blob: 938b93d5e8a078f1181666fddbd40f5b1ea72249 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <arm_neon.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/audio/vector_math_scalar.h"
namespace blink {
namespace vector_math {
namespace neon {
// TODO: Consider optimizing this.
using scalar::Conv;
static ALWAYS_INLINE void Vadd(const float* source1p,
int source_stride1,
const float* source2p,
int source_stride2,
float* dest_p,
int dest_stride,
uint32_t frames_to_process) {
int n = frames_to_process;
if (source_stride1 == 1 && source_stride2 == 1 && dest_stride == 1) {
int tail_frames = n % 4;
const float* end_p = dest_p + n - tail_frames;
while (dest_p < end_p) {
float32x4_t source1 = vld1q_f32(source1p);
float32x4_t source2 = vld1q_f32(source2p);
vst1q_f32(dest_p, vaddq_f32(source1, source2));
source1p += 4;
source2p += 4;
dest_p += 4;
n = tail_frames;
scalar::Vadd(source1p, source_stride1, source2p, source_stride2, dest_p,
dest_stride, n);
static ALWAYS_INLINE void Vsub(const float* source1p,
int source_stride1,
const float* source2p,
int source_stride2,
float* dest_p,
int dest_stride,
uint32_t frames_to_process) {
int n = frames_to_process;
if (source_stride1 == 1 && source_stride2 == 1 && dest_stride == 1) {
int tail_frames = n % 4;
const float* end_p = dest_p + n - tail_frames;
while (dest_p < end_p) {
float32x4_t source1 = vld1q_f32(source1p);
float32x4_t source2 = vld1q_f32(source2p);
vst1q_f32(dest_p, vsubq_f32(source1, source2));
source1p += 4;
source2p += 4;
dest_p += 4;
n = tail_frames;
scalar::Vsub(source1p, source_stride1, source2p, source_stride2, dest_p,
dest_stride, n);
static ALWAYS_INLINE void Vclip(const float* source_p,
int source_stride,
const float* low_threshold_p,
const float* high_threshold_p,
float* dest_p,
int dest_stride,
uint32_t frames_to_process) {
int n = frames_to_process;
if (source_stride == 1 && dest_stride == 1) {
int tail_frames = n % 4;
const float* end_p = dest_p + n - tail_frames;
float32x4_t low = vdupq_n_f32(*low_threshold_p);
float32x4_t high = vdupq_n_f32(*high_threshold_p);
while (dest_p < end_p) {
float32x4_t source = vld1q_f32(source_p);
vst1q_f32(dest_p, vmaxq_f32(vminq_f32(source, high), low));
source_p += 4;
dest_p += 4;
n = tail_frames;
scalar::Vclip(source_p, source_stride, low_threshold_p, high_threshold_p,
dest_p, dest_stride, n);
static ALWAYS_INLINE void Vmaxmgv(const float* source_p,
int source_stride,
float* max_p,
uint32_t frames_to_process) {
int n = frames_to_process;
if (source_stride == 1) {
int tail_frames = n % 4;
const float* end_p = source_p + n - tail_frames;
float32x4_t four_max = vdupq_n_f32(*max_p);
while (source_p < end_p) {
float32x4_t source = vld1q_f32(source_p);
four_max = vmaxq_f32(four_max, vabsq_f32(source));
source_p += 4;
float32x2_t two_max =
vmax_f32(vget_low_f32(four_max), vget_high_f32(four_max));
float group_max[2];
vst1_f32(group_max, two_max);
*max_p = std::max(group_max[0], group_max[1]);
n = tail_frames;
scalar::Vmaxmgv(source_p, source_stride, max_p, n);
static ALWAYS_INLINE void Vmul(const float* source1p,
int source_stride1,
const float* source2p,
int source_stride2,
float* dest_p,
int dest_stride,
uint32_t frames_to_process) {
int n = frames_to_process;
if (source_stride1 == 1 && source_stride2 == 1 && dest_stride == 1) {
int tail_frames = n % 4;
const float* end_p = dest_p + n - tail_frames;
while (dest_p < end_p) {
float32x4_t source1 = vld1q_f32(source1p);
float32x4_t source2 = vld1q_f32(source2p);
