blob: b76e220755ceb8c0b71ffa9229ab0efd4a8c415a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/input/web_pointer_properties.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_input_event_result.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/events/pointer_event.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/events/pointer_event_factory.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/input/boundary_event_dispatcher.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/input/touch_event_manager.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/page/touch_adjustment.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator/allocator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/hash_map.h"
namespace blink {
class LocalFrame;
class MouseEventManager;
// This class takes care of dispatching all pointer events and keeps track of
// properties of active pointer events.
class CORE_EXPORT PointerEventManager final
: public GarbageCollected<PointerEventManager> {
PointerEventManager(LocalFrame&, MouseEventManager&);
PointerEventManager(const PointerEventManager&) = delete;
PointerEventManager& operator=(const PointerEventManager&) = delete;
void Trace(Visitor*) const;
// This is the unified path for handling all input device events. This may
// cause firing DOM pointerevents, mouseevent, and touch events accordingly.
// TODO( We need to get all event handling path to go
// through this function.
WebInputEventResult HandlePointerEvent(
const WebPointerEvent&,
const Vector<WebPointerEvent>& coalesced_events,
const Vector<WebPointerEvent>& predicted_events);
// Sends the mouse pointer events and the boundary events
// that it may cause. It also sends the compat mouse events
// and sets the newNodeUnderMouse if the capturing is set
// in this function.
WebInputEventResult SendMousePointerEvent(
Element* target,
const String& canvas_region_id,
const WebInputEvent::Type,
const WebMouseEvent&,
const Vector<WebMouseEvent>& coalesced_events,
const Vector<WebMouseEvent>& predicted_events,
bool skip_click_dispatch);
// Sends boundary events pointerout/leave/over/enter and
// mouseout/leave/over/enter to the corresponding targets.
// inside the document. This functions handles the cases that pointer is
// leaving a frame. Note that normal mouse events (e.g. mousemove/down/up)
// and their corresponding boundary events will be handled altogether by
// sendMousePointerEvent function.
void SendMouseAndPointerBoundaryEvents(Element* entered_element,
const String& canvas_region_id,
const WebMouseEvent&);
WebInputEventResult DirectDispatchMousePointerEvent(
Element* target,
const WebMouseEvent&,
const AtomicString& event_type,
const Vector<WebMouseEvent>& coalesced_events,
const Vector<WebMouseEvent>& predicted_events,
const String& canvas_node_id = String());
// Resets the internal state of this object.
void Clear();
void ElementRemoved(Element*);
bool SetPointerCapture(PointerId, Element*);
bool ReleasePointerCapture(PointerId, Element*);
void ReleaseMousePointerCapture();
// See Element::hasPointerCapture(PointerId).
bool HasPointerCapture(PointerId, const Element*) const;
bool IsActive(const PointerId) const;
// Returns whether there is any touch on the screen.
bool IsAnyTouchActive() const;
// Returns whether pointerId is for an active touch pointerevent and whether
// the last event was sent to the given frame.
bool IsPointerIdActiveOnFrame(PointerId, LocalFrame*) const;
// Returns true if the primary pointerdown corresponding to the given
// |uniqueTouchEventId| was canceled. Also drops stale ids from
// |m_touchIdsForCanceledPointerdowns|.
bool PrimaryPointerdownCanceled(uint32_t unique_touch_event_id);
void RemoveLastMousePosition();
Element* GetMouseCaptureTarget();
// Sends any outstanding events. For example it notifies TouchEventManager
// to group any changes to touch since last FlushEvents and send the touch
// event out to js. Since after this function any outstanding event is sent,
// it also clears any state that might have kept since the last call to this
// function.
WebInputEventResult FlushEvents();
class EventTargetAttributes : public GarbageCollected<EventTargetAttributes> {
void Trace(Visitor* visitor) const { visitor->Trace(target); }
Member<Element> target;
EventTargetAttributes() : target(nullptr) {}
EventTargetAttributes(Element* target) : target(target) {}
// We use int64_t to cover the whole range for PointerId with no
// deleted hash value.
template <typename T>
using PointerIdKeyMap =
using PointerCapturingMap = PointerIdKeyMap<Member<Element>>;
using ElementUnderPointerMap = PointerIdKeyMap<Member<EventTargetAttributes>>;
class PointerEventBoundaryEventDispatcher : public BoundaryEventDispatcher {
PointerEventBoundaryEventDispatcher(PointerEventManager*, PointerEvent*);
const PointerEventBoundaryEventDispatcher&) = delete;
PointerEventBoundaryEventDispatcher& operator=(
const PointerEventBoundaryEventDispatcher&) = delete;
void DispatchOut(EventTarget*, EventTarget* related_target) override;
void DispatchOver(EventTarget*, EventTarget* related_target) override;
void DispatchLeave(EventTarget*,
EventTarget* related_target,
bool check_for_listener) override;
void DispatchEnter(EventTarget*,
EventTarget* related_target,
bool check_for_listener) override;
AtomicString GetLeaveEvent() override;
AtomicString GetEnterEvent() override;
void Dispatch(EventTarget*,
EventTarget* related_target,
const AtomicString&,
bool check_for_listener);
PointerEventManager* pointer_event_manager_;
PointerEvent* pointer_event_;
// Sends pointercancels for existing PointerEvents that are interrupted.
