blob: 2843bd60b8baa0e81a094cd005c07813be9ffedf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/audio/audio_delay_dsp_kernel.h"
#include <arm_neon.h>
#include <algorithm>
namespace blink {
#if defined(CPU_ARM_NEON)
static ALWAYS_INLINE int32x4_t WrapIndexVector(int32x4_t v_write_index,
int32x4_t v_buffer_length) {
// Wrap the write_index if any index is past the end of the buffer.
// This implements
// if (write_index >= buffer_length)
// write_index -= buffer_length
// If write_index >= buffer_length, cmp = 0xffffffff. Otherwise 0.
int32x4_t cmp =
reinterpret_cast<int32x4_t>(vcgeq_s32(v_write_index, v_buffer_length));
// Bitwise-and cmp with buffer length to get buffer length or 0 depending on
// whether write_index >= buffer_length or not. Subtract this from the index
// to wrap the index appropriately.
return vsubq_s32(v_write_index, vandq_s32(cmp, v_buffer_length));
static ALWAYS_INLINE float32x4_t
WrapPositionVector(float32x4_t v_position, float32x4_t v_buffer_length) {
// Wrap the read position if it exceed the buffer length.
// This implements
// if (position >= buffer_length)
// read_position -= buffer_length
// If position >= buffer length, set cmp = 0xffffffff. Otherwise 0.
uint32x4_t cmp = vcgeq_f32(v_position, v_buffer_length);
// Bitwise-and buffer_length with cmp to get buffer_length or 0 depending on
// whether read_position >= buffer length or not. Then subtract from the
// position to wrap it around if needed.
return vsubq_f32(v_position,
reinterpret_cast<uint32x4_t>(v_buffer_length), cmp)));
std::tuple<unsigned, int> AudioDelayDSPKernel::ProcessARateVector(
float* destination,
uint32_t frames_to_process) const {
const int buffer_length = buffer_.size();
const float* buffer = buffer_.Data();
const float sample_rate = this->SampleRate();
const float* delay_times = delay_times_.Data();
int w_index = write_index_;
const float32x4_t v_sample_rate = vdupq_n_f32(sample_rate);
// The buffer length as a float and as an int so we don't need to constant
// convert from one to the other.
const float32x4_t v_buffer_length_float = vdupq_n_f32(buffer_length);
const int32x4_t v_buffer_length_int = vdupq_n_s32(buffer_length);
// How much to increment the write index each time through the loop.
const int32x4_t v_incr = vdupq_n_s32(4);
// Temp arrays for storing the samples needed for interpolation
float sample1[4] __attribute((aligned(16)));
float sample2[4] __attribute((aligned(16)));
// Temp array for holding the indices so we can access them
// individually.
int read_index1[4] __attribute((aligned(16)));
int read_index2[4] __attribute((aligned(16)));
// Initialize the write index vector, and wrap the values if needed.
int32x4_t v_write_index = {w_index + 0, w_index + 1, w_index + 2,
w_index + 3};
v_write_index = WrapIndexVector(v_write_index, v_buffer_length_int);
int number_of_loops = frames_to_process / 4;
int k = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < number_of_loops; ++n, k += 4) {
const float32x4_t v_delay_time = vld1q_f32(delay_times + k);
const float32x4_t v_desired_delay_frames =
vmulq_f32(v_delay_time, v_sample_rate);
// read_position = write_index + buffer_length - desired_delay_frames. Wrap
// the position if needed.
float32x4_t v_read_position =
vsubq_f32(v_buffer_length_float, v_desired_delay_frames));
v_read_position =
WrapPositionVector(v_read_position, v_buffer_length_float);
// Get indices into the buffer for the samples we need for interpolation.
const int32x4_t v_read_index1 = vcvtq_s32_f32(v_read_position);
const int32x4_t v_read_index2 = WrapIndexVector(
vaddq_s32(v_read_index1, vdupq_n_s32(1)), v_buffer_length_int);
const float32x4_t interpolation_factor =
vsubq_f32(v_read_position, vcvtq_f32_s32(v_read_index1));
// Save indices so we can access the components individually for
// getting the aamples from the buffer.
vst1q_s32(read_index1, v_read_index1);
vst1q_s32(read_index2, v_read_index2);
for (int m = 0; m < 4; ++m) {
sample1[m] = buffer[read_index1[m]];
sample2[m] = buffer[read_index2[m]];
const float32x4_t v_sample1 = vld1q_f32(sample1);
const float32x4_t v_sample2 = vld1q_f32(sample2);
v_write_index = vaddq_s32(v_write_index, v_incr);
v_write_index = WrapIndexVector(v_write_index, v_buffer_length_int);
// Linear interpolation between samples.
const float32x4_t sample = vaddq_f32(
vmulq_f32(interpolation_factor, vsubq_f32(v_sample2, v_sample1)));
vst1q_f32(destination + k, sample);
// Update |w_index| based on how many frames we processed here, wrapping
// around if needed.
w_index = write_index_ + k;
if (w_index >= buffer_length)
w_index -= buffer_length;
return std::make_tuple(k, w_index);
void AudioDelayDSPKernel::HandleNaN(float* delay_times,
uint32_t frames_to_process,
float max_time) {
unsigned k = 0;
int number_of_loops = frames_to_process / 4;
float32x4_t v_max_time = vdupq_n_f32(max_time);
// This is approximately 4 times faster than the scalar version.
for (int loop = 0; loop < number_of_loops; ++loop, k += 4) {
float32x4_t x = vld1q_f32(delay_times + k);
// x == x only fails when x is NaN. Then cmp is set to 0. Otherwise
// 0xffffffff
uint32x4_t cmp = vceqq_f32(x, x);
// Use cmp as a mask to set a component of x to 0 if x is NaN.
// Otherwise, preserve x. We pun the types here so we can apply
// the mask to the floating point numbers. A integer value of
// 0 corresponds to a floating-point +0.0, which is what we want.
uint32x4_t xint = vandq_u32(cmp, reinterpret_cast<uint32x4_t>(x));
// Invert the mask.
cmp = vmvnq_u32(cmp);
// More punning of the types so we can apply the complement mask
// to set cmp to either max_time (if NaN) or 0 (otherwise)
cmp = vandq_u32(cmp, reinterpret_cast<uint32x4_t>(v_max_time));
// Merge i (bitwise or) x and cmp. This makes x = max_time if x was NaN and
// preserves x if not. More type punning to do bitwise or the results
// together.
xint = vorrq_u32(xint, cmp);
// Finally, save the float result.
vst1q_f32(delay_times + k, reinterpret_cast<float32x4_t>(xint));
// Handle any frames not done in the loop above.
for (; k < frames_to_process; ++k) {
if (std::isnan(delay_times[k]))
delay_times[k] = max_time;
} // namespace blink