blob: dc3e1e7371e3507ab5a85415b2d32102b1a44ab2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/shaping/stretchy_operator_shaper.h"
#include <hb-ot.h>
#include <hb.h>
#include <unicode/uchar.h>
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/canvas_rotation_in_vertical.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/font.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/opentype/open_type_math_support.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/shaping/harfbuzz_face.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/shaping/shape_result_inline_headers.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/geometry/float_rect.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/unicode.h"
#include "ui/gfx/skia_util.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
// HarfBuzz' hb_position_t is a 16.16 fixed-point value.
inline float HarfBuzzUnitsToFloat(hb_position_t value) {
static const float kFloatToHbRatio = 1.0f / (1 << 16);
return kFloatToHbRatio * value;
GetAssemblyParameters(const HarfBuzzFace* harfbuzz_face,
Glyph base_glyph,
OpenTypeMathStretchData::StretchAxis stretch_axis,
float target_size,
float* italic_correction) {
Vector<OpenTypeMathStretchData::GlyphPartRecord> parts =
OpenTypeMathSupport::GetGlyphPartRecords(harfbuzz_face, base_glyph,
stretch_axis, italic_correction);
if (parts.IsEmpty())
return base::nullopt;
hb_font_t* hb_font =
harfbuzz_face->GetScaledFont(nullptr, HarfBuzzFace::NoVerticalLayout);
auto hb_stretch_axis =
stretch_axis == OpenTypeMathStretchData::StretchAxis::Horizontal
// Go over the assembly parts and determine parameters used below.
float min_connector_overlap = HarfBuzzUnitsToFloat(
hb_ot_math_get_min_connector_overlap(hb_font, hb_stretch_axis));
float max_connector_overlap = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
float non_extender_advance_sum = 0, extender_advance_sum = 0;
unsigned non_extender_count = 0, extender_count = 0;
for (auto& part : parts) {
// Calculate the count and advance sums of extender and non-extender glyphs.
if (part.is_extender) {
extender_advance_sum += part.full_advance;
} else {
non_extender_advance_sum += part.full_advance;
// Take into account start connector length for all but the first glyph.
if (part.is_extender || &part != &parts.front()) {
max_connector_overlap =
std::min(max_connector_overlap, part.start_connector_length);
// Take into account end connector length for all but the last glyph.
if (part.is_extender || &part != &parts.back()) {
max_connector_overlap =
std::min(max_connector_overlap, part.end_connector_length);
// Check validity conditions indicated in MathML core.
float extender_non_overlapping_advance_sum =
extender_advance_sum - min_connector_overlap * extender_count;
if (extender_count == 0 || max_connector_overlap < min_connector_overlap ||
extender_non_overlapping_advance_sum <= 0)
return base::nullopt;
// Calculate the minimal number of repetitions needed to obtain an assembly
// size of size at least target size (r_min in MathML Core).
unsigned repetition_count = std::max<float>(
std::ceil((target_size - non_extender_advance_sum +
min_connector_overlap * (non_extender_count - 1)) /
// Calculate the number of glyphs, limiting repetition_count to ensure the
// assembly does not have more than HarfBuzzRunGlyphData::kMaxGlyphs.
DCHECK_LE(non_extender_count, HarfBuzzRunGlyphData::kMaxGlyphs);
repetition_count = std::min<unsigned>(
(HarfBuzzRunGlyphData::kMaxGlyphs - non_extender_count) / extender_count);
unsigned glyph_count = non_extender_count + repetition_count * extender_count;
DCHECK_LE(glyph_count, HarfBuzzRunGlyphData::kMaxGlyphs);
// Calculate the maximum overlap (called o_max in MathML Core) and the number
// of glyph in such an assembly (called N in MathML Core).
float connector_overlap = max_connector_overlap;
if (glyph_count > 1) {
float max_connector_overlap_theorical =
(non_extender_advance_sum + repetition_count * extender_advance_sum -
target_size) /
(glyph_count - 1);
connector_overlap =
std::min(connector_overlap, max_connector_overlap_theorical));
// Calculate the assembly size (called AssemblySize(o, r) in MathML Core).
float stretch_size = non_extender_advance_sum +
repetition_count * extender_advance_sum -
connector_overlap * (glyph_count - 1);
return base::Optional<OpenTypeMathStretchData::AssemblyParameters>(
{connector_overlap, repetition_count, glyph_count, stretch_size,
} // namespace
scoped_refptr<ShapeResult> StretchyOperatorShaper::Shape(
const Font* font,
float target_size,
Metrics* metrics) const {
const SimpleFontData* primary_font = font->PrimaryFont();
const HarfBuzzFace* harfbuzz_face =
Glyph base_glyph = primary_font->GlyphForCharacter(stretchy_character_);
float italic_correction = 0.0;
if (metrics)
*metrics = Metrics();
Glyph glyph_variant;
float glyph_variant_stretch_size;
TextDirection direction = TextDirection::kLtr;
// Try different glyph variants.
for (auto& variant : OpenTypeMathSupport::GetGlyphVariantRecords(
harfbuzz_face, base_glyph, stretch_axis_)) {
glyph_variant = variant;
FloatRect bounds = primary_font->BoundsForGlyph(glyph_variant);
if (metrics) {
italic_correction =
OpenTypeMathSupport::MathItalicCorrection(harfbuzz_face, variant)
*metrics = {primary_font->WidthForGlyph(variant), -bounds.Y(),
bounds.MaxY(), italic_correction};
glyph_variant_stretch_size =
stretch_axis_ == OpenTypeMathStretchData::StretchAxis::Horizontal
? bounds.Width()
: bounds.Height();
if (glyph_variant_stretch_size >= target_size) {
return ShapeResult::CreateForStretchyMathOperator(
font, direction, glyph_variant, glyph_variant_stretch_size);
// Try a glyph assembly.
auto params = GetAssemblyParameters(harfbuzz_face, base_glyph, stretch_axis_,
metrics ? &italic_correction : nullptr);
if (!params) {
return ShapeResult::CreateForStretchyMathOperator(
font, direction, glyph_variant, glyph_variant_stretch_size);
scoped_refptr<ShapeResult> shape_result_for_glyph_assembly =
ShapeResult::CreateForStretchyMathOperator(font, direction, stretch_axis_,
if (metrics) {
// The OpenType MATH specification does provide any distinction between
// the advance width and ink width, so the latter is returned here.
FloatRect bounds = shape_result_for_glyph_assembly->ComputeInkBounds();
if (stretch_axis_ == OpenTypeMathStretchData::StretchAxis::Horizontal) {
*metrics = {bounds.Width(), -bounds.Y(), bounds.MaxY(),
} else {
// For assemblies growing in the vertical direction, the distribution of
// height between ascent and descent is not defined by the OpenType MATH
// specification. This code uses MathML Core's convention of
// ascent = height and descent = 0.
// Additionally, ShapeResult::CreateForStretchyMathOperator uses a text
// run that is HB_DIRECTION_TTB in order to stack the parts vertically but
// the actual glyph assembly is still horizontal text, so height and width
// are inverted.
*metrics = {bounds.Height(), bounds.Width(), 0, italic_correction};
return shape_result_for_glyph_assembly;
} // namespace blink