blob: f851e498949e0633fa4ec78a66a327c643652ff4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
] interface VideoFrame {
[CallWith=ScriptState, RaisesException]
constructor(CanvasImageSource source, optional VideoFrameInit init = {});
[CallWith=ScriptState, RaisesException]
constructor(VideoPixelFormat format,
sequence<PlaneInit> planes,
VideoFramePlaneInit init);
// TODO(sandersd): Provide a way to find out what pixel formats are supported.
// TODO(sandersd): Provide a way to convert to a specific pixel format, and to
// find out what pixel formats can be converted to.
// TODO(sandersd): It's not clear whether it's better to use undefined, or a
// special enum value to mean 'opaque format'. Undefined does result in
// shorter branch conditions.
readonly attribute VideoPixelFormat? format;
readonly attribute FrozenArray<Plane>? planes;
// The size of the frame; typically padded to a multiple of some block size.
readonly attribute unsigned long codedWidth;
readonly attribute unsigned long codedHeight;
// The region of the frame that is not padding.
readonly attribute unsigned long cropLeft;
readonly attribute unsigned long cropTop;
readonly attribute unsigned long cropWidth;
readonly attribute unsigned long cropHeight;
// The intended display size (and display aspect ratio) of the crop region.
// TODO(sandersd): The draft spec says double, and that makes sense, but it
// also makes createImageBitmap() ambiguous.
readonly attribute unsigned long displayWidth;
readonly attribute unsigned long displayHeight;
// Presentation timestamp, in microseconds.
readonly attribute unsigned long long? timestamp;
// Presentation duration, in microseconds.
readonly attribute unsigned long long? duration;
// TODO(sandersd): color space metadata.
// TODO(sandersd): rotation metadata.
// DEPRECATED: use close() instead.
// Release held resources immediately.
[CallWith=ExecutionContext] void destroy();
// Release held resources.
void close();
// Creates of the copy of this VideoFrame, which needs to be independently
// destroyed.
[CallWith=ScriptState, RaisesException]
VideoFrame clone();
// Create an ImageBitmap from the crop region, scaled to the display size.
// TODO(sandersd): Should use the global createImageBitmap() instead.
[CallWith=ScriptState, RaisesException] Promise<ImageBitmap>
createImageBitmap(optional ImageBitmapOptions options = {});