blob: 25d7855624b2f354a234890d1151c877bbb41009 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/accessibility/ax_relation_cache.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/element_traversal.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/forms/html_label_element.h"
namespace blink {
AXRelationCache::AXRelationCache(AXObjectCacheImpl* object_cache)
: object_cache_(object_cache) {}
AXRelationCache::~AXRelationCache() = default;
void AXRelationCache::DoInitialDocumentScan() {
// Init the relation cache with elements already in the document.
Document& document = object_cache_->GetDocument();
for (Element& element :
ElementTraversal::DescendantsOf(*document.documentElement())) {
const auto& id = element.FastGetAttribute(html_names::kForAttr);
if (!id.IsEmpty())
// Ensure correct ancestor chains even when not all AXObject's in the
// document are created, e.g. in the devtools accessibility panel.
// Defers adding aria-owns targets as children of their new parents,
// and to the relation cache, until the appropriate document lifecycle.
DCHECK(document.Lifecycle().GetState() >= DocumentLifecycle::kLayoutClean)
<< "Unclean document at lifecycle " << document.Lifecycle().ToString();
if (element.FastHasAttribute(html_names::kAriaOwnsAttr)) {
if (AXObject* owner = GetOrCreate(&element, nullptr)) {
initialized_ = true;
void AXRelationCache::ProcessUpdatesWithCleanLayout() {
if (!initialized_)
HashSet<AXID> old_owner_ids_to_update;
for (AXID aria_owns_obj_id : old_owner_ids_to_update) {
AXObject* obj = ObjectFromAXID(aria_owns_obj_id);
if (obj)
// TODO(1301117): this is a workaround to avoid an infinite loop.
// owner_ids_to_update_ is modified in calls to
// UpdateAriaOwnsWithCleanLayout and add again AXIDs that will end up
// looping forever in AXObjectCacheImpl::ProcessDeferredAccessibilityEvents
bool AXRelationCache::IsAriaOwned(const AXObject* child) const {
return child &&
AXObject* AXRelationCache::GetAriaOwnedParent(const AXObject* child) const {
// Child IDs may still be present in owning parents whose list of children
// have been marked as requiring an update, but have not been updated yet.
HashMap<AXID, AXID>::const_iterator iter =
if (iter == aria_owned_child_to_owner_mapping_.end())
return nullptr;
return ObjectFromAXID(iter->value);
// Update reverse relation map, where relation_source is related to target_ids.
void AXRelationCache::UpdateReverseRelations(const AXObject* relation_source,
const Vector<String>& target_ids) {
AXID relation_source_axid = relation_source->AXObjectID();
// Add entries to reverse map.
for (const String& target_id : target_ids) {
auto result =
id_attr_to_related_mapping_.insert(target_id, HashSet<AXID>());
static bool ContainsCycle(AXObject* owner, AXObject* child) {
// Walk up the parents of the owner object, make sure that this child
// doesn't appear there, as that would create a cycle.
for (AXObject* parent = owner; parent; parent = parent->ParentObject()) {
if (parent == child)
return true;
return false;
bool AXRelationCache::IsValidOwnsRelation(AXObject* owner,
AXObject* child) const {
if (!IsValidOwner(owner) || !IsValidOwnedChild(child))
return false;
// If this child is already aria-owned by a different owner, continue.
// It's an author error if this happens and we don't worry about which of
// the two owners wins ownership, as long as only one of them does.
if (IsAriaOwned(child) && GetAriaOwnedParent(child) != owner)
return false;
// You can't own yourself or an ancestor!
if (ContainsCycle(owner, child))
return false;
return true;
bool AXRelationCache::IsValidOwner(AXObject* owner) {
if (!owner->GetNode()) {
NOTREACHED() << "Cannot use aria-owns without a node on both ends";
return false;
// Can't have children.
if (!owner->CanHaveChildren())
return false;
// No aria-owns in editable controlsm otherwise wreaks havoc.
if (owner->IsNativeTextControl() || owner->HasContentEditableAttributeSet())
return false;
// Image maps can only use <img usemap> to "own" <area> children.
// This requires special parenting logic, and aria-owns is prevented here in
// order to keep things from getting too complex.
if (owner->RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kImageMap)
return false;
// Similarly, do not allow <area> to own another object.
if (owner->IsImageMapLink())
return false;
return true;
bool AXRelationCache::IsValidOwnedChild(AXObject* child) {
if (!child)
return false;
if (!child->GetNode()) {
NOTREACHED() << "Cannot use aria-owns without a node on both ends";
return false;
if (child->IsImageMapLink())
return false; // An area can't be owned, only parented by <img usemap>.
return true;
void AXRelationCache::UnmapOwnedChildren(const AXObject* owner,
const Vector<AXID> child_ids) {
for (AXID removed_child_id : child_ids) {
// Find the AXObject for the child that this owner no longer owns.
