blob: 1712f19c672771fd8310e89fc5412b4c37e8ffb1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from .argument import Argument
from .composition_parts import WithIdentifier
from .idl_type import IdlType
class FunctionLike(WithIdentifier):
class IR(WithIdentifier):
def __init__(self, identifier, arguments, return_type,
assert isinstance(arguments, (list, tuple)) and all(
isinstance(arg, Argument.IR) for arg in arguments)
assert isinstance(return_type, IdlType)
assert isinstance(is_static, bool)
WithIdentifier.__init__(self, identifier)
self.arguments = list(arguments)
self.return_type = return_type
self.is_static = is_static
def __init__(self, ir):
assert isinstance(ir, FunctionLike.IR)
WithIdentifier.__init__(self, ir.identifier)
self._overload_group = None
self._arguments = tuple(
[Argument(arg_ir, self) for arg_ir in ir.arguments])
self._return_type = ir.return_type
self._is_static = ir.is_static
def overload_group(self):
"""Returns the OverloadGroup that this function belongs to."""
return self._overload_group
def set_overload_group(self, overload_group):
assert isinstance(overload_group, OverloadGroup)
assert self._overload_group is None
assert self in overload_group
self._overload_group = overload_group
def overload_index(self):
"""Returns the index in the OverloadGroup."""
return self.overload_group.index(self)
def arguments(self):
"""Returns a list of arguments."""
return self._arguments
def return_type(self):
"""Returns the return type."""
return self._return_type
def is_static(self):
"""Returns True if this is a static function."""
return self._is_static
def is_variadic(self):
"""Returns True if this function takes variadic arguments."""
return bool(self.arguments and self.arguments[-1].is_variadic)
def num_of_required_arguments(self):
"""Returns the number of required arguments."""
return len(
filter(lambda arg: not (arg.is_optional or arg.is_variadic),
class OverloadGroup(WithIdentifier):
class IR(WithIdentifier):
def __init__(self, functions):
assert isinstance(functions, (list, tuple))
assert all(
isinstance(function, FunctionLike.IR)
for function in functions)
assert len(set(
[function.identifier for function in functions])) == 1
assert len(set(
[function.is_static for function in functions])) == 1
WithIdentifier.__init__(self, functions[0].identifier)
self.functions = list(functions)
self.is_static = functions[0].is_static
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.functions)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.functions)
class EffectiveOverloadItem(object):
Represents an item in an effective overload set.
def __init__(self, function_like, type_list, opt_list):
assert len(type_list) == len(opt_list)
assert isinstance(function_like, FunctionLike)
assert isinstance(type_list, (list, tuple))
assert all(isinstance(idl_type, IdlType) for idl_type in type_list)
assert isinstance(opt_list, (list, tuple))
assert all(
isinstance(optionality, IdlType.Optionality.Type)
for optionality in opt_list)
self._function_like = function_like
self._type_list = tuple(type_list)
self._opt_list = tuple(opt_list)
def function_like(self):
return self._function_like
def type_list(self):
return self._type_list
def opt_list(self):
return self._opt_list
def __init__(self, functions):
assert isinstance(functions, (list, tuple))
assert all(
isinstance(function, FunctionLike) for function in functions)
assert len(set([function.identifier for function in functions])) == 1
assert len(set([function.is_static for function in functions])) == 1
WithIdentifier.__init__(self, functions[0].identifier)
self._functions = tuple(functions)
for function in self._functions:
self._is_static = functions[0].is_static
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self._functions[index]
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._functions)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._functions)
def index(self, value):
return self._functions.index(value)
def is_static(self):
return self._is_static
def min_num_of_required_arguments(self):
Returns the minimum number of required arguments of overloaded
return min(map(lambda func: func.num_of_required_arguments, self))
def effective_overload_set(self, argument_count=None):
Returns the effective overload set.
