blob: cfe7c9988b8a632add53537753061c89e067f0a3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_line_truncator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_inline_box_state.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_inline_item_result.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_logical_line_item.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_physical_box_fragment.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/font_baseline.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/shaping/harfbuzz_shaper.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/shaping/shape_result_view.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
bool IsLeftMostOffset(const ShapeResult& shape_result, unsigned offset) {
if (shape_result.IsRtl())
return offset == shape_result.NumCharacters();
return offset == 0;
bool IsRightMostOffset(const ShapeResult& shape_result, unsigned offset) {
if (shape_result.IsRtl())
return offset == 0;
return offset == shape_result.NumCharacters();
} // namespace
NGLineTruncator::NGLineTruncator(const NGLineInfo& line_info)
: line_style_(&line_info.LineStyle()),
available_width_(line_info.AvailableWidth() - line_info.TextIndent()),
line_direction_(line_info.BaseDirection()) {}
const ComputedStyle& NGLineTruncator::EllipsisStyle() const {
// The ellipsis is styled according to the line style.
return *line_style_;
void NGLineTruncator::SetupEllipsis() {
const Font& font = EllipsisStyle().GetFont();
ellipsis_font_data_ = font.PrimaryFont();
ellipsis_text_ =
ellipsis_font_data_ && ellipsis_font_data_->GlyphForCharacter(
? String(&kHorizontalEllipsisCharacter, 1)
: String(u"...");
HarfBuzzShaper shaper(ellipsis_text_);
ellipsis_shape_result_ =
ShapeResultView::Create(shaper.Shape(&font, line_direction_).get());
ellipsis_width_ = ellipsis_shape_result_->SnappedWidth();
LayoutUnit NGLineTruncator::PlaceEllipsisNextTo(
NGLogicalLineItems* line_box,
NGLogicalLineItem* ellipsized_child) {
// Create the ellipsis, associating it with the ellipsized child.
const LayoutObject* ellipsized_layout_object =
DCHECK(ellipsized_layout_object->IsText() ||
// Now the offset of the ellpisis is determined. Place the ellpisis into the
// line box.
LayoutUnit ellipsis_inline_offset =
? ellipsized_child->InlineOffset() + ellipsized_child->inline_size
: ellipsized_child->InlineOffset() - ellipsis_width_;
FontHeight ellipsis_metrics;
if (ellipsis_font_data_) {
ellipsis_metrics = ellipsis_font_data_->GetFontMetrics().GetFontHeight(
*ellipsized_layout_object, NGStyleVariant::kEllipsis,
std::move(ellipsis_shape_result_), ellipsis_text_,
LogicalRect(ellipsis_inline_offset, -ellipsis_metrics.ascent,
ellipsis_width_, ellipsis_metrics.LineHeight()),
/* bidi_level */ 0);
return ellipsis_inline_offset;
wtf_size_t NGLineTruncator::AddTruncatedChild(
wtf_size_t source_index,
bool leave_one_character,
LayoutUnit position,
TextDirection edge,
NGLogicalLineItems* line_box,
NGInlineLayoutStateStack* box_states) {
NGLogicalLineItems& line = *line_box;
const NGLogicalLineItem& source_item = line[source_index];
scoped_refptr<ShapeResult> shape_result =
unsigned text_offset = shape_result->OffsetToFit(position, edge);
if (IsLtr(edge) ? IsLeftMostOffset(*shape_result, text_offset)
: IsRightMostOffset(*shape_result, text_offset)) {
if (!leave_one_character)
return kDidNotAddChild;
text_offset =
IsRtl(edge) == shape_result->IsRtl()
? 1
: shape_result->NumCharacters() - 1),
const wtf_size_t new_index = line.size();
line.AddChild(TruncateText(source_item, *shape_result, text_offset, edge));
return new_index;
LayoutUnit NGLineTruncator::TruncateLine(LayoutUnit line_width,
NGLogicalLineItems* line_box,
NGInlineLayoutStateStack* box_states) {
// Shape the ellipsis and compute its inline size.
// Loop children from the logical last to the logical first to determine where
// to place the ellipsis. Children maybe truncated or moved as part of the
// process.
