blob: 1ffb7a7fbab1af9466a0add8decd236da4e316c3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/local_frame_view.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/scroll/scroll_types.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/style/computed_style_base_constants.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/scheduler/public/post_cancellable_task.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator/allocator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/wtf_string.h"
namespace blink {
class Document;
class Element;
class StyleRecalcChange;
enum class DisplayLockActivationReason {
// Accessibility driven activation
kAccessibility = 1 << 0,
// Activation as a result of find-in-page
kFindInPage = 1 << 1,
// Fragment link navigation
kFragmentNavigation = 1 << 2,
// Script invoked focus().
kScriptFocus = 1 << 3,
// scrollIntoView()
kScrollIntoView = 1 << 4,
// User / script selection
kSelection = 1 << 5,
// Simulated click (Node::DispatchSimulatedClick)
kSimulatedClick = 1 << 6,
// User focus (e.g. tab navigation)
kUserFocus = 1 << 7,
// Intersection observer activation
kViewportIntersection = 1 << 8,
// Shorthands
kViewport = static_cast<uint16_t>(kSelection) |
static_cast<uint16_t>(kUserFocus) |
static_cast<uint16_t>(kViewportIntersection) |
kAny = static_cast<uint16_t>(kAccessibility) |
static_cast<uint16_t>(kFindInPage) |
static_cast<uint16_t>(kFragmentNavigation) |
static_cast<uint16_t>(kScriptFocus) |
static_cast<uint16_t>(kScrollIntoView) |
static_cast<uint16_t>(kSelection) |
static_cast<uint16_t>(kSimulatedClick) |
static_cast<uint16_t>(kUserFocus) |
// Instead of specifying an underlying type, which would propagate throughout
// forward declarations, we static assert that the activation reasons enum is
// small-ish.
static_assert(static_cast<uint32_t>(DisplayLockActivationReason::kAny) <
"DisplayLockActivationReason is too large");
class CORE_EXPORT DisplayLockContext final
: public GarbageCollected<DisplayLockContext>,
public LocalFrameView::LifecycleNotificationObserver {
// The type of style that was blocked by this display lock.
enum StyleType {
explicit DisplayLockContext(Element*);
~DisplayLockContext() = default;
// Called by style to update the current state of content-visibility.
void SetRequestedState(EContentVisibility state);
// Called by style to adjust the element's style based on the current state.
void AdjustElementStyle(ComputedStyle* style) const;
// Is called by the intersection observer callback to inform us of the
// intersection state.
void NotifyIsIntersectingViewport();
void NotifyIsNotIntersectingViewport();
// Lifecycle state functions.
bool ShouldStyleChildren() const;
void DidStyleSelf();
void DidStyleChildren();
bool ShouldLayoutChildren() const;
void DidLayoutChildren();
bool ShouldPrePaintChildren() const;
bool ShouldPaintChildren() const;
// Returns true if the last style recalc traversal was blocked at this
// element, either for itself, its children or its descendants.
bool StyleTraversalWasBlocked() {
return blocked_style_traversal_type_ != kStyleUpdateNotRequired;
// Returns true if the contents of the associated element should be visible
// from and activatable by a specified reason. Note that passing
// kAny will return true if the lock is activatable for any
// reason.
bool IsActivatable(DisplayLockActivationReason reason) const;
// Trigger commit because of activation from tab order, url fragment,
// find-in-page, scrolling, etc.
// This issues a before activate signal with the given element as the
// activated element.
// The reason is specified for metrics.
void CommitForActivationWithSignal(Element* activated_element,
DisplayLockActivationReason reason);
bool ShouldCommitForActivation(DisplayLockActivationReason reason) const;
// Returns true if this context is locked.
bool IsLocked() const { return is_locked_; }
EContentVisibility GetState() { return state_; }
bool UpdateForced() const { return update_forced_; }
// This is called when the element with which this context is associated is
// moved to a new document. Used to listen to the lifecycle update from the
// right document's view.
void DidMoveToNewDocument(Document& old_document);
void AddToWhitespaceReattachSet(Element& element);
// LifecycleNotificationObserver overrides.
void WillStartLifecycleUpdate(const LocalFrameView&) override;
// Inform the display lock that it prevented a style change. This is used to
// invalidate style when we need to update it in the future.
void NotifyStyleRecalcWasBlocked(StyleType type) {
blocked_style_traversal_type_ =
std::max(blocked_style_traversal_type_, type);
void NotifyReattachLayoutTreeWasBlocked() {
reattach_layout_tree_was_blocked_ = true;
void NotifyChildLayoutWasBlocked() { child_layout_was_blocked_ = true; }
void NotifyCompositingRequirementsUpdateWasBlocked() {
needs_compositing_requirements_update_ = true;
void NotifyCompositingDescendantDependentFlagUpdateWasBlocked() {
needs_compositing_dependent_flag_update_ = true;
void NotifyGraphicsLayerRebuildBlocked() {
needs_graphics_layer_rebuild_ = true;
void NotifyForcedGraphicsLayerUpdateBlocked() {
forced_graphics_layer_update_blocked_ = true;
// Notify this element will be disconnected.
