blob: d7292060253036fed4a0998293771b546c1fd246 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/types/pass_key.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/script_wrappable.h"
namespace liburlpattern {
struct Options;
} // namespace liburlpattern
namespace blink {
class ExceptionState;
class URLPatternComponentResult;
class URLPatternInit;
class URLPatternResult;
class USVStringOrURLPatternInit;
class URLPattern : public ScriptWrappable {
class Component;
static URLPattern* Create(const URLPatternInit* init,
ExceptionState& exception_state);
URLPattern(Component* protocol,
Component* username,
Component* password,
Component* hostname,
Component* port,
Component* pathname,
Component* search,
Component* hash,
base::PassKey<URLPattern> key);
bool test(const USVStringOrURLPatternInit& input,
ExceptionState& exception_state) const;
URLPatternResult* exec(const USVStringOrURLPatternInit& input,
ExceptionState& exception_state) const;
// TODO: define a stringifier
void Trace(Visitor* visitor) const override;
// A utility function that takes a given |pattern| and compiles it into a
// Component structure. If the |pattern| matches the given |default_pattern|
// then nullptr may be returned without throwing an exception. In this case
// the Component is not constructed and the nullptr value should be treated as
// matching any input value for the component. The |component| string is used
// for exception messages. The |options| control how the pattern is compiled.
static Component* CompilePattern(const String& pattern,
StringView component,
const liburlpattern::Options& options,
ExceptionState& exception_state);
// A utility function to determine if a given |input| matches the pattern
// or not. Returns |true| if there is a match and |false| otherwise. If
// |result| is not nullptr then the URLPatternResult contents will be filled
// in as expected by the exec() method.
bool Match(const USVStringOrURLPatternInit& input,
URLPatternResult* result,
ExceptionState& exception_state) const;
// A utility function that constructs a URLPatternComponentResult for
// a given |component|, |input|, and |group_list|. The |component| may
// be nullptr.
static URLPatternComponentResult* MakeComponentResult(
Component* component,
const String& input,
const Vector<String>& group_list);
// The compiled patterns for each URL component. If a Component member is
// nullptr then it should be treated as a wildcard matching any input.
Member<Component> protocol_;
Member<Component> username_;
Member<Component> password_;
Member<Component> hostname_;
Member<Component> port_;
Member<Component> pathname_;
Member<Component> search_;
Member<Component> hash_;
} // namespace blink