NGLogicalLineItem* ellipsized_child = nullptr;
base::Optional<NGLogicalLineItem> truncated_child;
if (IsLtr(line_direction_)) {
NGLogicalLineItem* first_child = line_box->FirstInFlowChild();
for (auto it = line_box->rbegin(); it != line_box->rend(); it++) {
auto& child = *it;
if (EllipsizeChild(line_width, ellipsis_width_, &child == first_child,
&child, &truncated_child)) {
ellipsized_child = &child;
} else {
NGLogicalLineItem* first_child = line_box->LastInFlowChild();
for (auto& child : *line_box) {
if (EllipsizeChild(line_width, ellipsis_width_, &child == first_child,
&child, &truncated_child)) {
ellipsized_child = &child;
// Abort if ellipsis could not be placed.
if (!ellipsized_child)
return line_width;
// Truncate the text fragment if needed.
if (truncated_child) {
// In order to preserve layout information before truncated, hide the
// original fragment and insert a truncated one.
size_t child_index_to_truncate = ellipsized_child - line_box->begin();
line_box->InsertChild(child_index_to_truncate + 1,
box_states->ChildInserted(child_index_to_truncate + 1);
NGLogicalLineItem* child_to_truncate =
ellipsized_child = std::next(child_to_truncate);
DCHECK_LE(ellipsized_child->inline_size, child_to_truncate->inline_size);
if (UNLIKELY(IsRtl(line_direction_))) {
ellipsized_child->rect.offset.inline_offset +=
child_to_truncate->inline_size - ellipsized_child->inline_size;
// Create the ellipsis, associating it with the ellipsized child.
LayoutUnit ellipsis_inline_offset =
PlaceEllipsisNextTo(line_box, ellipsized_child);
return std::max(ellipsis_inline_offset + ellipsis_width_, line_width);
// This function was designed to work only with <input type=file>.
// We assume the line box contains:
// (Optional) children without in-flow fragments
// Children with in-flow fragments, and
// (Optional) children without in-flow fragments
// in this order, and the children with in-flow fragments have no padding,
// no border, and no margin.
// Children with IsPlaceholder() can appear anywhere.
LayoutUnit NGLineTruncator::TruncateLineInTheMiddle(
LayoutUnit line_width,
NGLogicalLineItems* line_box,
NGInlineLayoutStateStack* box_states) {
// Shape the ellipsis and compute its inline size.
NGLogicalLineItems& line = *line_box;
wtf_size_t initial_index_left = kNotFound;
wtf_size_t initial_index_right = kNotFound;
for (wtf_size_t i = 0; i < line_box->size(); ++i) {
auto& child = line[i];
if (child.IsPlaceholder())
if (!child.shape_result) {
if (initial_index_right != kNotFound)
// Skip pseudo elements like ::before.
if (!child.GetNode())
if (initial_index_left == kNotFound)
initial_index_left = i;
initial_index_right = i;
// There are no truncatable children.
if (initial_index_left == kNotFound)
return line_width;
DCHECK_NE(initial_index_right, kNotFound);
// line[]:
// s s s p f f p f f s s
// ^ ^
// initial_index_left |
// initial_index_right
// s: child without in-flow fragment
// p: placeholder child
// f: child with in-flow fragment
const LayoutUnit static_width_left = line[initial_index_left].InlineOffset();
LayoutUnit static_width_right = LayoutUnit(0);
if (initial_index_right + 1 < line.size()) {
const NGLogicalLineItem& item = line[initial_index_right + 1];
// |line_width| and/or InlineOffset() might be saturated.
if (line_width <= item.InlineOffset())
return line_width;
// We can do nothing if the right-side static item sticks out to the both
// sides.
if (item.InlineOffset() < 0)
return line_width;
static_width_right =
line_width - item.InlineOffset() + item.margin_line_left;
const LayoutUnit available_width =
available_width_ - static_width_left - static_width_right;
if (available_width <= ellipsis_width_)
return line_width;
LayoutUnit available_width_left = (available_width - ellipsis_width_) / 2;
LayoutUnit available_width_right = available_width_left;
// Children for ellipsis and truncated fragments will have index which
// is >= new_child_start.
const wtf_size_t new_child_start = line.size();
wtf_size_t index_left = initial_index_left;
wtf_size_t index_right = initial_index_right;
if (IsLtr(line_direction_)) {
// Find truncation point at the left, truncate, and add an ellipsis.
