blob: 312be0682f6b7e6cb7739175e7959558c30ba62d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module blink.mojom;
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/scroll/scroll_enums.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom";
// This struct contains the required information for propagating some stages
// of scrolling process to cross process frames. Specifically for various types
// of programmatic scrolling such as scrolling an element into view, recursive
// scrolling across multiple processes is accommodated through passing the state
// using this struct to the browser and then to the target (parent) process.
// The default value matches ScrollAlignment::CenterIfNeeded().
struct ScrollAlignment {
enum Behavior {
kNoScroll = 0,
Behavior rect_visible = kNoScroll;
Behavior rect_hidden = kCenter;
Behavior rect_partial = kClosestEdge;
struct ScrollIntoViewParams {
ScrollAlignment align_x;
ScrollAlignment align_y;
ScrollType type = ScrollType.kProgrammatic;
bool make_visible_in_visual_viewport = true;
ScrollBehavior behavior = ScrollBehavior.kAuto;
bool is_for_scroll_sequence = false;
// If true, once the root frame scrolls into view it will zoom into the scroll
// rect.
bool zoom_into_rect = false;
// The following bounds are normalized to the scrolling rect, i.e., to
// retrieve the approximate bounds in root layer's document, the relative
// bounds should be scaled by the width and height of the scrolling rect in x
// and y coordinates respectively (and then offset by the rect's location).
gfx.mojom.RectF relative_element_bounds;
gfx.mojom.RectF relative_caret_bounds;
// If true, avoid recursing the ScrollIntoView into the layout viewport of
// the main frame. This is so that we can then do a smooth page scale
// animation that zooms both layout and visual viewport into a focused
// editable element.
bool stop_at_main_frame_layout_viewport = false;