blob: cff902e2568f3a757b27ef83cccff34d93d71f1b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/geometry/box_sides.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/geometry/physical_rect.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/geometry/ng_box_strut.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/geometry/ng_fragment_geometry.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_fragment_items_builder.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/mathml/ng_mathml_paint_info.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_block_break_token.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_break_token.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_container_fragment_builder.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_layout_overflow_calculator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_layout_result.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_length_utils.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/table/ng_table_borders.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/table/ng_table_fragment_data.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/style/computed_style_constants.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator/allocator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/hash_map.h"
namespace blink {
class NGPhysicalFragment;
class CORE_EXPORT NGBoxFragmentBuilder final
: public NGContainerFragmentBuilder {
NGBoxFragmentBuilder(NGLayoutInputNode node,
scoped_refptr<const ComputedStyle> style,
const NGConstraintSpace* space,
WritingDirectionMode writing_direction)
: NGContainerFragmentBuilder(node,
is_inline_formatting_context_(node.IsInline()) {}
// Build a fragment for LayoutObject without NGLayoutInputNode. LayoutInline
// has NGInlineItem but does not have corresponding NGLayoutInputNode.
NGBoxFragmentBuilder(LayoutObject* layout_object,
scoped_refptr<const ComputedStyle> style,
WritingDirectionMode writing_direction)
: NGContainerFragmentBuilder(/* node */ nullptr,
/* space */ nullptr,
is_inline_formatting_context_(true) {
layout_object_ = layout_object;
void SetInitialFragmentGeometry(
const NGFragmentGeometry& initial_fragment_geometry) {
initial_fragment_geometry_ = &initial_fragment_geometry;
size_ = initial_fragment_geometry_->border_box_size;
is_initial_block_size_indefinite_ = size_.block_size == kIndefiniteSize;
border_padding_ =
initial_fragment_geometry.border + initial_fragment_geometry.padding;
border_scrollbar_padding_ =
border_padding_ + initial_fragment_geometry.scrollbar;
if (space_) {
child_available_size_ = CalculateChildAvailableSize(
*space_, To<NGBlockNode>(node_), size_, border_scrollbar_padding_);
void AdjustBorderScrollbarPaddingForFragmentation(
const NGBlockBreakToken* break_token) {
if (LIKELY(!break_token))
if (break_token->IsBreakBefore())
border_scrollbar_padding_.block_start = LayoutUnit();
void AdjustBorderScrollbarPaddingForTableCell() {
if (!space_->IsTableCell())
border_scrollbar_padding_ +=
ComputeIntrinsicPadding(*space_, *style_, Scrollbar());
const NGFragmentGeometry& InitialFragmentGeometry() const {
return *initial_fragment_geometry_;
// Use the block-size setters/getters further down instead of the inherited
// ones.
LayoutUnit BlockSize() const = delete;
void SetBlockSize(LayoutUnit block_size) = delete;
// Set the total border-box block-size of all the fragments to be generated
// from this node (as if we stitched them together). Layout algorithms are
// expected to pass this value, and at the end of layout (if block
// fragmentation is needed), the fragmentation machinery will be invoked to
// adjust the block-size to the correct size, ensuring that we break at the
// best location.
void SetFragmentsTotalBlockSize(LayoutUnit block_size) {
// Note that we just store the block-size in a shared field. We have a flag
// for debugging, to assert that we know what we're doing when attempting to
// access the data.
block_size_is_for_all_fragments_ = true;
size_.block_size = block_size;
LayoutUnit FragmentsTotalBlockSize() const {
if (has_block_fragmentation_)
DCHECK(size_.block_size != kIndefiniteSize);
return size_.block_size;
// Set the final block-size of this fragment.
void SetFragmentBlockSize(LayoutUnit block_size) {
// Note that we just store the block-size in a shared field. We have a flag
// for debugging, to assert that we know what we're doing when attempting to
// access the data.
