blob: e16f9e3a0b8426f1d633ec77977a596c471b1d21 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/geometry/physical_offset.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_layout_input_node.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/font_baseline.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/casting.h"
namespace blink {
class LayoutBox;
class NGBlockBreakToken;
class NGBoxFragmentBuilder;
class NGConstraintSpace;
class NGEarlyBreak;
class NGFragmentItems;
class NGLayoutResult;
class NGPhysicalBoxFragment;
class NGPhysicalFragment;
struct NGBoxStrut;
struct NGLayoutAlgorithmParams;
enum class MathScriptType;
// Represents a node to be laid out.
class CORE_EXPORT NGBlockNode : public NGLayoutInputNode {
friend NGLayoutInputNode;
explicit NGBlockNode(LayoutBox* box) : NGLayoutInputNode(box, kBlock) {}
NGBlockNode(std::nullptr_t) : NGLayoutInputNode(nullptr) {}
scoped_refptr<const NGLayoutResult> Layout(
const NGConstraintSpace& constraint_space,
const NGBlockBreakToken* break_token = nullptr,
const NGEarlyBreak* = nullptr) const;
// This method is just for use within the |NGSimplifiedLayoutAlgorithm|.
// If layout is dirty, it will perform layout using the previous constraint
// space used to generate the |NGLayoutResult|.
// Otherwise it will simply return the previous layout result generated.
scoped_refptr<const NGLayoutResult> SimplifiedLayout(
const NGPhysicalFragment& previous_fragment) const;
// This method is just for use within the |NGOutOfFlowLayoutPart|.
// As OOF-positioned objects have their position, and size computed
// pre-layout, we need a way to quickly determine if we need to perform this
// work.
// We have this "first-tier" cache explicitly for this purpose.
// This method compares the containing-block size to determine if we can skip
// the position, and size calculation.
// If the containing-block size hasn't changed, and we are layout-clean we
// can reuse the previous layout result.
scoped_refptr<const NGLayoutResult> CachedLayoutResultForOutOfFlowPositioned(
LogicalSize container_content_size) const;
NGLayoutInputNode NextSibling() const;
// Computes the value of min-content and max-content for this node's border
// box.
// If the underlying layout algorithm's ComputeMinMaxSizes returns
// no value, this function will synthesize these sizes using Layout with
// special constraint spaces -- infinite available size for max content, zero
// available size for min content, and percentage resolution size zero for
// both.
// An optional constraint space may be supplied, which will be used to resolve
// percentage padding on this node, to set up the right min/max size
// contribution. This is typically desirable for the subtree root of the
// min/max calculation (e.g. the node that will undergo shrink-to-fit). It is
// also used to provide provide a sensible available inline size when
// calculating min/max for orthogonal flows. This constraint space will not be
// passed on to children. If no constraint space is specified, a zero-sized
// one will be used.
// The constraint space is also used to perform layout when this block's
// writing mode is orthogonal to its parent's, in which case the constraint
// space is not optional.
MinMaxSizesResult ComputeMinMaxSizes(
WritingMode container_writing_mode,
const MinMaxSizesInput&,
const NGConstraintSpace* = nullptr) const;
MinMaxSizes ComputeMinMaxSizesFromLegacy(const MinMaxSizesInput&,
const NGConstraintSpace&) const;
NGLayoutInputNode FirstChild() const;
NGBlockNode GetRenderedLegend() const;
NGBlockNode GetFieldsetContent() const;
bool IsNGTableCell() const {
return box_->IsTableCell() && !box_->IsTableCellLegacy();
// Return true if this block node establishes an inline formatting context.
// This will only be the case if there is actual inline content. Empty nodes
// or nodes consisting purely of block-level, floats, and/or out-of-flow
// positioned children will return false.
bool IsInlineFormattingContextRoot(
NGLayoutInputNode* first_child_out = nullptr) const;
bool IsInlineLevel() const;
bool IsAtomicInlineLevel() const;
bool HasAspectRatio() const;
// Returns the aspect ratio of a replaced element.
LogicalSize GetAspectRatio() const;
// Returns the transform to apply to a child (e.g. for layout-overflow).
base::Optional<TransformationMatrix> GetTransformForChildFragment(
const NGPhysicalBoxFragment& child_fragment,
PhysicalSize size) const;
bool HasLeftOverflow() const { return box_->HasLeftOverflow(); }
bool HasTopOverflow() const { return box_->HasTopOverflow(); }
bool HasNonVisibleOverflow() const { return box_->HasNonVisibleOverflow(); }
OverflowClipAxes GetOverflowClipAxes() const {
return box_->GetOverflowClipAxes();
// Returns true if this node should fill the viewport.
