blob: 660514a8e836d177b21a90060433266b4adda011 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/dom_high_res_time_stamp.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/geometry/physical_rect.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/geometry/length.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/handle.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/transforms/transformation_matrix.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/vector.h"
namespace blink {
class Element;
class LayoutObject;
class Node;
// Computes the intersection between an ancestor (root) node and a
// descendant (target) element, with overflow and CSS clipping applied.
// Optionally also checks whether the target is occluded or has visual
// effects applied.
// If the root argument to the constructor is null, computes the intersection
// of the target with the top-level frame viewport (AKA the "implicit root").
class CORE_EXPORT IntersectionGeometry {
enum Flags {
// These flags should passed to the constructor
kShouldReportRootBounds = 1 << 0,
kShouldComputeVisibility = 1 << 1,
kShouldTrackFractionOfRoot = 1 << 2,
kShouldUseReplacedContentRect = 1 << 3,
kShouldConvertToCSSPixels = 1 << 4,
kShouldUseCachedRects = 1 << 5,
// Applies to boxes. If true, OverflowClipRect() is used if necessary
// instead of BorderBoundingBox().
kUseOverflowClipEdge = 1 << 6,
// These flags will be computed
kRootIsImplicit = 1 << 7,
kIsVisible = 1 << 8
struct RootGeometry {
RootGeometry(const LayoutObject* root, const Vector<Length>& margin);
float zoom;
// The root object's content rect in the root object's own coordinate system
PhysicalRect local_root_rect;
TransformationMatrix root_to_document_transform;
struct CachedRects {
// Target's bounding rect in the target's coordinate space
PhysicalRect local_target_rect;
// Target rect mapped up to the root's space, with intermediate clips
// applied, but without applying the root's clip or scroll offset.
PhysicalRect unscrolled_unclipped_intersection_rect;
// True iff unscrolled_unclipped_intersection_rect actually intersects the
// root, as defined by edge-inclusive intersection rules.
bool does_intersect;
// True iff the target rect before any margins were applied was empty
bool pre_margin_target_rect_is_empty;
// Invalidation flag
bool valid;
static const LayoutObject* GetRootLayoutObjectForTarget(
const Node* root_node,
LayoutObject* target,
bool check_containing_block_chain);
IntersectionGeometry(const Node* root,
const Element& target,
const Vector<Length>& root_margin,
const Vector<float>& thresholds,
const Vector<Length>& target_margin,
unsigned flags,
CachedRects* cached_rects = nullptr);
IntersectionGeometry(const RootGeometry& root_geometry,
const Node& explicit_root,
const Element& target,
const Vector<float>& thresholds,
const Vector<Length>& target_margin,
unsigned flags,
CachedRects* cached_rects = nullptr);
IntersectionGeometry(const IntersectionGeometry&) = default;
bool ShouldReportRootBounds() const {
return flags_ & kShouldReportRootBounds;
bool ShouldComputeVisibility() const {
return flags_ & kShouldComputeVisibility;
bool ShouldTrackFractionOfRoot() const {
return flags_ & kShouldTrackFractionOfRoot;
PhysicalRect TargetRect() const { return target_rect_; }
PhysicalRect IntersectionRect() const { return intersection_rect_; }
// The intersection rect without applying viewport clipping.
PhysicalRect UnclippedIntersectionRect() const {
return unclipped_intersection_rect_;
PhysicalRect RootRect() const { return root_rect_; }
IntRect IntersectionIntRect() const {
return PixelSnappedIntRect(intersection_rect_);
IntRect TargetIntRect() const { return PixelSnappedIntRect(target_rect_); }
IntRect RootIntRect() const { return PixelSnappedIntRect(root_rect_); }
double IntersectionRatio() const { return intersection_ratio_; }
unsigned ThresholdIndex() const { return threshold_index_; }
bool RootIsImplicit() const { return flags_ & kRootIsImplicit; }
bool IsIntersecting() const { return threshold_index_ > 0; }
bool IsVisible() const { return flags_ & kIsVisible; }
bool ShouldUseCachedRects() const { return flags_ & kShouldUseCachedRects; }
void ComputeGeometry(const RootGeometry& root_geometry,
const LayoutObject* root,
const LayoutObject* target,
const Vector<float>& thresholds,
const Vector<Length>& target_margin,
CachedRects* cached_rects);
// Map intersection_rect from the coordinate system of the target to the
// coordinate system of the root, applying intervening clips.
bool ClipToRoot(const LayoutObject* root,
const LayoutObject* target,
const PhysicalRect& root_rect,
PhysicalRect& unclipped_intersection_rect,
PhysicalRect& intersection_rect,
CachedRects* cached_rects = nullptr);
unsigned FirstThresholdGreaterThan(float ratio,
const Vector<float>& thresholds) const;
PhysicalRect target_rect_;
PhysicalRect intersection_rect_;
PhysicalRect unclipped_intersection_rect_;
PhysicalRect root_rect_;
unsigned flags_;
double intersection_ratio_;
unsigned threshold_index_;
} // namespace blink