blob: 1e1a78b696c2f870ebb78a0aff0f5f192b26671c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/script/import_map.h"
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/devtools/console_message.mojom-blink.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/script_value.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/script/modulator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/script/parsed_specifier.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/json/json_parser.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/json/json_values.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/loader/fetch/console_logger.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/runtime_enabled_features.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/weborigin/scheme_registry.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/string_builder.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
// TODO( Audit and improve error messages throughout
// this file.
void AddIgnoredKeyMessage(ConsoleLogger& logger,
const String& key,
const String& reason) {
mojom::ConsoleMessageSource::kOther, mojom::ConsoleMessageLevel::kWarning,
"Ignored an import map key \"" + key + "\": " + reason);
void AddIgnoredValueMessage(ConsoleLogger& logger,
const String& key,
const String& reason) {
mojom::ConsoleMessageSource::kOther, mojom::ConsoleMessageLevel::kWarning,
"Ignored an import map value of \"" + key + "\": " + reason);
// <specdef
// href="">
String NormalizeSpecifierKey(const String& key_string,
const KURL& base_url,
ConsoleLogger& logger) {
// <spec step="1">If specifierKey is the empty string, then:</spec>
if (key_string.IsEmpty()) {
// <spec step="1.1">Report a warning to the console that specifier keys
// cannot be the empty string.</spec>
AddIgnoredKeyMessage(logger, key_string,
"specifier keys cannot be the empty string.");
// <spec step="1.2">Return null.</spec>
return String();
// <spec step="2">Let url be the result of parsing a URL-like import
// specifier, given specifierKey and baseURL.</spec>
ParsedSpecifier key = ParsedSpecifier::Create(key_string, base_url);
switch (key.GetType()) {
case ParsedSpecifier::Type::kInvalid:
case ParsedSpecifier::Type::kBare:
// <spec step="4">Return specifierKey.</spec>
return key_string;
case ParsedSpecifier::Type::kURL:
// <spec step="3">If url is not null, then return the serialization of
// url.</spec>
return key.GetImportMapKeyString();
// Step 2.4-2.7 of
// <specdef
// href="">
KURL NormalizeValue(const String& key,
const String& value_string,
const KURL& base_url,
ConsoleLogger& logger) {
// <spec step="2.4">Let addressURL be the result of parsing a URL-like import
// specifier given value and baseURL.</spec>
ParsedSpecifier value = ParsedSpecifier::Create(value_string, base_url);
switch (value.GetType()) {
case ParsedSpecifier::Type::kInvalid:
// <spec step="2.5">If addressURL is null, then:</spec>
// <spec step="2.5.1">Report a warning to the console that the address was
// invalid.</spec>
AddIgnoredValueMessage(logger, key, "Invalid URL: " + value_string);
// <spec step="2.5.2">Set normalized[specifierKey] to null.</spec>
// <spec step="2.5.3">Continue.</spec>
return NullURL();
case ParsedSpecifier::Type::kBare:
AddIgnoredValueMessage(logger, key, "Bare specifier: " + value_string);
return NullURL();
case ParsedSpecifier::Type::kURL:
// <spec step="2.6">If specifierKey ends with U+002F (/), and the
// serialization of addressURL does not end with U+002F (/), then:</spec>
if (key.EndsWith("/") && !value.GetUrl().GetString().EndsWith("/")) {
// <spec step="2.6.1">Report a warning to the console that an invalid
// address was given for the specifier key specifierKey; since
// specifierKey ended in a slash, so must the address.</spec>
logger, key,
"Since specifierKey ended in a slash, so must the address: " +
// <spec step="2.6.2">Set normalized[specifierKey] to null.</spec>
// <spec step="2.6.3">Continue.</spec>
return NullURL();
return value.GetUrl();
} // namespace
// <specdef
// href="">
// Parse |text| as an import map. Errors (e.g. json parsing error, invalid
// keys/values, etc.) are basically ignored, except that they are reported to
// the console |logger|.