void NotifyWillDisconnect();
// Called when the element disconnects or connects.
void ElementDisconnected();
void ElementConnected();
void NotifySubtreeLostFocus();
void NotifySubtreeGainedFocus();
void NotifySubtreeLostSelection();
void NotifySubtreeGainedSelection();
void SetNeedsPrePaintSubtreeWalk(
bool needs_effective_allowed_touch_action_update,
bool needs_blocking_wheel_event_handler_update) {
needs_effective_allowed_touch_action_update_ =
needs_blocking_wheel_event_handler_update_ =
needs_prepaint_subtree_walk_ = true;
// This is called by the style recalc code in lieu of
// MarkForStyleRecalcIfNeeded() in order to adjust the child change if we need
// to recalc children nodes here.
StyleRecalcChange AdjustStyleRecalcChangeForChildren(
StyleRecalcChange change);
void DidForceActivatableDisplayLocks() {
if (IsLocked() && IsActivatable(DisplayLockActivationReason::kAny)) {
bool HadAnyViewportIntersectionNotifications() const {
return had_any_viewport_intersection_notifications_;
// GC functions.
void Trace(Visitor*) const override;
// Debugging functions.
String RenderAffectingStateToString() const;
bool IsAuto() const { return state_ == EContentVisibility::kAuto; }
bool HadLifecycleUpdateSinceLastUnlock() const {
return had_lifecycle_update_since_last_unlock_;
// We unlock auto locks for printing, which is set here.
void SetShouldUnlockAutoForPrint(bool);
// Give access to |NotifyForcedUpdateScopeStarted()| and
// |NotifyForcedUpdateScopeEnded()|.
friend class DisplayLockUtilities;
// Test friends.
friend class DisplayLockContextRenderingTest;
friend class DisplayLockContextTest;
// Request that this context be locked. Called when style determines that the
// subtree rooted at this element should be skipped, unless things like
// viewport intersection prevent it from doing so.
void RequestLock(uint16_t activation_mask);
// Request that this context be unlocked. Called when style determines that
// the subtree rooted at this element should be rendered.
void RequestUnlock();
// Called in |DisplayLockUtilities| to notify the state of scope.
void NotifyForcedUpdateScopeStarted();
void NotifyForcedUpdateScopeEnded();
// Records the locked context counts on the document as well as context that
// block all activation.
void UpdateDocumentBookkeeping(bool was_locked,
bool all_activation_was_blocked,
bool is_locked,
bool all_activation_is_blocked);
// Set which reasons activate, as a mask of DisplayLockActivationReason enums.
void UpdateActivationMask(uint16_t activatable_mask);
// Clear the activated flag.
void ResetActivation();
// Marks ancestors of elements in |whitespace_reattach_set_| with
// ChildNeedsReattachLayoutTree and clears the set.
void MarkElementsForWhitespaceReattachment();
// The following functions propagate dirty bits from the locked element up to
// the ancestors in order to be reached, and update dirty bits for the element
// as well if needed. They return true if the element or its subtree were
// dirty, and false otherwise.
bool MarkForStyleRecalcIfNeeded();
bool MarkForLayoutIfNeeded();
bool MarkAncestorsForPrePaintIfNeeded();
bool MarkNeedsRepaintAndPaintArtifactCompositorUpdate();
bool MarkNeedsCullRectUpdate();
bool MarkForCompositingUpdatesIfNeeded();
bool IsElementDirtyForStyleRecalc() const;
bool IsElementDirtyForLayout() const;
bool IsElementDirtyForPrePaint() const;
// Helper to schedule an animation to delay lifecycle updates for the next
// frame.
void ScheduleAnimation();
// Checks whether we should force unlock the lock (due to not meeting
// containment/display requirements), returns a string from rejection_names
// if we should, nullptr if not. Note that this can only be called if the
// style is clean. It checks the layout object if it exists. Otherwise,
// falls back to checking computed style.
const char* ShouldForceUnlock() const;
// Unlocks the lock if the element doesn't meet requirements
// (containment/display type). Returns true if we did unlock.
bool ForceUnlockIfNeeded();
// Returns true if the element is connected to a document that has a view.
