blob: 308723287b0335cc1301477c679ad45ccc654903 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/inspector/inspector_contrast.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/css_color_value.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/css_computed_style_declaration.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/css_gradient_value.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/properties/computed_style_utils.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/flat_tree_traversal.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/node.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/text.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/local_frame.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/html_embed_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/inspector/inspector_dom_agent.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/inspector/inspector_dom_snapshot_agent.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/geometry/physical_rect.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_view.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/style/style_generated_image.h"
#include "ui/gfx/color_utils.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
bool NodeIsElementWithLayoutObject(Node* node) {
if (auto* element = DynamicTo<Element>(node)) {
if (element->GetLayoutObject())
return true;
return false;
// Blends the colors from the given gradient with the existing colors.
void BlendWithColorsFromGradient(cssvalue::CSSGradientValue* gradient,
Vector<Color>& colors,
bool& found_non_transparent_color,
bool& found_opaque_color,
const LayoutObject& layout_object) {
const Document& document = layout_object.GetDocument();
const ComputedStyle& style = layout_object.StyleRef();
Vector<Color> stop_colors = gradient->GetStopColors(document, style);
if (colors.IsEmpty()) {
colors.AppendRange(stop_colors.begin(), stop_colors.end());
} else {
if (colors.size() > 1) {
// Gradient on gradient is too complicated, bail out.
Color existing_color = colors.front();
for (auto stop_color : stop_colors) {
found_non_transparent_color =
found_non_transparent_color || (stop_color.Alpha() != 0);
found_opaque_color =
found_opaque_color || gradient->KnownToBeOpaque(document, style);
// Gets the colors from an image style, if one exists and it is a gradient.
void AddColorsFromImageStyle(const ComputedStyle& style,
const LayoutObject& layout_object,
Vector<Color>& colors,
bool& found_opaque_color,
bool& found_non_transparent_color) {
const FillLayer& background_layers = style.BackgroundLayers();
if (!background_layers.AnyLayerHasImage())
StyleImage* style_image = background_layers.GetImage();
// hasImage() does not always indicate that this is non-null
if (!style_image)
if (!style_image->IsGeneratedImage()) {
// Make no assertions about the colors in non-generated images
found_opaque_color = false;
StyleGeneratedImage* gen_image = To<StyleGeneratedImage>(style_image);
CSSValue* image_css = gen_image->CssValue();
if (auto* gradient = DynamicTo<cssvalue::CSSGradientValue>(image_css)) {
BlendWithColorsFromGradient(gradient, colors, found_non_transparent_color,
found_opaque_color, layout_object);
PhysicalRect GetNodeRect(Node* node) {
PhysicalRect rect = node->BoundingBox();
Document* document = &node->GetDocument();
while (!document->IsInMainFrame()) {
HTMLFrameOwnerElement* owner_element = document->LocalOwner();
if (!owner_element)
rect.offset.left += owner_element->BoundingBox().offset.left; += owner_element->BoundingBox();
document = &owner_element->GetDocument();
return rect;
} // namespace
InspectorContrast::InspectorContrast(Document* document) {
if (!document->IsInMainFrame()) {
// If document is in a frame, use the top level document to collect nodes
// for all frames.
