blob: 4cf33aa11ea40e288c0cc4d084e6474c4712eee6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/string_view.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/wtf_string.h"
namespace blink {
class CSSTokenizerInputStream {
explicit CSSTokenizerInputStream(const String& input);
CSSTokenizerInputStream(const CSSTokenizerInputStream&) = delete;
CSSTokenizerInputStream& operator=(const CSSTokenizerInputStream&) = delete;
// Gets the char in the stream replacing NUL characters with a unicode
// replacement character. Will return (NUL) kEndOfFileMarker when at the
// end of the stream.
UChar NextInputChar() const {
if (offset_ >= string_length_)
return '\0';
UChar result = (*string_)[offset_];
return result ? result : 0xFFFD;
// Gets the char at lookaheadOffset from the current stream position. Will
// return NUL (kEndOfFileMarker) if the stream position is at the end.
// NOTE: This may *also* return NUL if there's one in the input! Never
// compare the return value to '\0'.
UChar PeekWithoutReplacement(unsigned lookahead_offset) const {
if ((offset_ + lookahead_offset) >= string_length_)
return '\0';
return (*string_)[offset_ + lookahead_offset];
void Advance(unsigned offset = 1) { offset_ += offset; }
void PushBack(UChar cc) {
DCHECK(NextInputChar() == cc);
double GetDouble(unsigned start, unsigned end) const;
template <bool characterPredicate(UChar)>
unsigned SkipWhilePredicate(unsigned offset) {
if (string_->Is8Bit()) {
const LChar* characters8 = string_->Characters8();
while ((offset_ + offset) < string_length_ &&
characterPredicate(characters8[offset_ + offset]))
} else {
const UChar* characters16 = string_->Characters16();
while ((offset_ + offset) < string_length_ &&
characterPredicate(characters16[offset_ + offset]))
return offset;
void AdvanceUntilNonWhitespace();
unsigned length() const { return string_length_; }
unsigned Offset() const { return std::min(offset_, string_length_); }
StringView RangeAt(unsigned start, unsigned length) const {
DCHECK(start + length <= string_length_);
return StringView(*string_, start, length);
wtf_size_t offset_;
const wtf_size_t string_length_;
const scoped_refptr<StringImpl> string_;
} // namespace blink