blob: 510f53a08580ed8ef1ac9d30c0b7ea356f619a60 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/geometry/physical_rect.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/clip_paint_property_node.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/effect_paint_property_node.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/scroll_paint_property_node.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/transform_paint_property_node.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator/allocator.h"
namespace blink {
class FragmentData;
class LayoutObject;
class LayoutNGTableSectionInterface;
class LocalFrameView;
class NGFragmentChildIterator;
class PaintLayer;
class VisualViewport;
// The context for PaintPropertyTreeBuilder.
// It's responsible for bookkeeping tree state in other order, for example, the
// most recent position container seen.
struct PaintPropertyTreeBuilderFragmentContext {
// Initializes all property tree nodes to the roots.
// State that propagates on the containing block chain (and so is adjusted
// when an absolute or fixed position object is encountered).
struct ContainingBlockContext {
// The combination of a transform and paint offset describes a linear space.
// When a layout object recur to its children, the main context is expected
// to refer the object's border box, then the callee will derive its own
// border box by translating the space with its own layout location.
const TransformPaintPropertyNodeOrAlias* transform = nullptr;
// Corresponds to FragmentData::PaintOffset, which does not include
// fragmentation offsets. See FragmentContext for the fragmented version.
PhysicalOffset paint_offset;
// "Additional offset to layout shift root" is the accumulation of paint
// offsets encoded in PaintOffsetTranslations between the local transform
// space and the layout shift root. The layout shift root is the nearest
// ancestor with
// - a transform node that is one of:
// * the transform property tree state of the containing LayoutView
// * a transform that is not identity or 2d translation
// * a replaced contents transform
// * a transform isolation node
// * a paint offset translation for a sticky or fixed position element
// - or an overflow clip node.
// The offset plus paint_offset is the offset for layout shift tracking.
// It doesn't include transforms because we need to ignore transform changes
// for layout shift tracking, see
// This field is the diff between the new and the old additional offsets to
// layout shift root.
PhysicalOffset additional_offset_to_layout_shift_root_delta;
// Similar to additional_offset_to_layout_shift_root_delta but for scroll
// offsets.
FloatSize scroll_offset_to_layout_shift_root_delta;
// For paint invalidation optimization for subpixel movement under
// composited layer. It's reset to zero if subpixel can't be propagated
// thus the optimization is not applicable (e.g. when crossing a
// non-translation transform).
PhysicalOffset directly_composited_container_paint_offset_subpixel_delta;
// The PaintLayer corresponding to the origin of |paint_offset|.
const LayoutObject* paint_offset_root = nullptr;
// Whether newly created children should flatten their inherited transform
// (equivalently, draw into the plane of their parent). Should generally
// be updated whenever |transform| is; flattening only needs to happen
// to immediate children.
bool should_flatten_inherited_transform = false;
// True if any fixed-position children within this context are fixed to the
// root of the FrameView (and hence above its scroll).
bool fixed_position_children_fixed_to_root = false;
// True if the layout shift root (see
// additional_offset_to_layout_shift_root_delta for the definition) of this
// object has changed.
bool layout_shift_root_changed = false;
// Rendering context for 3D sorting. See
// TransformPaintPropertyNode::renderingContextId.
unsigned rendering_context_id = 0;
// The clip node describes the accumulated raster clip for the current
// subtree. Note that the computed raster region in canvas space for a clip
// node is independent from the transform and paint offset above. Also the
// actual raster region may be affected by layerization and occlusion
// tracking.
const ClipPaintPropertyNodeOrAlias* clip = nullptr;
// The scroll node contains information for scrolling such as the parent
// scroll space, the extent that can be scrolled, etc. Because scroll nodes
// reference a scroll offset transform, scroll nodes should be updated if
// the transform tree changes.
const ScrollPaintPropertyNode* scroll = nullptr;
ContainingBlockContext current;
// Separate context for out-of-flow positioned and fixed positioned elements
// are needed because they don't use DOM parent as their containing block.
// These additional contexts normally pass through untouched, and are only
// copied from the main context when the current element serves as the
// containing block of corresponding positioned descendants. Overflow clips
// are also inherited by containing block tree instead of DOM tree, thus they
// are included in the additional context too.