AXObject* removed_child = ObjectFromAXID(removed_child_id);
// It's possible that this child has already been owned by some other
// owner, in which case we don't need to do anything.
if (removed_child && GetAriaOwnedParent(removed_child) != owner)
// Remove it from the child -> owner mapping so it's not owned by this
// owner anymore.
if (removed_child) {
// If the child still exists, find its "real" parent, and reparent it
// back to its real parent in the tree by detaching it from its current
// parent and calling childrenChanged on its real parent.
// Recompute the real parent and cache it.
AXObject* real_parent = removed_child->ParentObject();
void AXRelationCache::MapOwnedChildren(const AXObject* owner,
const Vector<AXID> child_ids) {
for (AXID added_child_id : child_ids) {
AXObject* added_child = ObjectFromAXID(added_child_id);
// Add this child to the mapping from child to owner.
aria_owned_child_to_owner_mapping_.Set(added_child_id, owner->AXObjectID());
// Now detach the object from its original parent and call childrenChanged
// on the original parent so that it can recompute its list of children.
AXObject* original_parent = added_child->ParentObject();
void AXRelationCache::UpdateAriaOwnsFromAttrAssociatedElementsWithCleanLayout(
AXObject* owner,
const HeapVector<Member<Element>>& attr_associated_elements,
HeapVector<Member<AXObject>>& validated_owned_children_result) {
// attr-associated elements have already had their scope validated, but they
// need to be further validated to determine if they introduce a cycle or are
// already owned by another element.
Vector<String> owned_id_vector;
for (const auto& element : attr_associated_elements) {
// Pass in owner parent assuming that the owns relationship will be valid.
// It will be cleared below if the owns relationship is found to be invalid.
AXObject* child = GetOrCreate(element, owner);
// TODO(meredithl): Determine how to update reverse relations for elements
// without an id.
if (element->GetIdAttribute())
if (IsValidOwnsRelation(const_cast<AXObject*>(owner), child)) {
} else if (child) {
// Invalid owns relation: repair the parent that was set above.
// Track reverse relations for future tree updates.
UpdateReverseRelations(owner, owned_id_vector);
// Update the internal mappings of owned children.
owner, validated_owned_children_result);
void AXRelationCache::GetAriaOwnedChildren(
const AXObject* owner,
HeapVector<Member<AXObject>>& validated_owned_children_result) {
if (!aria_owner_to_children_mapping_.Contains(owner->AXObjectID()))
Vector<AXID> current_child_axids =>AXObjectID());
for (AXID child_id : current_child_axids) {
AXObject* child = ObjectFromAXID(child_id);
if (child) {
DCHECK(IsAriaOwned(child)) << "Owned child not in owned child map";
void AXRelationCache::UpdateAriaOwnsWithCleanLayout(AXObject* owner) {
Element* element = owner->GetElement();
if (!element)
Vector<String> owned_id_vector;
owner->TokenVectorFromAttribute(owned_id_vector, html_names::kAriaOwnsAttr);
// Track reverse relations for future tree updates.
UpdateReverseRelations(owner, owned_id_vector);
// We first check if the element has an explicitly set aria-owns association.
// Explicitly set elements are validated on setting time (that they are in a
// valid scope etc). The content attribute can contain ids that are not
// legally ownable.
HeapVector<Member<AXObject>> owned_children;
if (element && element->HasExplicitlySetAttrAssociatedElements(
html_names::kAriaOwnsAttr)) {
} else {
// Figure out the ids that actually correspond to children that exist
// and that we can legally own (not cyclical, not already owned, etc.) and
// update the maps and |validated_owned_children_result| based on that.
// Figure out the children that are owned by this object and are in the
// tree.
TreeScope& scope = element->GetTreeScope();
Vector<AXID> validated_owned_child_axids;
for (const String& id_name : owned_id_vector) {
Element* child_element = scope.getElementById(AtomicString(id_name));
// Pass in owner parent assuming that the owns relationship will be valid.
// It will be cleared below if the owns relationship is found to be
// invalid.
AXObject* child = GetOrCreate(child_element, owner);
if (IsValidOwnsRelation(const_cast<AXObject*>(owner), child)) {
} else if (child) {
// Invalid owns relation: repair the parent that was set above.
// Update the internal validated mapping of owned children. This will
// fire an event if the mapping has changed.
UpdateAriaOwnerToChildrenMappingWithCleanLayout(owner, owned_children);
void AXRelationCache::UpdateAriaOwnerToChildrenMappingWithCleanLayout(
AXObject* owner,
HeapVector<Member<AXObject>>& validated_owned_children_result) {
Vector<AXID> validated_owned_child_axids;
for (auto& child : validated_owned_children_result)
// Compare this to the current list of owned children, and exit early if
// there are no changes.
Vector<AXID> current_child_axids =>AXObjectID());
if (current_child_axids == validated_owned_child_axids)
// The list of owned children has changed. Even if they were just reordered,
// to be safe and handle all cases we remove all of the current owned
// children and add the new list of owned children.
