blob: 4639781a0031c4b3b87d570c8f86962e4dcf272e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/associated_remote.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_remote.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/ip_address_space.mojom-shared.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/referrer_policy.mojom-shared.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/policy_container.mojom-blink.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_policy_container.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
namespace blink {
// PolicyContainer serves as a container for several security policies to be
// applied to a document. It is constructed at commit time with the data passed
// by the RenderFrameHost. It is Blink's counterpart of the PolicyContainerHost,
// which is held by the RenderFrameHost. Some document policies of the policy
// container can be updated also by Blink (this generally happens when Blink
// parses meta tags). The corresponding setters trigger also an update in the
// corresponding PolicyContainerHost via a mojo IPC.
class CORE_EXPORT PolicyContainer {
PolicyContainer() = delete;
mojo::PendingAssociatedRemote<mojom::blink::PolicyContainerHost> remote,
mojom::blink::PolicyContainerPoliciesPtr policies);
PolicyContainer(const PolicyContainer&) = delete;
PolicyContainer& operator=(const PolicyContainer&) = delete;
~PolicyContainer() = default;
static std::unique_ptr<PolicyContainer> CreateEmpty();
static std::unique_ptr<PolicyContainer> CreateFromWebPolicyContainer(
std::unique_ptr<WebPolicyContainer> container);
// Change the Referrer Policy and sync the new policy with the corresponding
// PolicyContainer owned by the RenderFrameHost.
void UpdateReferrerPolicy(network::mojom::blink::ReferrerPolicy policy);
network::mojom::blink::ReferrerPolicy GetReferrerPolicy() const;
network::mojom::blink::IPAddressSpace GetIPAddressSpace() const;
const mojom::blink::PolicyContainerPoliciesPtr& GetPolicies() const;
// Return a keep alive handle for the browser process' PolicyContainerHost. If
// that PolicyContainerHost is owned by a RenderFrameHost, holding a keep
// alive handle ensures that the PolicyContainerHost will still be retrievable
// via RenderFrameHostImpl::GetPolicyContainerHost, even if the
// RenderFrameHost has been deleted in between.
mojom::blink::PolicyContainerPoliciesPtr policies_;
} // namespace blink