blob: c9f8685d93706993a86f73f8b58f4fbe33ca3de0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/thread_annotations.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/disk_data_metadata.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/platform_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator/allocator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/ref_counted.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/size_assertions.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/wtf_string.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/threading.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/threading_primitives.h"
// ParkableString represents a string that may be parked in memory, that it its
// underlying memory address may change. Its content can be retrieved with the
// |ToString()| method.
// As a consequence, the inner pointer should never be cached, and only touched
// through a string returned by the |ToString()| method.
// As with WTF::AtomicString, this class is *not* thread-safe, and strings
// created on a thread must always be used on the same thread.
namespace blink {
class WebProcessMemoryDump;
struct BackgroundTaskParams;
// A parked string is parked by calling |Park()|, and unparked by calling
// |ToString()| on a parked string.
// |Lock()| does *not* unpark a string, and |ToString()| must be called on
// a single thread, the one on which the string was created. Only |Lock()|
// and |Unlock()| can be called from any thread.
class PLATFORM_EXPORT ParkableStringImpl final
: public RefCounted<ParkableStringImpl> {
enum class ParkingMode { kSynchronousOnly, kCompress, kToDisk };
enum class AgeOrParkResult {
enum class Age { kYoung = 0, kOld = 1, kVeryOld = 2 };
constexpr static size_t kDigestSize = 32; // SHA256.
using SecureDigest = Vector<uint8_t, kDigestSize>;
// Computes a secure hash of a |string|, to be passed to |MakeParkable()|.
static std::unique_ptr<SecureDigest> HashString(StringImpl* string);
// Not all ParkableStringImpls are actually parkable.
static scoped_refptr<ParkableStringImpl> MakeNonParkable(
scoped_refptr<StringImpl>&& impl);
// |digest| is as returned by |HashString()|, hence not nullptr.
static scoped_refptr<ParkableStringImpl> MakeParkable(
scoped_refptr<StringImpl>&& impl,
std::unique_ptr<SecureDigest> digest);
void Lock();
void Unlock();
// The returned string may be used as a normal one, as long as the
// returned value (or a copy of it) is alive.
const String& ToString();
// See the matching String methods.
bool is_8bit() const {
if (!may_be_parked())
return string_.Is8Bit();
return metadata_->is_8bit_;
unsigned length() const {
if (!may_be_parked())
return string_.length();
return metadata_->length_;
unsigned CharactersSizeInBytes() const;
size_t MemoryFootprintForDump() const;
// Returns true iff the string can be parked. This does not mean that the
// string can be parked now, merely that it is eligible to be parked at some
// point.
bool may_be_parked() const { return !!metadata_; }
// Note: Public member functions below must only be called on strings for
// which |may_be_parked()| returns true. Otherwise, these will either trigger
// a DCHECK() or crash.
// Tries to either age or park a string:
// - If the string is already old, tries to park it.
// - If it is very old and parked, tries to write it to disk.
// - Otherwise, tries to age it.
// The action doesn't necessarily succeed. either due to a temporary
// or potentially lasting condition.
// As parking may be synchronous, this can call back into
// ParkableStringManager.
AgeOrParkResult MaybeAgeOrParkString();
// A parked string cannot be accessed until it has been |Unpark()|-ed.
// Parking may be synchronous, and will be if compressed data is already
// available. If |mode| is |kIfCompressedDataExists|, then parking will always
// be synchronous.
// Must not be called if |may_be_parked()| returns false.
// Returns true if the string is being parked or has been parked.
bool Park(ParkingMode mode);
// Returns true if the string is parked.
bool is_parked() const;
bool is_on_disk() const;
// Returns whether synchronous parking is possible, that is the string was
// parked in the past.
bool has_compressed_data() const { return !!metadata_->compressed_; }
bool has_on_disk_data() const { return !!metadata_->on_disk_metadata_; }
// Returns the compressed size, must not be called unless the string has a
// compressed representation.
size_t compressed_size() const {
return metadata_->compressed_->size();
// Returns the on-disk size, must not be called unless the string has data
// on-disk.
size_t on_disk_size() const {
return metadata_->on_disk_metadata_->size();
Age age_for_testing() {
MutexLocker locker(metadata_->mutex_);
return metadata_->age_;
bool background_task_in_progress_for_testing() const {
return metadata_->background_task_in_progress_;
const SecureDigest* digest() const {
return &metadata_->digest_;
enum class State : uint8_t;
enum class Status : uint8_t;
friend class ParkableStringManager;
// |digest| is as returned by calling HashString() on |impl|, or nullptr for
// a non-parkable instance.
ParkableStringImpl(scoped_refptr<StringImpl>&& impl,
std::unique_ptr<SecureDigest> digest);
// Note: Private member functions below must only be called on strings for
// which |may_be_parked()| returns true. Otherwise, these will either trigger
// a DCHECK() or crash.