block_size_is_for_all_fragments_ = false;
size_.block_size = block_size;
LayoutUnit FragmentBlockSize() const {
if (has_block_fragmentation_)
DCHECK(size_.block_size != kIndefiniteSize);
return size_.block_size;
void SetOverflowBlockSize(LayoutUnit overflow_block_size) {
overflow_block_size_ = overflow_block_size;
void SetIntrinsicBlockSize(LayoutUnit intrinsic_block_size) {
intrinsic_block_size_ = intrinsic_block_size;
LayoutUnit IntrinsicBlockSize() const { return intrinsic_block_size_; }
const NGBoxStrut& Borders() const {
DCHECK_NE(BoxType(), NGPhysicalFragment::kInlineBox);
return initial_fragment_geometry_->border;
const NGBoxStrut& Scrollbar() const {
return initial_fragment_geometry_->scrollbar;
const NGBoxStrut& Padding() const {
return initial_fragment_geometry_->padding;
const LogicalSize& InitialBorderBoxSize() const {
return initial_fragment_geometry_->border_box_size;
const NGBoxStrut& BorderPadding() const {
return border_padding_;
const NGBoxStrut& BorderScrollbarPadding() const {
return border_scrollbar_padding_;
// The child available-size is subtly different from the content-box size of
// an element. For an anonymous-block the child available-size is equal to
// its non-anonymous parent (similar to percentages).
const LogicalSize& ChildAvailableSize() const {
return child_available_size_;
const NGBlockNode& Node() {
return To<NGBlockNode>(node_);
// Add a break token for a child that doesn't yet have any fragments, because
// its first fragment is to be produced in the next fragmentainer. This will
// add a break token for the child, but no fragment. Break appeal should
// always be provided for regular in-flow children. For other types of
// children it may be omitted, if the break shouldn't affect the appeal of
// breaking inside this container.
void AddBreakBeforeChild(NGLayoutInputNode child,
base::Optional<NGBreakAppeal> appeal,
bool is_forced_break);
// Add a layout result. This involves appending the fragment and its relative
// offset to the builder, but also keeping track of out-of-flow positioned
// descendants, propagating fragmentainer breaks, and more.
void AddResult(const NGLayoutResult&, const LogicalOffset);
void AddChild(const NGPhysicalContainerFragment&,
const LogicalOffset&,
const LayoutInline* inline_container = nullptr,
const NGMarginStrut* margin_strut = nullptr,
bool is_self_collapsing = false);
// Manually add a break token to the builder. Note that we're assuming that
// this break token is for content in the same flow as this parent.
void AddBreakToken(scoped_refptr<const NGBreakToken>,
bool is_in_parallel_flow = false);
void AddOutOfFlowLegacyCandidate(NGBlockNode,
const NGLogicalStaticPosition&,
const LayoutInline* inline_container);
// Specify whether this will be the first fragment generated for the node.
void SetIsFirstForNode(bool is_first) { is_first_for_node_ = is_first; }
// Set how much of the block-size we've used so far for this box. This will be
// the sum of the block-size of all previous fragments PLUS the one we're
// building now.
void SetConsumedBlockSize(LayoutUnit size) { consumed_block_size_ = size; }
// Set how much of the column block-size we've used so far. This will be used
// to determine the block-size of any new columns added by descendant
// out-of-flow positioned elements.
void SetBlockOffsetForAdditionalColumns(LayoutUnit size) {
block_offset_for_additional_columns_ = size;
LayoutUnit BlockOffsetForAdditionalColumns() const {
return block_offset_for_additional_columns_;
void SetSequenceNumber(unsigned sequence_number) {
sequence_number_ = sequence_number;
// Return true if we broke inside this node on our own initiative (typically
// not because of a child break, but rather due to the size of this node).
bool DidBreakSelf() const { return did_break_self_; }
void SetDidBreakSelf() { did_break_self_ = true; }
// Store the previous break token, if one exists.
void SetPreviousBreakToken(
scoped_refptr<const NGBlockBreakToken> break_token) {
previous_break_token_ = std::move(break_token);
const NGBlockBreakToken* PreviousBreakToken() const {
return previous_break_token_.get();
// Return true if we need to break before or inside any child, doesn't matter
// if it's in-flow or not. As long as there are only breaks in parallel flows,
// we may continue layout, but when we're done, we'll need to create a break
// token for this fragment nevertheless, so that we re-enter, descend and
// resume at the broken children in the next fragmentainer.
bool HasChildBreakInside() const {
if (!child_break_tokens_.IsEmpty())
return true;
// Inline nodes produce a "finished" trailing break token even if we don't
// need to block-fragment.
return last_inline_break_token_.get();
// Return true if we need to break before or inside any in-flow child that
// doesn't establish a parallel flow. When this happens, we want to finish our
// fragment, create a break token, and resume in the next fragmentainer.
bool HasInflowChildBreakInside() const {
return has_inflow_child_break_inside_;
// Return true if we need to break before or inside any floated child. Floats
// are encapsulated by their container if the container establishes a new
// block formatting context.