vst1q_f32(dest_p, vmulq_f32(source1, source2));
source1p += 4;
source2p += 4;
dest_p += 4;
n = tail_frames;
scalar::Vmul(source1p, source_stride1, source2p, source_stride2, dest_p,
dest_stride, n);
static ALWAYS_INLINE void Vsma(const float* source_p,
int source_stride,
const float* scale,
float* dest_p,
int dest_stride,
uint32_t frames_to_process) {
int n = frames_to_process;
if (source_stride == 1 && dest_stride == 1) {
int tail_frames = n % 4;
const float* end_p = dest_p + n - tail_frames;
float32x4_t k = vdupq_n_f32(*scale);
while (dest_p < end_p) {
float32x4_t source = vld1q_f32(source_p);
float32x4_t dest = vld1q_f32(dest_p);
dest = vmlaq_f32(dest, source, k);
vst1q_f32(dest_p, dest);
source_p += 4;
dest_p += 4;
n = tail_frames;
scalar::Vsma(source_p, source_stride, scale, dest_p, dest_stride, n);
static ALWAYS_INLINE void Vsmul(const float* source_p,
int source_stride,
const float* scale,
float* dest_p,
int dest_stride,
uint32_t frames_to_process) {
int n = frames_to_process;
if (source_stride == 1 && dest_stride == 1) {
float k = *scale;
int tail_frames = n % 4;
const float* end_p = dest_p + n - tail_frames;
while (dest_p < end_p) {
float32x4_t source = vld1q_f32(source_p);
vst1q_f32(dest_p, vmulq_n_f32(source, k));
source_p += 4;
dest_p += 4;
n = tail_frames;
scalar::Vsmul(source_p, source_stride, scale, dest_p, dest_stride, n);
static ALWAYS_INLINE void Vsadd(const float* source_p,
int source_stride,
const float* addend,
float* dest_p,
int dest_stride,
uint32_t frames_to_process) {
int n = frames_to_process;
if (source_stride == 1 && dest_stride == 1) {
float32x4_t k = vld1q_dup_f32(addend);
int tail_frames = n % 4;
const float* end_p = dest_p + n - tail_frames;
while (dest_p < end_p) {
float32x4_t source = vld1q_f32(source_p);
vst1q_f32(dest_p, vaddq_f32(source, k));
source_p += 4;
dest_p += 4;
n = tail_frames;
scalar::Vsadd(source_p, source_stride, addend, dest_p, dest_stride, n);
static ALWAYS_INLINE void Vsvesq(const float* source_p,
int source_stride,
float* sum_p,
uint32_t frames_to_process) {
int n = frames_to_process;
if (source_stride == 1) {
int tail_frames = n % 4;
const float* end_p = source_p + n - tail_frames;
float32x4_t four_sum = vdupq_n_f32(0);
while (source_p < end_p) {
float32x4_t source = vld1q_f32(source_p);
four_sum = vmlaq_f32(four_sum, source, source);
source_p += 4;
float32x2_t two_sum =
vadd_f32(vget_low_f32(four_sum), vget_high_f32(four_sum));
float group_sum[2];
vst1_f32(group_sum, two_sum);
*sum_p += group_sum[0] + group_sum[1];
n = tail_frames;
scalar::Vsvesq(source_p, source_stride, sum_p, n);
static ALWAYS_INLINE void Zvmul(const float* real1p,
const float* imag1p,
const float* real2p,
const float* imag2p,
float* real_dest_p,
float* imag_dest_p,
uint32_t frames_to_process) {
unsigned i = 0;
unsigned end_size = frames_to_process - frames_to_process % 4;
while (i < end_size) {
float32x4_t real1 = vld1q_f32(real1p + i);
float32x4_t real2 = vld1q_f32(real2p + i);
float32x4_t imag1 = vld1q_f32(imag1p + i);
float32x4_t imag2 = vld1q_f32(imag2p + i);
float32x4_t real_result = vmlsq_f32(vmulq_f32(real1, real2), imag1, imag2);
float32x4_t imag_result = vmlaq_f32(vmulq_f32(real1, imag2), imag1, real2);
vst1q_f32(real_dest_p + i, real_result);
vst1q_f32(imag_dest_p + i, imag_result);
i += 4;
scalar::Zvmul(real1p + i, imag1p + i, real2p + i, imag2p + i, real_dest_p + i,
imag_dest_p + i, frames_to_process - i);
} // namespace neon
} // namespace vector_math
} // namespace blink