blob: 3c01116da560198d4889e4ab14764b7fcb791413 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/platform_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/runtime_enabled_features.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator/allocator.h"
#include "v8/include/v8.h"
namespace blink {
class DOMWrapperWorld;
namespace bindings {
// The common base class of code-generated V8-Blink bridge class of IDL
// interfaces and namespaces.
class PLATFORM_EXPORT V8InterfaceBridgeBase {
// Selects properties to be installed according to origin trial features.
// There are two usages.
// 1) At the first call of V8T::InstallContextDependentProperties, install
// (a) properties that are not associated to origin trial features (e.g.
// secure contexts) plus (b) properties that are associated to origin trial
// features and are already enabled by the moment of the call.
// 2) On 2nd+ call of V8T::InstallContextDependentProperties (when an origin
// trial feature gets enabled later on), install only (c) properties that
// are associated to the origin trial feature that has got enabled.
// FeatureSelector() is used for usage 1) and
// FeatureSelector(feature) is used for usage 2).
class FeatureSelector final {
// Selects all properties not associated to any origin trial feature and
// properties associated with the origin trial features that are already
// enabled.
FeatureSelector() : does_select_all_(true) {}
// Selects only the properties that are associated to the given origin
// trial feature.
explicit FeatureSelector(OriginTrialFeature feature) : selector_(feature) {}
FeatureSelector(const FeatureSelector&) = default;
FeatureSelector(FeatureSelector&&) = default;
~FeatureSelector() = default;
FeatureSelector& operator=(const FeatureSelector&) = default;
FeatureSelector& operator=(FeatureSelector&&) = default;
// Returns true if all properties that are associated with the features
// enabled at this moment should be installed.
bool IsAll() const { return does_select_all_; }
// Returns true if properties should be installed. Arguments |featureN|
// represent the origin trial features to which the properties are
// associated.
bool IsAnyOf(OriginTrialFeature feature1) const {
return selector_ == feature1;
bool IsAnyOf(OriginTrialFeature feature1,
OriginTrialFeature feature2) const {
return selector_ == feature1 || selector_ == feature2;
bool does_select_all_ = false;
OriginTrialFeature selector_ = OriginTrialFeature::kNonExisting;
using InstallInterfaceTemplateFuncType =
void (*)(v8::Isolate* isolate,
const DOMWrapperWorld& world,
v8::Local<v8::Template> interface_template);
using InstallUnconditionalPropertiesFuncType =
void (*)(v8::Isolate* isolate,
const DOMWrapperWorld& world,
v8::Local<v8::Template> instance_template,
v8::Local<v8::Template> prototype_template,
v8::Local<v8::Template> interface_template);
using InstallContextIndependentPropertiesFuncType =
void (*)(v8::Isolate* isolate,
const DOMWrapperWorld& world,
v8::Local<v8::Template> instance_template,
v8::Local<v8::Template> prototype_template,
v8::Local<v8::Template> interface_template);
using InstallContextDependentPropertiesFuncType =
void (*)(v8::Local<v8::Context> context,
const DOMWrapperWorld& world,
v8::Local<v8::Object> instance_object,
v8::Local<v8::Object> prototype_object,
v8::Local<v8::Object> interface_object,
v8::Local<v8::Template> interface_template,
FeatureSelector feature_selector);
} // namespace bindings
} // namespace blink