for (HTMLFrameOwnerElement* owner_element = document->LocalOwner();
owner_element = owner_element->GetDocument().LocalOwner()) {
document = &owner_element->GetDocument();
document_ = document;
void InspectorContrast::CollectNodesAndBuildRTreeIfNeeded() {
if (rtree_built_)
LocalFrame* frame = document_->GetFrame();
if (!frame)
LayoutView* layout_view = frame->ContentLayoutObject();
if (!layout_view)
if (!layout_view->GetFrameView()->UpdateLifecycleToPrePaintClean(
DocumentUpdateReason::kInspector)) {
document_, INT_MAX, true,
WTF::BindRepeating(&NodeIsElementWithLayoutObject), &elements_);
SortElementsByPaintOrder(elements_, document_);
[](const HeapVector<Member<Node>>& items, size_t index) {
return PixelSnappedIntRect(GetNodeRect(items[index]));
[](const HeapVector<Member<Node>>& items, size_t index) {
return items[index];
rtree_built_ = true;
std::vector<ContrastInfo> InspectorContrast::GetElementsWithContrastIssues(
bool report_aaa,
size_t max_elements = 0) {
std::vector<ContrastInfo> result;
for (Node* node : elements_) {
auto info = GetContrast(To<Element>(node));
if (info.able_to_compute_contrast &&
((info.contrast_ratio < info.threshold_aa) ||
(info.contrast_ratio < info.threshold_aaa && report_aaa))) {
if (max_elements && result.size() >= max_elements)
return result;
return result;
static bool IsLargeFont(const TextInfo& text_info) {
String font_size_css = text_info.font_size;
String font_weight = text_info.font_weight;
// font_size_css always has 'px' appended at the end;
String font_size_str = font_size_css.Substring(0, font_size_css.length() - 2);
double font_size_px = font_size_str.ToDouble();
double font_size_pt = font_size_px * 72 / 96;
bool is_bold = font_weight == "bold" || font_weight == "bolder" ||
font_weight == "600" || font_weight == "700" ||
font_weight == "800" || font_weight == "900";
if (is_bold) {
return font_size_pt >= 14;
return font_size_pt >= 18;
ContrastInfo InspectorContrast::GetContrast(Element* top_element) {
TRACE_EVENT0("devtools.contrast", "InspectorContrast::GetContrast");
ContrastInfo result;
auto* text_node = DynamicTo<Text>(top_element->firstChild());
if (!text_node || text_node->nextSibling())
return result;
const String& text = text_node->data().StripWhiteSpace();
if (text.IsEmpty())
return result;
const LayoutObject* layout_object = top_element->GetLayoutObject();
const CSSValue* text_color_value = ComputedStyleUtils::ComputedPropertyValue(
CSSProperty::Get(CSSPropertyID::kColor), layout_object->StyleRef());
if (!text_color_value->IsColorValue())
return result;
float text_opacity = 1.0f;
Vector<Color> bgcolors = GetBackgroundColors(top_element, &text_opacity);
// TODO(crbug/1174511): Compute contrast only if the element has a single
// color background to be consistent with the current UI. In the future, we
// should return a range of contrast values.
if (bgcolors.size() != 1)
return result;
Color text_color =
static_cast<const cssvalue::CSSColorValue*>(text_color_value)->Value();
text_color = text_color.CombineWithAlpha(text_opacity);
float contrast_ratio = color_utils::GetContrastRatio(
SkColor(, SkColor(;
auto text_info = GetTextInfo(top_element);
bool is_large_font = IsLargeFont(text_info);
result.able_to_compute_contrast = true;
result.contrast_ratio = contrast_ratio;
result.threshold_aa = is_large_font ? 3.0 : 4.5;
result.threshold_aaa = is_large_font ? 4.5 : 7.0;
result.font_size = text_info.font_size;
result.font_weight = text_info.font_weight;
result.element = top_element;
return result;
TextInfo InspectorContrast::GetTextInfo(Element* element) {
TextInfo info;
auto* computed_style_info =
MakeGarbageCollected<CSSComputedStyleDeclaration>(element, true);
const CSSValue* font_size =
if (font_size)
info.font_size = font_size->CssText();
const CSSValue* font_weight =
if (font_weight)
info.font_weight = font_weight->CssText();
return info;
Vector<Color> InspectorContrast::GetBackgroundColors(Element* element,
float* text_opacity) {
Vector<Color> colors;
// TODO: only support the single text child node here.
