blob: 9738aba11f0f7b5868e364e9d21c8ed3beac1f81 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
package mc_fuzzer;
message MediaDecodingConfigProto {
message VideoConfigProto {
// String describing mime-type and codecs (e.g. 'video/webm; codecs="vp8"').
optional string content_type = 1;
// Width of the video in pixels.
optional uint32 width = 2;
// Height of the video in pixels.
optional uint32 height = 3;
// Bitrate for 1 second of video in bits-per-second.
optional uint32 bitrate = 4;
// String representing the videos frames-per-second (e.g. "60").
optional double framerate = 5;
optional VideoConfigProto video = 1;
message AudioConfigProto {
// String describing mime-type and codecs (e.g. 'audio/webm;
// codecs="vorbis"').
optional string content_type = 1;
// String representing number of audio channels (e.g. '5.1').
optional string channels = 2;
// Bitrate for 1 second of audio in bits-per-second.
optional uint32 bitrate = 3;
// Number of audio samples-per-second.
optional uint32 samplerate = 4;
optional AudioConfigProto audio = 2;
// What type of decoding is it?
enum MediaDecodingType {
FILE = 0;
optional MediaDecodingType type = 3;
// For detailed descriptions see
message KeySystemConfig {
// Levels of requirement for various MediaKeys features.
enum MediaKeysRequirement {
// NOTE, NOT_REQUIRED maps to "OPTIONAL" in the spec, but OPTIONAL causes
// conflict with macros in Windows.h
// Types of media keys sessions.
enum MediaKeySessionType {
// Name of the key system to use in decoding.
optional string key_system = 1;
// Indicates the format of accompanying Initialization Data.
optional string init_data_type = 2;
// The robustness level associated with the audio content type.
// DEPRECATED: use audio.robustness.
optional string audio_robustness = 3 [deprecated = true];
// The robustness level associated with the video content type.
// DEPRECATED: use video.robustness.
optional string video_robustness = 4 [deprecated = true];
// Whether use of a Distinctive Identifier(s) is required.
optional MediaKeysRequirement distinctive_identifier = 5
[default = NOT_REQUIRED];
// Whether the ability to persist state is required.
optional MediaKeysRequirement persistent_state = 6 [default = NOT_REQUIRED];
// A list of MediaKeySessionTypes that must be supported.
repeated MediaKeySessionType session_types = 7;
message KeySystemTrackConfig {
// The robustness level associated with a given track.
optional string robustness = 1;
// Track-specific key system details.
optional KeySystemTrackConfig key_system_audio_config = 8;
optional KeySystemTrackConfig key_system_video_config = 9;
optional KeySystemConfig key_system_config = 4;