blob: cdc290ebb5025e27bc7eedc2e342865db5ee0f91 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/overlay_scrollbar_clip_behavior.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/float_clip_rect.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/property_tree_state.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/transforms/transformation_matrix.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator/allocator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/hash_map.h"
namespace blink {
// Clips can use FloatRect::Intersect or FloatRect::InclusiveIntersect.
enum InclusiveIntersectOrNot { kNonInclusiveIntersect, kInclusiveIntersect };
// Whether to expand the visual or clip rect to infinity when we meet any
// animating transform or filter when walking from a descendant state to an
// ancestor state, when mapping a visual rect or getting the accumulated clip
// rect. After we expanded the rect, we will still apply ancestor clips when
// continuing walking up the tree. TODO( Consider animation
// bounds instead of using infinite rect.
enum ExpandVisualRectForAnimationOrNot {
// GeometryMapper is a helper class for fast computations of transformed and
// visual rects in different PropertyTreeStates. The design document has a
// number of details on use cases, algorithmic definitions, and running times.
// NOTE: A GeometryMapper object is only valid for property trees that do not
// change. If any mutation occurs, a new GeometryMapper object must be allocated
// corresponding to the new state.
// Design document:
class PLATFORM_EXPORT GeometryMapper {
// The return value of SourceToDestinationProjection. If the result is known
// to be accumulation of 2d translations, |matrix| is nullptr, and
// |translation_2d| is the accumulated 2d translation. Otherwise |matrix|
// points to the accumulated projection, and |translation_2d| is zero.
class Translation2DOrMatrix {
Translation2DOrMatrix() { DCHECK(IsIdentity()); }
explicit Translation2DOrMatrix(const FloatSize& translation_2d)
: translation_2d_(translation_2d) {
explicit Translation2DOrMatrix(const TransformationMatrix& matrix)
: matrix_(matrix) {
bool IsIdentity() const { return !matrix_ && translation_2d_.IsZero(); }
bool IsIdentityOr2DTranslation() const { return !matrix_; }
const FloatSize& Translation2D() const {
return translation_2d_;
const TransformationMatrix& Matrix() const {
return *matrix_;
template <typename Rect>
void MapRect(Rect& rect) const {
if (LIKELY(IsIdentityOr2DTranslation()))
MoveRect(rect, Translation2D());
rect = Matrix().MapRect(rect);
void MapQuad(FloatQuad& quad) const {
if (LIKELY(IsIdentityOr2DTranslation()))
quad = Matrix().MapQuad(quad);
void MapFloatClipRect(FloatClipRect& rect) const {
if (LIKELY(IsIdentityOr2DTranslation()))
FloatPoint MapPoint(const FloatPoint& point) const {
if (LIKELY(IsIdentityOr2DTranslation()))
return point + Translation2D();
return Matrix().MapPoint(point);
void PostTranslate(float x, float y) {
if (LIKELY(IsIdentityOr2DTranslation()))
translation_2d_.Expand(x, y);
matrix_->PostTranslate(x, y);
SkM44 ToSkM44() const { return TransformationMatrix::ToSkM44(Matrix()); }
SkMatrix ToSkMatrix() const {
if (LIKELY(IsIdentityOr2DTranslation())) {
return SkMatrix::Translate(Translation2D().Width(),
return SkMatrix(TransformationMatrix::ToSkMatrix44(Matrix()));
bool operator==(const Translation2DOrMatrix& other) {
return translation_2d_ == other.translation_2d_ &&
matrix_ == other.matrix_;
bool operator!=(const Translation2DOrMatrix& other) {
return !(*this == other);
FloatSize translation_2d_;
base::Optional<TransformationMatrix> matrix_;
// Returns the matrix that is suitable to map geometries on the source plane
// to some backing in the destination plane.
// Formal definition:
// output = flatten(destination_to_screen)^-1 * flatten(source_to_screen)
// There are some cases that flatten(destination_to_screen) being
// singular yet we can still define a reasonable projection, for example:
// 1. Both nodes inherited a common singular flat ancestor:
// 2. Both nodes are co-planar to a common singular ancestor:
// Not every cases outlined above are supported!
// Read implementation comments for specific restrictions.
static Translation2DOrMatrix SourceToDestinationProjection(
const TransformPaintPropertyNodeOrAlias& source,
const TransformPaintPropertyNodeOrAlias& destination) {
return SourceToDestinationProjection(source.Unalias(),
static Translation2DOrMatrix SourceToDestinationProjection(
const TransformPaintPropertyNode& source,
const TransformPaintPropertyNode& destination);
// Same as SourceToDestinationProjection() except that it maps the rect
// rather than returning the matrix.
// |mapping_rect| is both input and output. Its type can be FloatRect,
// LayoutRect or IntRect.
template <typename Rect>
static void SourceToDestinationRect(
const TransformPaintPropertyNodeOrAlias& source,
const TransformPaintPropertyNodeOrAlias& destination,
Rect& mapping_rect) {
SourceToDestinationRect(source.Unalias(), destination.Unalias(),
template <typename Rect>
static void SourceToDestinationRect(
const TransformPaintPropertyNode& source,
const TransformPaintPropertyNode& destination,
Rect& mapping_rect) {
if (&source == &destination)
// Fast-path optimization for mapping through just |source| when |source| is
// a 2d translation.
if (&destination == source.Parent() && source.IsIdentityOr2DTranslation()) {
MoveRect(mapping_rect, source.Translation2D());
// Fast-path optimization for mapping through just |destination| when
// |destination| is a 2d translation.
if (&source == destination.Parent() &&
destination.IsIdentityOr2DTranslation()) {
MoveRect(mapping_rect, -destination.Translation2D());
bool has_animation = false;
bool success = false;
const auto& source_to_destination = SourceToDestinationProjectionInternal(
source, destination, has_animation, success);
if (!success)
mapping_rect = Rect();
// Returns the clip rect between |local_state| and |ancestor_state|. The clip
// rect is the total clip rect that should be applied when painting contents
// of |local_state| in |ancestor_state| space. Because this clip rect applies
// on contents of |local_state|, it's not affected by any effect nodes between
// |local_state| and |ancestor_state|.
