blob: 0610259e47e13d69244c6cbb1cdcc34dc061aaa2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/exclusions/ng_line_layout_opportunity.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_inline_item_result.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_inline_node.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/shaping/harfbuzz_shaper.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/shaping/shape_result_spacing.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/text_break_iterator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator/allocator.h"
namespace blink {
class Hyphenation;
class NGInlineBreakToken;
class NGInlineItem;
// The line breaker needs to know which mode its in to properly handle floats.
enum class NGLineBreakerMode { kContent, kMinContent, kMaxContent };
// Represents a line breaker.
// This class measures each NGInlineItem and determines items to form a line,
// so that NGInlineLayoutAlgorithm can build a line box from the output.
class CORE_EXPORT NGLineBreaker {
const NGConstraintSpace&,
const NGLineLayoutOpportunity&,
const NGPositionedFloatVector& leading_floats,
unsigned handled_leading_floats_index,
const NGInlineBreakToken*,
const NGInlineItemsData& ItemsData() const { return items_data_; }
// True if the last line has `box-decoration-break: clone`, which affected the
// size.
bool HasClonedBoxDecorations() const { return has_cloned_box_decorations_; }
// Compute the next line break point and produces NGInlineItemResults for
// the line.
inline void NextLine(NGLineInfo* line_info) {
NextLine(kIndefiniteSize, line_info);
// During the min/max size calculation we need a special percentage
// resolution block-size to pass to children/pass to children.
// TODO(layout-dev): Split into two methods (NextLine/NextLineForMinMax) or,
// better yet, subclass or templetize the line-breaker for Min/Max computation
// if we can do that without incurring a performance penalty
void NextLine(LayoutUnit percentage_resolution_block_size_for_min_max,
bool IsFinished() const { return item_index_ >= Items().size(); }
// Create an NGInlineBreakToken for the last line returned by NextLine().
scoped_refptr<NGInlineBreakToken> CreateBreakToken(const NGLineInfo&) const;
void PropagateBreakToken(scoped_refptr<const NGBlockBreakToken>);
Vector<scoped_refptr<const NGBlockBreakToken>>& PropagatedBreakTokens() {
return propagated_break_tokens_;
// Computing |NGLineBreakerMode::kMinContent| with |MaxSizeCache| caches
// information that can help computing |kMaxContent|. It is recommended to set
// this when computing both |kMinContent| and |kMaxContent|.
using MaxSizeCache = Vector<LayoutUnit, 64>;
void SetIntrinsicSizeOutputs(MaxSizeCache* max_size_cache,
bool* depends_on_percentage_block_size_out);
// Compute NGInlineItemResult for an open tag item.
// Returns true if this item has edge and may have non-zero inline size.
static bool ComputeOpenTagResult(const NGInlineItem&,
const NGConstraintSpace&,
// This enum is private, except for |WhitespaceStateForTesting()|. See
// |whitespace_| member.
enum class WhitespaceState {
WhitespaceState TrailingWhitespaceForTesting() const {
return trailing_whitespace_;
const String& Text() const { return text_content_; }
const Vector<NGInlineItem>& Items() const { return items_data_.items; }
String TextContentForLineBreak() const;
NGInlineItemResult* AddItem(const NGInlineItem&,
unsigned end_offset,
NGInlineItemResult* AddItem(const NGInlineItem&, NGLineInfo*);
void BreakLine(LayoutUnit percentage_resolution_block_size_for_min_max,
void PrepareNextLine(NGLineInfo*);
void ComputeLineLocation(NGLineInfo*) const;
enum class LineBreakState {
// The line breaking is complete.
// Overflow is detected without any earlier break opportunities. This line
// should break at the earliest break opportunity.
// Should complete the line at the earliest possible point.
// Trailing spaces, <br>, or close tags should be included to the line even
// when it is overflowing.