// This occurs when we are in quirks-mode and we are *not* OOF-positioned,
// floating, or inline-level.
bool IsQuirkyAndFillsViewport() const {
if (!GetDocument().InQuirksMode())
return false;
if (IsOutOfFlowPositioned())
return false;
if (IsFloating())
return false;
if (IsAtomicInlineLevel())
return false;
return (IsDocumentElement() || IsBody());
// Returns true if the custom layout node is in its loaded state (all script
// for the web-developer defined layout is ready).
bool IsCustomLayoutLoaded() const;
// Get script type for scripts (msub, msup, msubsup, munder, mover and
// munderover).
MathScriptType ScriptType() const;
// Find out if the radical has an index.
bool HasIndex() const;
// Layout an atomic inline; e.g., inline block.
scoped_refptr<const NGLayoutResult> LayoutAtomicInline(
const NGConstraintSpace& parent_constraint_space,
const ComputedStyle& parent_style,
bool use_first_line_style,
NGBaselineAlgorithmType baseline_algorithm_type =
// Called if this is an out-of-flow block which needs to be
// positioned with legacy layout.
void UseLegacyOutOfFlowPositioning() const;
// Write back resolved margins to legacy.
void StoreMargins(const NGConstraintSpace&, const NGBoxStrut& margins);
void StoreMargins(const NGPhysicalBoxStrut& margins);
// Add a column layout result to a list. Columns are essentially
// LayoutObject-less, but we still need to keep the fragments generated
// somewhere.
void AddColumnResult(scoped_refptr<const NGLayoutResult>,
const NGBlockBreakToken* incoming_break_token) const;
// Add a column layout result to this node.
void AddColumnResult(scoped_refptr<const NGLayoutResult>) const;
// Replace an existing column layout result with a new one.
void ReplaceColumnResult(scoped_refptr<const NGLayoutResult>,
const NGPhysicalBoxFragment& old_fragment) const;
static bool CanUseNewLayout(const LayoutBox&);
bool CanUseNewLayout() const;
bool ShouldApplyLayoutContainment() const {
return box_->ShouldApplyLayoutContainment();
bool HasLineIfEmpty() const {
if (const auto* block = DynamicTo<LayoutBlock>(box_))
return block->HasLineIfEmpty();
return false;
String ToString() const;
void PrepareForLayout() const;
// Runs layout on the underlying LayoutObject and creates a fragment for the
// resulting geometry.
scoped_refptr<const NGLayoutResult> RunLegacyLayout(
const NGConstraintSpace&) const;
scoped_refptr<const NGLayoutResult> RunSimplifiedLayout(
const NGLayoutAlgorithmParams&,
const NGLayoutResult&) const;
// If this node is a LayoutNGMixin, the caller must pass the layout object for
// this node cast to a LayoutBlockFlow as the first argument.
void FinishLayout(LayoutBlockFlow*,
const NGConstraintSpace&,
const NGBlockBreakToken*,
scoped_refptr<const NGLayoutResult>) const;
// After we run the layout algorithm, this function copies back the geometry
// data to the layout box.
void CopyFragmentDataToLayoutBox(
const NGConstraintSpace&,
const NGLayoutResult&,
const NGBlockBreakToken* previous_break_token) const;
void CopyFragmentItemsToLayoutBox(
const NGPhysicalBoxFragment& container,
const NGFragmentItems& items,
const NGBlockBreakToken* previous_break_token) const;
void PlaceChildrenInLayoutBox(
const NGPhysicalBoxFragment&,
const NGBlockBreakToken* previous_break_token) const;
void PlaceChildrenInFlowThread(
const NGConstraintSpace&,
const NGPhysicalBoxFragment&,
const NGBlockBreakToken* previous_container_break_token) const;
void CopyChildFragmentPosition(
const NGPhysicalBoxFragment& child_fragment,
const NGPhysicalBoxFragment& container_fragment,
const NGBlockBreakToken* previous_container_break_token = nullptr) const;
void CopyBaselinesFromLegacyLayout(const NGConstraintSpace&,
NGBoxFragmentBuilder*) const;
LayoutUnit AtomicInlineBaselineFromLegacyLayout(
const NGConstraintSpace&) const;
void UpdateShapeOutsideInfoIfNeeded(
const NGLayoutResult&,
LayoutUnit percentage_resolution_inline_size) const;
template <>
struct DowncastTraits<NGBlockNode> {
static bool AllowFrom(const NGLayoutInputNode& node) {
return node.IsBlock();
} // namespace blink