blob: cc8c53e035bede04f20bce03489cda9de95664da [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_media_source.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/active_script_wrappable.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/execution_context/execution_context_lifecycle_observer.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/media/media_source_tracer.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/time_ranges.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/event_target_modules.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/mediasource/media_source_attachment_supplement.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/mediasource/source_buffer.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/mediasource/source_buffer_list.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/exception_code.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/handle.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/threading_primitives.h"
namespace media {
class AudioDecoderConfig;
class VideoDecoderConfig;
} // namespace media
namespace blink {
class EventQueue;
class ExceptionState;
class HTMLMediaElement;
class CrossThreadMediaSourceAttachment;
class SameThreadMediaSourceAttachment;
class SourceBufferConfig;
class TrackBase;
class WebSourceBuffer;
// Media Source Extensions (MSE) API's MediaSource object implementation (see
// also Web apps can extend an
// HTMLMediaElement's instance to use the MSE API (also known as "attaching MSE
// to a media element") by using a Media Source object URL as the media
// element's src attribute or the src attribute of a <source> inside the media
// element. A MediaSourceAttachmentSupplement encapsulates the linkage of that
// object URL to a MediaSource instance, and allows communication between the
// media element and the MSE API.
class MediaSource final : public EventTargetWithInlineData,
public ActiveScriptWrappable<MediaSource>,
public ExecutionContextLifecycleObserver {
enum class ReadyState { kOpen, kClosed, kEnded };
static MediaSource* Create(ExecutionContext*);
explicit MediaSource(ExecutionContext*);
~MediaSource() override;
static void LogAndThrowDOMException(ExceptionState&,
DOMExceptionCode error,
const String& message);
static void LogAndThrowTypeError(ExceptionState&, const String&);
// Web-exposed methods from media_source.idl
SourceBufferList* sourceBuffers() { return source_buffers_.Get(); }
SourceBufferList* activeSourceBuffers() {
return active_source_buffers_.Get();
SourceBuffer* addSourceBuffer(const String& type, ExceptionState&)
SourceBuffer* AddSourceBufferUsingConfig(const SourceBufferConfig*,
void removeSourceBuffer(SourceBuffer*, ExceptionState&)
void setDuration(double, ExceptionState&)
DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_EVENT_LISTENER(sourceended, kSourceended)
DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_EVENT_LISTENER(sourceclose, kSourceclose)
AtomicString readyState() const;
void endOfStream(const AtomicString& error, ExceptionState&)
void endOfStream(ExceptionState&) LOCKS_EXCLUDED(attachment_link_lock_);
void setLiveSeekableRange(double start, double end, ExceptionState&)
void clearLiveSeekableRange(ExceptionState&)
static bool isTypeSupported(ExecutionContext* context, const String& type);
// Helper for isTypeSupported, addSourceBuffer and SourceBuffer changeType.
// Set |enforce_codec_specificity| true to require fully specified mime and
// codecs, false otherwise.
// TODO( When |enforce_codec_specificity| is set to
// false, then fully relax codec requirements.
static bool IsTypeSupportedInternal(ExecutionContext* context,
const String& type,
bool enforce_codec_specificity);
static bool canConstructInDedicatedWorker();
// Methods needed by a MediaSourceAttachmentSupplement to service operations
// proxied from an HTMLMediaElement.
MediaSourceTracer* StartAttachingToMediaElement(
scoped_refptr<SameThreadMediaSourceAttachment> attachment,
HTMLMediaElement* element) LOCKS_EXCLUDED(attachment_link_lock_);
// Same method as above, but for starting an attachment when we are
// MSE-in-Workers and therefore using a CrossThreadMediaSourceAttachment.
