blob: 7123200fbc7bcde1bcf63b82a07439a0bb78af07 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/geometry/length.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/casting.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/ref_counted.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/vector.h"
namespace blink {
// Represents an expression composed of |PixelsAndPercent| and multiple types of
// operators. To be consumed by |Length| values that involve non-trivial math
// functions like min() and max().
class PLATFORM_EXPORT CalculationExpressionNode
: public RefCounted<CalculationExpressionNode> {
virtual float Evaluate(float max_value) const = 0;
virtual bool operator==(const CalculationExpressionNode& other) const = 0;
bool operator!=(const CalculationExpressionNode& other) const {
return !operator==(other);
virtual bool IsLeaf() const { return false; }
virtual bool IsMultiplication() const { return false; }
virtual bool IsAdditive() const { return false; }
virtual bool IsComparison() const { return false; }
virtual scoped_refptr<const CalculationExpressionNode> Zoom(
double factor) const = 0;
virtual ~CalculationExpressionNode() = default;
class PLATFORM_EXPORT CalculationExpressionLeafNode final
: public CalculationExpressionNode {
CalculationExpressionLeafNode(PixelsAndPercent value) : value_(value) {}
float Pixels() const { return value_.pixels; }
float Percent() const { return value_.percent; }
PixelsAndPercent GetPixelsAndPercent() const { return value_; }
// Implement |CalculationExpressionNode|:
float Evaluate(float max_value) const final;
bool operator==(const CalculationExpressionNode& other) const final;
scoped_refptr<const CalculationExpressionNode> Zoom(
double factor) const final;
bool IsLeaf() const final { return true; }
~CalculationExpressionLeafNode() final = default;
PixelsAndPercent value_;
template <>
struct DowncastTraits<CalculationExpressionLeafNode> {
static bool AllowFrom(const CalculationExpressionNode& node) {
return node.IsLeaf();
class PLATFORM_EXPORT CalculationExpressionMultiplicationNode final
: public CalculationExpressionNode {
static scoped_refptr<const CalculationExpressionNode> CreateSimplified(
scoped_refptr<const CalculationExpressionNode> node,
float factor);
scoped_refptr<const CalculationExpressionNode> node,
float factor)
: child_(std::move(node)), factor_(factor) {}
const CalculationExpressionNode& GetChild() const { return *child_; }
float GetFactor() const { return factor_; }
// Implement |CalculationExpressionNode|:
float Evaluate(float max_value) const final;
bool operator==(const CalculationExpressionNode& other) const final;
scoped_refptr<const CalculationExpressionNode> Zoom(
double factor) const final;
bool IsMultiplication() const final { return true; }
~CalculationExpressionMultiplicationNode() final = default;
scoped_refptr<const CalculationExpressionNode> child_;
float factor_;
template <>
struct DowncastTraits<CalculationExpressionMultiplicationNode> {
static bool AllowFrom(const CalculationExpressionNode& node) {
return node.IsMultiplication();
class PLATFORM_EXPORT CalculationExpressionAdditiveNode final
: public CalculationExpressionNode {
enum class Type { kAdd, kSubtract };
static scoped_refptr<const CalculationExpressionNode> CreateSimplified(
scoped_refptr<const CalculationExpressionNode> lhs,
scoped_refptr<const CalculationExpressionNode> rhs,
Type type);
scoped_refptr<const CalculationExpressionNode> lhs,
scoped_refptr<const CalculationExpressionNode> rhs,
Type type)
: lhs_(std::move(lhs)), rhs_(std::move(rhs)), type_(type) {}
const CalculationExpressionNode& GetLeftSide() const { return *lhs_; }
const CalculationExpressionNode& GetRightSide() const { return *rhs_; }
bool IsAdd() const { return type_ == Type::kAdd; }
bool IsSubtract() const { return type_ == Type::kSubtract; }
// Implement |CalculationExpressionNode|:
float Evaluate(float max_value) const final;
bool operator==(const CalculationExpressionNode& other) const final;
scoped_refptr<const CalculationExpressionNode> Zoom(
double factor) const final;
bool IsAdditive() const final { return true; }
~CalculationExpressionAdditiveNode() final = default;
scoped_refptr<const CalculationExpressionNode> lhs_;
scoped_refptr<const CalculationExpressionNode> rhs_;
Type type_;
template <>
struct DowncastTraits<CalculationExpressionAdditiveNode> {
static bool AllowFrom(const CalculationExpressionNode& node) {
return node.IsAdditive();
class PLATFORM_EXPORT CalculationExpressionComparisonNode final
: public CalculationExpressionNode {
enum class Type { kMin, kMax };
static scoped_refptr<const CalculationExpressionNode> CreateSimplified(
Vector<scoped_refptr<const CalculationExpressionNode>>&& operands,
Type type);
Vector<scoped_refptr<const CalculationExpressionNode>>&& operands,
Type type)
: operands_(std::move(operands)), type_(type) {}
const Vector<scoped_refptr<const CalculationExpressionNode>>& GetOperands()
const {
return operands_;
bool IsMin() const { return type_ == Type::kMin; }
bool IsMax() const { return type_ == Type::kMax; }
// Implement |CalculationExpressionNode|:
float Evaluate(float max_value) const final;
bool operator==(const CalculationExpressionNode& other) const final;
scoped_refptr<const CalculationExpressionNode> Zoom(
double factor) const final;
bool IsComparison() const final { return true; }
~CalculationExpressionComparisonNode() final = default;
Vector<scoped_refptr<const CalculationExpressionNode>> operands_;
Type type_;
template <>
struct DowncastTraits<CalculationExpressionComparisonNode> {
static bool AllowFrom(const CalculationExpressionNode& node) {
return node.IsComparison();
} // namespace blink