// Doesn't make the string young. May be called from any thread.
void LockWithoutMakingYoung() {
MutexLocker locker(metadata_->mutex_);
metadata_->lock_depth_ += 1;
void MakeYoung() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(metadata_->mutex_) {
metadata_->age_ = Age::kYoung;
// Whether the string is referenced or locked. The return value is valid as
// long as |mutex_| is held.
Status CurrentStatus() const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(metadata_->mutex_);
bool CanParkNow() const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(metadata_->mutex_);
bool ParkInternal(ParkingMode mode)
void Unpark() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(metadata_->mutex_);
String UnparkInternal() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(metadata_->mutex_);
void PostBackgroundCompressionTask();
static void CompressInBackground(std::unique_ptr<BackgroundTaskParams>);
// Called on the main thread after compression is done.
// |params| is the same as the one passed to
// |PostBackgroundCompressionTask()|,
// |compressed| is the compressed data, nullptr if compression failed.
// |parking_thread_time| is the CPU time used by the background compression
// task.
void OnParkingCompleteOnMainThread(
std::unique_ptr<BackgroundTaskParams> params,
std::unique_ptr<Vector<uint8_t>> compressed,
base::TimeDelta parking_thread_time);
void PostBackgroundWritingTask() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(metadata_->mutex_);
static void WriteToDiskInBackground(std::unique_ptr<BackgroundTaskParams>);
// Called on the main thread after writing is done.
// |params| is the same as the one passed to PostBackgroundWritingTask()|,
// |metadata| is the on-disk metadata, nullptr if writing failed.
// |writing_time| is the elapsed background thread time used by disk writing.
void OnWritingCompleteOnMainThread(
std::unique_ptr<BackgroundTaskParams> params,
std::unique_ptr<DiskDataMetadata> metadata,
base::TimeDelta writing_time);
void DiscardUncompressedData();
void DiscardCompressedData();
int lock_depth_for_testing() {
MutexLocker locker_(metadata_->mutex_);
return metadata_->lock_depth_;
// Metadata only used for parkable ParkableStrings.
struct ParkableMetadata {
ParkableMetadata(String string, std::unique_ptr<SecureDigest> digest);
Mutex mutex_;
int lock_depth_ GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
// Main thread only.
State state_;
bool background_task_in_progress_;
std::unique_ptr<Vector<uint8_t>> compressed_;
std::unique_ptr<DiskDataMetadata> on_disk_metadata_;
const SecureDigest digest_;
// A string can be young, old or very old. It starts young, and ages with
// |MaybeAgeOrParkString()|.
// Transitions are:
// Young -> Old -> Very old: By calling |MaybeAgeOrParkString()|.
// (Old | Very Old) -> Young: When the string is accessed, either by
// |Lock()|-ing it or calling |ToString()|.
// Thread safety: it is typically not safe to guard only one part of a
// bitfield with a mutex, but this is correct here, as the other members are
// const (and never change).
Age age_ : 3 GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
const bool is_8bit_ : 1;
const unsigned length_;
String string_;
const std::unique_ptr<ParkableMetadata> metadata_;
const base::PlatformThreadId owning_thread_;
void AssertOnValidThread() const {
DCHECK_EQ(owning_thread_, CurrentThread());
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ParkableStringTest, Equality);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ParkableStringTest, EqualityNoUnparking);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ParkableStringTest, LockUnlock);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ParkableStringTest, LockParkedString);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ParkableStringTest, ReportMemoryDump);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ParkableStringTest, MemoryFootprintForDump);
// 3 pointers:
// - vtable (from RefCounted)
// - string_.Impl()
// - metadata_
ASSERT_SIZE(ParkableStringImpl, void* [3]);
class PLATFORM_EXPORT ParkableString final {
ParkableString() : impl_(nullptr) {}
explicit ParkableString(scoped_refptr<StringImpl>&& impl);
ParkableString(const ParkableString& rhs) : impl_(rhs.impl_) {}
// Locks a string. A string is unlocked when the number of Lock()/Unlock()
// calls match. A locked string cannot be parked.
// Can be called from any thread.
void Lock() const;
// Unlocks a string.
// Can be called from any thread.
void Unlock() const;
void OnMemoryDump(WebProcessMemoryDump* pmd, const String& name) const;
// See the matching String methods.
bool Is8Bit() const;
bool IsNull() const { return !impl_; }
unsigned length() const { return impl_ ? impl_->length() : 0; }
bool may_be_parked() const { return impl_ && impl_->may_be_parked(); }
ParkableStringImpl* Impl() const { return impl_ ? impl_.get() : nullptr; }
// Returns an unparked version of the string.
// The string is guaranteed to be valid for
// max(lifetime of a copy of the returned reference, current thread task).
const String& ToString() const;
wtf_size_t CharactersSizeInBytes() const;
// Causes the string to be unparked. Note that the pointer must not be
// cached.
const LChar* Characters8() const { return ToString().Characters8(); }
const UChar* Characters16() const { return ToString().Characters16(); }
scoped_refptr<ParkableStringImpl> impl_;
static_assert(sizeof(ParkableString) == sizeof(void*),
"ParkableString should be small");
} // namespace blink