while (available_width_left >= line[index_left].inline_size) {
available_width_left -= line[index_left++].inline_size;
if (index_left >= line.size()) {
// We have a logic bug. Do nothing.
return line_width;
DCHECK_LE(index_left, index_right);
wtf_size_t new_index = AddTruncatedChild(
index_left, index_left == initial_index_left, available_width_left,
TextDirection::kLtr, line_box, box_states);
if (new_index == kDidNotAddChild) {
DCHECK_GT(index_left, initial_index_left);
DCHECK_GT(index_left, 0u);
wtf_size_t i = index_left;
while (!line[--i].HasInFlowFragment())
PlaceEllipsisNextTo(line_box, &line[i]);
available_width_right += available_width_left;
} else {
PlaceEllipsisNextTo(line_box, &line[new_index]);
available_width_right +=
available_width_left - line[new_index].inline_size;
// Find truncation point at the right.
while (available_width_right >= line[index_right].inline_size) {
available_width_right -= line[index_right].inline_size;
if (index_right == 0) {
// We have a logic bug. We proceed anyway because |line| was already
// modified.
LayoutUnit new_modified_right_offset =
line[line.size() - 1].InlineOffset() + ellipsis_width_;
DCHECK_LE(index_left, index_right);
if (available_width_right > 0) {
new_index = AddTruncatedChild(
index_right, false,
line[index_right].inline_size - available_width_right,
TextDirection::kRtl, line_box, box_states);
if (new_index != kDidNotAddChild) {
line[new_index].rect.offset.inline_offset = new_modified_right_offset;
new_modified_right_offset += line[new_index].inline_size;
// Shift unchanged children at the right of the truncated child.
// It's ok to modify existing children's offsets because they are not
// web-exposed.
LayoutUnit offset_diff = line[index_right].InlineOffset() +
line[index_right].inline_size -
for (wtf_size_t i = index_right + 1; i < new_child_start; ++i)
line[i].rect.offset.inline_offset -= offset_diff;
line_width -= offset_diff;
} else {
// Find truncation point at the right, truncate, and add an ellipsis.
while (available_width_right >= line[index_right].inline_size) {
available_width_right -= line[index_right].inline_size;
if (index_right == 0) {
// We have a logic bug. Do nothing.
return line_width;
DCHECK_LE(index_left, index_right);
wtf_size_t new_index =
AddTruncatedChild(index_right, index_right == initial_index_right,
line[index_right].inline_size - available_width_right,
TextDirection::kRtl, line_box, box_states);
if (new_index == kDidNotAddChild) {
DCHECK_LT(index_right, initial_index_right);
wtf_size_t i = index_right;
while (!line[++i].HasInFlowFragment())
PlaceEllipsisNextTo(line_box, &line[i]);
available_width_left += available_width_right;
} else {
line[new_index].rect.offset.inline_offset +=
line[index_right].inline_size - line[new_index].inline_size;
PlaceEllipsisNextTo(line_box, &line[new_index]);
available_width_left +=
available_width_right - line[new_index].inline_size;
LayoutUnit ellipsis_offset = line[line.size() - 1].InlineOffset();
// Find truncation point at the left.
while (available_width_left >= line[index_left].inline_size) {
available_width_left -= line[index_left++].inline_size;
if (index_left >= line.size()) {
// We have a logic bug. We proceed anyway because |line| was already
// modified.
DCHECK_LE(index_left, index_right);
if (available_width_left > 0) {
new_index = AddTruncatedChild(index_left, false, available_width_left,
TextDirection::kLtr, line_box, box_states);
if (new_index != kDidNotAddChild) {
line[new_index].rect.offset.inline_offset =
ellipsis_offset - line[new_index].inline_size;
// Shift unchanged children at the left of the truncated child.
// It's ok to modify existing children's offsets because they are not
// web-exposed.