// Follow up with a larger fix post-merge.
auto* text_node = DynamicTo<Text>(element->firstChild());
if (!text_node || element->firstChild()->nextSibling()) {
return colors;
PhysicalRect content_bounds = GetNodeRect(text_node);
LocalFrameView* view = text_node->GetDocument().View();
if (!view)
return colors;
// Start with the "default" page color (typically white).
GetColorsFromRect(content_bounds, text_node->GetDocument(), element, colors,
return colors;
// Get the elements which overlap the given rectangle.
std::vector<Member<Node>> InspectorContrast::ElementsFromRect(
const PhysicalRect& rect,
Document& document) {
std::vector<Member<Node>> overlapping_elements;
rtree_.Search(PixelSnappedIntRect(rect), &overlapping_elements);
return overlapping_elements;
bool InspectorContrast::GetColorsFromRect(PhysicalRect rect,
Document& document,
Element* top_element,
Vector<Color>& colors,
float* text_opacity) {
std::vector<Member<Node>> elements_under_rect =
ElementsFromRect(rect, document);
bool found_opaque_color = false;
bool found_top_element = false;
*text_opacity = 1.0f;
for (auto e = elements_under_rect.begin();
!found_top_element && e != elements_under_rect.end(); ++e) {
const Element* element = To<Element>(e->Get());
if (element == top_element)
found_top_element = true;
const LayoutObject* layout_object = element->GetLayoutObject();
if (IsA<HTMLCanvasElement>(element) || IsA<HTMLEmbedElement>(element) ||
IsA<HTMLImageElement>(element) || IsA<HTMLObjectElement>(element) ||
IsA<HTMLPictureElement>(element) || element->IsSVGElement() ||
IsA<HTMLVideoElement>(element)) {
found_opaque_color = false;
const ComputedStyle* style = layout_object->Style();
if (!style)
// If background elements are hidden, ignore their background colors.
if (element != top_element && style->Visibility() == EVisibility::kHidden)
Color background_color =
// Opacity applies to the entire element so mix it with the alpha channel.
if (style->HasOpacity()) {
background_color = background_color.CombineWithAlpha(
background_color.Alpha() / 255 * style->Opacity());
// If the background element is the ancestor of the top element or is the
// top element, the opacity affects the text color of the top element.
if (element == top_element ||
FlatTreeTraversal::IsDescendantOf(*top_element, *element)) {
*text_opacity *= style->Opacity();
bool found_non_transparent_color = false;
if (background_color.Alpha() != 0) {
found_non_transparent_color = true;
if (background_color.HasAlpha()) {
if (colors.IsEmpty()) {
} else {
for (auto& color : colors)
color = color.Blend(background_color);
} else {
found_opaque_color = true;
AddColorsFromImageStyle(*style, *layout_object, colors, found_opaque_color,
bool contains = found_top_element || GetNodeRect(e->Get()).Contains(rect);
if (!contains && found_non_transparent_color) {
// Only return colors if some opaque element covers up this one.
found_opaque_color = false;
return found_opaque_color;
// Sorts unsorted_elements in place, first painted go first.
void InspectorContrast::SortElementsByPaintOrder(
HeapVector<Member<Node>>& unsorted_elements,
Document* document) {
std::unique_ptr<InspectorDOMSnapshotAgent::PaintOrderMap> paint_layer_tree =
unsorted_elements.begin(), unsorted_elements.end(),
[&paint_layer_tree = paint_layer_tree](Node* a, Node* b) {
const LayoutObject* a_layout = To<Element>(a)->GetLayoutObject();
const LayoutObject* b_layout = To<Element>(b)->GetLayoutObject();
int a_order = 0;
int b_order = 0;
auto a_item = paint_layer_tree->find(a_layout->PaintingLayer());
if (a_item != paint_layer_tree->end())
a_order = a_item->value;
auto b_item = paint_layer_tree->find(b_layout->PaintingLayer());
if (b_item != paint_layer_tree->end())
b_order = b_item->value;
return a_order < b_order;
} // namespace blink