blob: 8749f27904360e21fa0fbb80dc64b5697da4a8f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_caret_position.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/bidi_adjustment.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/position_with_affinity.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/text_affinity.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_block_flow.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_fragment_item.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_inline_cursor.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_inline_node.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_offset_mapping.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_physical_line_box_fragment.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
// The calculation takes the following input:
// - An inline formatting context as a |LayoutBlockFlow|
// - An offset in the |text_content_| string of the above context
// - A TextAffinity
// The calculation iterates all inline fragments in the context, and tries to
// compute an NGCaretPosition using the "caret resolution process" below:
// The (offset, affinity) pair is compared against each inline fragment to see
// if the corresponding caret should be placed in the fragment, using the
// |TryResolveCaretPositionInXXX()| functions. These functions may return:
// - Failed, indicating that the caret must not be placed in the fragment;
// - Resolved, indicating that the care should be placed in the fragment, and
// no further search is required. The result NGCaretPosition is returned
// together.
// - FoundCandidate, indicating that the caret may be placed in the fragment;
// however, further search may find a better position. The candidate
// NGCaretPosition is also returned together.
enum class ResolutionType { kFailed, kFoundCandidate, kResolved };
struct CaretPositionResolution {
ResolutionType type = ResolutionType::kFailed;
NGCaretPosition caret_position;
bool CanResolveCaretPositionBeforeFragment(const NGInlineCursor& cursor,
TextAffinity affinity) {
if (affinity == TextAffinity::kDownstream)
return true;
if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::BidiCaretAffinityEnabled())
return false;
NGInlineCursor current_line(cursor);
// A fragment after line wrap must be the first logical leaf in its line.
NGInlineCursor first_logical_leaf(current_line);
if (cursor != first_logical_leaf)
return true;
NGInlineCursor last_line(current_line);
return !last_line || !last_line.Current().HasSoftWrapToNextLine();
bool CanResolveCaretPositionAfterFragment(const NGInlineCursor& cursor,
TextAffinity affinity) {
if (affinity == TextAffinity::kUpstream)
return true;
if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::BidiCaretAffinityEnabled())
return false;
NGInlineCursor current_line(cursor);
// A fragment before line wrap must be the last logical leaf in its line.
NGInlineCursor last_logical_leaf(current_line);
if (cursor != last_logical_leaf)
return true;
return !current_line.Current().HasSoftWrapToNextLine();
// Returns a |kFailed| resolution if |offset| doesn't belong to the text
// fragment. Otherwise, return either |kFoundCandidate| or |kResolved| depending
// on |affinity|.
CaretPositionResolution TryResolveCaretPositionInTextFragment(
const NGInlineCursor& cursor,
unsigned offset,
TextAffinity affinity) {
if (cursor.Current().IsGeneratedText())
return CaretPositionResolution();
const NGOffsetMapping& mapping =
// A text fragment natually allows caret placement in offset range
// [StartOffset(), EndOffset()], i.e., from before the first character to
// after the last character.
// Besides, leading/trailing bidi control characters are ignored since their
// two sides are considered the same caret position. Hence, if there are n and
// m leading and trailing bidi control characters, then the allowed offset
// range is [StartOffset() - n, EndOffset() + m].
// Note that we don't ignore other characters that are not in fragments. For
// example, a trailing space of a line is not in any fragment, but its two
// sides are still different caret positions, so we don't ignore it.
const NGTextOffset current_offset = cursor.Current().TextOffset();
const unsigned start_offset = current_offset.start;
const unsigned end_offset = current_offset.end;
if (offset < start_offset &&
!mapping.HasBidiControlCharactersOnly(offset, start_offset))
return CaretPositionResolution();
if (affinity == TextAffinity::kUpstream && offset == current_offset.end + 1 &&
cursor.Current().Style().NeedsTrailingSpace() &&
mapping.GetText()[offset - 1])) {
// |offset| is after soft line wrap, e.g. "abc |xyz".
