blob: fb953f83f6bee21c645298349a8ba610b070dbe9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/media_feature_overrides.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/parser/css_parser_context.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/parser/css_parser_token_range.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/parser/css_tokenizer.h"
namespace blink {
void MediaFeatureOverrides::SetOverride(const AtomicString& feature,
const String& value_string) {
CSSTokenizer tokenizer(value_string);
const auto tokens = tokenizer.TokenizeToEOF();
CSSParserTokenRange range(tokens);
// TODO(xiaochengh): This is a fake CSSParserContext that only passes
// down the CSSParserMode. Plumb the real CSSParserContext through, so that
// web features can be counted correctly.
const CSSParserContext* fake_context = MakeGarbageCollected<CSSParserContext>(
kHTMLStandardMode, SecureContextMode::kInsecureContext);
// MediaFeatureOverrides are used to emulate various media feature values.
// These don't need to pass an ExecutionContext, since the parsing of
// the actual CSS will determine whether or not the emulated values will come
// into play (i.e. if you can parse an origin trial enabled feature, you
// will never ask for the emulated override value).
// Note that once a real CSSParserContext is plumbed through we can use its
// Document to get the ExecutionContext so the extra parameter should be
// removed.
auto value =
MediaQueryExp::Create(feature, range, *fake_context, nullptr).ExpValue();
if (value.IsValid())
overrides_.Set(feature, value);
} // namespace blink