UnmapOwnedChildren(owner, current_child_axids);
MapOwnedChildren(owner, validated_owned_child_axids);
// Owned children must be in tree to avoid serialization issues.
for (AXObject* child : validated_owned_children_result) {
<< "Owned child not in tree: " << child->ToString(true, false)
<< "\nRecompute included in tree: "
<< child->ComputeAccessibilityIsIgnoredButIncludedInTree();
// Finally, update the mapping from the owner to the list of child IDs.
bool AXRelationCache::MayHaveHTMLLabelViaForAttribute(
const HTMLElement& labelable) {
const AtomicString& id = labelable.GetIdAttribute();
if (id.IsEmpty())
return false;
return all_previously_seen_label_target_ids_.Contains(id);
// Fill source_objects with AXObjects for relations pointing to target.
void AXRelationCache::GetReverseRelated(
Node* target,
HeapVector<Member<AXObject>>& source_objects) {
auto* element = DynamicTo<Element>(target);
if (!element)
if (!element->HasID())
auto it = id_attr_to_related_mapping_.find(element->GetIdAttribute());
if (it == id_attr_to_related_mapping_.end())
for (const auto& source_axid : it->value) {
AXObject* source_object = ObjectFromAXID(source_axid);
if (source_object)
void AXRelationCache::UpdateRelatedTree(Node* node, AXObject* obj) {
HeapVector<Member<AXObject>> related_sources;
AXObject* obj_for_node = Get(node);
DCHECK(!obj || obj_for_node == obj)
<< "Object and node did not match:"
<< "\n* node = " << node << "\n* obj = " << obj->ToString(true, true)
<< "\n* obj_for_node = "
<< (obj_for_node ? obj_for_node->ToString(true, true) : "null");
AXObject* related_target = obj ? obj : Get(node);
// If it's already owned, schedule an update on the owner.
if (related_target && IsAriaOwned(related_target)) {
AXObject* owned_parent = GetAriaOwnedParent(related_target);
// Ensure children are updated if there is a change.
GetReverseRelated(node, related_sources);
for (AXObject* related : related_sources) {
if (related) {
void AXRelationCache::UpdateRelatedText(Node* node) {
// Walk up ancestor chain from node and refresh text of any related content.
// TODO( It's very likely this loop should only walk the
// unignored AXObject chain, but doing so breaks a number of tests related to
// name or description computation / invalidation.
for (Node* current_node = node; current_node;
current_node = current_node->parentNode()) {
// Reverse relations via aria-labelledby, aria-describedby, aria-owns.
HeapVector<Member<AXObject>> related_sources;
GetReverseRelated(current_node, related_sources);
for (AXObject* related : related_sources) {
if (related)
object_cache_->MarkAXObjectDirty(related, /*subtree=*/false);
// Ancestors that may derive their accessible name from descendant content
// should also handle text changed events when descendant content changes.
if (current_node != node) {
AXObject* obj = Get(current_node);
if (obj && obj->SupportsNameFromContents(/*recursive=*/false))
object_cache_->MarkAXObjectDirty(obj, /*subtree=*/false);
// Forward relation via <label for="[id]">.
if (IsA<HTMLLabelElement>(*current_node))
void AXRelationCache::RemoveAXID(AXID obj_id) {
// Need to remove from maps.
// There are maps from children to their owners, and owners to their children.
// In addition, the removed id may be an owner, or be owned, or both.
// |obj_id| owned others:
if (aria_owner_to_children_mapping_.Contains(obj_id)) {
// |obj_id| longer owns anything.
Vector<AXID> child_axids =;
// Owned children are no longer owned by |obj_id|
// Another id owned |obj_id|:
if (aria_owned_child_to_owner_mapping_.Contains(obj_id)) {
// Previous owner no longer relevant to this child.
// Also, remove |obj_id| from previous owner's owned child list:
AXID owner_id = aria_owned_child_to_owner_mapping_.Take(obj_id);
const Vector<AXID>& owners_owned_children =;
for (wtf_size_t index = 0; index < owners_owned_children.size(); index++) {
if (owners_owned_children[index] == obj_id) {;
AXObject* AXRelationCache::ObjectFromAXID(AXID axid) const {
return object_cache_->ObjectFromAXID(axid);
AXObject* AXRelationCache::Get(Node* node) {
return object_cache_->Get(node);
AXObject* AXRelationCache::GetOrCreate(Node* node, const AXObject* owner) {
return object_cache_->GetOrCreate(node, const_cast<AXObject*>(owner));
void AXRelationCache::ChildrenChanged(AXObject* object) {
void AXRelationCache::LabelChanged(Node* node) {
const auto& id =
if (!id.IsEmpty()) {
if (auto* control = To<HTMLLabelElement>(node)->control()) {
if (AXObject* obj = Get(control))
object_cache_->MarkAXObjectDirty(obj, /*subtree=*/false);
} // namespace blink