// Note that these contexts are not used in LayoutNGFragmentTraversal.
ContainingBlockContext absolute_position;
ContainingBlockContext fixed_position;
// This is the same as current.paintOffset except when a floating object has
// non-block ancestors under its containing block. Paint offsets of the
// non-block ancestors should not be accumulated for the floating object.
PhysicalOffset paint_offset_for_float;
// The effect hierarchy is applied by the stacking context tree. It is
// guaranteed that every DOM descendant is also a stacking context descendant.
// Therefore, we don't need extra bookkeeping for effect nodes and can
// generate the effect tree from a DOM-order traversal.
const EffectPaintPropertyNodeOrAlias* current_effect;
bool this_or_ancestor_opacity_is_zero = false;
// If the object is a flow thread, this records the clip rect for this
// fragment.
base::Optional<PhysicalRect> fragment_clip;
// If the object is fragmented, this records the logical top of this fragment
// in the flow thread.
LayoutUnit logical_top_in_flow_thread;
// A repeating object paints at multiple places, once in each fragment.
// The repeated paintings need to add an adjustment to the calculated paint
// offset to paint at the desired place.
PhysicalOffset repeating_paint_offset_adjustment;
PhysicalOffset old_paint_offset;
// An additional offset that applies to the current fragment, but is detected
// *before* the ContainingBlockContext is updated for it. Once the
// ContainingBlockContext is set, this value should be added to
// ContainingBlockContext::additional_offset_to_layout_shift_root_delta.
PhysicalOffset pending_additional_offset_to_layout_shift_root_delta;
// The delta between the old and new accumulated offsets of 2d translation
// transforms to the layout shift root.
FloatSize translation_2d_to_layout_shift_root_delta;
struct PaintPropertyTreeBuilderContext {
Vector<PaintPropertyTreeBuilderFragmentContext, 1> fragments;
// TODO(mstensho): Stop using these in LayoutNGFragmentTraversal.
const LayoutObject* container_for_absolute_position = nullptr;
const LayoutObject* container_for_fixed_position = nullptr;
// The physical bounding box of all appearances of the repeating table section
// in the flow thread or the paged LayoutView.
PhysicalRect repeating_table_section_bounding_box;
// When DCHECK_IS_ON() we create PaintPropertyTreeBuilderContext even if not
// needed. See find_paint_offset_needing_update.h.
bool is_actually_needed = true;
PaintLayer* painting_layer = nullptr;
// In a fragmented context, repeating table headers and footers and their
// descendants in paint order repeatedly paint in all fragments after the
// fragment where the object first appears.
const LayoutNGTableSectionInterface* repeating_table_section = nullptr;
// Specifies the reason the subtree update was forced. For simplicity, this
// only categorizes it into two categories:
// - Isolation piercing, meaning that the update is required for subtrees
// under an isolation boundary.
// - Isolation blocked, meaning that the recursion can be blocked by
// isolation.
enum SubtreeUpdateReason : unsigned {
kSubtreeUpdateIsolationPiercing = 1 << 0,
kSubtreeUpdateIsolationBlocked = 1 << 1
// True if a change has forced all properties in a subtree to be updated. This
// can be set due to paint offset changes or when the structure of the
// property tree changes (i.e., a node is added or removed).
unsigned force_subtree_update_reasons : 2;
// Note that the next four bitfields are conceptually bool, but are declared
// as unsigned in order to be packed in the same word as the above bitfield.
// Whether a clip paint property node appeared, disappeared, or changed
// its clip since this variable was last set to false. This is used
// to find out whether a clip changed since the last transform update.
// Code outside of this class resets clip_changed to false when transforms
// change. Used only when CullRectUpdate is not enabled.
unsigned clip_changed : 1;
// When printing, fixed-position objects and their descendants need to repeat
// in each page.
unsigned is_repeating_fixed_position : 1;
// True if the current subtree is underneath a LayoutSVGHiddenContainer
// ancestor.
unsigned has_svg_hidden_container_ancestor : 1;
// Whether composited raster invalidation is supported for this object.