// For example when browser starts dragging with mouse or when we start
// scrolling with scroll capable pointers pointercancel events should be
// dispatched for those. Also sets initial states accordingly so the
// following events in that stream don't generate pointerevents (e.g.
// in the scrolling case which scroll starts and pointerevents stop and
// touchevents continue to fire).
void HandlePointerInterruption(const WebPointerEvent&);
WebInputEventResult CreateAndDispatchPointerEvent(
Element* target,
const AtomicString& mouse_event_name,
const WebMouseEvent&,
const Vector<WebMouseEvent>& coalesced_events,
const Vector<WebMouseEvent>& predicted_events,
const String& canvas_region_id);
// Returns PointerEventTarget for a WebTouchPoint, hit-testing as necessary.
event_handling_util::PointerEventTarget ComputePointerEventTarget(
const WebPointerEvent&);
WebInputEventResult DispatchTouchPointerEvent(
const WebPointerEvent&,
const Vector<WebPointerEvent>& coalesced_events,
const Vector<WebPointerEvent>& predicted_events,
const event_handling_util::PointerEventTarget&);
// Returns whether the event is consumed or not.
WebInputEventResult SendTouchPointerEvent(Element*,
bool hovering);
void SendBoundaryEvents(EventTarget* exited_target,
EventTarget* entered_target,
void SetElementUnderPointer(PointerEvent*, Element*);
// First movement after entering a new frame should be 0 as the new frame
// doesn't have the info for the previous events. This function sets the
// LastPosition to be same as current event position when target is in
// different frame, so that movement_x/y will be 0.
void SetLastPointerPositionForFrameBoundary(const WebPointerEvent& event,
Element* target);
// Processes the assignment of |m_pointerCaptureTarget| from
// |m_pendingPointerCaptureTarget| and sends the got/lostpointercapture
// events, as per the spec:
void ProcessPendingPointerCapture(PointerEvent*);
// Processes the capture state of a pointer, updates element under
// pointer, and sends corresponding boundary events for pointer if
// setPointerPosition is true. It also sends corresponding boundary events
// for mouse if sendMouseEvent is true.
// Returns the target that the pointer event is supposed to be fired at.
Element* ProcessCaptureAndPositionOfPointerEvent(
Element* hit_test_target,
const String& canvas_region_id = String(),
const WebMouseEvent* = nullptr);
void RemoveTargetFromPointerCapturingMapping(PointerCapturingMap&,
const Element*);
Element* GetEffectiveTargetForPointerEvent(Element*, PointerId);
Element* GetCapturingElement(PointerId);
void RemovePointer(PointerEvent*);
WebInputEventResult DispatchPointerEvent(EventTarget*,
bool check_for_listener = false);
void ReleasePointerCapture(PointerId);
// Returns true if capture target and pending capture target were different.
bool GetPointerCaptureState(PointerId pointer_id,
Element** pointer_capture_target,
Element** pending_pointer_capture_target);
// Only adjust touch type primary pointer down.
bool ShouldAdjustPointerEvent(const WebPointerEvent&) const;
// Adjust coordinates so it can be used to find the best clickable target.
void AdjustTouchPointerEvent(WebPointerEvent&);
// Check if the SkipTouchEventFilter experiment is configured to skip
// filtering on the given event.
bool ShouldFilterEvent(PointerEvent* pointer_event);
// NOTE: If adding a new field to this class please ensure that it is
// cleared in |PointerEventManager::clear()|.
const Member<LocalFrame> frame_;
// Prevents firing mousedown, mousemove & mouseup in-between a canceled
// pointerdown and next pointerup/pointercancel.
// See "PREVENT MOUSE EVENT flag" in the spec:
bool prevent_mouse_event_for_pointer_type_
[static_cast<size_t>(WebPointerProperties::PointerType::kMaxValue) + 1];
// Set upon scrolling starts when sending a pointercancel, prevents PE
// dispatches for non-hovering pointers until all of them become inactive.
bool non_hovering_pointers_canceled_;
Deque<uint32_t> touch_ids_for_canceled_pointerdowns_;
// Note that this map keeps track of element under pointer with id=1 as well
// which might be different than m_nodeUnderMouse in EventHandler. That one
// keeps track of any compatibility mouse event positions but this map for
// the pointer with id=1 is only taking care of true mouse related events.
ElementUnderPointerMap element_under_pointer_;
PointerCapturingMap pointer_capture_target_;
PointerCapturingMap pending_pointer_capture_target_;
PointerEventFactory pointer_event_factory_;
Member<TouchEventManager> touch_event_manager_;
Member<MouseEventManager> mouse_event_manager_;
// The pointerId of the PointerEvent currently being dispatched within this
// frame or 0 if none.
PointerId dispatching_pointer_id_;
// These flags are set for the SkipTouchEventFilter experiment. The
// experiment either skips filtering discrete (touch start/end) events to the
// main thread, or all events (touch start/end/move).
bool skip_touch_filter_discrete_ = false;
bool skip_touch_filter_all_ = false;
} // namespace blink