blob: 36eec862f479d46c7c2309ab523f613c42372650 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import itertools
class ExtendedAttribute(object):
Represents a single extended attribute.
# [Key]
_FORM_NO_ARGS = 'NoArgs'
# [Key=Value]
_FORM_IDENT = 'Ident'
# [Key=(Value1, Value2, ...)]
_FORM_IDENT_LIST = 'IdentList'
# [Key(Value1L Value1R, Value2L Value2R, ...)]
_FORM_ARG_LIST = 'ArgList'
# [Key=Name(Value1L Value1R, Value2L Value2R, ...)]
def __init__(self, key, values=None, arguments=None, name=None):
assert isinstance(key, str)
assert values is None or isinstance(values, str) or (isinstance(
(list, tuple)) and all(isinstance(value, str) for value in values))
assert arguments is None or (isinstance(
arguments, (list, tuple)) and all(
isinstance(left, str) and isinstance(right, str)
for left, right in arguments))
assert name is None or isinstance(name, str)
self._format = None
self._key = key
self._values = None
self._arguments = None
self._name = name
if name is not None:
self._format = self._FORM_NAMED_ARG_LIST
if values is not None or arguments is None:
raise ValueError('Unknown format for ExtendedAttribute')
self._arguments = tuple(arguments)
elif arguments is not None:
self._format = self._FORM_ARG_LIST
if values is not None:
raise ValueError('Unknown format for ExtendedAttribute')
self._arguments = tuple(arguments)
elif values is None:
self._format = self._FORM_NO_ARGS
elif isinstance(values, str):
self._format = self._FORM_IDENT
self._values = values
self._format = self._FORM_IDENT_LIST
self._values = tuple(values)
def equals(cls, lhs, rhs):
Returns True if |lhs| and |rhs| have the same contents.
Note that |lhs == rhs| evaluates to True if lhs and rhs are the same
if lhs is None and rhs is None:
return True
if not all(isinstance(x, cls) for x in (lhs, rhs)):
return False
return (lhs.key == rhs.key
and lhs.syntactic_form == rhs.syntactic_form)
def syntactic_form(self):
if self._format == self._FORM_NO_ARGS:
return self._key
if self._format == self._FORM_IDENT:
return '{}={}'.format(self._key, self._values)
if self._format == self._FORM_IDENT_LIST:
return '{}=({})'.format(self._key, ', '.join(self._values))
args_str = '({})'.format(', '.join(
['{} {}'.format(left, right) for left, right in self._arguments]))
if self._format == self._FORM_ARG_LIST:
return '{}{}'.format(self._key, args_str)
if self._format == self._FORM_NAMED_ARG_LIST:
return '{}={}{}'.format(self._key, self._name, args_str)
assert False, 'Unknown format: {}'.format(self._format)
def key(self):
return self._key
def value(self):
Returns the value for format Ident. Returns None for format NoArgs.
Otherwise, raises a ValueError.
if self._format in (self._FORM_NO_ARGS, self._FORM_IDENT):
return self._values
raise ValueError('[{}] does not have a single value.'.format(
def has_values(self):
return self._format in (self._FORM_NO_ARGS, self._FORM_IDENT,
def values(self):
Returns a list of values for format Ident and IdentList. Returns an
empty list for format NorArgs. Otherwise, raises a ValueError.
if self._format == self._FORM_NO_ARGS:
return ()
if self._format == self._FORM_IDENT:
return (self._values, )
if self._format == self._FORM_IDENT_LIST:
return self._values
raise ValueError('[{}] does not have a value.'.format(
def has_arguments(self):
return self._format in (self._FORM_ARG_LIST, self._FORM_NAMED_ARG_LIST)
def arguments(self):
Returns a list of value pairs for format ArgList and NamedArgList.