// Returns true iff successfully started. Even in this case, this method is
// called on the main thread and operates synchronously throughout.
bool StartWorkerAttachingToMainThreadMediaElement(
scoped_refptr<CrossThreadMediaSourceAttachment> attachment)
// Completing the attachment always occurs on the thread/context that owns
// this MediaSource.
void CompleteAttachingToMediaElement(std::unique_ptr<WebMediaSource>)
void Close();
bool IsClosed() const;
double duration() const LOCKS_EXCLUDED(attachment_link_lock_);
WebTimeRanges BufferedInternal(
MediaSourceAttachmentSupplement::ExclusiveKey /* passkey */) const
WebTimeRanges SeekableInternal(
MediaSourceAttachmentSupplement::ExclusiveKey /* passkey */) const
void OnTrackChanged(TrackBase*);
// EventTarget interface
const AtomicString& InterfaceName() const override;
ExecutionContext* GetExecutionContext() const override;
// ScriptWrappable
bool HasPendingActivity() const final;
// ExecutionContextLifecycleObserver interface
void ContextDestroyed() override LOCKS_EXCLUDED(attachment_link_lock_);
// Methods used by SourceBuffer.
// OpenIfInEndedState must not be called when IsClosed() is true. Furthermore,
// the caller must ensure this is only called from the attachment's
// RunExclusively() callback.
void OpenIfInEndedState() LOCKS_EXCLUDED(attachment_link_lock_);
bool IsOpen() const;
void SetSourceBufferActive(SourceBuffer*, bool);
std::pair<scoped_refptr<MediaSourceAttachmentSupplement>, MediaSourceTracer*>
AttachmentAndTracer() const LOCKS_EXCLUDED(attachment_link_lock_);
// EndOfStreamAlgorithm must not be called when IsClosed() is true.
// Furthermore, the caller must ensure this is only called from the
// attachment's RunExclusively() callback.
void EndOfStreamAlgorithm(
const WebMediaSource::EndOfStreamStatus,
MediaSourceAttachmentSupplement::ExclusiveKey /* passkey */)
// Helper to run operations while holding cross-thread attachment's exclusive
// |attachment_state_lock_|. This is used for safe cross-thread operation when
// MSE is in worker context, especially when accessing underlying demuxer.
// Returns true if |cb| was run. Returns false if |cb| was not run (because
// the element is gone or is closing us). Caller must ensure that we
// currently have an attachment (typically by checking that our readyState is
// not closed, or similar).
bool RunUnlessElementGoneOrClosingUs(
MediaSourceAttachmentSupplement::RunExclusivelyCB cb)
// Helper to verify cross-thread attachment's |attachment_state_lock_| mutex
// is acquired whenever we are accessing the underlying demuxer.
void AssertAttachmentsMutexHeldIfCrossThreadForDebugging() const
void Trace(Visitor*) const override LOCKS_EXCLUDED(attachment_link_lock_);
// Helpers used as bound callbacks with RunExclusively() or
// RunUnlessElementGoneOrClosingUs() because they access underlying demuxer
// resources owned by the main thread. Other methods without "_Locked" may
// also require the same, since they can be called from within these methods.
void AddSourceBuffer_Locked(
const String& type /* in */,
std::unique_ptr<media::AudioDecoderConfig> audio_config /* in */,
std::unique_ptr<media::VideoDecoderConfig> video_config /* in */,
ExceptionState* exception_state /* in/out */,
SourceBuffer** created_buffer /* out */,
MediaSourceAttachmentSupplement::ExclusiveKey /* passkey */)
void RemoveSourceBuffer_Locked(
SourceBuffer* buffer /* in */,
MediaSourceAttachmentSupplement::ExclusiveKey /* passkey */)
void DetachWorkerOnContextDestruction_Locked(
bool notify_close,
MediaSourceAttachmentSupplement::ExclusiveKey /* passkey */)
// Other helpers.
