blob: 1d7022f867aa9df2f75fd560fddb4a0e695b32fe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_offset_mapping.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/node.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/node_computed_style.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/text.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/editing_utilities.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/ephemeral_range.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/position.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_text_fragment.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_inline_node.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_block_node.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/character.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
// Note: LayoutFlowThread, used for multicol, can't provide offset mapping.
bool CanUseNGOffsetMapping(const LayoutObject& object) {
return object.IsLayoutBlockFlow() && !object.IsLayoutFlowThread();
Position CreatePositionForOffsetMapping(const Node& node, unsigned dom_offset) {
if (auto* text_node = DynamicTo<Text>(node)) {
// 'text-transform' may make the rendered text length longer than the
// original text node, in which case we clamp the offset to avoid crashing.
// TODO( Support 'text-transform' to remove this hack.
// Ensures that the clamping hack kicks in only with text-transform.
if (node.ComputedStyleRef().TextTransform() == ETextTransform::kNone)
DCHECK_LE(dom_offset, text_node->length());
const unsigned clamped_offset = std::min(dom_offset, text_node->length());
return Position(&node, clamped_offset);
// For non-text-anchored position, the offset must be either 0 or 1.
DCHECK_LE(dom_offset, 1u);
return dom_offset ? Position::AfterNode(node) : Position::BeforeNode(node);
std::pair<const Node&, unsigned> ToNodeOffsetPair(const Position& position) {
DCHECK(NGOffsetMapping::AcceptsPosition(position)) << position;
if (auto* text_node = DynamicTo<Text>(position.AnchorNode())) {
if (position.IsOffsetInAnchor())
return {*position.AnchorNode(), position.OffsetInContainerNode()};
if (position.IsBeforeAnchor())
return {*position.AnchorNode(), 0};
return {*position.AnchorNode(), text_node->length()};
if (position.IsBeforeAnchor())
return {*position.AnchorNode(), 0};
return {*position.AnchorNode(), 1};
// TODO(xiaochengh): Introduce predicates for comparing Position and
// NGOffsetMappingUnit, to reduce position-offset conversion and ad-hoc
// predicates below.
} // namespace
LayoutBlockFlow* NGInlineFormattingContextOf(const Position& position) {
if (!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::LayoutNGEnabled())
return nullptr;
LayoutBlockFlow* block_flow =
if (!block_flow || !block_flow->IsLayoutNGMixin())
return nullptr;
return block_flow;
// static
LayoutBlockFlow* NGOffsetMapping::GetInlineFormattingContextOf(
const Position& position) {
if (!AcceptsPosition(position))
return nullptr;
const auto node_offset_pair = ToNodeOffsetPair(position);
const LayoutObject* layout_object =
AssociatedLayoutObjectOf(node_offset_pair.first, node_offset_pair.second);
if (!layout_object)
return nullptr;
return GetInlineFormattingContextOf(*layout_object);
NGOffsetMappingUnit::NGOffsetMappingUnit(NGOffsetMappingUnitType type,
const LayoutObject& layout_object,
unsigned dom_start,
unsigned dom_end,
unsigned text_content_start,
unsigned text_content_end)
: type_(type),
text_content_end_(text_content_end) {