LayoutUnit offset_diff =
line[line.size() - 1].InlineOffset() - line[index_left].InlineOffset();
for (wtf_size_t i = index_left; i > 0; --i)
line[i - 1].rect.offset.inline_offset += offset_diff;
line_width -= offset_diff;
// Hide left/right truncated children and children between them.
for (wtf_size_t i = index_left; i <= index_right; ++i) {
if (line[i].HasInFlowFragment())
return line_width;
// Hide this child from being painted. Leaves a hidden fragment so that layout
// queries such as |offsetWidth| work as if it is not truncated.
void NGLineTruncator::HideChild(NGLogicalLineItem* child) {
if (const NGLayoutResult* layout_result = child->layout_result.get()) {
// Need to propagate OOF descendants in this inline-block child.
const auto& fragment =
if (fragment.HasOutOfFlowPositionedDescendants())
child->layout_result = fragment.CloneAsHiddenForPaint();
if (child->inline_item) {
child->is_hidden_for_paint = true;
// Return the offset to place the ellipsis.
// This function may truncate or move the child so that the ellipsis can fit.
bool NGLineTruncator::EllipsizeChild(
LayoutUnit line_width,
LayoutUnit ellipsis_width,
bool is_first_child,
NGLogicalLineItem* child,
base::Optional<NGLogicalLineItem>* truncated_child) {
DCHECK(truncated_child && !*truncated_child);
// Leave out-of-flow children as is.
if (!child->HasInFlowFragment())
return false;
// Inline boxes should not be ellipsized. Usually they will be created in the
// later phase, but empty inline box are already created.
if (child->IsInlineBox())
return false;
// Can't place ellipsis if this child is completely outside of the box.
LayoutUnit child_inline_offset =
? child->InlineOffset()
: line_width - (child->InlineOffset() + child->inline_size);
LayoutUnit space_for_child = available_width_ - child_inline_offset;
if (space_for_child <= 0) {
// This child is outside of the content box, but we still need to hide it.
// When the box has paddings, this child outside of the content box maybe
// still inside of the clipping box.
if (!is_first_child)
return false;
// At least part of this child is in the box.
// If |child| can fit in the space, truncate this line at the end of |child|.
space_for_child -= ellipsis_width;
if (space_for_child >= child->inline_size)
return true;
// If not all of this child can fit, try to truncate.
if (TruncateChild(space_for_child, is_first_child, *child, truncated_child))
return true;
// This child is partially in the box, but it can't be truncated to fit. It
// should not be visible because earlier sibling will be truncated.
if (!is_first_child)
return false;
// Truncate the specified child. Returns true if truncated successfully, false
// otherwise.
// Note that this function may return true even if it can't fit the child when
// |is_first_child|, because the spec defines that the first character or atomic
// inline-level element on a line must be clipped rather than ellipsed.
bool NGLineTruncator::TruncateChild(
LayoutUnit space_for_child,
bool is_first_child,
const NGLogicalLineItem& child,
base::Optional<NGLogicalLineItem>* truncated_child) {
DCHECK(truncated_child && !*truncated_child);
// If the space is not enough, try the next child.
if (space_for_child <= 0 && !is_first_child)
return false;
// Only text fragments can be truncated.
if (!child.shape_result)
return is_first_child;
// TODO(layout-dev): Add support for OffsetToFit to ShapeResultView to avoid
// this copy.
scoped_refptr<ShapeResult> shape_result =
const NGTextOffset original_offset = child.text_offset;
// Compute the offset to truncate.
unsigned offset_to_fit = shape_result->OffsetToFit(
IsLtr(line_direction_) ? space_for_child
: shape_result->Width() - space_for_child,
DCHECK_LE(offset_to_fit, original_offset.Length());
if (!offset_to_fit || offset_to_fit == original_offset.Length()) {
if (!is_first_child)
return false;
offset_to_fit = !offset_to_fit ? 1 : offset_to_fit - 1;
*truncated_child =
TruncateText(child, *shape_result, offset_to_fit, line_direction_);
return true;
NGLogicalLineItem NGLineTruncator::TruncateText(const NGLogicalLineItem& item,
const ShapeResult& shape_result,
unsigned offset_to_fit,
TextDirection direction) {
const NGTextOffset new_text_offset =
direction == shape_result.Direction()
? NGTextOffset(item.StartOffset(), item.StartOffset() + offset_to_fit)
: NGTextOffset(item.StartOffset() + offset_to_fit, item.EndOffset());
scoped_refptr<ShapeResultView> new_shape_result = ShapeResultView::Create(
&shape_result, new_text_offset.start, new_text_offset.end);
return NGLogicalLineItem(item, std::move(new_shape_result), new_text_offset);
} // namespace blink