma_desc
ledcntl sdioController.h /^ unsigned int ledcntl : 1; \/\/ 0$/;" m struct:__anon7
length sdioController.h /^ unsigned int length :16;$/;" m struct:sdio_adma_desc
lwrdatlvl sdioController.h /^ unsigned int lwrdatlvl : 4;$/;" m struct:__anon5
manufactureDate sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned short manufactureDate; \/\/ SD: 12 bit code, MMC: 8 bit code.$/;" m struct:__anon28 file:
manufactureID sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char manufactureID;$/;" m struct:__anon28 file:
manufatureReserved sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned long manufatureReserved;$/;" m struct:SDIO_SCR file:
maxDataTransferRate sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char maxDataTransferRate;$/;" m struct:__anon29 file:
maxReadCurrent_VddMax sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char maxReadCurrent_VddMax;$/;" m struct:__anon29 file:
maxWriteCurrent_VddMax sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char maxWriteCurrent_VddMax;$/;" m struct:__anon29 file:
maxWriteCurrent_VddMin sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char maxWriteCurrent_VddMin;$/;" m struct:__anon29 file:
max_blk_len sdioController.h /^ unsigned int max_blk_len : 2;$/;" m struct:__anon14
maxreadCurrent_VddMin sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char maxreadCurrent_VddMin;$/;" m struct:__anon29 file:
misc_int sdioController.h /^ unsigned int misc_int : 1; \/\/ Bit 2$/;" m struct:__anon22
misc_int_en sdioController.h /^ unsigned int misc_int_en : 1; \/\/ Bit 1$/;" m struct:__anon22
misc_int_int_en sdioController.h /^ unsigned int misc_int_int_en : 1; \/\/ Bit 0$/;" m struct:__anon22
mm4_acmd12_er sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T mm4_acmd12_er; \/\/ auto cmd12 error status 0x3C$/;" m struct:__anon1
mm4_adma_err_stat sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T mm4_adma_err_stat; \/\/ ADMA Error Status 0x54$/;" m struct:__anon1
mm4_adma_system_address sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T mm4_adma_system_address[2]; \/\/ ADMA Address 63:0 0x58$/;" m struct:__anon1
mm4_arg sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T mm4_arg; \/\/ Command argument 0x8$/;" m struct:__anon1
mm4_blk_cntl sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T mm4_blk_cntl; \/\/ Block size control register 0x4$/;" m struct:__anon1
mm4_cap1_2 sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T mm4_cap1_2; \/\/ capabilities 1,2 0x40$/;" m struct:__anon1
mm4_cap1_2_bits sdioController.h /^ MM4_CAP1_2 mm4_cap1_2_bits;$/;" m union:__anon15
mm4_cap1_2_value sdioController.h /^ UINT_T mm4_cap1_2_value;$/;" m union:__anon15
mm4_cap3_4 sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T mm4_cap3_4; \/\/ capabilities 3,4 0x44$/;" m struct:__anon1
mm4_cmd_xfrmd sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T mm4_cmd_xfrmd; \/\/ Command and transfer mode 0xC$/;" m struct:__anon1
mm4_cmd_xfrmd_bits sdioController.h /^ MM4_CMD_XFRMD mm4_cmd_xfrmd_bits;$/;" m union:__anon4
mm4_cmd_xfrmd_value sdioController.h /^ unsigned int mm4_cmd_xfrmd_value;$/;" m union:__anon4
mm4_cntl1 sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T mm4_cntl1; \/\/ host control 1 0x28$/;" m struct:__anon1
mm4_cntl1_bits sdioController.h /^ MM4_CNTL1 mm4_cntl1_bits;$/;" m union:__anon8
mm4_cntl1_value sdioController.h /^ unsigned int mm4_cntl1_value;$/;" m union:__anon8
mm4_cntl2 sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T mm4_cntl2; \/\/ host control 2 0x2C$/;" m struct:__anon1
mm4_cntl2_bits sdioController.h /^ MM4_CNTL2 mm4_cntl2_bits;$/;" m union:__anon10
mm4_cntl2_value sdioController.h /^ unsigned int mm4_cntl2_value;$/;" m union:__anon10
mm4_dp sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T mm4_dp; \/\/ buffer data port 0x20$/;" m struct:__anon1