ImportMap* ImportMap::Parse(const Modulator& modulator,
const String& input,
const KURL& base_url,
ConsoleLogger& logger,
ScriptValue* error_to_rethrow) {
// <spec step="1">Let parsed be the result of parsing JSON into Infra values
// given input.</spec>
std::unique_ptr<JSONValue> parsed = ParseJSON(input);
if (!parsed) {
*error_to_rethrow =
modulator.CreateSyntaxError("Failed to parse import map: invalid JSON");
return MakeGarbageCollected<ImportMap>();
// <spec step="2">If parsed is not a map, then throw a TypeError indicating
// that the top-level value must be a JSON object.</spec>
std::unique_ptr<JSONObject> parsed_map = JSONObject::From(std::move(parsed));
if (!parsed_map) {
*error_to_rethrow =
modulator.CreateTypeError("Failed to parse import map: not an object");
return MakeGarbageCollected<ImportMap>();
// <spec step="3">Let sortedAndNormalizedImports be an empty map.</spec>
SpecifierMap sorted_and_normalized_imports;
// <spec step="4">If parsed["imports"] exists, then:</spec>
if (parsed_map->Get("imports")) {
// <spec step="4.1">If parsed["imports"] is not a map, then throw a
// TypeError indicating that the "imports" top-level key must be a JSON
// object.</spec>
JSONObject* imports = parsed_map->GetJSONObject("imports");
if (!imports) {
*error_to_rethrow = modulator.CreateTypeError(
"Failed to parse import map: \"imports\" "
"top-level key must be a JSON object.");
return MakeGarbageCollected<ImportMap>();
// <spec step="4.2">Set sortedAndNormalizedImports to the result of sorting
// and normalizing a specifier map given parsed["imports"] and
// baseURL.</spec>
sorted_and_normalized_imports =
SortAndNormalizeSpecifierMap(imports, base_url, logger);
// <spec step="5">Let sortedAndNormalizedScopes be an empty map.</spec>
ScopeType sorted_and_normalized_scopes;
// <spec step="6">If parsed["scopes"] exists, then:</spec>
if (parsed_map->Get("scopes")) {
// <spec step="6.1">If parsed["scopes"] is not a map, then throw a TypeError
// indicating that the "scopes" top-level key must be a JSON object.</spec>
JSONObject* scopes = parsed_map->GetJSONObject("scopes");
if (!scopes) {
*error_to_rethrow = modulator.CreateTypeError(
"Failed to parse import map: \"scopes\" "
"top-level key must be a JSON object.");
return MakeGarbageCollected<ImportMap>();
// <spec step="6.2">Set sortedAndNormalizedScopes to the result of sorting
// and normalizing scopes given parsed["scopes"] and baseURL.</spec>
// <specdef label="sort-and-normalize-scopes"
// href="">
// <spec label="sort-and-normalize-scopes" step="1">Let normalized be an
// empty map.</spec>
ScopeType normalized;
// <spec label="sort-and-normalize-scopes" step="2">For each scopePrefix →
// potentialSpecifierMap of originalMap,</spec>
for (wtf_size_t i = 0; i < scopes->size(); ++i) {
const JSONObject::Entry& entry = scopes->at(i);
JSONObject* specifier_map = scopes->GetJSONObject(entry.first);
if (!specifier_map) {
// <spec label="sort-and-normalize-scopes" step="2.1">If
// potentialSpecifierMap is not a map, then throw a TypeError indicating
// that the value of the scope with prefix scopePrefix must be a JSON
// object.</spec>
*error_to_rethrow = modulator.CreateTypeError(
"Failed to parse import map: the value of the scope with prefix "
"\"" +
entry.first + "\" must be a JSON object.");
return MakeGarbageCollected<ImportMap>();
// <spec label="sort-and-normalize-scopes" step="2.2">Let scopePrefixURL
// be the result of parsing scopePrefix with baseURL as the base
// URL.</spec>
const KURL prefix_url(base_url, entry.first);
// <spec label="sort-and-normalize-scopes" step="2.3">If scopePrefixURL is
// failure, then:</spec>
if (!prefix_url.IsValid()) {
// <spec label="sort-and-normalize-scopes" step="2.3.1">Report a warning
// to the console that the scope prefix URL was not parseable.</spec>
"Ignored scope \"" + entry.first + "\": not parsable as a URL.");
// <spec label="sort-and-normalize-scopes" step="2.3.2">Continue.</spec>
// <spec label="sort-and-normalize-scopes" step="2.4">Let
// normalizedScopePrefix be the serialization of scopePrefixURL.</spec>
// <spec label="sort-and-normalize-scopes" step="2.5">Set
// normalized[normalizedScopePrefix] to the result of sorting and
// normalizing a specifier map given potentialSpecifierMap and
// baseURL.</spec>
SortAndNormalizeSpecifierMap(specifier_map, base_url, logger)));
// <spec label="sort-and-normalize-scopes" step="3">Return the result of
// sorting normalized, with an entry a being less than an entry b if b’s key
// is code unit less than a’s key.</spec>
[](const ScopeEntryType& a, const ScopeEntryType& b) {
return CodeUnitCompareLessThan(b.first, a.first);
// TODO(hiroshige): Implement Step 7.
