blob: a57535f692a7c17b90a33c98432cbee2c5b4602a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "media/base/video_facing.h"
#include "media/capture/video_capture_types.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/mediastream/media_devices.mojom-blink.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/mediastream/media_stream_constraints_util_sets.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/mediastream/video_track_adapter_settings.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/modules_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/mediastream/media_constraints.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/mediastream/media_stream_audio_processor_options.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/mediastream/media_stream_source.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/wtf_string.h"
namespace blink {
extern const double kMinDeviceCaptureFrameRate;
// This class represents the output the SelectSettings algorithm for video
// constraints (see
// The input to SelectSettings is a user-supplied constraints object, and its
// output is a set of implementation-specific settings that are used to
// configure other Chromium objects such as sources, tracks and sinks so that
// they work in the way indicated by the specification. VideoCaptureSettings may
// also be used to implement other constraints-related functionality, such as
// the getSettings() function.
// The following fields are used to control MediaStreamVideoSource objects:
// * device_id: used for device selection and obtained from the deviceId
// * capture_params: used to initialize video capture. Its values are obtained
// from the width, height, aspectRatio, frame_rate, and googNoiseReduction
// constraints.
// The following fields are used to control MediaStreamVideoTrack objects:
// * track_adapter_settings: All track objects use a VideoTrackAdapter object
// that may perform cropping and frame-rate adjustment. This field contains
// the adapter settings suitable for the track the constraints are being
// to. These settings are derived from the width, height, aspectRatio and
// frameRate constraints.
// Some MediaStreamVideoSink objects (e.g. MediaStreamVideoWebRtcSink) require
// configuration derived from constraints that cannot be obtained from the
// source and track settings indicated above. The following fields are used
// to configure sinks:
// * noise_reduction: used to control noise reduction for a screen-capture
// track sent to a peer connection. Derive from the googNoiseReduction
// constraint.
// * min_frame_rate and max_frame_rate: used to control frame refreshes in
// screen-capture tracks sent to a peer connection. Derived from the
// frameRate constraint.
// If SelectSettings fails, the HasValue() method returns false and
// failed_constraint_name() returns the name of one of the (possibly multiple)
// constraints that could not be satisfied.
class MODULES_EXPORT VideoCaptureSettings {
// Creates an object without value and with an empty failed constraint name.
// Creates an object without value and with the given
// |failed_constraint_name|. Does not take ownership of
// |failed_constraint_name|, so it must point to a string that remains
// accessible. |failed_constraint_name| must be non-null.
explicit VideoCaptureSettings(const char* failed_constraint_name);
// Creates an object with the given values.
VideoCaptureSettings(std::string device_id,
media::VideoCaptureParams capture_params_,
base::Optional<bool> noise_reduction_,
const VideoTrackAdapterSettings& track_adapter_settings,
base::Optional<double> min_frame_rate,
base::Optional<double> max_frame_rate,
base::Optional<double> pan = base::nullopt,
base::Optional<double> tilt = base::nullopt,
base::Optional<double> zoom = base::nullopt);
VideoCaptureSettings(const VideoCaptureSettings& other);
VideoCaptureSettings& operator=(const VideoCaptureSettings& other);
VideoCaptureSettings(VideoCaptureSettings&& other);
VideoCaptureSettings& operator=(VideoCaptureSettings&& other);
bool HasValue() const { return !failed_constraint_name_; }
// Convenience accessors for fields embedded in |capture_params_|.
const media::VideoCaptureFormat& Format() const {
return capture_params_.requested_format;
int Width() const {
return capture_params_.requested_format.frame_size.width();
int Height() const {
return capture_params_.requested_format.frame_size.height();
float FrameRate() const {
return capture_params_.requested_format.frame_rate;
media::ResolutionChangePolicy ResolutionChangePolicy() const {
return capture_params_.resolution_change_policy;
// Other accessors.
