blob: b3f9a69a3208a4d3428d804350363403392903e5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) Research In Motion Limited 2010. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/svg/svg_marker_data.h"
#include "base/auto_reset.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/svg/svg_path_byte_stream_source.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/svg/svg_path_parser.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/vector.h"
namespace blink {
static double BisectingAngle(double in_angle, double out_angle) {
double diff = in_angle - out_angle;
// WK193015: Prevent bugs due to angles being non-continuous.
// Use an inclusive lower limit to not produce the same angle for both limits.
if (diff > 180 || diff <= -180)
in_angle += 360;
return (in_angle + out_angle) / 2;
void SVGMarkerDataBuilder::Build(const Path& path) {
path.Apply(this, SVGMarkerDataBuilder::UpdateFromPathElement);
void SVGMarkerDataBuilder::UpdateFromPathElement(void* info,
const PathElement* element) {
namespace {
// Path processor that converts an arc segment to a cubic segment with
// equivalent start/end tangents.
class MarkerPathSegmentProcessor : public SVGPathNormalizer {
MarkerPathSegmentProcessor(SVGPathConsumer* consumer)
: SVGPathNormalizer(consumer) {}
void EmitSegment(const PathSegmentData&);
Vector<PathSegmentData> DecomposeArc(const PathSegmentData&);
Vector<PathSegmentData> MarkerPathSegmentProcessor::DecomposeArc(
const PathSegmentData& segment) {
class SegmentCollector : public SVGPathConsumer {
void EmitSegment(const PathSegmentData& segment) override {
DCHECK_EQ(segment.command, kPathSegCurveToCubicAbs);
Vector<PathSegmentData> ReturnSegments() { return std::move(segments_); }
Vector<PathSegmentData> segments_;
} collector;
// Temporarily switch to our "collector" to collect the curve segments
// emitted by DecomposeArcToCubic(), and then switch back to the actual
// consumer.
base::AutoReset<SVGPathConsumer*> consumer_scope(&consumer_, &collector);
DecomposeArcToCubic(current_point_, segment);
return collector.ReturnSegments();
void MarkerPathSegmentProcessor::EmitSegment(
const PathSegmentData& original_segment) {
PathSegmentData segment = original_segment;
// Convert a relative arc to absolute.
if (segment.command == kPathSegArcRel) {
segment.command = kPathSegArcAbs;
segment.target_point += current_point_;
if (segment.command == kPathSegArcAbs) {
// Decompose and then pass/emit a synthesized cubic with matching tangents.
Vector<PathSegmentData> decomposed_arc_curves = DecomposeArc(segment);
if (decomposed_arc_curves.IsEmpty()) {
segment.command = kPathSegLineToAbs;
} else {
// Use the first control point from the first curve and the second and
// last control points from the last curve. (If the decomposition only
// has one curve then the second line just copies the same point again.)
segment = decomposed_arc_curves.back();
segment.point1 = decomposed_arc_curves[0].point1;
// Invoke the base class to normalize and emit to the consumer
// (SVGMarkerDataBuilder).
} // namespace
void SVGMarkerDataBuilder::Build(const SVGPathByteStream& stream) {
SVGPathByteStreamSource source(stream);
MarkerPathSegmentProcessor processor(this);
svg_path_parser::ParsePath(source, processor);
void SVGMarkerDataBuilder::EmitSegment(const PathSegmentData& segment) {
PathElement element;
FloatPoint points[3];
element.points = points;
switch (segment.command) {
case kPathSegClosePath:
element.type = kPathElementCloseSubpath;
case kPathSegMoveToAbs:
element.type = kPathElementMoveToPoint;
element.points[0] = segment.target_point;
case kPathSegLineToAbs:
element.type = kPathElementAddLineToPoint;
element.points[0] = segment.target_point;
case kPathSegCurveToCubicAbs:
element.type = kPathElementAddCurveToPoint;
element.points[0] = segment.point1;
element.points[1] = segment.point2;
element.points[2] = segment.target_point;
double SVGMarkerDataBuilder::CurrentAngle(AngleType type) const {
// For details of this calculation, see:
double in_angle = rad2deg(FloatPoint(in_slope_).SlopeAngleRadians());
double out_angle = rad2deg(FloatPoint(out_slope_).SlopeAngleRadians());
switch (type) {
case kOutbound:
return out_angle;
case kBisecting:
return BisectingAngle(in_angle, out_angle);
case kInbound:
return in_angle;
SVGMarkerDataBuilder::AngleType SVGMarkerDataBuilder::DetermineAngleType(
bool ends_subpath) const {
// If this is closing the path, (re)compute the angle to be the one bisecting
// the in-slope of the 'close' and the out-slope of the 'move to'.
