blob: 5b2254ca65174175c16dc0ab291ac9d73c574d50 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/privacy_budget/identifiable_token.h"
namespace blink {
class ExecutionContext;
class MediaCapabilitiesDecodingInfo;
class MediaDecodingConfiguration;
// Defines methods used to emit UKM events for the identifiability study to
// determine whether MediaCapabilities::decodingInfo() calls can be used for
// fingerprinting users and, if so, how much entropy is exposed by the API. Only
// emits these events when the study is active.
namespace media_capabilities_identifiability_metrics {
// Reports that a call to decodingInfo() occurred that had the given |input|,
// resulted in |output| and was performed on the |context|.
void ReportDecodingInfoResult(ExecutionContext*,
const MediaDecodingConfiguration*,
const MediaCapabilitiesDecodingInfo*);
// Reports that a call to decodingInfo() occurred that had an input with a
// digest of |input_token.value()|, resulted in |output| and was performed on
// the |context|. However, |input_token| should be base::nullopt if the study
// is not active. These calls should be used when the input object may have
// been destroyed by the time the output is determined. See
// ComputeDecodingInfoInputToken below.
void ReportDecodingInfoResult(ExecutionContext*,
const MediaCapabilitiesDecodingInfo*);
// Returns a digest of the |input| for use in ReportDecodingInfoResult()
// above. Returns base::nullopt if the identifiability study is not active.
base::Optional<IdentifiableToken> ComputeDecodingInfoInputToken(
const MediaDecodingConfiguration*);
} // namespace media_capabilities_identifiability_metrics
} // namespace blink