void NGOffsetMappingUnit::AssertValid() const {
SECURITY_DCHECK(dom_start_ <= dom_end_) << dom_start_ << " vs. " << dom_end_;
SECURITY_DCHECK(text_content_start_ <= text_content_end_)
<< text_content_start_ << " vs. " << text_content_end_;
if (layout_object_->IsText() &&
!To<LayoutText>(*layout_object_).IsWordBreak()) {
const auto& layout_text = To<LayoutText>(*layout_object_);
const unsigned text_start =
AssociatedNode() ? layout_text.TextStartOffset() : 0;
const unsigned text_end = text_start + layout_text.TextLength();
SECURITY_DCHECK(dom_end_ >= text_start)
<< dom_end_ << " vs. " << text_start;
SECURITY_DCHECK(dom_end_ <= text_end) << dom_end_ << " vs. " << text_end;
} else {
SECURITY_DCHECK(dom_start_ == 0) << dom_start_;
SECURITY_DCHECK(dom_end_ == 1) << dom_end_;
const Node* NGOffsetMappingUnit::AssociatedNode() const {
if (const auto* text_fragment = DynamicTo<LayoutTextFragment>(layout_object_))
return text_fragment->AssociatedTextNode();
return layout_object_->GetNode();
const Node& NGOffsetMappingUnit::GetOwner() const {
const Node* const node = AssociatedNode();
DCHECK(node) << layout_object_;
return *node;
bool NGOffsetMappingUnit::Concatenate(const NGOffsetMappingUnit& other) {
if (layout_object_ != other.layout_object_)
return false;
if (type_ != other.type_)
return false;
if (dom_end_ != other.dom_start_)
return false;
if (text_content_end_ != other.text_content_start_)
return false;
// Don't merge first letter and remaining text
if (const auto* text_fragment =
DynamicTo<LayoutTextFragment>(layout_object_)) {
// TODO(layout-dev): Fix offset calculation for text-transform
if (text_fragment->IsRemainingTextLayoutObject() &&
other.dom_start_ == text_fragment->TextStartOffset())
return false;
dom_end_ = other.dom_end_;
text_content_end_ = other.text_content_end_;
return true;
unsigned NGOffsetMappingUnit::ConvertDOMOffsetToTextContent(
unsigned offset) const {
DCHECK_GE(offset, dom_start_);
DCHECK_LE(offset, dom_end_);
// DOM start is always mapped to text content start.
if (offset == dom_start_)
return text_content_start_;
// DOM end is always mapped to text content end.
if (offset == dom_end_)
return text_content_end_;
// Handle collapsed mapping.
if (text_content_start_ == text_content_end_)
return text_content_start_;
// Handle has identity mapping.
return offset - dom_start_ + text_content_start_;
unsigned NGOffsetMappingUnit::ConvertTextContentToFirstDOMOffset(
unsigned offset) const {
DCHECK_GE(offset, text_content_start_);
DCHECK_LE(offset, text_content_end_);
// Always return DOM start for collapsed units.
if (text_content_start_ == text_content_end_)
return dom_start_;
// Handle identity mapping.
if (type_ == NGOffsetMappingUnitType::kIdentity)
return dom_start_ + offset - text_content_start_;
// Handle expanded mapping.
return offset < text_content_end_ ? dom_start_ : dom_end_;
unsigned NGOffsetMappingUnit::ConvertTextContentToLastDOMOffset(
unsigned offset) const {
DCHECK_GE(offset, text_content_start_);
DCHECK_LE(offset, text_content_end_);
// Always return DOM end for collapsed units.
if (text_content_start_ == text_content_end_)
return dom_end_;
// In a non-collapsed unit, mapping between DOM and text content offsets is
// one-to-one. Reuse existing code.
return ConvertTextContentToFirstDOMOffset(offset);
// static
bool NGOffsetMapping::AcceptsPosition(const Position& position) {
if (position.IsNull())
return false;
if (position.AnchorNode()->IsTextNode()) {
// Position constructor should have rejected other anchor types.