mm4_force_event sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T mm4_force_event; \/\/ force event for AutoCMD12 Error Status 0x50$/;" m struct:__anon1
mm4_i_sig_en sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T mm4_i_sig_en; \/\/ interrupt signal enable 0x38$/;" m struct:__anon1
mm4_i_stat sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T mm4_i_stat; \/\/ status of current command 0x30$/;" m struct:__anon1
mm4_i_stat_bits sdioController.h /^ MM4_I_STAT mm4_i_stat_bits;$/;" m union:__anon12
mm4_i_stat_en sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T mm4_i_stat_en; \/\/ interrupt status enable 0x34$/;" m struct:__anon1
mm4_i_stat_value sdioController.h /^ unsigned int mm4_i_stat_value;$/;" m union:__anon12
mm4_preset_value_for_hs_sdr104_50 sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T mm4_preset_value_for_hs_sdr104_50; \/\/ 0x6C $/;" m struct:__anon1
mm4_preset_value_for_hs_sdr12 sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T mm4_preset_value_for_hs_sdr12; \/\/ 0x64 $/;" m struct:__anon1
mm4_preset_value_for_hs_sdr25_50 sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T mm4_preset_value_for_hs_sdr25_50; \/\/ 0x68 $/;" m struct:__anon1
mm4_preset_value_for_init_ds sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T mm4_preset_value_for_init_ds; \/\/ 0x60$/;" m struct:__anon1
mm4_resp0 sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T mm4_resp0; \/\/ cmd response 0 0x10$/;" m struct:__anon1
mm4_resp1 sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T mm4_resp1; \/\/ cmd response 1 0x14$/;" m struct:__anon1
mm4_resp2 sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T mm4_resp2; \/\/ cmd response 2 0x18$/;" m struct:__anon1
mm4_resp3 sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T mm4_resp3; \/\/ cmd response 3 0x1C$/;" m struct:__anon1
mm4_rx_cfg sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T mm4_rx_cfg ; \/\/ RX_CFG_REG 0x114$/;" m struct:__anon1
mm4_sd_ce_ata_1_2 sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T mm4_sd_ce_ata_1_2; \/\/ SD_CE_ATA_1 and SD_CE_ATA_2 0x10C$/;" m struct:__anon1
mm4_sd_cfg_fifo_param sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T mm4_sd_cfg_fifo_param; \/\/ SD Extra Parameters register 0x100$/;" m struct:__anon1
mm4_sd_fifo_param sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T mm4_sd_fifo_param; \/\/ SD_FIFO_PARAM register 0x104$/;" m struct:__anon1
mm4_sd_max_current1_2 sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T mm4_sd_max_current1_2; \/\/ max current capabilities 0x48$/;" m struct:__anon1
mm4_sd_max_current1_2_bits sdioController.h /^ MM4_SD_MAX_CURRENT1_2 mm4_sd_max_current1_2_bits;$/;" m union:__anon17
mm4_sd_max_current1_2_value sdioController.h /^ UINT_T mm4_sd_max_current1_2_value;$/;" m union:__anon17
mm4_sd_max_current3_4 sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T mm4_sd_max_current3_4; \/\/ max current capabilities 0x4C$/;" m struct:__anon1
mm4_sd_pad_io_setup sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T mm4_sd_pad_io_setup; \/\/ MM4_SD_PAD_IO_SETUP 0x110 $/;" m struct:__anon1
mm4_sd_slot_int_stat_ctrl_ver sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T mm4_sd_slot_int_stat_ctrl_ver; \/\/ SD Interrupt Line and Version Support 0xFC$/;" m struct:__anon1
mm4_sd_spi_mode_clk_brst_size sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T mm4_sd_spi_mode_clk_brst_size; \/\/ SD_SIP_MODE register 0x108$/;" m struct:__anon1
mm4_shared_bus_control sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T mm4_shared_bus_control; \/\/ Shared Bus Control Register 0xE0$/;" m struct:__anon1
mm4_state sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T mm4_state; \/\/ mm4 state 0x24$/;" m struct:__anon1
mm4_state_bits sdioController.h /^ MM4_STATE mm4_state_bits;$/;" m union:__anon6
mm4_state_value sdioController.h /^ unsigned int mm4_state_value;$/;" m union:__anon6