bool HasFloatBreakInside() const { return has_float_break_inside_; }
// Report space shortage, i.e. how much more space would have been sufficient
// to prevent some piece of content from breaking. This information may be
// used by the column balancer to stretch columns.
void PropagateSpaceShortage(LayoutUnit space_shortage) {
DCHECK_GT(space_shortage, LayoutUnit());
// Space shortage should only be reported when we already have a tentative
// fragmentainer block-size. It's meaningless to talk about space shortage
// in the initial column balancing pass, because then we have no
// fragmentainer block-size at all, so who's to tell what's too short or
// not?
if (minimal_space_shortage_ > space_shortage)
minimal_space_shortage_ = space_shortage;
LayoutUnit MinimalSpaceShortage() const { return minimal_space_shortage_; }
void PropagateTallestUnbreakableBlockSize(LayoutUnit unbreakable_block_size) {
// We should only calculate the block-size of the tallest piece of
// unbreakable content during the initial column balancing pass, when we
// haven't set a tentative fragmentainer block-size yet.
tallest_unbreakable_block_size_ =
std::max(tallest_unbreakable_block_size_, unbreakable_block_size);
void SetIsInitialColumnBalancingPass() {
// Note that we have no dedicated flag for being in the initial column
// balancing pass here. We'll just bump tallest_unbreakable_block_size_ to
// 0, so that NGLayoutResult knows that we need to store unbreakable
// block-size.
DCHECK_EQ(tallest_unbreakable_block_size_, LayoutUnit::Min());
tallest_unbreakable_block_size_ = LayoutUnit();
bool IsInitialColumnBalancingPass() const {
return tallest_unbreakable_block_size_ >= LayoutUnit();
void SetInitialBreakBefore(EBreakBetween break_before) {
initial_break_before_ = break_before;
void SetPreviousBreakAfter(EBreakBetween break_after) {
previous_break_after_ = break_after;
// Set when this subtree has modified the incoming margin-strut, such that it
// may change our final position.
void SetSubtreeModifiedMarginStrut() {
subtree_modified_margin_strut_ = true;
// Join/"collapse" the previous (stored) break-after value with the next
// break-before value, to determine how to deal with breaking between two
// in-flow siblings.
EBreakBetween JoinedBreakBetweenValue(EBreakBetween break_before) const;
// Return the number of line boxes laid out.
int LineCount() const { return line_count_; }
// Set when we have iterated over all the children. This means that all
// children have been fully laid out, or have break tokens. No more children
// left to discover.
void SetHasSeenAllChildren() { has_seen_all_children_ = true; }
bool HasSeenAllChildren() { return has_seen_all_children_; }
void SetIsAtBlockEnd() { is_at_block_end_ = true; }
bool IsAtBlockEnd() const { return is_at_block_end_; }
void SetColumnSpanner(NGBlockNode spanner) { column_spanner_ = spanner; }
bool FoundColumnSpanner() const { return !!column_spanner_; }
void SetLinesUntilClamp(const base::Optional<int>& value) {
lines_until_clamp_ = value;
void SetEarlyBreak(scoped_refptr<const NGEarlyBreak> breakpoint,
NGBreakAppeal appeal) {
early_break_ = breakpoint;
break_appeal_ = appeal;
bool HasEarlyBreak() const { return early_break_.get(); }
const NGEarlyBreak& EarlyBreak() const {
return *early_break_.get();
// Set the highest break appeal found so far. This is either:
// 1: The highest appeal of a breakpoint found by our container
// 2: The appeal of a possible early break inside
// 3: The appeal of an actual break inside (to be stored in a break token)
void SetBreakAppeal(NGBreakAppeal appeal) { break_appeal_ = appeal; }
NGBreakAppeal BreakAppeal() const { return break_appeal_; }
// Offsets are not supposed to be set during fragment construction, so we
// do not provide a setter here.
// Creates the fragment. Can only be called once.
scoped_refptr<const NGLayoutResult> ToBoxFragment() {
DCHECK_NE(BoxType(), NGPhysicalFragment::kInlineBox);
return ToBoxFragment(GetWritingMode());
scoped_refptr<const NGLayoutResult> ToInlineBoxFragment() {
// The logical coordinate for inline box uses line-relative writing-mode,
// not
// flow-relative.