assert argument_count is None or isinstance(argument_count, int)
N = argument_count
S = []
F = self
maxarg = max(map(lambda X: len(X.arguments), F))
if N is None:
arg_sizes = [len(X.arguments) for X in F if not X.is_variadic]
N = 1 + (max(arg_sizes) if arg_sizes else 0)
for X in F:
n = len(X.arguments)
X, list(map(lambda arg: arg.idl_type, X.arguments)),
list(map(lambda arg: arg.optionality, X.arguments))))
if X.is_variadic:
for i in range(n, max(maxarg, N)):
t = list(map(lambda arg: arg.idl_type, X.arguments))
o = list(map(lambda arg: arg.optionality, X.arguments))
for _ in range(n, i + 1):
S.append(OverloadGroup.EffectiveOverloadItem(X, t, o))
t = list(map(lambda arg: arg.idl_type, X.arguments))
o = list(map(lambda arg: arg.optionality, X.arguments))
for i in range(n - 1, -1, -1):
if X.arguments[i].optionality == IdlType.Optionality.REQUIRED:
S.append(OverloadGroup.EffectiveOverloadItem(X, t[:i], o[:i]))
return S
def distinguishing_argument_index(items_of_effective_overload_set):
Returns the distinguishing argument index.
items = items_of_effective_overload_set
assert isinstance(items, (list, tuple))
assert all(
isinstance(item, OverloadGroup.EffectiveOverloadItem)
for item in items)
assert len(items) > 1
for index in range(len(items[0].type_list)):
# Assume that the given items are valid, and we only need to test
# the two types.
if OverloadGroup.are_distinguishable_types(
items[0].type_list[index], items[1].type_list[index]):
return index
assert False
def are_distinguishable_types(idl_type1, idl_type2):
Returns True if the two given types are distinguishable.
assert isinstance(idl_type1, IdlType)
assert isinstance(idl_type2, IdlType)
# step 1. If one type includes a nullable type and the other type either
# includes a nullable type, is a union type with flattened member
# types including a dictionary type, or is a dictionary type, ...
if ((idl_type1.does_include_nullable_type
and idl_type2.does_include_nullable_or_dict)
or (idl_type2.does_include_nullable_type
and idl_type1.does_include_nullable_or_dict)):
return False
type1 = idl_type1.unwrap()
type2 = idl_type2.unwrap()
# step 2. If both types are either a union type or nullable union type,
# ...
if type1.is_union and type2.is_union:
for member1 in type1.member_types:
for member2 in type2.member_types:
if not OverloadGroup.are_distinguishable_types(
member1, member2):
return False
return True
# step 3. If one type is a union type or nullable union type, ...
if type1.is_union or type2.is_union:
union = type1 if type1.is_union else type2
other = type2 if type1.is_union else type1
for member in union.member_types:
if not OverloadGroup.are_distinguishable_types(member, other):
return False
return True
# step 4. Consider the two "innermost" types ...
def is_string_type(idl_type):
return idl_type.is_string or idl_type.is_enumeration
def is_interface_like(idl_type):
return idl_type.is_interface or idl_type.is_buffer_source_type
def is_dictionary_like(idl_type):
return (idl_type.is_dictionary or idl_type.is_record
or idl_type.is_callback_interface)
def is_sequence_like(idl_type):
return idl_type.is_sequence or idl_type.is_frozen_array
if not (type2.is_boolean or type2.is_numeric or type2.is_string
or type2.is_object or type2.is_symbol
or is_interface_like(type2) or type2.is_callback_function
or is_dictionary_like(type2) or is_sequence_like(type2)):
return False # Out of the table
if type1.is_boolean:
return not type2.is_boolean
if type1.is_numeric:
return not type2.is_numeric
if is_string_type(type1):
return not is_string_type(type2)
if type1.is_object:
return (type2.is_boolean or type2.is_numeric
or is_string_type(type2) or type2.is_symbol)
if type1.is_symbol:
return not type2.is_symbol
if is_interface_like(type1):
if type2.is_object:
return False
if not is_interface_like(type2):
return True
# Additional requirements: The two identified interface-like types
# are not the same, and no single platform object implements both
# interface-like types.
if type1.keyword_typename or type2.keyword_typename:
return type1.keyword_typename != type2.keyword_typename
interface1 = type1.type_definition_object
interface2 = type2.type_definition_object
return not (
interface1 in interface2.inclusive_inherited_interfaces
or interface2 in interface1.inclusive_inherited_interfaces)
if type1.is_callback_function:
return not (type2.is_object or type2.is_callback_function
or is_dictionary_like(type2))
if is_dictionary_like(type1):
return not (type2.is_object or type2.is_callback_function
or is_dictionary_like(type2))
if is_sequence_like(type1):
return not (type2.is_object or is_sequence_like(type2))
return False # Out of the table