blob: 39a3bc8158a779c43bce253d6a7526ac3fdaa160 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <utility>
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/modules_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator/allocator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/hash_set.h"
namespace blink {
// Represents the different states that an offerer can go through during call
// setup, where later steps involve SDP exchange.
// Valid transitions are from an operation's "pending" to "resolved" or
// "rejected" state. "Rejected" can transition to "resolved" if another attempt
// is made (without going to "pending" in-between). Only "resolved" can
// transition to the next operation's "pending" state. Transition between
// operations are only valid in the defined order.
// The model we are using is one that measures how close we get to establishing
// a connection. In reality, the peer connection may make multiple tries, and
// follow multiple paths towards reaching a connected state, but we're only
// interested in seeing how far it got on its most successful attempt.
enum class OffererState {
kNotStarted = 0,
// createOffer()
kCreateOfferPending = 1,
kCreateOfferRejected = 2,
kCreateOfferResolved = 3,
// setLocalDescription(offer)
kSetLocalOfferPending = 4,
kSetLocalOfferRejected = 5,
kSetLocalOfferResolved = 6,
// setRemoteDescription(answer)
kSetRemoteAnswerPending = 7,
kSetRemoteAnswerRejected = 8,
kSetRemoteAnswerResolved = 9,
kMaxValue = kSetRemoteAnswerResolved,
// Represents the different states that an answerer can go through during call
// setup, where initial steps involve SDP exchange. The transition graph for
// this enum follows the same logic as OffererState, see above.
enum class AnswererState {
kNotStarted = 0,
// setRemoteDescription(offer)
kSetRemoteOfferPending = 1,
kSetRemoteOfferRejected = 2,
kSetRemoteOfferResolved = 3,
// createAnswer()
kCreateAnswerPending = 4,
kCreateAnswerRejected = 5,
kCreateAnswerResolved = 6,
// setLocalDescription(answer)
kSetLocalAnswerPending = 7,
kSetLocalAnswerRejected = 8,
kSetLocalAnswerResolved = 9,
kMaxValue = kSetLocalAnswerResolved,
// A metric reflecting the most successful attempt towards reaching a connected
// state. It's a simplified view based on a CallSetupStateTracker's OffererState
// and AnswererState. Transition graph:
// kNotStarted
// v
// kStarted ----+
// v |
// kFailed |
// v |
// kSucceded <--+
enum class CallSetupState {
// OffererState and AnswererState are both in kNotStarted.
kNotStarted = 0,
// OffererState or AnswererState have had a value other than kNotStarted, but
// the conditions for any of the other states have not been reached.
kStarted = 1,
// OffererState or AnswererState have or have had one of the "rejected"
// states, and the condition for kSucceeded has not been reached.
kFailed = 2,
// OffererState or AnswererState is in the final "resolved" state -
// OffererState::kSetRemoteAnswerResolved or
// AnswererState::kSetLocalAnswerResolved.
kSucceeded = 3,
kMaxValue = kSucceeded,
class MODULES_EXPORT CallSetupStateTracker {
OffererState offerer_state() const;
AnswererState answerer_state() const;
CallSetupState GetCallSetupState() const;
bool document_uses_media() const;
// The |event| describes what event just happened, see enum definitions.
// The |document_uses_media| parameter is meant to reflect whether or not the
// document is using media, such as if getUserMedia() has ever been called
// (this is up to the caller). The tracker remembers if this has ever been
// true with document_uses_media() which allows the tracker to know about this
// even if it outlives the document. If it has ever been true,
// document_uses_media() stays true even if subsequent calls are made with the
// value false.
bool NoteOffererStateEvent(OffererState event, bool document_uses_media);
bool NoteAnswererStateEvent(AnswererState event, bool document_uses_media);
const HashSet<std::pair<OffererState, OffererState>>
const HashSet<std::pair<AnswererState, AnswererState>>
OffererState offerer_state_;
AnswererState answerer_state_;
// If the tracker has ever been in any of the "rejected" states. This remains
// true even if the peer connection recovers to a non-"rejected" state.
bool has_ever_failed_;
// If the document has ever been noted to use media based on
// Note[Offerer/Answerer]StateEvent() calls. Once true, this value will never
// be false again.
bool document_uses_media_;
} // namespace blink