DCHECK_EQ(BoxType(), NGPhysicalFragment::kInlineBox);
return ToBoxFragment(ToLineWritingMode(GetWritingMode()));
scoped_refptr<const NGLayoutResult> Abort(NGLayoutResult::EStatus);
NGPhysicalFragment::NGBoxType BoxType() const;
void SetBoxType(NGPhysicalFragment::NGBoxType box_type) {
box_type_ = box_type;
bool IsFragmentainerBoxType() const {
return BoxType() == NGPhysicalFragment::kColumnBox;
void SetIsFieldsetContainer() { is_fieldset_container_ = true; }
void SetIsTableNGPart() { is_table_ng_part_ = true; }
void SetIsLegacyLayoutRoot() { is_legacy_layout_root_ = true; }
void SetIsInlineFormattingContext(bool is_inline_formatting_context) {
is_inline_formatting_context_ = is_inline_formatting_context;
void SetIsMathMLFraction() { is_math_fraction_ = true; }
void SetIsMathMLOperator() { is_math_operator_ = true; }
void SetMathMLPaintInfo(
UChar operator_character,
scoped_refptr<const ShapeResultView> operator_shape_result_view,
LayoutUnit operator_inline_size,
LayoutUnit operator_ascent,
LayoutUnit operator_descent) {
if (!mathml_paint_info_)
mathml_paint_info_ = std::make_unique<NGMathMLPaintInfo>();
mathml_paint_info_->operator_character = operator_character;
mathml_paint_info_->operator_shape_result_view =
mathml_paint_info_->operator_inline_size = operator_inline_size;
mathml_paint_info_->operator_ascent = operator_ascent;
mathml_paint_info_->operator_descent = operator_descent;
void SetMathMLPaintInfo(
scoped_refptr<const ShapeResultView> operator_shape_result_view,
LayoutUnit operator_inline_size,
LayoutUnit operator_ascent,
LayoutUnit operator_descent,
LayoutUnit radical_operator_inline_offset,
const NGBoxStrut& radical_base_margins) {
if (!mathml_paint_info_)
mathml_paint_info_ = std::make_unique<NGMathMLPaintInfo>();
mathml_paint_info_->operator_character = kSquareRootCharacter;
mathml_paint_info_->operator_shape_result_view =
mathml_paint_info_->operator_inline_size = operator_inline_size;
mathml_paint_info_->operator_ascent = operator_ascent;
mathml_paint_info_->operator_descent = operator_descent;
mathml_paint_info_->radical_base_margins = radical_base_margins;
mathml_paint_info_->radical_operator_inline_offset =
void SetSidesToInclude(LogicalBoxSides sides_to_include) {
sides_to_include_ = sides_to_include;
// Either this function or SetBoxType must be called before ToBoxFragment().
void SetIsNewFormattingContext(bool is_new_fc) { is_new_fc_ = is_new_fc; }
void SetCustomLayoutData(
scoped_refptr<SerializedScriptValue> custom_layout_data) {
custom_layout_data_ = std::move(custom_layout_data);
// Sets the alignment baseline for this fragment.
void SetBaseline(LayoutUnit baseline) { baseline_ = baseline; }
base::Optional<LayoutUnit> Baseline() const { return baseline_; }
// Sets the last baseline for this fragment.
void SetLastBaseline(LayoutUnit baseline) {
last_baseline_ = baseline;
base::Optional<LayoutUnit> LastBaseline() const { return last_baseline_; }
// The inline block baseline is at the block end margin edge under some
// circumstances. This function updates |LastBaseline| in such cases.
void SetLastBaselineToBlockEndMarginEdgeIfNeeded();
void SetTableGridRect(const PhysicalRect& table_grid_rect) {
table_grid_rect_ = table_grid_rect;
void SetTableColumnGeometries(
const NGTableFragmentData::ColumnGeometries& table_column_geometries) {
table_column_geometries_ = table_column_geometries;
void SetTableCollapsedBorders(const NGTableBorders& table_collapsed_borders) {
table_collapsed_borders_ = &table_collapsed_borders;
void SetTableCollapsedBordersGeometry(
table_collapsed_borders_geometry) {
table_collapsed_borders_geometry_ =
void SetTableColumnCount(wtf_size_t table_column_count) {
table_column_count_ = table_column_count;
void SetTableCellColumnIndex(wtf_size_t table_cell_column_index) {
table_cell_column_index_ = table_cell_column_index;
// The |NGFragmentItemsBuilder| for the inline formatting context of this box.
NGFragmentItemsBuilder* ItemsBuilder() { return items_builder_; }
void SetItemsBuilder(NGFragmentItemsBuilder* builder) {
items_builder_ = builder;
// Returns offset for given child. DCHECK if child not found.