mm4_sysaddr sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T mm4_sysaddr; \/\/ DMA system address 0x0$/;" m struct:__anon1
mm4_tx_cfg sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T mm4_tx_cfg ; \/\/ TX_CFG_REG 0x118$/;" m struct:__anon1
mm4clken sdioController.h /^ unsigned int mm4clken : 1; \/\/ Clock Enable$/;" m struct:__anon9
mmc_card sdioController.h /^ unsigned int mmc_card : 1; \/\/ Bit 12$/;" m struct:__anon22
mmc_resetn sdioController.h /^ unsigned int mmc_resetn : 1; \/\/ Bit 11$/;" m struct:__anon22
ms_blksel sdioController.h /^unsigned int ms_blksel : 1; \/\/ Multi Block Select 5$/;" m struct:__anon3
mswrst sdioController.h /^ unsigned int mswrst : 1; \/\/ bit 8 Software Reset for All$/;" m struct:__anon9
name sdioDiag.c /^ char name[7]; \/\/ SD: 5 byte string, MMC: 6 byte string$/;" m struct:__anon28 file:
ovrrd_clk_oen sdioController.h /^ unsigned int ovrrd_clk_oen : 1; \/\/ bit 11$/;" m struct:__anon20
pBuffer sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T pBuffer[4]; \/\/ Buffer to read values in to$/;" m struct:__anon46
pContext sdmmc_api.h /^ P_MM4_SDMMC_CONTEXT_T *pContext; \/\/ Pointer to MMC control registers$/;" m struct:__anon48
pMMC4Reg sdioController.h /^ P_MM4_SDMMC_T pMMC4Reg; \/\/ MMC1 register base$/;" m struct:__anon27
partialReadFlag sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char partialReadFlag;$/;" m struct:__anon29 file:
partialWriteFlag sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char partialWriteFlag;$/;" m struct:__anon29 file:
performanceMove sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char performanceMove;$/;" m struct:SDIO_SD file:
power_down sdioController.h /^ unsigned int power_down : 1; \/\/ Bit 6$/;" m struct:__anon20
pre_val_en sdioController.h /^ unsigned int pre_val_en : 1; \/\/ 31 $/;" m struct:__anon13
rdactv sdioController.h /^ unsigned int rdactv : 1;$/;" m struct:__anon5
rdwcntl sdioController.h /^ unsigned int rdwcntl : 1; \/\/ 18$/;" m struct:__anon7
readBlockLength sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char readBlockLength;$/;" m struct:__anon29 file:
readBlockMisalign sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char readBlockMisalign;$/;" m struct:__anon29 file:
res_type sdioController.h /^unsigned int res_type : 2; \/\/ Response Type 16$/;" m struct:__anon3
reserved sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned short reserved;$/;" m struct:SDIO_SCR file:
reserved0 sdioController.h /^ unsigned int reserved0 : 2; \/\/ 5$/;" m struct:__anon13
reserved0 sdioController.h /^ unsigned int reserved0 : 2; \/\/13$/;" m struct:__anon11
reserved0 sdioController.h /^ unsigned int reserved0 : 4;$/;" m struct:__anon5
reserved0 sdioController.h /^ unsigned int reserved0 : 1;$/;" m struct:__anon14
reserved0 sdioController.h /^ unsigned int reserved0 : 2; \/\/ Bit 14,15$/;" m struct:__anon22
reserved0 sdioController.h /^ unsigned int reserved0 : 3; \/\/ Bits 0-2$/;" m struct:__anon18
reserved0 sdioController.h /^ unsigned int reserved0 : 8;$/;" m struct:__anon16
reserved1 sdioController.h /^ unsigned int reserved1 : 2; \/\/ bits 3,4$/;" m struct:__anon9
reserved1 sdioController.h /^ unsigned int reserved1 : 8; \/\/ 8$/;" m struct:__anon13
reserved1 sdioController.h /^ unsigned int reserved1 : 1; \/\/27$/;" m struct:__anon11
reserved1 sdioController.h /^ unsigned int reserved1 : 4;$/;" m struct:__anon5
reserved1 sdioController.h /^ unsigned int reserved1 : 1; \/\/ Bit 3$/;" m struct:__anon22
reserved1 sdioController.h /^ unsigned int reserved1 : 7; \/\/ bit 15:9 $/;" m struct:__anon24
reserved2 sdioController.h /^ unsigned int reserved2 : 4; \/\/$/;" m struct:__anon9
reserved2 sdioController.h /^ unsigned int reserved2 : 6; \/\/ 24$/;" m struct:__anon13
reserved2 sdioController.h /^ unsigned int reserved2 : 4; \/\/ 12$/;" m struct:__anon7
reserved2 sdioController.h /^ unsigned int reserved2 : 7;$/;" m struct:__anon5