// See and |AdjustForSoftLineWrap()|
return {ResolutionType::kResolved,
{cursor, NGCaretPositionType::kAtTextOffset, offset - 1}};
if (offset > current_offset.end &&
!mapping.HasBidiControlCharactersOnly(end_offset, offset))
return CaretPositionResolution();
offset = std::max(offset, start_offset);
offset = std::min(offset, end_offset);
NGCaretPosition candidate = {cursor, NGCaretPositionType::kAtTextOffset,
// Offsets in the interior of a fragment can be resolved directly.
if (offset > start_offset && offset < end_offset)
return {ResolutionType::kResolved, candidate};
if (offset == start_offset &&
CanResolveCaretPositionBeforeFragment(cursor, affinity)) {
return {ResolutionType::kResolved, candidate};
if (offset == end_offset && !cursor.Current().IsLineBreak() &&
CanResolveCaretPositionAfterFragment(cursor, affinity)) {
return {ResolutionType::kResolved, candidate};
// We may have a better candidate
return {ResolutionType::kFoundCandidate, candidate};
unsigned GetTextOffsetBefore(const Node& node) {
// TODO(xiaochengh): Design more straightforward way to get text offset of
// atomic inline box.
const Position before_node = Position::BeforeNode(node);
base::Optional<unsigned> maybe_offset_before =
// We should have offset mapping for atomic inline boxes.
return *maybe_offset_before;
// Returns a |kFailed| resolution if |offset| doesn't belong to the atomic
// inline box fragment. Otherwise, return either |kFoundCandidate| or
// |kResolved| depending on |affinity|.
CaretPositionResolution TryResolveCaretPositionByBoxFragmentSide(
const NGInlineCursor& cursor,
unsigned offset,
TextAffinity affinity) {
const Node* const node = cursor.Current().GetNode();
// There is no caret position at a pseudo or generated box side.
if (!node || node->IsPseudoElement()) {
// TODO(xiaochengh): This leads to false negatives for, e.g., RUBY, where an
// anonymous wrapping inline block is created.
return CaretPositionResolution();
const unsigned offset_before = GetTextOffsetBefore(*node);
const unsigned offset_after = offset_before + 1;
// TODO(xiaochengh): Ignore bidi control characters before & after the box.
if (offset != offset_before && offset != offset_after)
return CaretPositionResolution();
const NGCaretPositionType position_type =
offset == offset_before ? NGCaretPositionType::kBeforeBox
: NGCaretPositionType::kAfterBox;
NGCaretPosition candidate{cursor, position_type, base::nullopt};
if (offset == offset_before &&
CanResolveCaretPositionBeforeFragment(cursor, affinity)) {
return {ResolutionType::kResolved, candidate};
if (offset == offset_after &&
CanResolveCaretPositionAfterFragment(cursor, affinity)) {
return {ResolutionType::kResolved, candidate};
return {ResolutionType::kFoundCandidate, candidate};
CaretPositionResolution TryResolveCaretPositionWithFragment(
const NGInlineCursor& cursor,
unsigned offset,
TextAffinity affinity) {
if (cursor.Current().IsText())
return TryResolveCaretPositionInTextFragment(cursor, offset, affinity);
if (cursor.Current().IsAtomicInline())
return TryResolveCaretPositionByBoxFragmentSide(cursor, offset, affinity);
return CaretPositionResolution();
bool NeedsBidiAdjustment(const NGCaretPosition& caret_position) {
if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::BidiCaretAffinityEnabled())
return false;
if (caret_position.IsNull())
return false;
if (caret_position.position_type != NGCaretPositionType::kAtTextOffset)
return true;
const NGTextOffset offset = caret_position.cursor.Current().TextOffset();
const unsigned start_offset = offset.start;
const unsigned end_offset = offset.end;
DCHECK_GE(*caret_position.text_offset, start_offset);
DCHECK_LE(*caret_position.text_offset, end_offset);
// Bidi adjustment is needed only for caret positions at bidi boundaries.
// Caret positions in the middle of a text fragment can't be at bidi
// boundaries, and hence, don't need any adjustment.
return *caret_position.text_offset == start_offset ||
*caret_position.text_offset == end_offset;
NGCaretPosition AdjustCaretPositionForBidiText(
const NGCaretPosition& caret_position) {
if (!NeedsBidiAdjustment(caret_position))
return caret_position;
return BidiAdjustment::AdjustForCaretPositionResolution(caret_position);
bool IsUpstreamAfterLineBreak(const NGCaretPosition& caret_position) {
if (caret_position.position_type != NGCaretPositionType::kAtTextOffset)
return false;
if (!caret_position.cursor.Current().IsLineBreak())
return false;
return *caret_position.text_offset ==
NGCaretPosition BetterCandidateBetween(const NGCaretPosition& current,
const NGCaretPosition& other,
unsigned offset,
TextAffinity affinity) {
if (current.IsNull())
return other;
// There shouldn't be too many cases where we have multiple candidates.
// Make sure all of them are captured and handled here.
// Only known case: either |current| or |other| is upstream after line break.
DCHECK_EQ(affinity, TextAffinity::kUpstream);
if (IsUpstreamAfterLineBreak(current)) {
return other;
return current;
} // namespace
// The main function for compute an NGCaretPosition. See the comments at the top
// of this file for details.