if (last_element_type_ == kPathElementCloseSubpath)
return kBisecting;
// If this is the end of an open subpath (closed subpaths handled above),
// use the in-slope.
if (ends_subpath)
return kInbound;
// If |last_element_type_| is a 'move to', apply the same rule as for a
// "start" marker. If needed we will backpatch the angle later.
if (last_element_type_ == kPathElementMoveToPoint)
return kOutbound;
// Else use the bisecting angle.
return kBisecting;
void SVGMarkerDataBuilder::UpdateAngle(bool ends_subpath) {
// When closing a subpath, update the current out-slope to be that of the
// 'move to' command.
if (last_element_type_ == kPathElementCloseSubpath)
out_slope_ = last_moveto_out_slope_;
AngleType type = DetermineAngleType(ends_subpath);
float angle = clampTo<float>(CurrentAngle(type));
// When closing a subpath, backpatch the first marker on that subpath.
if (last_element_type_ == kPathElementCloseSubpath)
positions_[last_moveto_index_].angle = angle;
positions_.back().angle = angle;
void SVGMarkerDataBuilder::ComputeQuadTangents(SegmentData& data,
const FloatPoint& start,
const FloatPoint& control,
const FloatPoint& end) {
data.start_tangent = control - start;
data.end_tangent = end - control;
if (data.start_tangent.IsZero())
data.start_tangent = data.end_tangent;
else if (data.end_tangent.IsZero())
data.end_tangent = data.start_tangent;
const PathElement& element) const {
SegmentData data;
const FloatPoint* points = element.points;
switch (element.type) {
case kPathElementAddCurveToPoint:
data.position = points[2];
data.start_tangent = points[0] - origin_;
data.end_tangent = points[2] - points[1];
if (data.start_tangent.IsZero())
ComputeQuadTangents(data, points[0], points[1], points[2]);
else if (data.end_tangent.IsZero())
ComputeQuadTangents(data, origin_, points[0], points[1]);
case kPathElementAddQuadCurveToPoint:
data.position = points[1];
ComputeQuadTangents(data, origin_, points[0], points[1]);
case kPathElementMoveToPoint:
case kPathElementAddLineToPoint:
data.position = points[0];
data.start_tangent = data.position - origin_;
data.end_tangent = data.position - origin_;
case kPathElementCloseSubpath:
data.position = subpath_start_;
data.start_tangent = data.position - origin_;
data.end_tangent = data.position - origin_;
return data;
void SVGMarkerDataBuilder::UpdateFromPathElement(const PathElement& element) {
SegmentData segment_data = ExtractPathElementFeatures(element);
// First update the outgoing slope for the previous element.
out_slope_ = segment_data.start_tangent;
// Save the out-slope for the new subpath.
if (last_element_type_ == kPathElementMoveToPoint)
last_moveto_out_slope_ = out_slope_;
// Record the angle for the previous element.
bool starts_new_subpath = element.type == kPathElementMoveToPoint;
if (!positions_.IsEmpty())
// Update the incoming slope for this marker position.
in_slope_ = segment_data.end_tangent;
// Update marker position.
origin_ = segment_data.position;
// If this is a 'move to' segment, save the point for use with 'close', and
// the the index in the list to allow backpatching the angle on 'close'.
if (starts_new_subpath) {
subpath_start_ = element.points[0];
last_moveto_index_ = positions_.size();
} else if (element.type == kPathElementCloseSubpath) {
subpath_start_ = FloatPoint();
last_element_type_ = element.type;
// Output a marker for this element. The angle will be computed at a later
// stage. Similarly for 'end' markers the marker type will be updated at a
// later stage.
SVGMarkerType marker_type = positions_.IsEmpty() ? kStartMarker : kMidMarker;
positions_.push_back(MarkerPosition(marker_type, origin_, 0));
void SVGMarkerDataBuilder::Flush() {
if (positions_.IsEmpty())
const bool kEndsSubpath = true;
// Mark the last marker as 'end'.
positions_.back().type = kEndMarker;
} // namespace blink