reserved2 sdioController.h /^ unsigned int reserved2 : 17; \/\/ Bits 7-23$/;" m struct:__anon18
reserved2 sdioController.h /^ unsigned int reserved2 : 19; \/\/ Bits 13:31$/;" m struct:__anon20
reserved2 sdioController.h /^ unsigned int reserved2 : 1;$/;" m struct:__anon14
reserved2 sdioController.h /^ unsigned int reserved2 : 7; \/\/ bit 31:25$/;" m struct:__anon24
reserved2 sdioController.h /^ unsigned int reserved2 : 4; \/\/ Bit 7$/;" m struct:__anon22
reserved2 sdioController.h /^unsigned int reserved2 : 10; \/\/ 6$/;" m struct:__anon3
reserved3 sdioController.h /^ unsigned int reserved3 : 5; \/\/ bits 11-15$/;" m struct:__anon9
reserved3 sdioController.h /^ unsigned int reserved3 : 4; $/;" m struct:__anon7
reserved3 sdioController.h /^unsigned int reserved3 : 1; \/\/ 18$/;" m struct:__anon3
reserved4 sdioController.h /^ unsigned int reserved4 : 5;$/;" m struct:__anon7
reserved4 sdioController.h /^unsigned int reserved4 : 2; \/\/ 30$/;" m struct:__anon3
reserved_X1 sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T reserved_X1[28]; \/\/ reserved fields 0x70$/;" m struct:__anon1
reserved_X2 sdioController.h /^ VUINT32_T reserved_X2[6]; \/\/ reserved 0xE4$/;" m struct:__anon1
reserver0 sdioController.h /^ unsigned int reserver0 : 1; \/\/ Bit 7$/;" m struct:__anon20
reserver1 sdioController.h /^ unsigned int reserver1 : 1; \/\/ bit 10$/;" m struct:__anon20
resvered sdioController.h /^ unsigned int resvered :10;$/;" m struct:sdio_adma_desc
retuning_req sdioController.h /^ unsigned int retuning_req : 1;$/;" m struct:__anon5
retuninig_int sdioController.h /^ unsigned int retuninig_int : 1; \/\/12$/;" m struct:__anon11
revision sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char revision;$/;" m struct:__anon28 file:
rtc sdioController.h /^ unsigned int rtc : 2; \/\/ Bits 1:0$/;" m struct:__anon20
sampling_clk_sel sdioController.h /^ unsigned int sampling_clk_sel : 1; \/\/ 23$/;" m struct:__anon13
sdCardType sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned short sdCardType;$/;" m struct:SDIO_SD file:
sd_freq_sel_hi sdioController.h /^ unsigned int sd_freq_sel_hi : 2; \/\/ 6 $/;" m struct:__anon9
sd_freq_sel_lo sdioController.h /^ unsigned int sd_freq_sel_lo : 8; \/\/ 8 $/;" m struct:__anon9
sdio_adma_desc sdioController.h /^typedef struct sdio_adma_desc$/;" s
sdma_support sdioController.h /^ unsigned int sdma_support : 1;$/;" m struct:__anon14
securedMode sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char securedMode;$/;" m struct:SDIO_SD file:
security sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char security;$/;" m struct:SDIO_SCR file:
serialNumber sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned long serialNumber;$/;" m struct:__anon28 file:
sgh_v18_en sdioController.h /^ unsigned int sgh_v18_en : 1; \/\/ 19$/;" m struct:__anon13
sizeProtectedArea sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned int sizeProtectedArea;$/;" m struct:SDIO_SD file:
snd_cpl sdioController.h /^ unsigned int snd_cpl : 1; \/\/ Bit 14$/;" m struct:__anon22
specVersion sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char specVersion;$/;" m struct:SDIO_SCR file:
specificationVersion sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char specificationVersion; $/;" m struct:__anon29 file:
speedClass sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char speedClass;$/;" m struct:SDIO_SD file:
spierr sdioController.h /^ unsigned int spierr : 1; \/\/28$/;" m struct:__anon11
squ_empty_check sdioController.h /^ unsigned int squ_empty_check : 1; \/\/ Bit 4 $/;" m struct:__anon18
squ_full_check sdioController.h /^ unsigned int squ_full_check : 1; \/\/ Bit 5$/;" m struct:__anon18
stCmd52Arg sdmmc_api.h /^ SDIO_CMD52_Arg_T stCmd52Arg;$/;" m union:SDIO_CMD52_Arg_Union
structure sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char structure; \/\/ [127:126] for eMMC and SD$/;" m struct:__anon29 file:
