blob: cdd44f295a6885c96e10ee41cb98b36faab74f2d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_ruby_utils.h"
#include <tuple>
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_inline_cursor.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_inline_item_result.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_logical_line_item.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_physical_box_fragment.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_physical_container_fragment.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/font_height.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
std::tuple<LayoutUnit, LayoutUnit> AdjustTextOverUnderOffsetsForEmHeight(
LayoutUnit over,
LayoutUnit under,
const ComputedStyle& style,
const ShapeResultView& shape_view) {
DCHECK_LE(over, under);
const SimpleFontData* primary_font_data = style.GetFont().PrimaryFont();
if (!primary_font_data)
return std::make_pair(over, under);
const auto font_baseline = style.GetFontBaseline();
const LayoutUnit line_height = under - over;
const LayoutUnit primary_ascent =
const LayoutUnit primary_descent = line_height - primary_ascent;
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(Vector<ShapeResult::RunFontData>, run_fonts, ());
DCHECK_EQ(run_fonts.size(), 0u);
// We don't use ShapeResultView::FallbackFonts() because we can't know if the
// primary font is actually used with FallbackFonts().
const LayoutUnit kNoDiff = LayoutUnit::Max();
LayoutUnit over_diff = kNoDiff;
LayoutUnit under_diff = kNoDiff;
for (const auto& run_font : run_fonts) {
const SimpleFontData* font_data = run_font.font_data_;
if (!font_data)
const FontHeight normalized_height =
// Floor() is better than Round(). We should not subtract pixels larger
// than |primary_ascent - em_box.ascent|.
const LayoutUnit current_over_diff(
(primary_ascent - normalized_height.ascent)
const LayoutUnit current_under_diff(
(primary_descent - normalized_height.descent)
over_diff = std::min(over_diff, current_over_diff);
under_diff = std::min(under_diff, current_under_diff);
if (over_diff == kNoDiff)
over_diff = LayoutUnit();
if (under_diff == kNoDiff)
under_diff = LayoutUnit();
return std::make_tuple(over + over_diff, under - under_diff);
} // anonymous namespace
PhysicalRect AdjustTextRectForEmHeight(const PhysicalRect& rect,
const ComputedStyle& style,
const ShapeResultView* shape_view,
WritingMode writing_mode) {
if (!shape_view)
return rect;
const LayoutUnit line_height = IsHorizontalWritingMode(writing_mode)
? rect.size.height
: rect.size.width;
LayoutUnit over, under;
std::tie(over, under) = AdjustTextOverUnderOffsetsForEmHeight(
LayoutUnit(), line_height, style, *shape_view);
const LayoutUnit over_diff = over;
const LayoutUnit under_diff = line_height - under;
const LayoutUnit new_line_height = under - over;
if (IsHorizontalWritingMode(writing_mode)) {
return {{rect.offset.left, + over_diff},
PhysicalSize(rect.size.width, new_line_height)};
if (IsFlippedLinesWritingMode(writing_mode)) {
return {{rect.offset.left + under_diff,},
PhysicalSize(new_line_height, rect.size.height)};
return {{rect.offset.left + over_diff,},
PhysicalSize(new_line_height, rect.size.height)};
// See LayoutRubyRun::GetOverhang().
NGAnnotationOverhang GetOverhang(const NGInlineItemResult& item) {
NGAnnotationOverhang overhang;
if (!item.layout_result)
return overhang;
const auto& run_fragment =
LayoutUnit start_overhang = LayoutUnit::Max();
LayoutUnit end_overhang = LayoutUnit::Max();
bool found_line = false;
const ComputedStyle* ruby_text_style = nullptr;
for (const auto& child_link : run_fragment.PostLayoutChildren()) {
const NGPhysicalFragment& child_fragment = *child_link.get();
const LayoutObject* layout_object = child_fragment.GetLayoutObject();
if (!layout_object)
if (layout_object->IsRubyText()) {
ruby_text_style = layout_object->Style();
if (layout_object->IsRubyBase()) {
const ComputedStyle& base_style = child_fragment.Style();
const auto writing_direction = base_style.GetWritingDirection();
const LayoutUnit base_inline_size =
NGFragment(writing_direction, child_fragment).InlineSize();
// RubyBase's inline_size is always same as RubyRun's inline_size.
