blob: 62aca54cdc7adeb3b90a50b04426925bc74bd357 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/geometry/layout_unit.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/writing_mode.h"
namespace blink {
class ComputedStyle;
class NGLineInfo;
class NGLogicalLineItems;
class ShapeResultView;
struct FontHeight;
struct NGInlineItemResult;
struct PhysicalRect;
// Adjust the specified |rect| of a text fragment for 'em' height.
// This is called on computing scrollable overflow with kEmHeight.
PhysicalRect AdjustTextRectForEmHeight(const PhysicalRect& rect,
const ComputedStyle& style,
const ShapeResultView* shape_view,
WritingMode writing_mode);
struct NGAnnotationOverhang {
LayoutUnit start;
LayoutUnit end;
// Returns overhang values of the specified NGInlineItemResult representing
// LayoutNGRubyRun.
// This is used by NGLineBreaker.
NGAnnotationOverhang GetOverhang(const NGInlineItemResult& item);
// Returns true if |start_overhang| is applied to a previous item, and
// clamp |start_overhang| to the width of the previous item.
// This is used by NGLineBreaker.
bool CanApplyStartOverhang(const NGLineInfo& line_info,
LayoutUnit& start_overhang);
// This should be called after NGInlineItemResult for a text is added in
// NGLineBreaker::HandleText().
// This function may update a NGInlineItemResult representing RubyRun
// in |line_info|
LayoutUnit CommitPendingEndOverhang(NGLineInfo* line_info);
// Stores ComputeAnnotationOverflow() results.
// |overflow_over| and |space_over| are exclusive. Only one of them can be
// non-zero. |overflow_under| and |space_under| are exclusive too.
// All fields never be negative.
struct NGAnnotationMetrics {
// The amount of annotation overflow at the line-over side.
LayoutUnit overflow_over;
// The amount of annotation overflow at the line-under side.
LayoutUnit overflow_under;
// The amount of annotation space which the next line at the line-over
// side can consume.
LayoutUnit space_over;
// The amount of annotation space which the next line at the line-under
// side can consume.
LayoutUnit space_under;
// Compute over/under annotation overflow/space for the specified line.
NGAnnotationMetrics ComputeAnnotationOverflow(
const NGLogicalLineItems& logical_line,
const FontHeight& line_box_metrics,
LayoutUnit line_over,
const ComputedStyle& line_style);
} // namespace blink