// The UnsnappedClipRect of any clip nodes is used, *not* the
// PixelSnappedClipRect.
// Note that the clip of |ancestor_state| is *not* applied.
// The output FloatClipRect may contain false positives for rounded-ness
// if a rounded clip is clipped out, and overly conservative results
// in the presences of transforms.
static FloatClipRect LocalToAncestorClipRect(
const PropertyTreeStateOrAlias& local_state,
const PropertyTreeStateOrAlias& ancestor_state,
OverlayScrollbarClipBehavior behavior = kIgnoreOverlayScrollbarSize) {
return LocalToAncestorClipRect(local_state.Unalias(),
ancestor_state.Unalias(), behavior);
static FloatClipRect LocalToAncestorClipRect(
const PropertyTreeState& local_state,
const PropertyTreeState& ancestor_state,
OverlayScrollbarClipBehavior = kIgnoreOverlayScrollbarSize);
// Maps from a rect in |local_state| to its visual rect in |ancestor_state|.
// If there is no effect node between |local_state| (included) and
// |ancestor_state| (not included), the result is computed by multiplying the
// rect by its combined transform between |local_state| and |ancestor_space|,
// then flattening into 2D space, then intersecting by the clip for
// |local_state|'s clips. If there are any pixel-moving effect nodes between
// |local_state| and |ancestor_state|, for each segment of states separated
// by the effect nodes, we'll execute the above process and map the result
// rect with the effect.
// Note that the clip of |ancestor_state| is *not* applied.
// DCHECK fails if any of the paint property tree nodes in |local_state| are
// not equal to or a descendant of that in |ancestor_state|.
// |mapping_rect| is both input and output.
// The output FloatClipRect may contain false positives for rounded-ness
// if a rounded clip is clipped out, and overly conservative results
// in the presences of transforms.
// Returns true if the mapped rect is non-empty. (Note: this has special
// meaning in the presence of inclusive intersection.)
// Note: if inclusive intersection is specified, then the
// GeometryMapperClipCache is bypassed (the GeometryMapperTRansformCache is
// still used, however).
// If kInclusiveIntersect is set, clipping operations will
// use FloatRect::InclusiveIntersect, and the return value of
// InclusiveIntersect will be propagated to the return value of this method.
// Otherwise, clipping operations will use LayoutRect::intersect, and the
// return value will be true only if the clipped rect has non-zero area.
// See the documentation for FloatRect::InclusiveIntersect for more
// information.
static bool LocalToAncestorVisualRect(
const PropertyTreeStateOrAlias& local_state,
const PropertyTreeStateOrAlias& ancestor_state,
FloatClipRect& mapping_rect,
OverlayScrollbarClipBehavior clip = kIgnoreOverlayScrollbarSize,
InclusiveIntersectOrNot intersect = kNonInclusiveIntersect,
ExpandVisualRectForAnimationOrNot animation =
kDontExpandVisualRectForAnimation) {
return LocalToAncestorVisualRect(local_state.Unalias(),
ancestor_state.Unalias(), mapping_rect,
clip, intersect, animation);
static bool LocalToAncestorVisualRect(
const PropertyTreeState& local_state,
const PropertyTreeState& ancestor_state,
FloatClipRect& mapping_rect,
OverlayScrollbarClipBehavior = kIgnoreOverlayScrollbarSize,
InclusiveIntersectOrNot = kNonInclusiveIntersect,
ExpandVisualRectForAnimationOrNot = kDontExpandVisualRectForAnimation);
static void ClearCache();
// The internal methods do the same things as their public counterparts, but
// take an extra |success| parameter which indicates if the function is
// successful on return. See comments of the public functions for failure
// conditions.
static Translation2DOrMatrix SourceToDestinationProjectionInternal(
const TransformPaintPropertyNode& source,
const TransformPaintPropertyNode& destination,
bool& has_animation,
bool& success);
static FloatClipRect LocalToAncestorClipRectInternal(
const ClipPaintPropertyNode& descendant,
const ClipPaintPropertyNode& ancestor_clip,
const TransformPaintPropertyNode& ancestor_transform,
bool& success);
// The return value has the same meaning as that for
// LocalToAncestorVisualRect.
static bool LocalToAncestorVisualRectInternal(
const PropertyTreeState& local_state,
const PropertyTreeState& ancestor_state,
FloatClipRect& mapping_rect,
bool& success);
// The return value has the same meaning as that for
// LocalToAncestorVisualRect.
static bool SlowLocalToAncestorVisualRectWithEffects(
const PropertyTreeState& local_state,
const PropertyTreeState& ancestor_state,
FloatClipRect& mapping_rect,
bool& success);
static void MoveRect(FloatRect& rect, const FloatSize& delta) {
rect.Move(delta.Width(), delta.Height());
static void MoveRect(LayoutRect& rect, const FloatSize& delta) {
rect.Move(LayoutSize(delta.Width(), delta.Height()));
static void MoveRect(IntRect& rect, const FloatSize& delta) {
auto float_rect = FloatRect(rect);
MoveRect(float_rect, delta);
rect = EnclosingIntRect(float_rect);
friend class GeometryMapperTest;
friend class PaintLayerClipperTest;
} // namespace blink