blob: 3a604e48c46430647d57527f2476ae2a7cc3ea4c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/geometry/logical_rect.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_inline_item.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_inline_item_result.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_text_offset.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_layout_result.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/shaping/shape_result_view.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator/allocator.h"
namespace blink {
class LayoutObject;
// This class represents an item in a line, after line break, but still mutable
// and in the logical coordinate system.
struct NGLogicalLineItem {
// Empty constructor needed for |resize()|.
NGLogicalLineItem() = default;
// Create a placeholder. A placeholder does not have a fragment nor a bidi
// level.
NGLogicalLineItem(LayoutUnit block_offset, LayoutUnit block_size)
: rect(LayoutUnit(), block_offset, LayoutUnit(), block_size) {}
// Crete a bidi control. A bidi control does not have a fragment, but has
// bidi level and affects bidi reordering.
explicit NGLogicalLineItem(UBiDiLevel bidi_level) : bidi_level(bidi_level) {}
// Create an in-flow |NGLayoutResult|.
NGLogicalLineItem(scoped_refptr<const NGLayoutResult> layout_result,
const LogicalRect& rect,
unsigned children_count,
UBiDiLevel bidi_level)
: layout_result(std::move(layout_result)),
bidi_level(bidi_level) {}
NGLogicalLineItem(scoped_refptr<const NGLayoutResult> layout_result,
LogicalOffset offset,
LayoutUnit inline_size,
unsigned children_count,
UBiDiLevel bidi_level)
: layout_result(std::move(layout_result)),
rect(offset, LogicalSize()),
bidi_level(bidi_level) {}
// Create an in-flow text fragment.
NGLogicalLineItem(const NGInlineItem& inline_item,
NGInlineItemResult& item_result,
const NGTextOffset& text_offset,
LayoutUnit block_offset,
LayoutUnit inline_size,
LayoutUnit text_height,
UBiDiLevel bidi_level)
: inline_item(&inline_item),
rect(LayoutUnit(), block_offset, LayoutUnit(), text_height),
has_only_trailing_spaces(item_result.has_only_trailing_spaces) {}
NGLogicalLineItem(const NGInlineItem& inline_item,
scoped_refptr<const ShapeResultView> shape_result,
const NGTextOffset& text_offset,
LayoutUnit block_offset,
LayoutUnit inline_size,
LayoutUnit text_height,
UBiDiLevel bidi_level)
: inline_item(&inline_item),
rect(LayoutUnit(), block_offset, LayoutUnit(), text_height),
bidi_level(bidi_level) {}
// Create a generated text.
NGLogicalLineItem(const NGInlineItem& inline_item,
scoped_refptr<const ShapeResultView> shape_result,
const String& text_content,
LayoutUnit block_offset,
LayoutUnit inline_size,
LayoutUnit text_height,
UBiDiLevel bidi_level)
: inline_item(&inline_item),
{this->shape_result->StartIndex(), this->shape_result->EndIndex()}),
rect(LayoutUnit(), block_offset, LayoutUnit(), text_height),
bidi_level(bidi_level) {}
// Create an ellipsis item. Ellipsis is a generated text, but does not have
// corresponding |NGInlineItem| as it is generated by layout.
NGLogicalLineItem(const LayoutObject& layout_object,
NGStyleVariant style_variant,
scoped_refptr<const ShapeResultView> shape_result,
const String& text_content,
const LogicalRect& rect,
UBiDiLevel bidi_level)
: shape_result(std::move(shape_result)),
{this->shape_result->StartIndex(), this->shape_result->EndIndex()}),
bidi_level(bidi_level) {}
NGLogicalLineItem(const NGLogicalLineItem& source_item,
scoped_refptr<const ShapeResultView> shape_result,
const NGTextOffset& text_offset)
: inline_item(source_item.inline_item),
bidi_level(source_item.bidi_level) {}
// Create an out-of-flow positioned object.
NGLogicalLineItem(LayoutObject* out_of_flow_positioned_box,
UBiDiLevel bidi_level,
TextDirection container_direction)
: out_of_flow_positioned_box(out_of_flow_positioned_box),
container_direction(container_direction) {}
// Create an unpositioned float.
NGLogicalLineItem(LayoutObject* unpositioned_float, UBiDiLevel bidi_level)
: unpositioned_float(unpositioned_float), bidi_level(bidi_level) {}
// Create a positioned float.
NGLogicalLineItem(scoped_refptr<const NGLayoutResult> layout_result,
NGBfcOffset bfc_offset,
UBiDiLevel bidi_level)
: layout_result(std::move(layout_result)),
bidi_level(bidi_level) {}
bool IsInlineBox() const {
return layout_result && layout_result->PhysicalFragment().IsInlineBox();
bool HasInFlowFragment() const {
return inline_item ||
(layout_result && !layout_result->PhysicalFragment().IsFloating());
bool HasInFlowOrFloatingFragment() const {
return inline_item || layout_result || layout_object;
bool HasOutOfFlowFragment() const { return out_of_flow_positioned_box; }
bool HasFragment() const {
return HasInFlowOrFloatingFragment() || HasOutOfFlowFragment();
bool IsControl() const {
return inline_item && inline_item->Type() == NGInlineItem::kControl;
bool CanCreateFragmentItem() const { return HasInFlowOrFloatingFragment(); }
bool HasBidiLevel() const { return bidi_level != 0xff; }
bool IsPlaceholder() const { return !HasFragment() && !HasBidiLevel(); }
bool IsOpaqueToBidiReordering() const {
if (IsPlaceholder())
return true;
// Skip all inline boxes. Fragments for inline boxes maybe created earlier
// if they have no children.
