blob: 0b0111e1ff40de0db10db83fadca15067919f904 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/style/computed_style.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/style/computed_style_constants.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/geometry/layout_unit.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/text_direction.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/writing_mode.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/vector.h"
namespace blink {
class ComputedStyle;
class NGBlockNode;
struct NGBoxStrut;
// When table has collapsed borders, computing borders for table parts is
// complex, and costly.
// NGTableBorders precomputes collapsed borders. It exposes the API for
// border access. If borders are not collapsed, the API returns regular
// borders.
// NGTableBorders methods often take rowspan/colspan arguments.
// Rowspan must never be taller than the section.
// Colspan must never be wider than the table.
// To enforce this, NGTableBorders keeps track of section dimensions,
// and table's last column.
// Collapsed borders are stored as edges.
// Edges are stored in a 1D array. The array does not grow if borders are
// not set.
// Each edge represents a cell border.
// Mapping between edges and cells is best understood like this:
// - each cell stores only two edges, left edge, and a top edge.
// - cell's right edge is the left edge of the next cell.
// - cell's bottom edge is the top edge of the cell in the next row.
// To store all last row/col edges, an extra imaginary cell is used.
// A grid with R rows and C columns has |2 * (R+1) * (C+1)| edges.
// Example; R=1, C=3, 2*(1+1)*(3+1) = 16 edges.
// Edges 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15 are unused.
// 1 3 5 7
// ------------------ <= edges for 3 cols X 1 row
// |0 |2 |4 |6
// | | | |
// ------------------
// | 8 | 10| 12 | 14
// | | | |
// |9 |11 |13 |15
class NGTableBorders : public RefCounted<NGTableBorders> {
static scoped_refptr<NGTableBorders> ComputeTableBorders(const NGBlockNode&);
// |table_border_padding| as computed from css values.
NGTableBorders(const ComputedStyle& table_style,
const NGBoxStrut& table_border);
String DumpEdges();
void ShowEdges();
enum class EdgeSource { kNone, kCell, kRow, kSection, kColumn, kTable };
// Specifies which side of CSS style defines the edge.
// |kDoNotFill| means edge is empty, but should not be filled.
enum class EdgeSide { kTop, kRight, kBottom, kLeft, kDoNotFill };
// Edge is defined by a style, and box side. Box side specifies which
// style border defines the edge.
struct Edge {
scoped_refptr<const ComputedStyle> style;
EdgeSide edge_side;
// Box order is used to compute edge painting precedence.
// Lower box order has precedence.
// The order value is defined as "box visited index" while
// computing collapsed edges.
wtf_size_t box_order;
static LayoutUnit BorderWidth(const ComputedStyle* style,
EdgeSide edge_side) {
if (!style)
return LayoutUnit();
switch (edge_side) {
case EdgeSide::kLeft:
return LayoutUnit(style->BorderLeftWidth());
case EdgeSide::kRight:
return LayoutUnit(style->BorderRightWidth());
case EdgeSide::kTop:
return LayoutUnit(style->BorderTopWidth());
case EdgeSide::kBottom:
return LayoutUnit(style->BorderBottomWidth());
case EdgeSide::kDoNotFill:
return LayoutUnit();
static EBorderStyle BorderStyle(const ComputedStyle* style,
EdgeSide edge_side) {
if (!style)
return EBorderStyle::kNone;
EBorderStyle border_style;
switch (edge_side) {
case EdgeSide::kLeft:
border_style = style->BorderLeftStyle();
case EdgeSide::kRight:
border_style = style->BorderRightStyle();
case EdgeSide::kTop:
border_style = style->BorderTopStyle();
case EdgeSide::kBottom:
border_style = style->BorderBottomStyle();
case EdgeSide::kDoNotFill:
border_style = EBorderStyle::kNone;
// The spec (
// states that outset is treated as grove in the collapsing border model,
// and inset is treated as ridge in the collapsing border model.
if (border_style == EBorderStyle::kOutset)
return EBorderStyle::kGroove;
if (border_style == EBorderStyle::kInset)
return EBorderStyle::kRidge;
return border_style;
static Color BorderColor(const ComputedStyle* style, EdgeSide edge_side) {
switch (edge_side) {
case EdgeSide::kLeft:
return style->VisitedDependentColor(GetCSSPropertyBorderLeftColor());
case EdgeSide::kRight:
return style->VisitedDependentColor(GetCSSPropertyBorderRightColor());
case EdgeSide::kTop:
return style->VisitedDependentColor(GetCSSPropertyBorderTopColor());
case EdgeSide::kBottom:
return style->VisitedDependentColor(GetCSSPropertyBorderBottomColor());
case EdgeSide::kDoNotFill:
return style->VisitedDependentColor(GetCSSPropertyBorderBottomColor());
static bool HasBorder(const ComputedStyle* style) {
if (!style)
return false;
return style->BorderLeftStyle() != EBorderStyle::kNone ||
style->BorderRightStyle() != EBorderStyle::kNone ||
style->BorderTopStyle() != EBorderStyle::kNone ||
style->BorderBottomStyle() != EBorderStyle::kNone;
LayoutUnit BorderWidth(wtf_size_t edge_index) const {
return BorderWidth(edges_[edge_index].style.get(),
EBorderStyle BorderStyle(wtf_size_t edge_index) const {
return BorderStyle(edges_[edge_index].style.get(),
Color BorderColor(wtf_size_t edge_index) const {
return BorderColor(edges_[edge_index].style.get(),
wtf_size_t BoxOrder(wtf_size_t edge_index) const {
return edges_[edge_index].box_order;
using Edges = Vector<Edge>;
struct Section {
wtf_size_t start_row;
wtf_size_t row_count;
bool IsEmpty() const { return edges_.IsEmpty(); }
bool IsCollapsed() const { return is_collapsed_; }
wtf_size_t EdgesPerRow() const { return edges_per_row_; }
const NGBoxStrut& TableBorder() const {
return *cached_table_border_;
// This method is necessary because collapsed table's border rect and
// visual overflow rect use different borders.