// If not, subtree invalidations occur on every property tree change.
unsigned supports_composited_raster_invalidation : 1;
// Whether this object was a layout shift root during the previous render
// (not this one).
unsigned was_layout_shift_root : 1;
unsigned was_main_thread_scrolling : 1;
// This is always recalculated in PaintPropertyTreeBuilder::UpdateForSelf()
// which overrides the inherited value.
CompositingReasons direct_compositing_reasons = CompositingReason::kNone;
class VisualViewportPaintPropertyTreeBuilder {
// Update the paint properties for the visual viewport and ensure the context
// is up to date. Returns the maximum paint property change type for any of
// the viewport nodes.
static PaintPropertyChangeType Update(VisualViewport&,
struct NGPrePaintInfo {
NGPrePaintInfo(const NGFragmentChildIterator& iterator,
FragmentData& fragment_data)
: iterator(iterator), fragment_data(fragment_data) {}
const NGFragmentChildIterator& iterator;
FragmentData& fragment_data;
// Creates paint property tree nodes for non-local effects in the layout tree.
// Non-local effects include but are not limited to: overflow clip, transform,
// fixed-pos, animation, mask, filters, etc. It expects to be invoked for each
// layout tree node in DOM order during the PrePaint lifecycle phase.
class PaintPropertyTreeBuilder {
static void SetupContextForFrame(LocalFrameView&,
PaintPropertyTreeBuilder(const LayoutObject& object,
NGPrePaintInfo* pre_paint_info,
PaintPropertyTreeBuilderContext& context)
: object_(object), pre_paint_info_(pre_paint_info), context_(context) {}
// Update the paint properties that affect this object (e.g., properties like
// paint offset translation) and ensure the context is up to date. Also
// handles updating the object's paintOffset.
// Returns whether any paint property of the object has changed.
PaintPropertyChangeType UpdateForSelf();
// Update the paint properties that affect children of this object (e.g.,
// scroll offset transform) and ensure the context is up to date.
// Returns whether any paint property of the object has changed.
PaintPropertyChangeType UpdateForChildren();
ALWAYS_INLINE void InitFragmentPaintProperties(
bool needs_paint_properties,
ALWAYS_INLINE void InitFragmentPaintPropertiesForLegacy(
bool needs_paint_properties,
const PhysicalOffset& pagination_offset,
ALWAYS_INLINE void InitFragmentPaintPropertiesForNG(
bool needs_paint_properties);
ALWAYS_INLINE void InitSingleFragmentFromParent(bool needs_paint_properties);
ALWAYS_INLINE bool ObjectTypeMightNeedMultipleFragmentData() const;
ALWAYS_INLINE bool ObjectTypeMightNeedPaintProperties() const;
ALWAYS_INLINE void UpdateCompositedLayerPaginationOffset();
ALWAYS_INLINE PaintPropertyTreeBuilderFragmentContext
ContextForFragment(const base::Optional<PhysicalRect>& fragment_clip,
LayoutUnit logical_top_in_flow_thread) const;
ALWAYS_INLINE void CreateFragmentContextsInFlowThread(
bool needs_paint_properties);
ALWAYS_INLINE bool IsRepeatingInPagedMedia() const;
ALWAYS_INLINE bool ObjectIsRepeatingTableSectionInPagedMedia() const;
ALWAYS_INLINE void CreateFragmentContextsForRepeatingFixedPosition();
ALWAYS_INLINE void CreateFragmentDataForRepeatingInPagedMedia(
bool needs_paint_properties);
// Returns whether ObjectPaintProperties were allocated or deleted.
ALWAYS_INLINE bool UpdateFragments();
ALWAYS_INLINE void UpdatePaintingLayer();
ALWAYS_INLINE void UpdateRepeatingTableSectionPaintOffsetAdjustment();
ALWAYS_INLINE void UpdateRepeatingTableHeaderPaintOffsetAdjustment();
ALWAYS_INLINE void UpdateRepeatingTableFooterPaintOffsetAdjustment();
ALWAYS_INLINE bool IsAffectedByOuterViewportBoundsDelta() const;
bool IsInNGFragmentTraversal() const { return pre_paint_info_; }
const LayoutObject& object_;
NGPrePaintInfo* pre_paint_info_;
PaintPropertyTreeBuilderContext& context_;
} // namespace blink