// Looking for more items to fit into the current line.
void HandleText(const NGInlineItem& item, const ShapeResult&, NGLineInfo*);
enum BreakResult { kSuccess, kOverflow };
BreakResult BreakText(NGInlineItemResult*,
const NGInlineItem&,
const ShapeResult&,
LayoutUnit available_width,
LayoutUnit available_width_with_hyphens,
bool BreakTextAtPreviousBreakOpportunity(NGInlineItemResult* item_result);
bool HandleTextForFastMinContent(NGInlineItemResult*,
const NGInlineItem&,
const ShapeResult&,
void HandleEmptyText(const NGInlineItem& item, NGLineInfo*);
scoped_refptr<ShapeResultView> TruncateLineEndResult(
const NGLineInfo&,
const NGInlineItemResult&,
unsigned end_offset);
void UpdateShapeResult(const NGLineInfo&, NGInlineItemResult*);
scoped_refptr<ShapeResult> ShapeText(const NGInlineItem&,
unsigned start,
unsigned end);
void HandleTrailingSpaces(const NGInlineItem&, NGLineInfo*);
void HandleTrailingSpaces(const NGInlineItem&,
const ShapeResult*,
void RemoveTrailingCollapsibleSpace(NGLineInfo*);
LayoutUnit TrailingCollapsibleSpaceWidth(NGLineInfo*);
void ComputeTrailingCollapsibleSpace(NGLineInfo*);
void HandleControlItem(const NGInlineItem&, NGLineInfo*);
void HandleBidiControlItem(const NGInlineItem&, NGLineInfo*);
void HandleAtomicInline(
const NGInlineItem&,
LayoutUnit percentage_resolution_block_size_for_min_max,
bool ShouldForceCanBreakAfter(const NGInlineItemResult& item_result) const;
void HandleFloat(const NGInlineItem&,
void HandleOutOfFlowPositioned(const NGInlineItem&, NGLineInfo*);
void HandleOpenTag(const NGInlineItem&, NGLineInfo*);
void HandleCloseTag(const NGInlineItem&, NGLineInfo*);
bool HandleOverflowIfNeeded(NGLineInfo*);
void HandleOverflow(NGLineInfo*);
void RewindOverflow(unsigned new_end, NGLineInfo*);
void Rewind(unsigned new_end, NGLineInfo*);
void ResetRewindLoopDetector() { last_rewind_.reset(); }
const ComputedStyle& ComputeCurrentStyle(unsigned item_result_index,
NGLineInfo*) const;
void SetCurrentStyle(const ComputedStyle&);
bool IsPreviousItemOfType(NGInlineItem::NGInlineItemType);
void MoveToNextOf(const NGInlineItem&);
void MoveToNextOf(const NGInlineItemResult&);
void ComputeBaseDirection();
void RecalcClonedBoxDecorations();
LayoutUnit AvailableWidth() const {
DCHECK_EQ(available_width_, ComputeAvailableWidth());
return available_width_;
LayoutUnit AvailableWidthToFit() const {
return AvailableWidth().AddEpsilon();
LayoutUnit RemainingAvailableWidth() const {
return AvailableWidthToFit() - position_;
bool CanFitOnLine() const { return position_ <= AvailableWidthToFit(); }
LayoutUnit ComputeAvailableWidth() const;
void ClearNeedsLayout(const NGInlineItem& item);
// True if the current line is hyphenated.
bool HasHyphen() const { return hyphen_index_.has_value(); }
LayoutUnit AddHyphen(NGInlineItemResults* item_results,
wtf_size_t index,
NGInlineItemResult* item_result,
const NGInlineItem& item);
LayoutUnit AddHyphen(NGInlineItemResults* item_results, wtf_size_t index);
LayoutUnit AddHyphen(NGInlineItemResults* item_results,
NGInlineItemResult* item_result,
const NGInlineItem& item);
LayoutUnit RemoveHyphen(NGInlineItemResults* item_results);
void RestoreLastHyphen(NGInlineItemResults* item_results);
void FinalizeHyphen(NGInlineItemResults* item_results);
// Represents the current offset of the input.