Otherwise, raises a ValueError.
if self._format in (self._FORM_ARG_LIST, self._FORM_NAMED_ARG_LIST):
return self._arguments
raise ValueError('[{}] does not have an argument.'.format(
def name(self):
Returns |Name| for format NamedArgList. Otherwise, raises a ValueError.
if self._format == self._FORM_NAMED_ARG_LIST:
return self._name
raise ValueError('[{}] does not have a name.'.format(
class ExtendedAttributes(object):
ExtendedAttributes is a dict-like container for ExtendedAttribute instances.
With a key string, you can get an ExtendedAttribute or a list of them.
For an IDL fragment
[A, A=(foo, bar), B=baz]
an ExtendedAttributes instance will be like
'A': (ExtendedAttribute('A'),
ExtendedAttribute('A', values=('foo', 'bar'))),
'B': (ExtendedAttribute('B', value='baz')),
def __init__(self, extended_attributes=None):
assert (extended_attributes is None
or isinstance(extended_attributes, ExtendedAttributes)
or (isinstance(extended_attributes, (list, tuple)) and all(
isinstance(attr, ExtendedAttribute)
for attr in extended_attributes)))
sorted_ext_attrs = sorted(
extended_attributes or [], key=lambda x: x.key)
self._ext_attrs = {
key: tuple(sorted(ext_attrs, key=lambda x: x.syntactic_form))
for key, ext_attrs in itertools.groupby(
sorted_ext_attrs, key=lambda x: x.key)
self._keys = None
self._length = None
def _on_ext_attrs_updated(self):
self._keys = tuple(sorted(self._ext_attrs.keys()))
self._length = 0
for ext_attrs in self._ext_attrs.values():
self._length += len(ext_attrs)
def equals(cls, lhs, rhs):
Returns True if |lhs| and |rhs| have the same contents.
Note that |lhs == rhs| evaluates to True if lhs and rhs are the same
if lhs is None and rhs is None:
return True
if not all(isinstance(x, cls) for x in (lhs, rhs)):
return False
if lhs.keys() != rhs.keys():
return False
if len(lhs) != len(rhs):
return False
for l, r in zip(lhs, rhs):
if not ExtendedAttribute.equals(l, r):
return False
return True
def __contains__(self, key):
"""Returns True if this has an extended attribute with the |key|."""
return key in self._ext_attrs
def __iter__(self):
"""Yields all ExtendedAttribute instances in a certain sorted order."""
for key in self._keys:
for ext_attr in self._ext_attrs[key]:
yield ext_attr
def __len__(self):
return self._length
def syntactic_form(self):
return '[{}]'.format(', '.join(
[ext_attr.syntactic_form for ext_attr in self]))
def keys(self):
return self._keys
def get(self, key):
Returns an exnteded attribute whose key is |key|, or None if not found.
If there are multiple extended attributes with |key|, raises an error.
values = self.get_list_of(key)
if len(values) == 0:
return None
if len(values) == 1:
return values[0]
raise ValueError(
"There are multiple extended attributes for the key '{}'.".format(
def get_list_of(self, key):
Returns a list of extended attributes whose keys are |key|.
return self._ext_attrs.get(key, ())
def value_of(self, key):
"""Returns self.get(key).value if the key exists or None."""
ext_attr = self.get(key)
return ext_attr.value if ext_attr else None
def values_of(self, key):
"""Returns self.get(key).values if the key exists or an empty list."""
ext_attr = self.get(key)
return ext_attr.values if ext_attr else ()
def _append(self, ext_attr):
assert isinstance(ext_attr, ExtendedAttribute)
if ext_attr.key not in self._ext_attrs:
self._ext_attrs[ext_attr.key] = (ext_attr, )
self._ext_attrs[ext_attr.key] = (tuple(
self._ext_attrs[ext_attr.key] + (ext_attr, ),
key=lambda x: x.syntactic_form)))
class ExtendedAttributesMutable(ExtendedAttributes):
def __getstate__(self):
assert False, "ExtendedAttributesMutable must not be pickled."
def __setstate__(self, state):
assert False, "ExtendedAttributesMutable must not be pickled."
def append(self, ext_attr):