const char* failed_constraint_name() const { return failed_constraint_name_; }
const std::string& device_id() const {
return device_id_;
const media::VideoCaptureParams& capture_params() const {
return capture_params_;
const base::Optional<bool>& noise_reduction() const {
return noise_reduction_;
const VideoTrackAdapterSettings& track_adapter_settings() const {
return track_adapter_settings_;
const base::Optional<double>& min_frame_rate() const {
return min_frame_rate_;
const base::Optional<double>& max_frame_rate() const {
return max_frame_rate_;
const base::Optional<double>& pan() const {
return pan_;
const base::Optional<double>& tilt() const {
return tilt_;
const base::Optional<double>& zoom() const {
return zoom_;
const char* failed_constraint_name_;
std::string device_id_;
media::VideoCaptureParams capture_params_;
base::Optional<bool> noise_reduction_;
VideoTrackAdapterSettings track_adapter_settings_;
base::Optional<double> min_frame_rate_;
base::Optional<double> max_frame_rate_;
base::Optional<double> pan_;
base::Optional<double> tilt_;
base::Optional<double> zoom_;
// This class represents the output the SelectSettings algorithm for audio
// constraints (see
// The input to SelectSettings is a user-supplied constraints object, and its
// output is a set of implementation-specific settings that are used to
// configure other Chromium objects such as sources, tracks and sinks so that
// they work in the way indicated by the specification. AudioCaptureSettings may
// also be used to implement other constraints-related functionality, such as
// the getSettings() function.
// The following fields are used to control MediaStreamVideoSource objects:
// * device_id: used for device selection and obtained from the deviceId
// * device_parameters: these are the hardware parameters for the device
// selected by SelectSettings. They can be used to verify that the
// parameters with which the audio stream is actually created corresponds
// to what SelectSettings selected. It can also be used to implement
// getSettings() for device-related properties such as sampleRate and
// channelCount.
// The following fields are used to control various audio features:
// * disable_local_echo
// * render_to_associated_sink
// The audio_properties field is used to control the audio-processing module,
// which provides features such as software-based echo cancellation.
// If SelectSettings fails, the HasValue() method returns false and
// failed_constraint_name() returns the name of one of the (possibly multiple)
// constraints that could not be satisfied.
class MODULES_EXPORT AudioCaptureSettings {
enum class ProcessingType {
// System echo cancellation can be enabled, but all other processing is
// disabled.
// System echo cancellation and audio mirroring can be enabled, but all
// other processing is disabled.
// Processing is performed through WebRTC.
// Creates an object without value and with an empty failed constraint name.
// Creates an object without value and with the given
// |failed_constraint_name|. Does not take ownership of
// |failed_constraint_name|, so it must point to a string that remains
// accessible. |failed_constraint_name| must be non-null.
explicit AudioCaptureSettings(const char* failed_constraint_name);
// Creates an object with the given values.
explicit AudioCaptureSettings(
std::string device_id,
const base::Optional<int>& requested_buffer_size,
bool disable_local_echo,
bool enable_automatic_output_device_selection,
ProcessingType processing_type,
const AudioProcessingProperties& audio_processing_properties);
AudioCaptureSettings(const AudioCaptureSettings& other);
AudioCaptureSettings& operator=(const AudioCaptureSettings& other);
AudioCaptureSettings(AudioCaptureSettings&& other);
AudioCaptureSettings& operator=(AudioCaptureSettings&& other);
bool HasValue() const { return !failed_constraint_name_; }
// Accessors.
const char* failed_constraint_name() const { return failed_constraint_name_; }
const std::string& device_id() const {
return device_id_;
const base::Optional<int>& requested_buffer_size() const {
return requested_buffer_size_;
bool disable_local_echo() const {
return disable_local_echo_;
bool render_to_associated_sink() const {
return render_to_associated_sink_;
ProcessingType processing_type() const {
return processing_type_;
AudioProcessingProperties audio_processing_properties() const {
return audio_processing_properties_;
const char* failed_constraint_name_;
std::string device_id_;
base::Optional<int> requested_buffer_size_;
bool disable_local_echo_;
bool render_to_associated_sink_;
ProcessingType processing_type_;
AudioProcessingProperties audio_processing_properties_;
// Method to get boolean value of constraint with |name| from constraints.