LineBreakState state_;
unsigned item_index_ = 0;
unsigned offset_ = 0;
// |WhitespaceState| of the current end. When a line is broken, this indicates
// the state of trailing whitespaces.
WhitespaceState trailing_whitespace_;
// The current position from inline_start. Unlike NGInlineLayoutAlgorithm
// that computes position in visual order, this position in logical order.
LayoutUnit position_;
LayoutUnit available_width_;
NGLineLayoutOpportunity line_opportunity_;
NGInlineNode node_;
NGLineBreakerMode mode_;
// True if this line is the "first formatted line".
bool is_first_formatted_line_ = false;
bool use_first_line_style_ = false;
// True when current box allows line wrapping.
bool auto_wrap_ = false;
// True when current box has 'word-break/word-wrap: break-word'.
bool break_anywhere_if_overflow_ = false;
// Force LineBreakType::kBreakCharacter by ignoring the current style if
// |break_anywhere_if_overflow_| is set. Set to find grapheme cluster
// boundaries for 'break-word' after overflow.
bool override_break_anywhere_ = false;
// True when breaking at soft hyphens (U+00AD) is allowed.
bool enable_soft_hyphen_ = true;
// True when the line we are breaking has a list marker.
bool has_list_marker_ = false;
// Set when the line ended with a forced break. Used to setup the states for
// the next line.
bool is_after_forced_break_ = false;
// Set in quirks mode when we're not supposed to break inside table cells
// between images, and between text and images.
bool sticky_images_quirk_ = false;
// True if the resultant line contains a RubyRun with inline-end overhang.
bool maybe_have_end_overhang_ = false;
const NGInlineItemsData& items_data_;
// The text content of this node. This is same as |items_data_.text_content|
// except when sticky images quirk is needed. See
// |NGInlineNode::TextContentForContentSize|.
String text_content_;
const NGConstraintSpace& constraint_space_;
NGExclusionSpace* exclusion_space_;
scoped_refptr<const NGInlineBreakToken> break_token_;
scoped_refptr<const ComputedStyle> current_style_;
LazyLineBreakIterator break_iterator_;
HarfBuzzShaper shaper_;
ShapeResultSpacing<String> spacing_;
bool previous_line_had_forced_break_ = false;
const Hyphenation* hyphenation_ = nullptr;
base::Optional<wtf_size_t> hyphen_index_;
bool has_any_hyphens_ = false;
// Cache the result of |ComputeTrailingCollapsibleSpace| to avoid shaping
// multiple times.
struct TrailingCollapsibleSpace {
NGInlineItemResult* item_result;
scoped_refptr<const ShapeResultView> collapsed_shape_result;
base::Optional<TrailingCollapsibleSpace> trailing_collapsible_space_;
// Keep track of handled float items. See HandleFloat().
const NGPositionedFloatVector& leading_floats_;
unsigned leading_floats_index_ = 0u;
unsigned handled_leading_floats_index_;
// Cache for computing |MinMaxSize|. See |MaxSizeCache|.
MaxSizeCache* max_size_cache_ = nullptr;
bool* depends_on_percentage_block_size_out_ = nullptr;
// Keep the last item |HandleTextForFastMinContent()| has handled. This is
// used to fallback the last word to |HandleText()|.
const NGInlineItem* fast_min_content_item_ = nullptr;
// The current base direction for the bidi algorithm.
// This is copied from NGInlineNode, then updated after each forced line break
// if 'unicode-bidi: plaintext'.
TextDirection base_direction_;
Vector<scoped_refptr<const NGBlockBreakToken>> propagated_break_tokens_;
// Fields for `box-decoration-break: clone`.
unsigned cloned_box_decorations_count_ = 0;
LayoutUnit cloned_box_decorations_initial_size_;
LayoutUnit cloned_box_decorations_end_size_;
bool has_cloned_box_decorations_ = false;
// These fields are to detect rewind-loop.
struct RewindIndex {
wtf_size_t from_item_index;
wtf_size_t to_index;
base::Optional<RewindIndex> last_rewind_;
} // namespace blink