blob: b77be3bacd560b626d8565cbf9d60bdf0c83dc84 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/input/web_touch_event.h"
#include <bitset>
namespace blink {
namespace {
const int kInvalidTouchIndex = -1;
int GetIndexOfTouchID(const WebTouchEvent& event, int id) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < event.touches_length; ++i) {
if (event.touches[i].id == id)
return i;
return kInvalidTouchIndex;
} // namespace
std::unique_ptr<WebInputEvent> WebTouchEvent::Clone() const {
return std::make_unique<WebTouchEvent>(*this);
bool WebTouchEvent::CanCoalesce(const WebInputEvent& event) const {
if (!IsTouchEventType(event.GetType()))
return false;
const WebTouchEvent& touch_event = static_cast<const WebTouchEvent&>(event);
if (GetType() != touch_event.GetType() ||
GetType() != WebInputEvent::Type::kTouchMove ||
GetModifiers() != touch_event.GetModifiers() ||
touches_length != touch_event.touches_length ||
touches_length > kTouchesLengthCap)
return false;
static_assert(WebTouchEvent::kTouchesLengthCap <= sizeof(int32_t) * 8U,
"suboptimal kTouchesLengthCap size");
// Ensure that we have a 1-to-1 mapping of pointer ids between touches.
std::bitset<WebTouchEvent::kTouchesLengthCap> unmatched_event_touches(
(1 << touches_length) - 1);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < touch_event.touches_length; ++i) {
int event_touch_index = GetIndexOfTouchID(*this, touch_event.touches[i].id);
if (event_touch_index == kInvalidTouchIndex)
return false;
if (!unmatched_event_touches[event_touch_index])
return false;
if (touches[event_touch_index].pointer_type !=
return false;
unmatched_event_touches[event_touch_index] = false;
return unmatched_event_touches.none();
void WebTouchEvent::Coalesce(const WebInputEvent& event) {
const WebTouchEvent& touch_event = static_cast<const WebTouchEvent&>(event);
// The WebTouchPoints include absolute position information. So it is
// sufficient to simply replace the previous event with the new event->
// However, it is necessary to make sure that all the points have the
// correct state, i.e. the touch-points that moved in the last event, but
// didn't change in the current event, will have Stationary state. It is
// necessary to change them back to Moved state.
WebTouchEvent old_event = *this;
*this = touch_event;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < touches_length; ++i) {
int i_old = GetIndexOfTouchID(old_event, touches[i].id);
if (old_event.touches[i_old].state == WebTouchPoint::State::kStateMoved) {
touches[i].state = WebTouchPoint::State::kStateMoved;
touches[i].movement_x += old_event.touches[i_old].movement_x;
touches[i].movement_y += old_event.touches[i_old].movement_y;
moved_beyond_slop_region |= old_event.moved_beyond_slop_region;
dispatch_type =
MergeDispatchTypes(old_event.dispatch_type, touch_event.dispatch_type);
unique_touch_event_id = old_event.unique_touch_event_id;
WebTouchEvent WebTouchEvent::FlattenTransform() const {
WebTouchEvent transformed_event = *this;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < touches_length; ++i) {
transformed_event.touches[i] = TouchPointInRootFrame(i);
transformed_event.frame_translate_ = gfx::Vector2dF();
transformed_event.frame_scale_ = 1;
return transformed_event;
WebTouchPoint WebTouchEvent::TouchPointInRootFrame(unsigned point) const {
DCHECK_LT(point, touches_length);
if (point >= touches_length)
return WebTouchPoint();
WebTouchPoint transformed_point = touches[point];
transformed_point.radius_x /= frame_scale_;
transformed_point.radius_y /= frame_scale_;
gfx::ScalePoint(transformed_point.PositionInWidget(), 1 / frame_scale_) +
return transformed_point;
} // namespace blink