// If we're not connected, or if we're connected but the document doesn't
// have a view (e.g. templates) we shouldn't do style calculations etc and
// when acquiring this lock should immediately resolve the acquire promise.
bool ConnectedToView() const;
// Registers or unregisters the element for intersection observations in the
// document. This is used to activate on visibily changes. This can be safely
// called even if changes are not required, since it will only act if a
// register/unregister is required.
void UpdateActivationObservationIfNeeded();
// Determines whether or not we need lifecycle notifications.
bool NeedsLifecycleNotifications() const;
// Updates the lifecycle notification registration based on whether we need
// the notifications.
void UpdateLifecycleNotificationRegistration();
// Locks the context.
void Lock();
// Unlocks the context.
void Unlock();
// Determines if the subtree has focus. This is a linear walk from the focused
// element to its root element.
void DetermineIfSubtreeHasFocus();
// Determines if the subtree has selection. This will walk from each of the
// selected notes up to its root looking for `element_`.
void DetermineIfSubtreeHasSelection();
// Keep this context unlocked until the beginning of lifecycle. Effectively
// keeps this context unlocked for the next `count` frames. It also schedules
// a frame to ensure the lifecycle happens. Only affects locks with 'auto'
// setting.
void SetKeepUnlockedUntilLifecycleCount(int count);
// Returns true if the context can dirty element's style in the current
// processing. Note that this returns false if the document is doing a style
// recalc, or if we're currently setting a new requested state which happens
// in style adjustment.
bool CanDirtyStyle() const;
// When a scroller becomes locked, we store off its current scroll offset, to
// avoid losing the offset when the scroller becomes unlocked in the future.
// The following functions enable this functionality.
void StashScrollOffsetIfAvailable();
void RestoreScrollOffsetIfStashed();
bool HasStashedScrollOffset() const;
WeakMember<Element> element_;
WeakMember<Document> document_;
EContentVisibility state_ = EContentVisibility::kVisible;
// See StyleEngine's |whitespace_reattach_set_|.
// Set of elements that had at least one rendered children removed
// since its last lifecycle update. For such elements that are located
// in a locked subtree, we save it here instead of the global set in
// StyleEngine because we don't want to accidentally mark elements
// in a locked subtree for layout tree reattachment before we did
// style recalc on them.
HeapHashSet<Member<Element>> whitespace_reattach_set_;
// If non-zero, then the update has been forced.
int update_forced_ = 0;
StyleType blocked_style_traversal_type_ = kStyleUpdateNotRequired;
// Signifies whether we've blocked a layout tree reattachment on |element_|'s
// descendants or not, so that we can mark |element_| for reattachment when
// needed.
bool reattach_layout_tree_was_blocked_ = false;
bool needs_effective_allowed_touch_action_update_ = false;
bool needs_blocking_wheel_event_handler_update_ = false;
bool needs_prepaint_subtree_walk_ = false;
bool needs_compositing_requirements_update_ = false;
bool needs_compositing_dependent_flag_update_ = false;
// Will be true if child traversal was blocked on a previous layout run on the
// locked element. We need to keep track of this to ensure that on the next
// layout run where the descendants of the locked element are allowed to be
// traversed into, we will traverse to the children of the locked element.
bool child_layout_was_blocked_ = false;
// Tracks whether the element associated with this lock is being tracked by a
// document level intersection observer.
bool is_observed_ = false;
uint16_t activatable_mask_ =
// Is set to true if we are registered for lifecycle notifications.
bool is_registered_for_lifecycle_notifications_ = false;
// This is set to true when we have delayed locking ourselves due to viewport
// intersection (or lack thereof) because we were nested in a locked subtree.
// In that case, we register for lifecycle notifications and check every time
// if we are still nested.
bool needs_deferred_not_intersecting_signal_ = false;
// Lock has been requested.
bool is_locked_ = false;
// If true, this lock is kept unlocked at least until the beginning of the
// lifecycle. If nothing else is keeping it unlocked, then it will be locked
// again at the start of the lifecycle.
bool keep_unlocked_until_lifecycle_ = false;
bool needs_graphics_layer_rebuild_ = false;
bool forced_graphics_layer_update_blocked_ = false;
// This is set to true if we're in the 'auto' mode and had our first
// intersection / non-intersection notification. This is reset to false if the
// 'auto' mode is added again (after being removed).
bool had_any_viewport_intersection_notifications_ = false;
enum class RenderAffectingState : int {
void SetRenderAffectingState(RenderAffectingState state, bool flag);
void NotifyRenderAffectingStateChanged();
const char* RenderAffectingStateName(int state) const;
bool render_affecting_state_[static_cast<int>(
RenderAffectingState::kNumRenderAffectingStates)] = {false};
int keep_unlocked_count_ = 0;
bool had_lifecycle_update_since_last_unlock_ = false;
// Tracks whether we're updating requested state, which can only happen from
// the style adjuster. Note that this is different from a InStyleRecalc check
// since we can also force update style outside of this call (via ensure
// computed style).
bool set_requested_state_scope_ = false;
base::Optional<ScrollOffset> stashed_scroll_offset_;
} // namespace blink