blob: ee047f78b08df59ff7e2c89b3800f5f604870b8f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/remote.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/peerconnection/peer_connection_tracker.mojom-blink.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/modules_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/peerconnection/rtc_peer_connection_handler_client.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/peerconnection/rtc_rtp_transceiver_platform.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/peerconnection/rtc_session_description_platform.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/hash_map.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/wtf_string.h"
#include "third_party/webrtc/api/peer_connection_interface.h"
namespace webrtc {
class DataChannelInterface;
} // namespace webrtc
namespace blink {
class MediaConstraints;
class RTCAnswerOptionsPlatform;
class RTCIceCandidatePlatform;
class RTCOfferOptionsPlatform;
class RTCPeerConnectionHandler;
class UserMediaRequest;
class WebLocalFrame;
// This class collects data about each peer connection,
// sends it to the browser process, and handles messages
// from the browser process.
class MODULES_EXPORT PeerConnectionTracker
: public blink::mojom::blink::PeerConnectionManager,
public base::SupportsWeakPtr<PeerConnectionTracker> {
static PeerConnectionTracker* GetInstance();
~PeerConnectionTracker() override;
enum Action {
// In Plan B: "Transceiver" refers to RTCRtpSender or RTCRtpReceiver.
// In Unified Plan: "Transceiver" refers to RTCRtpTransceiver.
enum class TransceiverUpdatedReason {
void Bind(mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::blink::PeerConnectionManager>
// The following methods send an update to the browser process when a
// PeerConnection update happens. The caller should call the Track* methods
// after calling RegisterPeerConnection and before calling
// UnregisterPeerConnection, otherwise the Track* call has no effect.
// Sends an update when a PeerConnection has been created in Javascript. This
// should be called once and only once for each PeerConnection. The
// |pc_handler| is the handler object associated with the PeerConnection, the
// |servers| are the server configurations used to establish the connection,
// the |constraints| are the media constraints used to initialize the
// PeerConnection, the |frame| is the WebLocalFrame object representing the
// page in which the PeerConnection is created.
void RegisterPeerConnection(
RTCPeerConnectionHandler* pc_handler,
const webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration& config,
const MediaConstraints& constraints,
const blink::WebLocalFrame* frame);
// Sends an update when a PeerConnection has been destroyed.
virtual void UnregisterPeerConnection(RTCPeerConnectionHandler* pc_handler);
// Sends an update when createOffer/createAnswer has been called.
// The |pc_handler| is the handler object associated with the PeerConnection,
// the |constraints| is the media constraints used to create the offer/answer.
virtual void TrackCreateOffer(RTCPeerConnectionHandler* pc_handler,
RTCOfferOptionsPlatform* options);
// TODO(hta): Get rid of the version below.
virtual void TrackCreateOffer(RTCPeerConnectionHandler* pc_handler,
const MediaConstraints& options);
virtual void TrackCreateAnswer(RTCPeerConnectionHandler* pc_handler,
blink::RTCAnswerOptionsPlatform* options);
virtual void TrackCreateAnswer(RTCPeerConnectionHandler* pc_handler,
const MediaConstraints& constraints);
// Sends an update when setLocalDescription or setRemoteDescription is called.
virtual void TrackSetSessionDescription(RTCPeerConnectionHandler* pc_handler,
const String& sdp,
const String& type,
Source source);
virtual void TrackSetSessionDescriptionImplicit(
RTCPeerConnectionHandler* pc_handler);
// Sends an update when setConfiguration is called.
virtual void TrackSetConfiguration(
RTCPeerConnectionHandler* pc_handler,
const webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration& config);
// Sends an update when an Ice candidate is added.
virtual void TrackAddIceCandidate(RTCPeerConnectionHandler* pc_handler,
RTCIceCandidatePlatform* candidate,
Source source,
bool succeeded);
// Sends an update when an Ice candidate error is receiver.
virtual void TrackIceCandidateError(RTCPeerConnectionHandler* pc_handler,
const String& address,
base::Optional<uint16_t> port,
const String& host_candidate,
const String& url,
int error_code,
const String& error_text);
// Sends an update when a transceiver is added, modified or removed. This can
// happen as a result of any of the methods indicated by |reason|.
// In Plan B: |transceiver| refers to its Sender() or Receiver() depending on
// ImplementationType(). Example events: "senderAdded", "receiverRemoved".
// In Plan B: |transceiver| has a fully implemented ImplementationType().
// Example events: "transceiverAdded", "transceiverModified".
// See for expected resulting event
// strings.
virtual void TrackAddTransceiver(RTCPeerConnectionHandler* pc_handler,
TransceiverUpdatedReason reason,
const RTCRtpTransceiverPlatform& transceiver,
size_t transceiver_index);
virtual void TrackModifyTransceiver(
RTCPeerConnectionHandler* pc_handler,
TransceiverUpdatedReason reason,
const RTCRtpTransceiverPlatform& transceiver,
size_t transceiver_index);
// TODO(hbos): When Plan B is removed this is no longer applicable.
virtual void TrackRemoveTransceiver(
RTCPeerConnectionHandler* pc_handler,
TransceiverUpdatedReason reason,
const RTCRtpTransceiverPlatform& transceiver,
size_t transceiver_index);
// Sends an update when a DataChannel is created.
virtual void TrackCreateDataChannel(
RTCPeerConnectionHandler* pc_handler,
const webrtc::DataChannelInterface* data_channel,
Source source);
// Sends an update when a PeerConnection has been stopped.
virtual void TrackStop(RTCPeerConnectionHandler* pc_handler);
// Sends an update when the signaling state of a PeerConnection has changed.
virtual void TrackSignalingStateChange(
RTCPeerConnectionHandler* pc_handler,
webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::SignalingState state);
// Sends an update when the ICE connection state of a PeerConnection has
// changed. There's a legacy and non-legacy version. The non-legacy version
// reflects the blink::RTCPeerConnection::iceConnectionState.