DCHECK(position.IsOffsetInAnchor() || position.IsBeforeAnchor() ||
return true;
if (!position.IsBeforeAnchor() && !position.IsAfterAnchor())
return false;
const LayoutObject* layout_object = position.AnchorNode()->GetLayoutObject();
if (!layout_object || !layout_object->IsInline())
return false;
return layout_object->IsText() || layout_object->IsAtomicInlineLevel();
// static
const NGOffsetMapping* NGOffsetMapping::GetFor(const Position& position) {
if (!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::LayoutNGEnabled())
return nullptr;
if (!NGOffsetMapping::AcceptsPosition(position))
return nullptr;
LayoutBlockFlow* context = NGInlineFormattingContextOf(position);
if (!context)
return nullptr;
return NGInlineNode::GetOffsetMapping(context);
// static
const NGOffsetMapping* NGOffsetMapping::GetFor(
const LayoutObject* layout_object) {
if (!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::LayoutNGEnabled())
return nullptr;
if (!layout_object)
return nullptr;
LayoutBlockFlow* context = layout_object->ContainingNGBlockFlow();
if (!context)
return nullptr;
return NGInlineNode::GetOffsetMapping(context);
// static
LayoutBlockFlow* NGOffsetMapping::GetInlineFormattingContextOf(
const LayoutObject& object) {
for (LayoutObject* runner = object.Parent(); runner;
runner = runner->Parent()) {
if (!CanUseNGOffsetMapping(*runner))
return To<LayoutBlockFlow>(runner);
return nullptr;
NGOffsetMapping::NGOffsetMapping(UnitVector&& units,
RangeMap&& ranges,
String text)
: units_(std::move(units)), ranges_(std::move(ranges)), text_(text) {
for (const auto& unit : units_) {
SECURITY_DCHECK(unit.TextContentStart() <= text.length())
<< unit.TextContentStart() << "<=" << text.length();
SECURITY_DCHECK(unit.TextContentEnd() <= text.length())
<< unit.TextContentEnd() << "<=" << text.length();
for (const auto& pair : ranges) {
SECURITY_DCHECK(pair.value.first < units_.size())
<< pair.value.first << "<" << units_.size();
SECURITY_DCHECK(pair.value.second < units_.size())
<< pair.value.second << "<" << units_.size();
NGOffsetMapping::~NGOffsetMapping() = default;
const NGOffsetMappingUnit* NGOffsetMapping::GetMappingUnitForPosition(
const Position& position) const {
const auto node_and_offset = ToNodeOffsetPair(position);
const Node& node = node_and_offset.first;
const unsigned offset = node_and_offset.second;
unsigned range_start;
unsigned range_end;
std::tie(range_start, range_end) =;
if (range_start == range_end || units_[range_start].DOMStart() > offset)
return nullptr;
// Find the last unit where unit.dom_start <= offset
const NGOffsetMappingUnit* unit = std::prev(std::upper_bound(
units_.begin() + range_start, units_.begin() + range_end, offset,
[](unsigned offset, const NGOffsetMappingUnit& unit) {
return offset < unit.DOMStart();
if (unit->DOMEnd() < offset)
return nullptr;
return unit;
NGOffsetMapping::UnitVector NGOffsetMapping::GetMappingUnitsForDOMRange(
const EphemeralRange& range) const {
const Node& node = *range.StartPosition().AnchorNode();
const unsigned start_offset = ToNodeOffsetPair(range.StartPosition()).second;
const unsigned end_offset = ToNodeOffsetPair(range.EndPosition()).second;
unsigned range_start;
unsigned range_end;
std::tie(range_start, range_end) =;
if (range_start == range_end || units_[range_start].DOMStart() > end_offset ||
units_[range_end - 1].DOMEnd() < start_offset)
return UnitVector();
// Find the first unit where unit.dom_end >= start_offset
const NGOffsetMappingUnit* result_begin = std::lower_bound(
units_.begin() + range_start, units_.begin() + range_end, start_offset,
[](const NGOffsetMappingUnit& unit, unsigned offset) {
return unit.DOMEnd() < offset;
// Find the next of the last unit where unit.dom_start <= end_offset
const NGOffsetMappingUnit* result_end =
std::upper_bound(result_begin, units_.begin() + range_end, end_offset,
[](unsigned offset, const NGOffsetMappingUnit& unit) {
return offset < unit.DOMStart();
UnitVector result;
result.ReserveCapacity(result_end - result_begin);
for (const auto& unit : base::make_span(result_begin, result_end)) {
// If the unit isn't fully within the range, create a new unit that's
// within the range.
