blob: 68391566acfeaceba7da055088505e6674dfb88e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_fragment_item.h"
namespace blink {
class NGFragmentItemsBuilder;
// Represents the inside of an inline formatting context.
// During the layout phase, descendants of the inline formatting context is
// transformed to a flat list of |NGFragmentItem| and stored in this class.
class CORE_EXPORT NGFragmentItems {
NGFragmentItems(const NGFragmentItems& other);
explicit NGFragmentItems(NGFragmentItemsBuilder* builder);
wtf_size_t Size() const { return size_; }
using Span = base::span<const NGFragmentItem>;
Span Items() const { return base::make_span(ItemsData(), size_); }
bool Equals(const Span& span) const {
return ItemsData() == && Size() == span.size();
bool IsSubSpan(const Span& span) const;
const NGFragmentItem& front() const {
CHECK_GE(size_, 1u);
return items_[0];
// Text content for |this| inline formatting context.
const String& NormalText() const { return text_content_; }
// Text content for `::first-line`. Available only if `::first-line` has
// different style than non-first-line style.
const String& FirstLineText() const { return first_line_text_content_; }
// Returns |FirstLineText()| if it is available and |first_line| is |true|.
// Otherwise returns |NormalText()|.
const String& Text(bool first_line) const {
return UNLIKELY(first_line && first_line_text_content_)
? first_line_text_content_
: text_content_;
// When block-fragmented, returns the number of |NGFragmentItem| in earlier
// fragments for this box. 0 for the first fragment.
wtf_size_t SizeOfEarlierFragments() const {
return size_of_earlier_fragments_;
wtf_size_t EndItemIndex() const { return size_of_earlier_fragments_ + size_; }
bool HasItemIndex(wtf_size_t index) const {
return index >= SizeOfEarlierFragments() && index < EndItemIndex();
// Associate |NGFragmentItem|s with |LayoutObject|s and finalize the items
// (set which ones are the first / last for the LayoutObject).
static void FinalizeAfterLayout(
const Vector<scoped_refptr<const NGLayoutResult>, 1>& results);
// Disassociate |NGFragmentItem|s with |LayoutObject|s. And more.
static void ClearAssociatedFragments(LayoutObject* container);
// Notify when |LayoutObject| will be destroyed/moved.
static void LayoutObjectWillBeDestroyed(const LayoutObject& layout_object);
static void LayoutObjectWillBeMoved(const LayoutObject& layout_object);
// Returns the end (next of the last) item that are reusable. If no items are
// reusable, it is the first item.
const NGFragmentItem* EndOfReusableItems(
const NGPhysicalBoxFragment& container) const;
// Mark items dirty when |child| is removed from the tree.
static void DirtyLinesFromChangedChild(const LayoutObject& child,
const LayoutBlockFlow& container);
// Mark items dirty from |LayoutObject::NeedsLayout| flags.
static void DirtyLinesFromNeedsLayout(const LayoutBlockFlow& block_flow);
// The byte size of this instance.
constexpr static wtf_size_t ByteSizeFor(wtf_size_t count) {
return sizeof(NGFragmentItems) + count * sizeof(items_[0]);
wtf_size_t ByteSize() const { return ByteSizeFor(Size()); }
void CheckAllItemsAreValid() const;
const NGFragmentItem* ItemsData() const { return items_; }
static bool CanReuseAll(NGInlineCursor* cursor);
static bool TryDirtyFirstLineFor(const LayoutObject& layout_object,
const LayoutBlockFlow& container);
static bool TryDirtyLastLineFor(const LayoutObject& layout_object,
const LayoutBlockFlow& container);
static void DirtyFirstItem(const LayoutBlockFlow& container);
String text_content_;
String first_line_text_content_;
wtf_size_t size_;
// Total size of |NGFragmentItem| in earlier fragments when block fragmented.
// 0 for the first |NGFragmentItems|.
mutable wtf_size_t size_of_earlier_fragments_;
// Semantically, |items_| is a flexible array of |scoped_refptr<const
// NGFragmentItem>|, but |scoped_refptr| has non-trivial destruction which
// causes an error in clang. Declare as a flexible array of |NGFragmentItem*|
// instead. Please see |ItemsData()|.
sizeof(NGFragmentItem*) == sizeof(scoped_refptr<const NGFragmentItem>),
"scoped_refptr must be the size of a pointer for |ItemsData()| to work");
NGFragmentItem items_[0];
} // namespace blink