// "Legacy" usage: In Unifed Plan, TrackLegacyIceConnectionStateChange() is
// used to report the webrtc::PeerConnection layer implementation of the
// state, which might not always be the same as the
// blink::RTCPeerConnection::iceConnectionState reported with
// TrackIceConnectionStateChange(). In Plan B, the webrtc::PeerConnection
// layer implementation is the only iceConnectionState version, and
// TrackLegacyIceConnectionStateChange() is not applicable.
virtual void TrackLegacyIceConnectionStateChange(
RTCPeerConnectionHandler* pc_handler,
webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::IceConnectionState state);
virtual void TrackIceConnectionStateChange(
RTCPeerConnectionHandler* pc_handler,
webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::IceConnectionState state);
// Sends an update when the connection state
// of a PeerConnection has changed.
virtual void TrackConnectionStateChange(
RTCPeerConnectionHandler* pc_handler,
webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::PeerConnectionState state);
// Sends an update when the Ice gathering state
// of a PeerConnection has changed.
virtual void TrackIceGatheringStateChange(
RTCPeerConnectionHandler* pc_handler,
webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::IceGatheringState state);
// Sends an update when the SetSessionDescription or CreateOffer or
// CreateAnswer callbacks are called.
virtual void TrackSessionDescriptionCallback(
RTCPeerConnectionHandler* pc_handler,
Action action,
const String& type,
const String& value);
// Sends an update when the session description's ID is set.
virtual void TrackSessionId(RTCPeerConnectionHandler* pc_handler,
const String& session_id);
// Sends an update when onRenegotiationNeeded is called.
virtual void TrackOnRenegotiationNeeded(RTCPeerConnectionHandler* pc_handler);
// Sends an update when getUserMedia is called.
virtual void TrackGetUserMedia(UserMediaRequest* user_media_request);
// Sends a new fragment on an RtcEventLog.
virtual void TrackRtcEventLogWrite(RTCPeerConnectionHandler* pc_handler,
const WTF::Vector<uint8_t>& output);
// For tests.
friend class PeerConnectionTrackerTest;
friend class MockPeerConnectionTracker;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(PeerConnectionTrackerTest, CreatingObject);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(PeerConnectionTrackerTest, OnSuspend);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(PeerConnectionTrackerTest, OnThermalStateChange);
explicit PeerConnectionTracker(
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> main_thread_task_runner);
mojo::Remote<mojom::blink::PeerConnectionTrackerHost> host,
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> main_thread_task_runner);
// Assign a local ID to a peer connection so that the browser process can
// uniquely identify a peer connection in the renderer process.
// The return value will always be positive.
int GetNextLocalID();
// Looks up a handler in our map and if found, returns its ID. If the handler
// is not registered, the return value will be -1.
int GetLocalIDForHandler(RTCPeerConnectionHandler* handler) const;
void TrackTransceiver(const char* callback_type_ending,
RTCPeerConnectionHandler* pc_handler,
PeerConnectionTracker::TransceiverUpdatedReason reason,
const RTCRtpTransceiverPlatform& transceiver,
size_t transceiver_index);
// PeerConnectionTracker implementation.
void OnSuspend() override;
void OnThermalStateChange(
mojom::blink::DeviceThermalState thermal_state) override;
void StartEventLog(int peer_connection_local_id,
int output_period_ms) override;
void StopEventLog(int peer_connection_local_id) override;
void GetStandardStats() override;
void GetLegacyStats() override;
// Called to deliver an update to the host (PeerConnectionTrackerHost).
// |local_id| - The id of the registered RTCPeerConnectionHandler.
// Using an id instead of the hander pointer is done on purpose
// to force doing the lookup before building the callback data
// in case the handler isn't registered.
// |callback_type| - A string, most often static, that represents the type
// of operation that the data stored in |value| comes from.
// E.g. "createOffer", "createAnswer",
// "setRemoteDescription" etc.
// |value| - A json serialized string containing all the information for the
// update event.
void SendPeerConnectionUpdate(int local_id,
const String& callback_type,
const String& value);
void AddStandardStats(int lid, base::Value value);
void AddLegacyStats(int lid, base::Value value);
// This map stores the local ID assigned to each RTCPeerConnectionHandler.
typedef WTF::HashMap<RTCPeerConnectionHandler*, int> PeerConnectionLocalIdMap;
PeerConnectionLocalIdMap peer_connection_local_id_map_;
mojom::blink::DeviceThermalState current_thermal_state_ =
// This keeps track of the next available local ID.
int next_local_id_;
mojo::Receiver<blink::mojom::blink::PeerConnectionManager> receiver_{this};
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> main_thread_task_runner_;
} // namespace blink