// Warning: Do not call unless necessary.
LogicalOffset GetChildOffset(const LayoutObject* child) const;
// Inline containing block geometry is defined by two rectangles, generated
// by fragments of the LayoutInline.
struct InlineContainingBlockGeometry {
// Union of fragments generated on the first line.
PhysicalRect start_fragment_union_rect;
// Union of fragments generated on the last line.
PhysicalRect end_fragment_union_rect;
using InlineContainingBlockMap =
HashMap<const LayoutObject*,
// Computes the geometry required for any inline containing blocks.
// |inline_containing_block_map| is a map whose keys specify which inline
// containing block geometry is required.
void ComputeInlineContainerGeometry(
InlineContainingBlockMap* inline_containing_block_map);
// If we don't participate in a fragmentation context, this method can check
// that all block fragmentation related fields have their initial value.
void CheckNoBlockFragmentation() const;
// Moves all the children by |offset| in the block-direction. (Ensure that
// any baselines, OOFs, etc, are also moved by the appropriate amount).
void MoveChildrenInBlockDirection(LayoutUnit offset);
void SetMathItalicCorrection(LayoutUnit italic_correction);
// Update whether we have fragmented in this flow.
void PropagateBreak(const NGLayoutResult&);
void SetHasForcedBreak() {
has_forced_break_ = true;
minimal_space_shortage_ = LayoutUnit::Max();
scoped_refptr<const NGLayoutResult> ToBoxFragment(WritingMode);
const NGFragmentGeometry* initial_fragment_geometry_ = nullptr;
NGBoxStrut border_padding_;
NGBoxStrut border_scrollbar_padding_;
LogicalSize child_available_size_;
LayoutUnit overflow_block_size_ = kIndefiniteSize;
LayoutUnit intrinsic_block_size_;
base::Optional<LogicalRect> inflow_bounds_;
NGFragmentItemsBuilder* items_builder_ = nullptr;
NGBlockNode column_spanner_ = nullptr;
NGPhysicalFragment::NGBoxType box_type_;
bool may_have_descendant_above_block_start_ = false;
bool is_fieldset_container_ = false;
bool is_table_ng_part_ = false;
bool is_initial_block_size_indefinite_ = false;
bool is_inline_formatting_context_;
bool is_first_for_node_ = true;
bool did_break_self_ = false;
bool has_inflow_child_break_inside_ = false;
bool has_float_break_inside_ = false;
bool has_forced_break_ = false;
bool is_new_fc_ = false;
bool subtree_modified_margin_strut_ = false;
bool has_seen_all_children_ = false;
bool is_math_fraction_ = false;
bool is_math_operator_ = false;
bool is_at_block_end_ = false;
bool has_violating_break_ = false;
LayoutUnit consumed_block_size_;
LayoutUnit block_offset_for_additional_columns_;
unsigned sequence_number_ = 0;
LayoutUnit minimal_space_shortage_ = LayoutUnit::Max();
LayoutUnit tallest_unbreakable_block_size_ = LayoutUnit::Min();
// The break-before value on the initial child we cannot honor. There's no
// valid class A break point before a first child, only *between* siblings.
EBreakBetween initial_break_before_ = EBreakBetween::kAuto;
// The break-after value of the previous in-flow sibling.
EBreakBetween previous_break_after_ = EBreakBetween::kAuto;
base::Optional<LayoutUnit> baseline_;
base::Optional<LayoutUnit> last_baseline_;
// Table specific types.
base::Optional<PhysicalRect> table_grid_rect_;
scoped_refptr<const NGTableBorders> table_collapsed_borders_;
base::Optional<wtf_size_t> table_column_count_;
// Table cell specific types.
base::Optional<wtf_size_t> table_cell_column_index_;
LogicalBoxSides sides_to_include_;
scoped_refptr<SerializedScriptValue> custom_layout_data_;
base::Optional<int> lines_until_clamp_;
std::unique_ptr<NGMathMLPaintInfo> mathml_paint_info_;
base::Optional<NGLayoutResult::MathData> math_data_;
scoped_refptr<const NGBlockBreakToken> previous_break_token_;
// Describes what size_.block_size represents; either the size of a single
// fragment (false), or the size of all fragments for a node (true).
bool block_size_is_for_all_fragments_ = false;
friend class NGBlockBreakToken;
friend class NGPhysicalBoxFragment;
friend class NGLayoutResult;
} // namespace blink