void SetReadyState(const ReadyState state)
void OnReadyStateChange(const ReadyState old_state,
const ReadyState new_state)
bool IsUpdating() const;
std::unique_ptr<WebSourceBuffer> CreateWebSourceBuffer(
const String& type,
const String& codecs,
std::unique_ptr<media::AudioDecoderConfig> audio_config,
std::unique_ptr<media::VideoDecoderConfig> video_config,
ExceptionState&) LOCKS_EXCLUDED(attachment_link_lock_);
void ScheduleEvent(const AtomicString& event_name);
static void RecordIdentifiabilityMetric(ExecutionContext* context,
const String& type,
bool result);
// Implements the duration change algorithm.
void DurationChangeAlgorithm(
double new_duration,
MediaSourceAttachmentSupplement::ExclusiveKey /* passkey */)
// Usage of |*web_media_source_| must be within scope of attachment's
// RunExclusively() callback to prevent potential UAF of underlying demuxer
// resources when MSE is in worker thread. Setting it or resetting it do not
// require being in that critical section though.
// TODO( Add comment to blink::WebMediaSource and
// blink::WebSourceBuffer to indicate which methods (currently only their
// destructors) are safe to be called from MSE-in-Worker unless measures such
// as the CrossThreadMediaSourceAttachment's RunExclusively() callback are
// ensuring the underlying demuxer is still alive.
std::unique_ptr<WebMediaSource> web_media_source_;
ReadyState ready_state_;
Member<EventQueue> async_event_queue_;
// Keep the attached element (via attachment_tracer_), |source_buffers_|,
// |active_source_buffers_|, and their wrappers from being collected if we are
// alive or traceable from a GC root. Activity by this MediaSource or on
// references to objects returned by exercising this MediaSource (such as an
// app manipulating a SourceBuffer retrieved via activeSourceBuffers()) may
// cause events to be dispatched by these other objects.
// |media_source_attachment_| and |attachment_tracer_| must be carefully set
// and reset: the actual derived type of the attachment (same-thread vs
// cross-thread, for instance) must be the same semantic as the actual derived
// type of the tracer. Further, if there is no attachment, then there must be
// no tracer that's tracking an active attachment.
scoped_refptr<MediaSourceAttachmentSupplement> media_source_attachment_
Member<MediaSourceTracer> attachment_tracer_
bool context_already_destroyed_ GUARDED_BY(attachment_link_lock_);
// |attachment_link_lock_| protects read/write of |media_source_attachment_|,
// |attachment_tracer_|, |context_already_destroyed_|, and
// |*live_seekable_range*_|. It is only truly necessary for
// CrossThreadAttachment usage of worker MSE, to prevent read/write collision
// on main thread versus worker thread. Note that |attachment_link_lock_| must
// be released before attempting CrossThreadMediaSourceAttachment
// RunExclusively() to avoid deadlock. Many scenarios initiated by worker
// thread need to get the attachment to be able to invoke operations on it.
// The attachment then takes internal |attachment_state_lock_|and verifies
// state. Note that between releasing |attachment_link_lock_| and the
// RunExclusively() operation on the attachment taking its internal
// |attachment_state_lock_|, the attachment state could have changed, but the
// attachment understands how to resolve such cases. Note that
// |web_media_source_| and child SourceBuffers' |web_source_buffer_|s usage
// are protected by only being attempted in scope of a RunExclusively callback
// (to prevent usage of them if the underlying demuxer owned by the main
// thread is no longer available).
// TODO( Consider optimizing away (e.g., using
// macros, conditional logic, or virtual implementations) usage of
// |attachment_link_lock_| and
// callbacks for RunExclusively, when using SameThreadMediaSourceAttachment,
// on main thread).
mutable Mutex attachment_link_lock_;
Member<SourceBufferList> source_buffers_;
Member<SourceBufferList> active_source_buffers_;
// These are kept as raw data (not an Oilpan managed GC-able TimeRange) to
// avoid need to take lock during ::Trace, which could lead to deadlock.
bool has_live_seekable_range_ GUARDED_BY(attachment_link_lock_);
double live_seekable_range_start_ GUARDED_BY(attachment_link_lock_);
double live_seekable_range_end_ GUARDED_BY(attachment_link_lock_);
} // namespace blink