blob: 9c71b9f6cfafdab21c2a92eca1bb5409564d8fbd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/paint_property_node.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/clip_paint_property_node.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/effect_paint_property_node.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/scroll_paint_property_node.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/transform_paint_property_node.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
// Returns -1 if |maybe_ancestor| is found in the ancestor chain, or returns
// the depth of the node from the root.
template <typename NodeType>
int NodeDepthOrFoundAncestor(const NodeType& node,
const NodeType& maybe_ancestor) {
int depth = 0;
for (const NodeType* n = &node; n; n = n->Parent()) {
if (n == &maybe_ancestor)
return -1;
return depth;
template <typename NodeType>
const NodeType& LowestCommonAncestorTemplate(const NodeType& a,
const NodeType& b) {
// Measure both depths.
auto depth_a = NodeDepthOrFoundAncestor(a, b);
if (depth_a == -1)
return b;
auto depth_b = NodeDepthOrFoundAncestor(b, a);
if (depth_b == -1)
return a;
const auto* a_ptr = &a;
const auto* b_ptr = &b;
// Make it so depthA >= depthB.
if (depth_a < depth_b) {
std::swap(a_ptr, b_ptr);
std::swap(depth_a, depth_b);
// Make it so depthA == depthB.
while (depth_a > depth_b) {
a_ptr = a_ptr->Parent();
// Walk up until we find the ancestor.
while (a_ptr != b_ptr) {
a_ptr = a_ptr->Parent();
b_ptr = b_ptr->Parent();
DCHECK(a_ptr) << "Malformed property tree. All nodes must be descendant of "
"the same root.";
return *a_ptr;
} // namespace
const TransformPaintPropertyNodeOrAlias& LowestCommonAncestorInternal(
const TransformPaintPropertyNodeOrAlias& a,
const TransformPaintPropertyNodeOrAlias& b) {
return LowestCommonAncestorTemplate(a, b);
const ClipPaintPropertyNodeOrAlias& LowestCommonAncestorInternal(
const ClipPaintPropertyNodeOrAlias& a,
const ClipPaintPropertyNodeOrAlias& b) {
return LowestCommonAncestorTemplate(a, b);
const EffectPaintPropertyNodeOrAlias& LowestCommonAncestorInternal(
const EffectPaintPropertyNodeOrAlias& a,
const EffectPaintPropertyNodeOrAlias& b) {
return LowestCommonAncestorTemplate(a, b);
const ScrollPaintPropertyNode& LowestCommonAncestorInternal(
const ScrollPaintPropertyNode& a,
const ScrollPaintPropertyNode& b) {
return LowestCommonAncestorTemplate(a, b);
const char* PaintPropertyChangeTypeToString(PaintPropertyChangeType change) {
switch (change) {
case PaintPropertyChangeType::kUnchanged:
return "unchanged";
case PaintPropertyChangeType::kChangedOnlyCompositedValues:
return "composited-values";
case PaintPropertyChangeType::kChangedOnlyNonRerasterValues:
return "non-reraster";
case PaintPropertyChangeType::kChangedOnlySimpleValues:
return "simple-values";
case PaintPropertyChangeType::kChangedOnlyValues:
return "values";
case PaintPropertyChangeType::kNodeAddedOrRemoved:
return "node-add-remove";
} // namespace blink