blob: 464d853b36447fb94c8e8eb346cca28a2c872d0e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "cc/trees/layer_tree_host.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/frame_test_helpers.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/testing/sim/sim_canvas.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/apply_viewport_changes.h"
namespace blink {
class WebViewImpl;
// Simulated very basic compositor that's capable of running the BeginMainFrame
// processing steps on WebView: beginFrame, layout, paint.
// The painting capabilities are very limited in that only the main layer of
// every CompositedLayerMapping will be painted, squashed layers
// are not supported and the entirety of every layer is always repainted even if
// only part of the layer was invalid.
// Note: This also does not support compositor driven animations.
class SimCompositor final {
// When the compositor asks for a main frame, this WebViewImpl will have its
// lifecycle updated and be painted.
// The WebWidget client is overridden (via the WebViewClient) to control
// BeginMainFrame scheduling since this test suite does not use the
// compositor's scheduler. The SimCompositor wants to monitor and verify
// expectations around this scheduling, so receives the WebViewClient. We
// pass it here explicitly to provide type safety, though it is the client
// available on the WebViewImpl as well.
void SetWebView(WebViewImpl&, frame_test_helpers::TestWebViewClient&);
// Set the LayerTreeHost that the compositor is associated with.
void SetLayerTreeHost(cc::LayerTreeHost*);
// Executes the BeginMainFrame processing steps, an approximation of what
// cc::ThreadProxy::BeginMainFrame would do.
// If time is not specified a 60Hz frame rate time progression is used.
// Returns all drawing commands that were issued during painting the frame
// (including cached ones).
// TODO(dcheng): This should take a base::TimeDelta.
// Rasterization of tiles is only performed when |raster| is true.
SimCanvas::Commands BeginFrame(double time_delta_in_seconds = 0.016,
bool raster = false);
// Helpers to query the state of the compositor from tests.
// Returns true if a main frame has been requested from blink, until the
// BeginFrame() step occurs.
bool NeedsBeginFrame() const {
return LayerTreeHost()->RequestedMainFramePendingForTesting();
// Returns true if commits are deferred in the compositor. Since these tests
// use synchronous compositing through BeginFrame(), the deferred state has no
// real effect.
bool DeferMainFrameUpdate() const {
return LayerTreeHost()->defer_main_frame_update();
// Returns true if a selection is set on the compositor.
bool HasSelection() const {
return LayerTreeHost()->selection() != cc::LayerSelection();
// Returns the background color set on the compositor.
SkColor background_color() const {
return LayerTreeHost()->background_color();
base::TimeTicks LastFrameTime() const { return last_frame_time_; }
// Called when the begin frame occured.
void DidBeginMainFrame();
cc::LayerTreeHost* LayerTreeHost() const;
SimCanvas::Commands PaintFrame();
WebViewImpl* web_view_ = nullptr;
frame_test_helpers::TestWebViewClient* test_web_view_client_ = nullptr;
cc::LayerTreeHost* layer_tree_host_ = nullptr;
base::TimeTicks last_frame_time_;
SimCanvas::Commands* paint_commands_;
} // namespace blink