// <spec step="8">Return the import map whose imports are
// sortedAndNormalizedImports and whose scopes scopes are
// sortedAndNormalizedScopes.</spec>
return MakeGarbageCollected<ImportMap>(
// <specdef
// href="">
ImportMap::SpecifierMap ImportMap::SortAndNormalizeSpecifierMap(
const JSONObject* imports,
const KURL& base_url,
ConsoleLogger& logger) {
// <spec step="1">Let normalized be an empty map.</spec>
SpecifierMap normalized;
// <spec step="2">For each specifierKey → value of originalMap,</spec>
for (wtf_size_t i = 0; i < imports->size(); ++i) {
const JSONObject::Entry& entry = imports->at(i);
// <spec step="2.1">Let normalizedSpecifierKey be the result of normalizing
// a specifier key given specifierKey and baseURL.</spec>
const String normalized_specifier_key =
NormalizeSpecifierKey(entry.first, base_url, logger);
// <spec step="2.2">If normalizedSpecifierKey is null, then continue.</spec>
if (normalized_specifier_key.IsEmpty())
switch (entry.second->GetType()) {
case JSONValue::ValueType::kTypeString: {
// Steps 2.4-2.6 are implemented in NormalizeValue().
String value_string;
if (!imports->GetString(entry.first, &value_string)) {
AddIgnoredValueMessage(logger, entry.first,
"Internal error in GetString().");
normalized.Set(normalized_specifier_key, NullURL());
NormalizeValue(entry.first, value_string, base_url, logger));
case JSONValue::ValueType::kTypeNull:
case JSONValue::ValueType::kTypeBoolean:
case JSONValue::ValueType::kTypeInteger:
case JSONValue::ValueType::kTypeDouble:
case JSONValue::ValueType::kTypeObject:
case JSONValue::ValueType::kTypeArray:
// <spec step="2.3">If value is not a string, then:</spec>
// <spec step="2.3.1">Report a warning to the console that addresses
// must be strings.</spec>
AddIgnoredValueMessage(logger, entry.first, "Invalid value type.");
// <spec step="2.3.2">Set normalized[specifierKey] to null.</spec>
normalized.Set(normalized_specifier_key, NullURL());
// <spec step="2.3.3">Continue.</spec>
return normalized;
// <specdef href="">
base::Optional<ImportMap::MatchResult> ImportMap::MatchPrefix(
const ParsedSpecifier& parsed_specifier,
const SpecifierMap& specifier_map) const {
const String key = parsed_specifier.GetImportMapKeyString();
// Prefix match, i.e. "Packages" via trailing slashes.
// TODO(hiroshige): optimize this if necessary. See
// for some candidate implementations.
// "most-specific wins", i.e. when there are multiple matching keys,
// choose the longest.
base::Optional<MatchResult> best_match;
// <spec step="1">For each specifierKey → resolutionResult of
// specifierMap,</spec>
for (auto it = specifier_map.begin(); it != specifier_map.end(); ++it) {
// <spec step="1.2">If specifierKey ends with U+002F (/) and
// normalizedSpecifier starts with specifierKey, then:</spec>
if (!it->key.EndsWith('/'))
if (!key.StartsWith(it->key))
// We omit code unit comparison, because there can be at most one
// prefix-matching entry with the same length.