structure sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char structure;$/;" m struct:SDIO_SCR file:
sus_res_support sdioController.h /^ unsigned int sus_res_support : 1;$/;" m struct:__anon14
sys_bus_64_support sdioController.h /^ unsigned int sys_bus_64_support : 1;$/;" m struct:__anon14
toclkfreq sdioController.h /^ unsigned int toclkfreq : 6;$/;" m struct:__anon14
toclkunit sdioController.h /^ unsigned int toclkunit : 1;$/;" m struct:__anon14
tune_err sdioController.h /^ unsigned int tune_err : 1; \/\/26$/;" m struct:__anon11
tx_hold_delay0 sdioController.h /^ unsigned int tx_hold_delay0 : 9; \/\/ bit 8:0$/;" m struct:__anon24
tx_hold_delay1 sdioController.h /^ unsigned int tx_hold_delay1 : 9; \/\/ bit 24:16$/;" m struct:__anon24
u2emmc_help sdioDiag.c /^static char u2emmc_help[] =\\$/;" v file:
u2emmc_usage sdioDiag.c /^static char u2emmc_usage[] =\\$/;" v file:
uchCardReadyAfterInit sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT8_T uchCardReadyAfterInit:1;$/;" m struct:SDIO_Properties_s
uchFuncNum sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T uchFuncNum:3;$/;" m struct:SDIO_CMD52_Arg_s
uchMemPresent sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT8_T uchMemPresent:1;$/;" m struct:SDIO_Properties_s
uchNoOfIoFunc sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT8_T uchNoOfIoFunc:3;$/;" m struct:SDIO_Properties_s
uchRawFlag sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T uchRawFlag:1;$/;" m struct:SDIO_CMD52_Arg_s
uchRwFlag sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T uchRwFlag:1;$/;" m struct:SDIO_CMD52_Arg_s
uchStuffBit sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T uchStuffBit:1;$/;" m struct:SDIO_CMD52_Arg_s
uchStuffBit1 sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T uchStuffBit1:1;$/;" m struct:SDIO_CMD52_Arg_s
uchStuffBits sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT8_T uchStuffBits:3;$/;" m struct:SDIO_Properties_s
uchWriteData sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T uchWriteData:8;$/;" m struct:SDIO_CMD52_Arg_s
uhs_mode_sel sdioController.h /^ unsigned int uhs_mode_sel : 3; \/\/ 16 $/;" m struct:__anon13
uiCmd52Arg sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT32_T uiCmd52Arg;$/;" m union:SDIO_CMD52_Arg_Union
uiRegAddr sdmmc_api.h /^ UINT_T uiRegAddr:17;$/;" m struct:SDIO_CMD52_Arg_s
v1_8vmaxi sdioController.h /^ unsigned int v1_8vmaxi : 8;$/;" m struct:__anon16
v3_0vmaxi sdioController.h /^ unsigned int v3_0vmaxi : 8;$/;" m struct:__anon16
v3_3vmaxi sdioController.h /^ unsigned int v3_3vmaxi : 8;$/;" m struct:__anon16
valid sdioController.h /^ unsigned int valid :1;$/;" m struct:sdio_adma_desc
vlg_18_support sdioController.h /^ unsigned int vlg_18_support : 1;$/;" m struct:__anon14
vlg_30_support sdioController.h /^ unsigned int vlg_30_support : 1;$/;" m struct:__anon14
vlg_33_support sdioController.h /^ unsigned int vlg_33_support : 1;$/;" m struct:__anon14
vltgsel sdioController.h /^ unsigned int vltgsel : 3; \/\/ 9$/;" m struct:__anon7
wpswlvl sdioController.h /^ unsigned int wpswlvl : 1;$/;" m struct:__anon5
wractv sdioController.h /^ unsigned int wractv : 1;$/;" m struct:__anon5
writeBlockLength sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char writeBlockLength;$/;" m struct:__anon29 file:
writeBlockMisalign sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char writeBlockMisalign;$/;" m struct:__anon29 file:
writeSpeedFactor sdioDiag.c /^ unsigned char writeSpeedFactor;$/;" m struct:__anon29 file:
wtc sdioController.h /^ unsigned int wtc : 2; \/\/ Bit 3:2$/;" m struct:__anon20
xfr_blksz sdioController.h /^ unsigned int xfr_blksz : 12; \/\/ Transfer Block Size$/;" m struct:__anon2
xfrcomp sdioController.h /^ unsigned int xfrcomp : 1; \/\/1$/;" m struct:__anon11
zero sdioController.h /^ unsigned int zero :1;$/;" m struct:sdio_adma_desc