blob: 88ad1008e41db38a83330038768a6f6f9224d61f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <dawn/dawn_proc_table.h>
#include <dawn/webgpu.h>
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/script_wrappable.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/gpu/dawn_control_client_holder.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/visitor.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/wtf_string.h"
#define DAWN_OBJECTS \
X(BindGroup, bindGroup) \
X(BindGroupLayout, bindGroupLayout) \
X(Buffer, buffer) \
X(CommandBuffer, commandBuffer) \
X(CommandEncoder, commandEncoder) \
X(ComputePassEncoder, computePassEncoder) \
X(ComputePipeline, computePipeline) \
X(Device, device) \
X(Fence, fence) \
X(Instance, instance) \
X(PipelineLayout, pipelineLayout) \
X(QuerySet, querySet) \
X(Queue, queue) \
X(RenderBundle, renderBundle) \
X(RenderBundleEncoder, renderBundleEncoder) \
X(RenderPassEncoder, renderPassEncoder) \
X(RenderPipeline, renderPipeline) \
X(Sampler, sampler) \
X(ShaderModule, shaderModule) \
X(Surface, surface) \
X(SwapChain, swapChain) \
X(Texture, texture) \
X(TextureView, textureView)
namespace gpu {
namespace webgpu {
class WebGPUInterface;
} // namespace webgpu
} // namespace gpu
namespace blink {
template <typename T>
struct WGPUReleaseFn;
#define X(Name, name) \
template <> \
struct WGPUReleaseFn<WGPU##Name> { \
static constexpr void (*DawnProcTable::*fn)(WGPU##Name) = \
&DawnProcTable::name##Release; \
#undef X
class GPUDevice;
// This class allows objects to hold onto a DawnControlClientHolder.
// The DawnControlClientHolder is used to hold the WebGPUInterface and keep
// track of whether or not the client has been destroyed. If the client is
// destroyed, we should not call any Dawn functions.
class DawnObjectBase {
explicit DawnObjectBase(
scoped_refptr<DawnControlClientHolder> dawn_control_client);
const scoped_refptr<DawnControlClientHolder>& GetDawnControlClient() const;
gpu::webgpu::WebGPUInterface* GetInterface() const;
const DawnProcTable& GetProcs() const;
// Ensure commands up until now on this object's parent device are flushed by
// the end of the task.
void EnsureFlush();
// Flush commands up until now on this object's parent device immediately.
void FlushNow();
// GPUObjectBase mixin implementation
const String& label() const { return label_; }
void setLabel(const String& value);
scoped_refptr<DawnControlClientHolder> dawn_control_client_;
String label_;
class DawnObjectImpl : public ScriptWrappable, public DawnObjectBase {
explicit DawnObjectImpl(GPUDevice* device);
~DawnObjectImpl() override;
WGPUDevice GetDeviceHandle();
void Trace(Visitor* visitor) const override;
Member<GPUDevice> device_;
template <typename Handle>
class DawnObject : public DawnObjectImpl {
DawnObject(GPUDevice* device, Handle handle)
: DawnObjectImpl(device),
device_handle_(GetDeviceHandle()) {
// All WebGPU Blink objects created directly or by the Device hold a
// Member<GPUDevice> which keeps the device alive. However, this does not
// enforce that the GPUDevice is finalized after all objects referencing it.
// Add an extra ref in this constructor, and a release in the destructor to
// ensure that the Dawn device is destroyed last.
// TODO(enga): Investigate removing Member<GPUDevice>.
~DawnObject() override {
// Note: The device is released last because all child objects must be
// destroyed first.
Handle GetHandle() const { return handle_; }
Handle const handle_;
WGPUDevice device_handle_;
template <>
class DawnObject<WGPUDevice> : public DawnObjectBase {
DawnObject(scoped_refptr<DawnControlClientHolder> dawn_control_client,
WGPUDevice handle)
: DawnObjectBase(dawn_control_client), handle_(handle) {}
~DawnObject() { GetProcs().deviceRelease(handle_); }
WGPUDevice GetHandle() const { return handle_; }
WGPUDevice const handle_;
} // namespace blink