blob: 8ac02ae1ef042979c8e8563f6d60a87400a7c318 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/position_with_affinity.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_object.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_object_inlines.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_text.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_text_fragment.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/object_paint_invalidator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/geometry/layout_unit.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator/allocator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/hash_table_deleted_value_type.h"
namespace blink {
class ComputedStyle;
class Document;
class HitTestRequest;
class HitTestLocation;
class LayoutObject;
class LineLayoutBox;
class LineLayoutAPIShim;
static LayoutObject* const kHashTableDeletedValue =
class LineLayoutItem {
explicit LineLayoutItem(LayoutObject* layout_object)
: layout_object_(layout_object) {}
explicit LineLayoutItem(WTF::HashTableDeletedValueType)
: layout_object_(kHashTableDeletedValue) {}
LineLayoutItem(std::nullptr_t) : layout_object_(nullptr) {}
LineLayoutItem() : layout_object_(nullptr) {}
explicit operator bool() const { return layout_object_; }
bool IsEqual(const LayoutObject* layout_object) const {
return layout_object_ == layout_object;
bool operator==(const LineLayoutItem& other) const {
return layout_object_ == other.layout_object_;
bool operator!=(const LineLayoutItem& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
String DebugName() const { return layout_object_->DebugName(); }
bool NeedsLayout() const { return layout_object_->NeedsLayout(); }
Node* GetNode() const { return layout_object_->GetNode(); }
Node* NonPseudoNode() const { return layout_object_->NonPseudoNode(); }
Node* GetNodeForOwnerNodeId() const {
auto* layout_text_fragment = DynamicTo<LayoutTextFragment>(layout_object_);
if (layout_text_fragment)
return layout_text_fragment->AssociatedTextNode();
return layout_object_->GetNode();
LineLayoutItem Parent() const {
return LineLayoutItem(layout_object_->Parent());
// Implemented in LineLayoutBox.h
// Intentionally returns a LineLayoutBox to avoid exposing LayoutBlock
// to the line layout code.
LineLayoutBox ContainingBlock() const;
LineLayoutItem Container() const {
return LineLayoutItem(layout_object_->Container());
bool IsDescendantOf(const LineLayoutItem item) const {
return layout_object_->IsDescendantOf(item.layout_object_);
void UpdateHitTestResult(HitTestResult& result, const PhysicalOffset& point) {
return layout_object_->UpdateHitTestResult(result, point);
LineLayoutItem NextSibling() const {
return LineLayoutItem(layout_object_->NextSibling());
LineLayoutItem PreviousSibling() const {
return LineLayoutItem(layout_object_->PreviousSibling());
LineLayoutItem SlowFirstChild() const {
return LineLayoutItem(layout_object_->SlowFirstChild());
LineLayoutItem SlowLastChild() const {
return LineLayoutItem(layout_object_->SlowLastChild());
// TODO(dgrogan/eae): Collapse these 4 methods to 1. Settle on pointer or
// ref. Give firstLine a default value.
const ComputedStyle* Style() const { return layout_object_->Style(); }
const ComputedStyle& StyleRef() const { return layout_object_->StyleRef(); }
const ComputedStyle* Style(bool first_line) const {
return layout_object_->Style(first_line);
const ComputedStyle& StyleRef(bool first_line) const {
return layout_object_->StyleRef(first_line);
Document& GetDocument() const { return layout_object_->GetDocument(); }
bool PreservesNewline() const {
if (IsSVGInlineText())
return false;
return StyleRef().PreserveNewline();
unsigned length() const { return layout_object_->length(); }
void DirtyLinesFromChangedChild(
LineLayoutItem item,
MarkingBehavior marking_behaviour = kMarkContainerChain) const {
bool AncestorLineBoxDirty() const {
return layout_object_->AncestorLineBoxDirty();
// TODO(dgrogan/eae): Remove this method and replace every call with an ||.
bool IsFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned() const {
return layout_object_->IsFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned();
bool IsFloating() const { return layout_object_->IsFloating(); }
bool IsOutOfFlowPositioned() const {
return layout_object_->IsOutOfFlowPositioned();
bool IsBox() const { return layout_object_->IsBox(); }
bool IsBoxModelObject() const { return layout_object_->IsBoxModelObject(); }
bool IsBR() const { return layout_object_->IsBR(); }
bool IsCombineText() const { return layout_object_->IsCombineText(); }
bool IsHorizontalWritingMode() const {
return layout_object_->IsHorizontalWritingMode();
bool IsImage() const { return layout_object_->IsImage(); }
bool IsInline() const { return layout_object_->IsInline(); }
bool IsInlineBlockOrInlineTable() const {
return layout_object_->IsInlineBlockOrInlineTable();
bool IsInlineElementContinuation() const {
return layout_object_->IsInlineElementContinuation();
// TODO(dgrogan/eae): Replace isType with an enum in the API? As it stands
// we mix isProperty and isType, which is confusing.