if (layout_result) {
if (layout_result->PhysicalFragment().GetLayoutObject()->IsLayoutInline())
return true;
return false;
const LogicalOffset& Offset() const { return rect.offset; }
LayoutUnit InlineOffset() const { return rect.offset.inline_offset; }
LayoutUnit BlockOffset() const { return rect.offset.block_offset; }
LayoutUnit BlockEndOffset() const { return rect.BlockEndOffset(); }
const LogicalSize& Size() const { return rect.size; }
LogicalSize MarginSize() const { return {inline_size, Size().block_size}; }
const NGPhysicalContainerFragment* PhysicalFragment() const {
if (layout_result)
return &layout_result->PhysicalFragment();
return nullptr;
const LayoutObject* GetLayoutObject() const;
LayoutObject* GetMutableLayoutObject() const;
const Node* GetNode() const;
const ComputedStyle* Style() const;
unsigned StartOffset() const { return text_offset.start; }
unsigned EndOffset() const { return text_offset.end; }
TextDirection ResolvedDirection() const {
// Inline boxes are not leaves that they don't have directions.
DCHECK(HasBidiLevel() || IsInlineBox());
return HasBidiLevel() ? DirectionFromLevel(bidi_level)
: TextDirection::kLtr;
scoped_refptr<const NGLayoutResult> layout_result;
// Data to create a text fragment from.
// |inline_item| is null only for ellipsis items.
const NGInlineItem* inline_item = nullptr;
scoped_refptr<const ShapeResultView> shape_result;
NGTextOffset text_offset;
// Data to create a generated text fragment.
String text_content;
// Ellipsis does not have |NGInlineItem|, but built from |LayoutObject| and
// |NGStyleVariant|.
const LayoutObject* layout_object = nullptr;
// Used only when |layout_object_| is not null.
NGStyleVariant style_variant = NGStyleVariant::kStandard;
LayoutObject* out_of_flow_positioned_box = nullptr;
LayoutObject* unpositioned_float = nullptr;
// The offset of the border box, initially in this child coordinate system.
// |ComputeInlinePositions()| converts it to the offset within the line box.
LogicalRect rect;
// The offset of a positioned float wrt. the root BFC. This should only be
// set for positioned floats.
NGBfcOffset bfc_offset;
// The inline size of the margin box.
LayoutUnit inline_size;
LayoutUnit margin_line_left;
// The index of |box_data_list_|, used in |PrepareForReorder()| and
// |UpdateAfterReorder()| to track children of boxes across BiDi reorder.
unsigned box_data_index = 0;
// For an inline box, shows the number of descendant |Child|ren, including
// empty ones. Includes itself, so 1 means no descendants. 0 if not an
// inline box. Available only after |CreateBoxFragments()|.
unsigned children_count = 0;
UBiDiLevel bidi_level = 0xff;
// The current text direction for OOF positioned items.
TextDirection container_direction = TextDirection::kLtr;
// When an item contains only trailing spaces, the original bidi level needs
// to be ignored, and just use paragraph direction (UAX#9 L1)
bool has_only_trailing_spaces = false;
bool is_hidden_for_paint = false;
CORE_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream,
const NGLogicalLineItem& item);
// A vector of Child.
// Unlike the fragment builder, chlidren are mutable.
// Callers can add to the fragment builder in a batch once finalized.
class NGLogicalLineItems {
NGLogicalLineItems() = default;
void operator=(NGLogicalLineItems&& other) {
children_ = std::move(other.children_);
NGLogicalLineItem& operator[](wtf_size_t i) { return children_[i]; }
const NGLogicalLineItem& operator[](wtf_size_t i) const {
return children_[i];
wtf_size_t size() const { return children_.size(); }
bool IsEmpty() const { return children_.IsEmpty(); }
void ReserveInitialCapacity(unsigned capacity) {
void Shrink(wtf_size_t size) { children_.Shrink(size); }
using iterator = Vector<NGLogicalLineItem, 16>::iterator;
iterator begin() { return children_.begin(); }
iterator end() { return children_.end(); }
using const_iterator = Vector<NGLogicalLineItem, 16>::const_iterator;
const_iterator begin() const { return children_.begin(); }
const_iterator end() const { return children_.end(); }
using reverse_iterator = Vector<NGLogicalLineItem, 16>::reverse_iterator;
reverse_iterator rbegin() { return children_.rbegin(); }
reverse_iterator rend() { return children_.rend(); }
using const_reverse_iterator =
Vector<NGLogicalLineItem, 16>::const_reverse_iterator;
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return children_.rbegin(); }
const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return children_.rend(); }
NGLogicalLineItem* FirstInFlowChild();
NGLogicalLineItem* LastInFlowChild();
// Add a child. Accepts all constructor arguments for |NGLogicalLineItem|.
template <class... Args>
void AddChild(Args&&... args) {
void InsertChild(unsigned index, NGLogicalLineItem&& item) {
children_.insert(index, item);
void InsertChild(unsigned index,
scoped_refptr<const NGLayoutResult> layout_result,
const LogicalRect& rect,
unsigned children_count) {
index, NGLogicalLineItem(std::move(layout_result), rect, children_count,
/* bidi_level */ 0));
void MoveInInlineDirection(LayoutUnit);
void MoveInInlineDirection(LayoutUnit, unsigned start, unsigned end);
void MoveInBlockDirection(LayoutUnit);
void MoveInBlockDirection(LayoutUnit, unsigned start, unsigned end);
void WillInsertChild(unsigned index);
Vector<NGLogicalLineItem, 16> children_;
} // namespace blink