// Returns true if the constraint is specified in either mandatory or optional
// constraints.
MODULES_EXPORT bool GetConstraintValueAsBoolean(
const MediaConstraints& constraints,
const blink::BooleanConstraint MediaTrackConstraintSetPlatform::*picker,
bool* value);
// Method to get int value of constraint with |name| from constraints.
// Returns true if the constraint is specified in either mandatory or Optional
// constraints.
MODULES_EXPORT bool GetConstraintValueAsInteger(
const MediaConstraints& constraints,
const blink::LongConstraint MediaTrackConstraintSetPlatform::*picker,
int* value);
MODULES_EXPORT bool GetConstraintMinAsInteger(
const MediaConstraints& constraints,
const blink::LongConstraint MediaTrackConstraintSetPlatform::*picker,
int* value);
MODULES_EXPORT bool GetConstraintMaxAsInteger(
const MediaConstraints& constraints,
const blink::LongConstraint MediaTrackConstraintSetPlatform::*picker,
int* value);
// Method to get double precision value of constraint with |name| from
// constraints. Returns true if the constraint is specified in either mandatory
// or Optional constraints.
MODULES_EXPORT bool GetConstraintValueAsDouble(
const MediaConstraints& constraints,
const blink::DoubleConstraint MediaTrackConstraintSetPlatform::*picker,
double* value);
// This function selects track settings from a set of candidate resolutions and
// frame rates, given the source video-capture format and ideal values.
// The output are settings for a VideoTrackAdapter, which can adjust the
// resolution and frame rate of the source, and consist of
// target width, height and frame rate, and minimum and maximum aspect ratio.
// * Minimum and maximum aspect ratios are taken from |resolution_set| and are
// not affected by ideal values.
// * The selected frame rate is always the value within the |frame_rate_set|
// range that is closest to the ideal frame rate (or closest to the source
// frame rate if no ideal is supplied). If the chosen frame rate is greater
// than or equal to the source's frame rate, a value of 0.0 is returned, which
// means that there will be no frame-rate adjustment.
// * If |enable_rescale| is false, no target width and height are computed.
// * If |enable_rescale| is true, the target width and height are selected using
// the ResolutionSet::SelectClosestPointToIdeal function, using ideal values
// for the width, height and aspectRatio properties from
// |basic_constraint_set| and using the source's width and height as the
// default resolution. The width and height returned by
// SelectClosestPointToIdeal are rounded to the nearest int. For more details,
// see the documentation for ResolutionSet::SelectClosestPointToIdeal.
// Note that this function ignores the min/max/exact values from
// |basic_constraint_set|. Only the ideal values for the width, height,
// aspectRatio and frameRate are used.
// This function has undefined behavior if any of |resolution_set| or
// |frame_rate_set| are empty.
MODULES_EXPORT VideoTrackAdapterSettings SelectVideoTrackAdapterSettings(
const MediaTrackConstraintSetPlatform& basic_constraint_set,
const media_constraints::ResolutionSet& resolution_set,
const media_constraints::NumericRangeSet<double>& frame_rate_set,
const media::VideoCaptureFormat& source_format,
bool enable_rescale);
// Generic distance function between two values for numeric constraints. Based
// on the fitness-distance function described in
MODULES_EXPORT double NumericConstraintFitnessDistance(double value1,
double value2);
// Fitness distance between |value| and |constraint|.
// Based on
double StringConstraintFitnessDistance(
const blink::WebString& value,
const blink::StringConstraint& constraint);
// This method computes capabilities for a video source based on the given
// |formats|. |facing_mode| is valid only in case of video device capture.
MODULES_EXPORT MediaStreamSource::Capabilities
const String& device_id,
const media::VideoCaptureFormats& formats,
mojom::blink::FacingMode facing_mode,
bool is_device_capture,
const base::Optional<std::string>& group_id = base::nullopt);
} // namespace blink