bool IsLayoutBlock() const { return layout_object_->IsLayoutBlock(); }
bool IsLayoutBlockFlow() const { return layout_object_->IsLayoutBlockFlow(); }
bool IsLayoutInline() const { return layout_object_->IsLayoutInline(); }
bool IsListMarker() const { return layout_object_->IsListMarker(); }
bool IsAtomicInlineLevel() const {
return layout_object_->IsAtomicInlineLevel();
bool IsRubyText() const { return layout_object_->IsRubyText(); }
bool IsRubyRun() const { return layout_object_->IsRubyRun(); }
bool IsRubyBase() const { return layout_object_->IsRubyBase(); }
bool IsSVGInline() const { return layout_object_->IsSVGInline(); }
bool IsSVGInlineText() const { return layout_object_->IsSVGInlineText(); }
bool IsSVGText() const { return layout_object_->IsSVGText(); }
bool IsSVGTextPath() const { return layout_object_->IsSVGTextPath(); }
bool IsTableCell() const { return layout_object_->IsTableCell(); }
bool IsText() const { return layout_object_->IsText(); }
bool IsEmptyText() const {
return IsText() && To<LayoutText>(layout_object_)->GetText().IsEmpty();
bool HasLayer() const { return layout_object_->HasLayer(); }
bool SelfNeedsLayout() const { return layout_object_->SelfNeedsLayout(); }
// |SetAncestorLineBoxDirty()| invalidates |layout_object|, should be
// |LayoutInline|, with |kLineBoxesChanged|.
// Note: |AncestorLineBoxDirty| flag itself is used for preventing
// invalidation on |layout_object_| more than once and used only in
// |LineBoxList::DirtyLinesFromChangedChild()|.
void SetAncestorLineBoxDirty() const {
// TODO(yosin): We should not use |CaretMaxOffset()|, because this function
// may be used for creating invalid pointer, e.g. <hr>@1.
int CaretMaxOffset() const {
if (layout_object_->IsAtomicInlineLevel()) {
if (Node* const node = layout_object_->GetNode())
return std::max(1u, GetNode()->CountChildren());
return 1;
if (layout_object_->IsHR())
return 1;
return 0;
bool HasFlippedBlocksWritingMode() const {
return layout_object_->HasFlippedBlocksWritingMode();
bool VisibleToHitTestRequest(const HitTestRequest& request) const {
return layout_object_->VisibleToHitTestRequest(request);
bool HitTestAllPhases(HitTestResult& result,
const HitTestLocation& hit_test_location,
const PhysicalOffset& accumulated_offset) {
return layout_object_->HitTestAllPhases(result, hit_test_location,
bool IsSelected() const { return layout_object_->IsSelected(); }
// TODO(dgrogan/eae): Needed for Color::current. Can we move this somewhere?
Color ResolveColor(const ComputedStyle& style_to_use,
const CSSProperty& color_property) {
return layout_object_->ResolveColor(style_to_use, color_property);
bool IsInFlowPositioned() const {
return layout_object_->IsInFlowPositioned();
bool IsRelPositioned() const { return layout_object_->IsRelPositioned(); }
// TODO(dgrogan/eae): Can we change this to GlobalToLocal and vice versa
// instead of having 4 methods? See localToAbsoluteQuad below.
PositionWithAffinity PositionForPoint(const PhysicalOffset& point) {
return layout_object_->PositionForPoint(point);
PositionWithAffinity CreatePositionWithAffinity(int offset,
TextAffinity affinity) {
return layout_object_->CreatePositionWithAffinity(offset, affinity);
PositionWithAffinity PositionAfterThis() const {
return layout_object_->PositionAfterThis();
PositionWithAffinity PositionBeforeThis() const {
return layout_object_->PositionBeforeThis();
LineLayoutItem PreviousInPreOrder(const LayoutObject* stay_within) const {
return LineLayoutItem(layout_object_->PreviousInPreOrder(stay_within));
bool IsScrollContainer() const { return layout_object_->IsScrollContainer(); }
// TODO(dgrogan/eae): Can we instead add a TearDown method to the API
// instead of exposing this and other shutdown code to line layout?
bool DocumentBeingDestroyed() const {
return layout_object_->DocumentBeingDestroyed();
bool IsHashTableDeletedValue() const {
return layout_object_ == kHashTableDeletedValue;
void SetShouldDoFullPaintInvalidation() {
void SlowSetPaintingLayerNeedsRepaint() {
void SetIsTruncated(bool set_truncation) {
bool IsTruncated() { return layout_object_->IsTruncated(); }
bool EverHadLayout() const { return layout_object_->EverHadLayout(); }
struct LineLayoutItemHash {
static unsigned GetHash(const LineLayoutItem& key) {
return WTF::PtrHash<LayoutObject>::GetHash(key.layout_object_);
static bool Equal(const LineLayoutItem& a, const LineLayoutItem& b) {
return WTF::PtrHash<LayoutObject>::Equal(a.layout_object_,
static const bool safe_to_compare_to_empty_or_deleted = true;
const char* GetName() const { return layout_object_->GetName(); }
// Intentionally returns a void* to avoid exposing LayoutObject* to the line
// layout code.
void* DebugPointer() const { return layout_object_; }
void ShowTreeForThis() const { layout_object_->ShowTreeForThis(); }
String DecoratedName() const { return layout_object_->DecoratedName(); }
LayoutObject* GetLayoutObject() { return layout_object_; }
const LayoutObject* GetLayoutObject() const { return layout_object_; }
LayoutObject* layout_object_;
friend class LayoutBlockFlow;
friend class LineLayoutAPIShim;
friend class LineLayoutBlockFlow;
friend class LineLayoutBox;
friend class LineLayoutRubyRun;
} // namespace blink
namespace WTF {
template <>
struct DefaultHash<blink::LineLayoutItem> {
using Hash = blink::LineLayoutItem::LineLayoutItemHash;
template <>
struct HashTraits<blink::LineLayoutItem>
: SimpleClassHashTraits<blink::LineLayoutItem> {
} // namespace WTF