blob: dd9e38afec04decf75a511b9dfa633c702743e7e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_offset_mapping.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_style_variant.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/style/computed_style.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/shaping/run_segmenter.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/shaping/shape_result.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/text_direction.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator/allocator.h"
#include <unicode/ubidi.h>
#include <unicode/uscript.h>
namespace blink {
class HarfBuzzShaper;
class NGInlineItem;
// Represents a segment produced by |RunSegmenter|.
// |RunSegmenter| is forward-only that this class provides random access to the
// result by keeping in memory. This class packs the data in a compact form to
// minimize the memory impact.
class CORE_EXPORT NGInlineItemSegment {
NGInlineItemSegment(unsigned end_offset, unsigned segment_data)
: end_offset_(end_offset), segment_data_(segment_data) {}
NGInlineItemSegment(const RunSegmenter::RunSegmenterRange& range);
NGInlineItemSegment(unsigned end_offset, const NGInlineItem& item);
RunSegmenter::RunSegmenterRange ToRunSegmenterRange(
unsigned start_offset,
unsigned end_offset) const;
unsigned EndOffset() const { return end_offset_; }
// Pack/unpack utility functions to store in bit fields.
static constexpr unsigned kSegmentDataBits = 11;
static unsigned PackSegmentData(const RunSegmenter::RunSegmenterRange& range);
static RunSegmenter::RunSegmenterRange
UnpackSegmentData(unsigned start_offset, unsigned end_offset, unsigned value);
unsigned end_offset_;
unsigned segment_data_ : kSegmentDataBits;
friend class NGInlineItemSegments;
// Represents a set of |NGInlineItemSegment| for an inline formatting context
// represented by |NGInlineItemsData|.
// The segments/block ratio for Latin is 1.0 to 1.01 in average, while it
// increases to 1.01 to 1.05 for most other writing systems because it is common
// to have some Latin words within paragraphs.
// For writing systems that has multiple native scripts such as Japanese, the
// ratio jumps to 10-30, or sometimes 300 depends on the length of the block,
// because the average characters/segment ratio in Japanese is 2-5. This class
// builds internal indexes for faster access in such cases.
class CORE_EXPORT NGInlineItemSegments {
unsigned size() const { return segments_.size(); }
bool IsEmpty() const { return segments_.IsEmpty(); }
// Start/end offset of each segment/entire segments.
unsigned OffsetForSegment(const NGInlineItemSegment& segment) const;
unsigned EndOffset() const { return segments_.back().EndOffset(); }
void ReserveCapacity(unsigned capacity) {
// Append a |NGInlineItemSegment| using one of its constructors.
template <class... Args>
void Append(Args&&... args) {
// Append mixed-vertical font orientation segments for the specified range.
// This is separated from |ComputeSegments| because this result depends on
// fonts.
unsigned AppendMixedFontOrientation(const String& text_content,
unsigned start_offset,
unsigned end_offset,
unsigned segment_index);
// Compute an internal items-to-segments index for faster access.
void ComputeItemIndex(const Vector<NGInlineItem>& items);
// Iterates |RunSegmenterRange| for the given offsets.
class Iterator {
Iterator(unsigned start_offset,
unsigned end_offset,
const NGInlineItemSegment* segment);
bool IsDone() const { return range_.start == end_offset_; }
// This class provides both iterator and range for the simplicity.
const Iterator& begin() const { return *this; }
const Iterator& end() const { return *this; }
bool operator!=(const Iterator& other) const { return !IsDone(); }
const RunSegmenter::RunSegmenterRange& operator*() const { return range_; }
void operator++();
RunSegmenter::RunSegmenterRange range_;
const NGInlineItemSegment* segment_;
unsigned start_offset_;
unsigned end_offset_;
using const_iterator = Iterator;
// Returns an iterator for the given offsets.
// |item_index| is the index of |NGInlineItem| for the |start_offset|.
const_iterator Ranges(unsigned start_offset,
unsigned end_offset,
unsigned item_index) const;
// Shape runs in the range and return the concatenated |ShapeResult|.
scoped_refptr<ShapeResult> ShapeText(const HarfBuzzShaper* shaper,
const Font* font,
TextDirection direction,
unsigned start_offset,
unsigned end_offset,
unsigned item_index) const;
unsigned PopulateItemsFromFontOrientation(
unsigned start_offset,
unsigned end_offset,
unsigned segment_index);
void Split(unsigned index, unsigned offset);
void CheckOffset(unsigned offset, const NGInlineItemSegment* segment) const;
void CheckOffset(unsigned offset, const NGInlineItemSegment* segment) const {}
Vector<NGInlineItemSegment> segments_;
Vector<unsigned> items_to_segments_;
inline NGInlineItemSegments::Iterator::Iterator(
unsigned start_offset,
unsigned end_offset,
const NGInlineItemSegment* segment)
: segment_(segment), start_offset_(start_offset), end_offset_(end_offset) {
DCHECK_LT(start_offset, end_offset);
DCHECK_LT(start_offset, segment->EndOffset());
range_ = segment->ToRunSegmenterRange(start_offset_, end_offset_);
inline void NGInlineItemSegments::Iterator::operator++() {
DCHECK_LE(range_.end, end_offset_);
if (range_.end == end_offset_) {
range_.start = end_offset_;
start_offset_ = range_.end;
range_ = segment_->ToRunSegmenterRange(start_offset_, end_offset_);
} // namespace blink