// Overhang values are offsets from RubyBase's inline edges to
// the outmost text.
for (const auto& base_child_link :
.PostLayoutChildren()) {
const LayoutUnit line_inline_size =
NGFragment(writing_direction, *base_child_link).InlineSize();
if (line_inline_size == LayoutUnit())
found_line = true;
const LayoutUnit start =
.ConvertToLogical(writing_direction, child_fragment.Size(),
const LayoutUnit end = base_inline_size - start - line_inline_size;
start_overhang = std::min(start_overhang, start);
end_overhang = std::min(end_overhang, end);
if (!found_line || !ruby_text_style)
return overhang;
DCHECK_NE(start_overhang, LayoutUnit::Max());
DCHECK_NE(end_overhang, LayoutUnit::Max());
// We allow overhang up to the half of ruby text font size.
const LayoutUnit half_width_of_ruby_font =
LayoutUnit(ruby_text_style->FontSize()) / 2;
overhang.start = std::min(start_overhang, half_width_of_ruby_font);
overhang.end = std::min(end_overhang, half_width_of_ruby_font);
return overhang;
// See LayoutRubyRun::GetOverhang().
bool CanApplyStartOverhang(const NGLineInfo& line_info,
LayoutUnit& start_overhang) {
if (start_overhang <= LayoutUnit())
return false;
const NGInlineItemResults& items = line_info.Results();
// Requires at least the current item and the previous item.
if (items.size() < 2)
return false;
// Find a previous item other than kOpenTag/kCloseTag.
// Searching items in the logical order doesn't work well with bidi
// reordering. However, it's difficult to compute overhang after bidi
// reordering because it affects line breaking.
wtf_size_t previous_index = items.size() - 2;
while ((items[previous_index].item->Type() == NGInlineItem::kOpenTag ||
items[previous_index].item->Type() == NGInlineItem::kCloseTag) &&
previous_index > 0)
const NGInlineItemResult& previous_item = items[previous_index];
if (previous_item.item->Type() != NGInlineItem::kText)
return false;
const NGInlineItem& current_item = *items.back().item;
if (previous_item.item->Style()->FontSize() >
return false;
start_overhang = std::min(start_overhang, previous_item.inline_size);
return true;
// See LayoutRubyRun::GetOverhang().
LayoutUnit CommitPendingEndOverhang(NGLineInfo* line_info) {
NGInlineItemResults* items = line_info->MutableResults();
if (items->size() < 2U)
return LayoutUnit();
const NGInlineItemResult& text_item = items->back();
if (text_item.item->Type() == NGInlineItem::kControl)
return LayoutUnit();
DCHECK(text_item.item->Type() == NGInlineItem::kText);
wtf_size_t i = items->size() - 2;
while ((*items)[i].item->Type() != NGInlineItem::kAtomicInline) {
const auto type = (*items)[i].item->Type();
if (type != NGInlineItem::kOpenTag && type != NGInlineItem::kCloseTag)
return LayoutUnit();
if (i-- == 0)
return LayoutUnit();
NGInlineItemResult& atomic_inline_item = (*items)[i];
if (!atomic_inline_item.layout_result->PhysicalFragment().IsRubyRun())
return LayoutUnit();
if (atomic_inline_item.pending_end_overhang <= LayoutUnit())
return LayoutUnit();
if (atomic_inline_item.item->Style()->FontSize() <
return LayoutUnit();
// Ideally we should refer to inline_size of |text_item| instead of the width
// of the NGInlineItem's ShapeResult. However it's impossible to compute
// inline_size of |text_item| before calling BreakText(), and BreakText()
// requires precise |position_| which takes |end_overhang| into account.