const unsigned clamped_start = std::max(unit.DOMStart(), start_offset);
const unsigned clamped_end = std::min(unit.DOMEnd(), end_offset);
DCHECK_LE(clamped_start, clamped_end);
const unsigned clamped_text_content_start =
const unsigned clamped_text_content_end =
result.emplace_back(unit.GetType(), unit.GetLayoutObject(), clamped_start,
clamped_end, clamped_text_content_start,
return result;
base::span<const NGOffsetMappingUnit> NGOffsetMapping::GetMappingUnitsForNode(
const Node& node) const {
const auto it = ranges_.find(&node);
if (it == ranges_.end()) {
NOTREACHED() << node;
return {};
return base::make_span(units_.begin() + it->value.first,
units_.begin() + it->value.second);
base::span<const NGOffsetMappingUnit>
const LayoutObject& layout_object) const {
const auto* begin =
std::find_if(units_.begin(), units_.end(),
[&layout_object](const NGOffsetMappingUnit& unit) {
return unit.GetLayoutObject() == layout_object;
CHECK_NE(begin, units_.end());
const auto* end =
std::find_if(std::next(begin), units_.end(),
[&layout_object](const NGOffsetMappingUnit& unit) {
return unit.GetLayoutObject() != layout_object;
DCHECK_LT(begin, end);
return base::make_span(begin, end);
base::span<const NGOffsetMappingUnit>
NGOffsetMapping::GetMappingUnitsForTextContentOffsetRange(unsigned start,
unsigned end) const {
DCHECK_LE(start, end);
if (units_.front().TextContentStart() >= end ||
units_.back().TextContentEnd() <= start)
return {};
// Find the first unit where unit.text_content_end > start
const NGOffsetMappingUnit* result_begin =
std::lower_bound(units_.begin(), units_.end(), start,
[](const NGOffsetMappingUnit& unit, unsigned offset) {
return unit.TextContentEnd() <= offset;
if (result_begin == units_.end() || result_begin->TextContentStart() >= end)
return {};
// Find the next of the last unit where unit.text_content_start < end
const NGOffsetMappingUnit* result_end =
std::upper_bound(units_.begin(), units_.end(), end,
[](unsigned offset, const NGOffsetMappingUnit& unit) {
return offset <= unit.TextContentStart();
return base::make_span(result_begin, result_end);
base::Optional<unsigned> NGOffsetMapping::GetTextContentOffset(
const Position& position) const {
DCHECK(NGOffsetMapping::AcceptsPosition(position)) << position;
const NGOffsetMappingUnit* unit = GetMappingUnitForPosition(position);
if (!unit)
return base::nullopt;
return unit->ConvertDOMOffsetToTextContent(ToNodeOffsetPair(position).second);
Position NGOffsetMapping::StartOfNextNonCollapsedContent(
const Position& position) const {
DCHECK(NGOffsetMapping::AcceptsPosition(position)) << position;
const NGOffsetMappingUnit* unit = GetMappingUnitForPosition(position);
if (!unit)
return Position();
const auto node_and_offset = ToNodeOffsetPair(position);
const Node& node = node_and_offset.first;
const unsigned offset = node_and_offset.second;
while (unit != units_.end() && unit->AssociatedNode() == node) {
if (unit->DOMEnd() > offset &&
unit->GetType() != NGOffsetMappingUnitType::kCollapsed) {
const unsigned result = std::max(offset, unit->DOMStart());
return CreatePositionForOffsetMapping(node, result);
return Position();
Position NGOffsetMapping::EndOfLastNonCollapsedContent(
const Position& position) const {
DCHECK(NGOffsetMapping::AcceptsPosition(position)) << position;
const NGOffsetMappingUnit* unit = GetMappingUnitForPosition(position);
if (!unit)
return Position();
const auto node_and_offset = ToNodeOffsetPair(position);
const Node& node = node_and_offset.first;
const unsigned offset = node_and_offset.second;
while (unit->AssociatedNode() == node) {
if (unit->DOMStart() < offset &&
unit->GetType() != NGOffsetMappingUnitType::kCollapsed) {
const unsigned result = std::min(offset, unit->DOMEnd());
return CreatePositionForOffsetMapping(node, result);
if (unit == units_.begin())
return Position();
bool NGOffsetMapping::IsBeforeNonCollapsedContent(
const Position& position) const {
const NGOffsetMappingUnit* unit = GetMappingUnitForPosition(position);
const unsigned offset = ToNodeOffsetPair(position).second;
return unit && offset < unit->DOMEnd() &&
unit->GetType() != NGOffsetMappingUnitType::kCollapsed;
bool NGOffsetMapping::IsAfterNonCollapsedContent(
const Position& position) const {
const auto node_and_offset = ToNodeOffsetPair(position);
const Node& node = node_and_offset.first;
const unsigned offset = node_and_offset.second;
if (!offset)
return false;
// In case we have one unit ending at |offset| and another starting at
// |offset|, we need to find the former. Hence, search with |offset - 1|.
