blob: f3beba8e7dc1aec502baf45d21f1e9b10aa5450c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from .idl_type import IdlType
class LiteralConstant(object):
Represents a literal constant.
Literal constants are used as:
- constant values of IDL constants
- default values of IDL operation's arguments
- default values of IDL dictionary members
def __init__(self, idl_type=None, value=None, literal=None):
assert isinstance(idl_type, IdlType)
assert isinstance(literal, str)
self._idl_type = idl_type
self._value = value
self._literal = literal
def idl_type(self):
Returns the type of the literal constant.
The types of the following literals are represented as follows.
- null: any?
- []: sequence<any>
- {}: object
- true / false: boolean
return self._idl_type
def value(self):
Returns the value as a Python value.
The values of the following literals are represented as follows.
- null: None
- []: list()
- {}: dict()
- true / false: True / False
- INTEGER_NUMERICS: an instance of long
- FLOATING_POINTS: an instance of float
- STRING: an instance of str
return self._value
def literal(self):
"""Returns the literal representation."""
return self._literal
def is_type_compatible_with(self, idl_type):
"""Returns True if |idl_type| can store this value."""
assert isinstance(idl_type, IdlType)
idl_type = idl_type.unwrap(nullable=False)
if idl_type.is_any:
return True
if self.idl_type.is_nullable:
return idl_type.does_include_nullable_type
idl_type = idl_type.unwrap()
if idl_type.is_union:
return any(
for member_type in idl_type.flattened_member_types)
if self.idl_type.is_sequence:
return idl_type.is_sequence
if self.idl_type.is_object:
return idl_type.is_dictionary
if self.idl_type.is_boolean:
return idl_type.is_boolean
if self.idl_type.is_integer:
return idl_type.is_numeric
if self.idl_type.is_floating_point_numeric:
return idl_type.is_floating_point_numeric
if self.idl_type.is_string:
return idl_type.is_string or idl_type.is_enumeration