NGCaretPosition ComputeNGCaretPosition(const LayoutBlockFlow& context,
unsigned offset,
TextAffinity affinity,
const LayoutText* layout_text) {
NGInlineCursor cursor(context);
NGCaretPosition candidate;
if (layout_text && layout_text->HasInlineFragments())
for (; cursor; cursor.MoveToNext()) {
const CaretPositionResolution resolution =
TryResolveCaretPositionWithFragment(cursor, offset, affinity);
if (resolution.type == ResolutionType::kFailed)
// TODO(xiaochengh): Handle caret poisition in empty container (e.g. empty
// line box).
if (resolution.type == ResolutionType::kResolved) {
candidate = resolution.caret_position;
if (!layout_text ||
candidate.cursor.Current().GetLayoutObject() == layout_text)
return AdjustCaretPositionForBidiText(resolution.caret_position);
DCHECK_EQ(ResolutionType::kFoundCandidate, resolution.type);
candidate = BetterCandidateBetween(candidate, resolution.caret_position,
offset, affinity);
return AdjustCaretPositionForBidiText(candidate);
NGCaretPosition ComputeNGCaretPosition(
const PositionWithAffinity& position_with_affinity) {
const Position& position = position_with_affinity.GetPosition();
LayoutBlockFlow* context = NGInlineFormattingContextOf(position);
if (!context)
return NGCaretPosition();
const NGOffsetMapping* mapping = NGInlineNode::GetOffsetMapping(context);
if (!mapping) {
// TODO(yosin): We should find when we reach here[1].
// [1]
NOTREACHED() << context;
return NGCaretPosition();
const base::Optional<unsigned> maybe_offset =
if (!maybe_offset.has_value()) {
// We can reach here with empty text nodes.
if (auto* data = DynamicTo<Text>(position.AnchorNode())) {
DCHECK_EQ(data->length(), 0u);
} else {
// TODO(xiaochengh): Investigate if we reach here.
return NGCaretPosition();
const LayoutText* const layout_text =
position.IsOffsetInAnchor() && IsA<Text>(position.AnchorNode())
? To<LayoutText>(AssociatedLayoutObjectOf(
*position.AnchorNode(), position.OffsetInContainerNode()))
: nullptr;
const unsigned offset = maybe_offset.value_or(0);
const TextAffinity affinity = position_with_affinity.Affinity();
// For upstream position, we use offset before ZWS to distinguish downstream
// and upstream position when line breaking before ZWS.
// " Zabc" where "Z" represents zero-width-space.
// See AccessibilitySelectionTest.FromCurrentSelectionInTextareaWithAffinity
const unsigned adjusted_offset =
affinity == TextAffinity::kUpstream && offset &&
mapping->GetText()[offset - 1] == kZeroWidthSpaceCharacter
? offset - 1
: offset;
return ComputeNGCaretPosition(*context, adjusted_offset, affinity,
Position NGCaretPosition::ToPositionInDOMTree() const {
return ToPositionInDOMTreeWithAffinity().GetPosition();
PositionWithAffinity NGCaretPosition::ToPositionInDOMTreeWithAffinity() const {
if (IsNull())
return PositionWithAffinity();
switch (position_type) {
case NGCaretPositionType::kBeforeBox:
if (const Node* node = cursor.Current().GetNode()) {
return PositionWithAffinity(Position::BeforeNode(*node),
return PositionWithAffinity();
case NGCaretPositionType::kAfterBox:
if (const Node* node = cursor.Current().GetNode()) {
return PositionWithAffinity(Position::AfterNode(*node),
return PositionWithAffinity();
case NGCaretPositionType::kAtTextOffset:
// In case of ::first-letter, |cursor.Current().GetNode()| is null.
const NGOffsetMapping* mapping =
if (!mapping) {
// TODO(yosin): We're not sure why |mapping| is |nullptr|. It seems
// we are attempt to use destroyed/moved |NGFragmentItem|.
// See
NOTREACHED() << cursor << " " << cursor.Current().GetLayoutObject();
return PositionWithAffinity();
const TextAffinity affinity =
*text_offset == cursor.Current().TextEndOffset()
? TextAffinity::kUpstreamIfPossible
: TextAffinity::kDownstream;
const Position position = affinity == TextAffinity::kDownstream
? mapping->GetLastPosition(*text_offset)
: mapping->GetFirstPosition(*text_offset);
if (position.IsNull())
return PositionWithAffinity();
return PositionWithAffinity(position, affinity);
return PositionWithAffinity();
} // namespace blink