LayoutUnit end_overhang =
DCHECK_EQ(atomic_inline_item.margins.inline_end, LayoutUnit());
atomic_inline_item.margins.inline_end = -end_overhang;
atomic_inline_item.inline_size -= end_overhang;
atomic_inline_item.pending_end_overhang = LayoutUnit();
return end_overhang;
NGAnnotationMetrics ComputeAnnotationOverflow(
const NGLogicalLineItems& logical_line,
const FontHeight& line_box_metrics,
LayoutUnit line_over,
const ComputedStyle& line_style) {
// Min/max position of content and annotations, ignoring line-height.
LayoutUnit content_over = line_over + line_box_metrics.ascent;
LayoutUnit content_under = content_over;
bool has_over_annotation = false;
bool has_under_annotation = false;
const LayoutUnit line_under = line_over + line_box_metrics.LineHeight();
bool has_over_emphasis = false;
bool has_under_emphasis = false;
for (const NGLogicalLineItem& item : logical_line) {
if (!item.HasInFlowFragment())
if (item.IsControl())
LayoutUnit item_over = item.BlockOffset();
LayoutUnit item_under = item.BlockEndOffset();
if (item.shape_result) {
if (const auto* style = item.Style()) {
std::tie(item_over, item_under) = AdjustTextOverUnderOffsetsForEmHeight(
item_over, item_under, *style, *item.shape_result);
} else {
const auto* fragment = item.PhysicalFragment();
if (fragment && fragment->IsRubyRun()) {
PhysicalRect rect =
LayoutUnit block_size;
if (IsHorizontalWritingMode(line_style.GetWritingMode())) {
item_under = item_over + rect.Bottom();
item_over +=;
block_size = fragment->Size().height;
} else {
block_size = fragment->Size().width;
// We assume 'over' is always on right in vertical writing modes.
// TODO(layout-dev): sideways-lr support.
DCHECK(line_style.IsFlippedBlocksWritingMode() ||
item_under = item_over + block_size;
item_over = item_under - rect.Right();
item_under -= rect.offset.left;
// Check if we really have an annotation.
if (const auto* layout_result = item.layout_result.get()) {
LayoutUnit overflow = layout_result->AnnotationOverflow();
if (IsFlippedLinesWritingMode(line_style.GetWritingMode()))
overflow = -overflow;
if (overflow < LayoutUnit())
has_over_annotation = true;
else if (overflow > LayoutUnit())
has_under_annotation = true;
} else if (item.IsInlineBox()) {
content_over = std::min(content_over, item_over);
content_under = std::max(content_under, item_under);
if (const auto* style = item.Style()) {
if (style->GetTextEmphasisMark() != TextEmphasisMark::kNone) {
if (style->GetTextEmphasisLineLogicalSide() == LineLogicalSide::kOver)
has_over_emphasis = true;
has_under_emphasis = true;
// Probably this is an empty line. We should secure font-size space.
const LayoutUnit font_size(line_style.ComputedFontSize());
if (content_under - content_over < font_size) {
LayoutUnit half_leading = (line_box_metrics.LineHeight() - font_size) / 2;
half_leading = half_leading.ClampNegativeToZero();
content_over = line_over + half_leading;
content_under = line_under - half_leading;
// Don't provide annotation space if text-emphasis exists.
// TODO(layout-dev): If the text-emphasis is in [line_over, line_under],
// this line can provide annotation space.
if (has_over_emphasis)
content_over = std::min(content_over, line_over);
if (has_under_emphasis)
content_under = std::max(content_under, line_under);
// With some fonts, text fragment sizes can exceed line-height.
// We'd like to set overflow only if we have annotations.
// This affects fast/ruby/line-height.html on macOS.
if (content_over < line_over && !has_over_annotation)
content_over = line_over;
if (content_under > line_under && !has_under_annotation)
content_under = line_under;
return {(line_over - content_over).ClampNegativeToZero(),
(content_under - line_under).ClampNegativeToZero(),
(content_over - line_over).ClampNegativeToZero(),
(line_under - content_under).ClampNegativeToZero()};
} // namespace blink