blob: 3872dee5f6845902c1e327f4d7edb2ecf0d4b2c3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/geometry/logical_size.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/geometry/layout_unit.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/writing_mode.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/ref_counted.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/vector.h"
namespace blink {
// Same NGTableConstraintSpaceData object gets passed on ConstraintSpace to
// all rows and sections in a single table. It contains all the geometry
// information needed to layout sections/rows/cells. This is different from most
// other algorithms, where constraint space data is not shared.
class NGTableConstraintSpaceData
: public RefCounted<NGTableConstraintSpaceData> {
// Table grid columns are used to compute cell geometry.
struct ColumnLocation {
ColumnLocation(LayoutUnit offset, LayoutUnit inline_size, bool is_collapsed)
: offset(offset),
is_collapsed(is_collapsed) {}
const LayoutUnit offset;
const LayoutUnit inline_size;
const bool is_collapsed;
bool operator==(const ColumnLocation& other) const {
return offset == other.offset && inline_size == other.inline_size &&
is_collapsed == other.is_collapsed;
// Section hold row index information used to map between table and
// section row indexes.
struct Section {
Section(wtf_size_t start_row_index, wtf_size_t rowspan)
: start_row_index(start_row_index), rowspan(rowspan) {}
bool MaySkipLayout(const Section& other) const {
// We don't compare |start_row_index| as this is allowed to change.
return rowspan == other.rowspan;
wtf_size_t start_row_index; // First section row in table grid.
wtf_size_t rowspan;
// Data needed by row layout algorithm.
struct Row {
Row(LayoutUnit baseline,
LayoutUnit block_size,
wtf_size_t start_cell_index,
wtf_size_t cell_count,
bool has_baseline_aligned_percentage_block_size_descendants,
bool is_collapsed)
: baseline(baseline),
is_collapsed(is_collapsed) {}
bool MaySkipLayout(const Row& other) const {
// We don't compare |start_cell_index| as this is allowed to change.
return baseline == other.baseline && block_size == other.block_size &&
cell_count == other.cell_count &&
has_baseline_aligned_percentage_block_size_descendants ==
other.has_baseline_aligned_percentage_block_size_descendants &&
is_collapsed == other.is_collapsed;
LayoutUnit baseline;
LayoutUnit block_size;
wtf_size_t start_cell_index;
wtf_size_t cell_count;
bool has_baseline_aligned_percentage_block_size_descendants;
bool is_collapsed;
// Data needed to layout a single cell.
struct Cell {
Cell(NGBoxStrut border_box_borders,
LayoutUnit block_size,
wtf_size_t start_column,
bool is_constrained)
: border_box_borders(border_box_borders),
is_constrained(is_constrained) {}
bool operator==(const Cell& other) const {
return border_box_borders == other.border_box_borders &&
block_size == other.block_size &&
start_column == other.start_column &&
is_constrained == other.is_constrained;
bool operator!=(const Cell& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
// Size of borders drawn on the inside of the border box.
NGBoxStrut border_box_borders;
// Size of the cell. Need this for cells that span multiple rows.
LayoutUnit block_size;
wtf_size_t start_column;
bool is_constrained;
bool IsTableSpecificDataEqual(const NGTableConstraintSpaceData& other) const {
return table_inline_size == other.table_inline_size &&
table_writing_direction == other.table_writing_direction &&
table_border_spacing == other.table_border_spacing &&
is_table_block_size_specified ==
other.is_table_block_size_specified &&
hide_table_cell_if_empty == other.hide_table_cell_if_empty &&
column_locations == other.column_locations;
bool MaySkipRowLayout(const NGTableConstraintSpaceData& other,
wtf_size_t new_row_index,
wtf_size_t old_row_index) const {
DCHECK_LT(new_row_index, rows.size());
DCHECK_LT(old_row_index, other.rows.size());
const Row& new_row = rows[new_row_index];
const Row& old_row = other.rows[old_row_index];
if (!new_row.MaySkipLayout(old_row))
return false;
DCHECK_EQ(new_row.cell_count, old_row.cell_count);
const wtf_size_t new_start_cell_index = new_row.start_cell_index;
const wtf_size_t old_start_cell_index = old_row.start_cell_index;
const wtf_size_t new_end_cell_index =
new_start_cell_index + new_row.cell_count;
const wtf_size_t old_end_cell_index =
old_start_cell_index + old_row.cell_count;
for (wtf_size_t new_cell_index = new_start_cell_index,
old_cell_index = old_start_cell_index;
new_cell_index < new_end_cell_index &&
old_cell_index < old_end_cell_index;
++new_cell_index, ++old_cell_index) {
if (cells[new_cell_index] != other.cells[old_cell_index])
return false;
return true;
bool MaySkipSectionLayout(const NGTableConstraintSpaceData& other,
wtf_size_t new_section_index,
wtf_size_t old_section_index) const {
DCHECK_LE(new_section_index, sections.size());
DCHECK_LE(old_section_index, other.sections.size());
const Section& new_section = sections[new_section_index];
const Section& old_section = other.sections[old_section_index];
if (!new_section.MaySkipLayout(old_section))
return false;
DCHECK_EQ(new_section.rowspan, old_section.rowspan);
const wtf_size_t new_start_row_index = new_section.start_row_index;
const wtf_size_t old_start_row_index = old_section.start_row_index;
const wtf_size_t new_end_row_index =
new_start_row_index + new_section.rowspan;
const wtf_size_t old_end_row_index =
old_start_row_index + old_section.rowspan;
for (wtf_size_t new_row_index = new_start_row_index,
old_row_index = old_start_row_index;
new_row_index < new_end_row_index && old_row_index < old_end_row_index;
++new_row_index, ++old_row_index) {
if (!MaySkipRowLayout(other, new_row_index, old_row_index))
return false;
return true;
Vector<ColumnLocation> column_locations;
Vector<Section> sections;
Vector<Row> rows;
Vector<Cell> cells;
LayoutUnit table_inline_size;
WritingDirectionMode table_writing_direction =
WritingDirectionMode(WritingMode::kHorizontalTb, TextDirection::kLtr);
LogicalSize table_border_spacing;
// If the block-size of the table is specified (not 'auto').
bool is_table_block_size_specified;
bool hide_table_cell_if_empty; // currently on regular constraint space.
bool has_collapsed_borders;
} // namespace blink