blob: 642003a2d66e80fa736104c8d4a038cdb14aa03a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace blink {
// Flags that are passed through multiple layers of the style invalidation
// process. This is just a struct with some good behaviour.
class InvalidationFlags {
: invalidate_custom_pseudo_(false),
invalidates_parts_(false) {}
bool operator==(const InvalidationFlags&) const;
bool operator!=(const InvalidationFlags& o) const { return !(*this == o); }
// Merges two sets of flags together by orring all fields.
void Merge(const InvalidationFlags& other);
bool InvalidateCustomPseudo() const { return invalidate_custom_pseudo_; }
void SetInvalidateCustomPseudo(bool value) {
invalidate_custom_pseudo_ = value;
bool WholeSubtreeInvalid() const { return whole_subtree_invalid_; }
void SetWholeSubtreeInvalid(bool value) { whole_subtree_invalid_ = value; }
bool TreeBoundaryCrossing() const { return tree_boundary_crossing_; }
void SetTreeBoundaryCrossing(bool value) { tree_boundary_crossing_ = value; }
bool InsertionPointCrossing() const { return insertion_point_crossing_; }
void SetInsertionPointCrossing(bool value) {
insertion_point_crossing_ = value;
bool InvalidatesSlotted() const { return invalidates_slotted_; }
void SetInvalidatesSlotted(bool value) { invalidates_slotted_ = value; }
bool InvalidatesParts() const { return invalidates_parts_; }
void SetInvalidatesParts(bool value) { invalidates_parts_ = value; }
// If true, all descendants which are custom pseudo elements must be
// invalidated.
bool invalidate_custom_pseudo_ : 1;
// If true, all descendants might be invalidated, so a full subtree recalc is
// required.
bool whole_subtree_invalid_ : 1;
// If true, the invalidation must traverse into ShadowRoots with this set.
bool tree_boundary_crossing_ : 1;
// If true, insertion point descendants must be invalidated.
bool insertion_point_crossing_ : 1;
// If true, distributed nodes of <slot> elements need to be invalidated.
bool invalidates_slotted_ : 1;
// If true, parts inside this node's shadow tree need to be invalidated.
bool invalidates_parts_ : 1;
} // namespace blink