if (best_match && it->key.length() < (*best_match)->key.length())
best_match = it;
return best_match;
ImportMap::ImportMap() = default;
ImportMap::ImportMap(SpecifierMap&& imports, ScopeType&& scopes)
: imports_(std::move(imports)), scopes_(std::move(scopes)) {}
// <specdef
// href="">
base::Optional<KURL> ImportMap::Resolve(const ParsedSpecifier& parsed_specifier,
const KURL& base_url,
String* debug_message) const {
// <spec step="8">For each scopePrefix → scopeImports of importMap’s
// scopes,</spec>
for (const auto& entry : scopes_) {
// <spec step="8.1">If scopePrefix is baseURLString, or if scopePrefix ends
// with U+002F (/) and baseURLString starts with scopePrefix, then:</spec>
if (entry.first == base_url.GetString() ||
(entry.first.EndsWith("/") &&
base_url.GetString().StartsWith(entry.first))) {
// <spec step="8.1.1">Let scopeImportsMatch be the result of resolving an
// imports match given normalizedSpecifier and scopeImports.</spec>
base::Optional<KURL> scope_match =
ResolveImportsMatch(parsed_specifier, entry.second, debug_message);
// <spec step="8.1.2">If scopeImportsMatch is not null, then return
// scopeImportsMatch.</spec>
if (scope_match)
return scope_match;
// <spec step="9">Let topLevelImportsMatch be the result of resolving an
// imports match given normalizedSpecifier and importMap’s imports.</spec>
// <spec step="10">If topLevelImportsMatch is not null, then return
// topLevelImportsMatch.</spec>
return ResolveImportsMatch(parsed_specifier, imports_, debug_message);
// <specdef href="">
base::Optional<KURL> ImportMap::ResolveImportsMatch(
const ParsedSpecifier& parsed_specifier,
const SpecifierMap& specifier_map,
String* debug_message) const {
const String key = parsed_specifier.GetImportMapKeyString();
// <spec step="1.1">If specifierKey is normalizedSpecifier, then:</spec>
MatchResult exact = specifier_map.find(key);
if (exact != specifier_map.end()) {
return ResolveImportsMatchInternal(key, exact, debug_message);
// <spec step="1.2">... either asURL is null, or asURL is special</spec>
if (parsed_specifier.GetType() == ParsedSpecifier::Type::kURL &&
!SchemeRegistry::IsSpecialScheme(parsed_specifier.GetUrl().Protocol())) {
*debug_message = "Import Map: \"" + key +
"\" skips prefix match because of non-special URL scheme";
return base::nullopt;
// Step 1.2.
if (auto prefix_match = MatchPrefix(parsed_specifier, specifier_map)) {
return ResolveImportsMatchInternal(key, *prefix_match, debug_message);
// <spec step="2">Return null.</spec>
*debug_message = "Import Map: \"" + key +
"\" matches with no entries and thus is not mapped.";
return base::nullopt;
// <specdef href="">
KURL ImportMap::ResolveImportsMatchInternal(const String& key,
const MatchResult& matched,
String* debug_message) const {
// <spec step="1.2.3">Let afterPrefix be the portion of normalizedSpecifier
// after the initial specifierKey prefix.</spec>
const String after_prefix = key.Substring(matched->key.length());
// <spec step="1.1.1">If resolutionResult is null, then throw a TypeError
// indicating that resolution of specifierKey was blocked by a null
// entry.</spec>
// <spec step="1.2.1">If resolutionResult is null, then throw a TypeError
// indicating that resolution of specifierKey was blocked by a null
// entry.</spec>
if (!matched->value.IsValid()) {
*debug_message = "Import Map: \"" + key + "\" matches with \"" +
matched->key + "\" but is blocked by a null value";
return NullURL();
// <spec step="1.1">If specifierKey is normalizedSpecifier, then:</spec>
// <spec step="1.2">If specifierKey ends with U+002F (/) and
// normalizedSpecifier starts with specifierKey, then:</spec>
// <spec step="1.2.5">Let url be the result of parsing afterPrefix relative
// to the base URL resolutionResult.</spec>
const KURL url = after_prefix.IsEmpty() ? matched->value
: KURL(matched->value, after_prefix);
// <spec step="1.2.6">If url is failure, then throw a TypeError indicating
// that resolution of specifierKey was blocked due to a URL parse
// failure.</spec>
if (!url.IsValid()) {
*debug_message = "Import Map: \"" + key + "\" matches with \"" +
matched->key +
"\" but is blocked due to relative URL parse failure";
return NullURL();
// <spec step="1.2.8">If the serialization of url does not start with the
// serialization of resolutionResult, then throw a TypeError indicating that
// resolution of normalizedSpecifier was blocked due to it backtracking above
// its prefix specifierKey.</spec>
if (!url.GetString().StartsWith(matched->value.GetString())) {
*debug_message = "Import Map: \"" + key + "\" matches with \"" +
matched->key + "\" but is blocked due to backtracking";
return NullURL();
// <spec step="1.2.9">Return url.</spec>
*debug_message = "Import Map: \"" + key + "\" matches with \"" +
matched->key + "\" and is mapped to " + url.ElidedString();
return url;
static void SpecifierMapToString(StringBuilder& builder,
const ImportMap::SpecifierMap& specifier_map) {
bool is_first_key = true;
for (const auto& it : specifier_map) {
if (!is_first_key)
is_first_key = false;
if (it.value.IsValid())
String ImportMap::ToString() const {
StringBuilder builder;
SpecifierMapToString(builder, imports_);
bool is_first_scope = true;
for (const auto& entry : scopes_) {
if (!is_first_scope)
is_first_scope = false;
SpecifierMapToString(builder, entry.second);
return builder.ToString();
} // namespace blink