// Border rect uses inline start/end of the first row.
// Visual rect uses largest inline start/end of the entire table.
std::pair<LayoutUnit, LayoutUnit> GetCollapsedBorderVisualInlineStrut()
const {
return std::make_pair(collapsed_visual_inline_start_,
NGBoxStrut CellBorder(const NGBlockNode& cell,
wtf_size_t row,
wtf_size_t column,
wtf_size_t section,
WritingDirectionMode table_writing_direction) const;
NGBoxStrut CellPaddingForMeasure(
const ComputedStyle& cell_style,
WritingDirectionMode table_writing_direction) const;
void ComputeCollapsedTableBorderPadding(wtf_size_t table_row_count,
wtf_size_t table_column_count);
// |section_index| is only used to clamp rowspan. Only needed for
// cells with rowspan > 1.
void MergeBorders(wtf_size_t start_row,
wtf_size_t start_column,
wtf_size_t rowspan,
wtf_size_t colspan,
const ComputedStyle& source_style,
EdgeSource source,
wtf_size_t box_order,
WritingDirectionMode table_writing_direction,
wtf_size_t section_index = kNotFound);
void AddSection(wtf_size_t start_row, wtf_size_t row_count) {
sections_.push_back(Section{start_row, row_count});
Section GetSection(wtf_size_t section_index) {
return sections_[section_index];
void SetLastColumnIndex(wtf_size_t last_column_index) {
last_column_index_ = last_column_index;
Edges::const_iterator begin() const { return edges_.begin(); }
Edges::const_iterator end() const { return edges_.end(); }
wtf_size_t EdgeCount() const { return edges_.size(); }
bool CanPaint(wtf_size_t edge_index) const {
if (!HasEdgeAtIndex(edge_index))
return false;
EBorderStyle border_style = BorderStyle(edge_index);
if (border_style == EBorderStyle::kNone ||
border_style == EBorderStyle::kHidden)
return false;
if (BorderWidth(edge_index) == 0)
return false;
return true;
bool HasEdgeAtIndex(wtf_size_t edge_index) const {
return edge_index < edges_.size() && edges_[edge_index].style;
// Is there and edge at edges[edge_index + index_offset]?
bool CanPaint(wtf_size_t edge_index, int index_offset) const {
return (index_offset >= 0 ||
(index_offset < 0 &&
edge_index >= static_cast<wtf_size_t>(abs(index_offset)))) &&
edge_index + index_offset < edges_.size() &&
edges_[edge_index + index_offset].style;
wtf_size_t ClampColspan(wtf_size_t column, wtf_size_t colspan) const {
DCHECK_GE(last_column_index_, column);
return std::min(colspan, last_column_index_ - column);
// Clamps rowspan by section size.
wtf_size_t ClampRowspan(wtf_size_t section_index,
wtf_size_t table_row_index,
wtf_size_t rowspan) const {
if (rowspan <= 1)
return rowspan;
DCHECK_LT(section_index, sections_.size());
return std::min(rowspan,
sections_[section_index].row_count -
(table_row_index - sections_[section_index].start_row));
NGBoxStrut GetCellBorders(wtf_size_t row,
wtf_size_t column,
wtf_size_t rowspan,
wtf_size_t colspan) const;
void EnsureCellColumnFits(wtf_size_t cell_column);
void EnsureCellRowFits(wtf_size_t cell_row);
void MergeRowAxisBorder(wtf_size_t start_row,
wtf_size_t start_column,
wtf_size_t colspan,
const ComputedStyle& source_style,
wtf_size_t box_order,
EdgeSide side);
void MergeColumnAxisBorder(wtf_size_t start_row,
wtf_size_t start_column,
wtf_size_t rowspan,
const ComputedStyle& source_style,
wtf_size_t box_order,
EdgeSide side);
void MarkInnerBordersAsDoNotFill(wtf_size_t start_row,
wtf_size_t start_column,
wtf_size_t rowspan,
wtf_size_t colspan);
Edges edges_;
Vector<Section> sections_;
wtf_size_t edges_per_row_ = 0;
// Table border/padding are expensive to compute for collapsed tables.
// We compute them once, and cache them.
base::Optional<NGBoxStrut> cached_table_border_;
// Collapsed tables use first border to compute inline start/end.
// Visual overflow use enclosing rectangle of all borders
// to compute inline start/end.
// |collapsed_visual_inline_start/end| are the visual rectangle values.
LayoutUnit collapsed_visual_inline_start_;
LayoutUnit collapsed_visual_inline_end_;
// Cells cannot extrude beyond table grid size.
// Rowspan and colspan sizes must be clamped to enforce this.
wtf_size_t last_column_index_ = UINT_MAX;
bool is_collapsed_;
} // namespace blink