const NGOffsetMappingUnit* unit = GetMappingUnitForPosition(
CreatePositionForOffsetMapping(node, offset - 1));
return unit && offset > unit->DOMStart() &&
unit->GetType() != NGOffsetMappingUnitType::kCollapsed;
base::Optional<UChar> NGOffsetMapping::GetCharacterBefore(
const Position& position) const {
base::Optional<unsigned> text_content_offset = GetTextContentOffset(position);
if (!text_content_offset || !*text_content_offset)
return base::nullopt;
return text_[*text_content_offset - 1];
Position NGOffsetMapping::GetFirstPosition(unsigned offset) const {
// Find the first unit where |unit.TextContentEnd() >= offset|
if (units_.IsEmpty() || units_.back().TextContentEnd() < offset)
return {};
const NGOffsetMappingUnit* result =
std::lower_bound(units_.begin(), units_.end(), offset,
[](const NGOffsetMappingUnit& unit, unsigned offset) {
return unit.TextContentEnd() < offset;
CHECK_NE(result, units_.end());
// Skip CSS generated content, e.g. "content" property in ::before/::after.
while (!result->AssociatedNode()) {
result = std::next(result);
if (result == units_.end() || result->TextContentStart() > offset)
return {};
const Node& node = result->GetOwner();
const unsigned dom_offset =
return CreatePositionForOffsetMapping(node, dom_offset);
const NGOffsetMappingUnit* NGOffsetMapping::GetFirstMappingUnit(
unsigned offset) const {
// Find the first unit where |unit.TextContentEnd() <= offset|
if (units_.IsEmpty() || units_.front().TextContentStart() > offset)
return nullptr;
const NGOffsetMappingUnit* result =
std::lower_bound(units_.begin(), units_.end(), offset,
[](const NGOffsetMappingUnit& unit, unsigned offset) {
return unit.TextContentEnd() < offset;
if (result == units_.end())
return nullptr;
const NGOffsetMappingUnit* next_unit = std::next(result);
if (next_unit != units_.end() && next_unit->TextContentStart() == offset) {
// For offset=2, returns [1] instead of [0].
// For offset=3, returns [3] instead of [2],
// in below example:
// text_content = "ab\ncd"
// offset mapping unit:
// [0] I DOM:0-2 TC:0-2 "ab"
// [1] C DOM:2-3 TC:2-2
// [2] I DOM:3-4 TC:2-3 "\n"
// [3] C DOM:4-5 TC:3-3
// [4] I DOM:5-7 TC:3-5 "cd"
return next_unit;
return result;
const NGOffsetMappingUnit* NGOffsetMapping::GetLastMappingUnit(
unsigned offset) const {
// Find the last unit where |unit.TextContentStart() <= offset|
if (units_.IsEmpty() || units_.front().TextContentStart() > offset)
return nullptr;
const NGOffsetMappingUnit* result =
std::upper_bound(units_.begin(), units_.end(), offset,
[](unsigned offset, const NGOffsetMappingUnit& unit) {
return offset < unit.TextContentStart();
CHECK_NE(result, units_.begin());
result = std::prev(result);
if (result->TextContentEnd() < offset)
return nullptr;
return result;
Position NGOffsetMapping::GetLastPosition(unsigned offset) const {
const NGOffsetMappingUnit* result = GetLastMappingUnit(offset);
if (!result)
return {};
// Skip CSS generated content, e.g. "content" property in ::before/::after.
while (!result->AssociatedNode()) {
if (result == units_.begin())
return {};
result = std::prev(result);
if (result->TextContentEnd() < offset)
return {};
const Node& node = result->GetOwner();
const unsigned dom_offset = result->ConvertTextContentToLastDOMOffset(offset);
return CreatePositionForOffsetMapping(node, dom_offset);
bool NGOffsetMapping::HasBidiControlCharactersOnly(unsigned start,
unsigned end) const {
DCHECK_LE(start, end);
DCHECK_LE(end, text_.length());
for (unsigned i = start; i < end; ++i) {
if (!Character::IsBidiControl(text_[i]))
return false;
return true;
} // namespace blink